THE MICHIGAN DAILYarams ETHREE President Praises Thomas In Swing Through Oklahoma Summer school being summer school, with plenty of leisure time involved, Ann Arborites here in vacation are seen in great droves about the city and its environs, making merry in various ways. Summer Session dances at the League are always well attended, and Saturday night was no exception. Patty Hughes, Betty Nixon. Loren Parlia- ment, Ruth Roberts and Jack Welty were all there listening to good friend Charlie beat it out. Walt Scholes and Magdelen Collins were there, too. Bud Cornell and Ida Mae Stitt were among the dancers on Friday. People head for Westwood like des- ert travelers to an oasis these hot sum- mer nights, and Friday night there was " a big birthday party in full swing out there. It was Barry Ratliffe's natal day and Mary Ellen Wheeler, Libby Hegge, a Carolyn Coller, Al Lee, Jim Norris, Stan Moore and Dave Ladd were in the bunch. Also taking in Mr. Lyman's band that night were Jean Holland and Ted and Sue Bragg. Partyw! arty ! Enjoying a party at a local tap room in these parts one night over the weekend were Frank Carstens, Pierce Barker, Martha Peters, Rollie Clem- ehts and Ruth Steinke. Sports too, have their attractions, it seems. Swimming at Whitmore last week were Ruth Heald, Steve Filipiak and Lloyd Bertman. Wilfred Reiner, Tom Nunn, Dick Snell and Art Woods were disporting themselves in a little light and airy swimming and sailing at Portage Lake recently, and Eleanor' Bryant, Bunty Bain and John McClean chose to t get their exercise at Loch Alpine. Paul Pinkerton - and Mary Bennett vent canoeing Sunday morn- ihg, and Ken Biederman and Ginny Fulford thrashed up and down the river all Saturday af- ternoon.Y Links Lure Players! The city golf courses were busy places Saturday. Fee Menefee, Kayl Steiner and George McCain were all engrossed in conquering the Municipal Course in the afternoon. Down at one of Detroit's amusement parks a crowd of people from Ann Arbor was spotted on the roller coaster. By actual countc they went on the ride three times, and later confessed to have entertained themselves at the Walled Lake roller coaster shortly before. Tough kids, those. Bert Katzenmeyer was one of them, and Marvin Taylor was also spotted wandering morosely among the crowd. The play Saturday was a sell-out so they say, andE Bill Gram, Jean Holland, Jane Wlison and Carl Kessler1 I were lucky to get seats for the now classic "Brother y ~Rat." t IN THIS CORNER By MEL FINEBERG Hold That Cup ... his offspring on a tennis ball ver shortly. With more than a slight possibility The up and coming lands are that Don Budge will wend his tennis Jugoslavia and China. For obvious way in the general direction of dollars reasons, one of which is lack of and cents next year, there are many space, we will not attempt to list who consider our chances of defend- the names of their players. But the ing the Davis Cup to be more than two countries are at the risk of re- ingth e Davis p rou be ortha dundency up and coming. If they just a wee bit precarious, last long enough as countries, these This may be so. But, in our best two will be definite threats. But Holmsian manner, we find there they are no immediate threats. to be more here than meets the eye. The country to fear is Australia. I ey. And to go even farther into the spite of the aging Jack Crawforc classics, we might add that there they've been coming up with kid; are wheels within wheels. It is these And tennis is a game in which yout inner wheels we must root out if as well as balls, will be served. Brom we are to arrive at a universal which. Quist and McGrath (prc truth.yAgreed? Then we proceed. nounced Jawn J.) are boys that ca (Poetry purely unintentional but do it. fits dashed well, don't you think? Or do you?) But to continue. But still and all it may be that they can't. There are a couple of There seems to be a severe drought American kids who are good now f roug n cro wortennis pl and getting better. Fellows like Frank Kovacs, whom Budge has seems to have grown an outstanding taken in hand. If Kovacs cai racketeer in the last year or two. strengthen his * forehan4d enjough England, poor thing, has no one. The to bring it near the level of his stylish Mr. Austin, it is feared, has serve, backhand, and volleying gone to the well approximately 3 strength, this 18 year old kid can times too often. And as far as young- reach the top. sters are concerned, well! Germany has been afflicted in a Then of course there's Bobby Rigg Gemiianyj fason n aith iteioneRiggs is ranked second nationally an similiar, fashion. With their one cleans up yearly while Budei v really good player, Baron Von cenup yeary wil udge is ove rallygodpentrtinBaron Von seas. Riggs is good and will get bette n on n Other lads like Joe Hunt, junic tration instead of on tennis balls, champion, Joe Fishbach, Julius Hield the teetolitarian, that is to say, man, are likely lookers and fro totalitarian state, must depend on these and others of their type ca Herr Henkel. Herr Henkel is a man come players who will allay the fear with an excellently severe serve that the Davis Cup may leave thes but whose backhand, unfortunately, fair shores just as soon as Budge quit is, as they utter on Delancey Street, amateur tennis. V "not from the finest." * * * Ain't Nuthin' Here . . . cass DNING l Crea.. Cass& individual in- struction in aii types Tennis is one activity where France of dancing. Teachers' course. open daily dur-. need not feat Germany and vice ngrsummer Session, versa. With the passing of LaCoste 10 a.r. to 10 p.m. Wit th pasin ofLa~stePhone 9695 2nd Floor and Cochet, 50,000,000 Frenchmen Terrace Garden Studio have been wrong and will continue to Wuerth Theatre Bldg. be unless one of the 50,000,000 weans President Roosevelt, swinging westward across the country to give aid to Congressional supporters in primary contests, stopped off at Oklahoma City and spoke a good word for Senator Elmer Thomas (right) who is up for reelection. In center is the President's son Elliott. 4 ,' ,, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Uibveratty. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. (. :'K.. } More than 400 guests are said to take in the week- ly tea dances. Bob May was a host at the last one, and Bob Mitchell, Mark Cheever, Roberta Chissus, Jack Overton and Bill Wood were all present and ac- counted for. 500 Students In Square Dance Old-Time Hit Swing Provei At League I Under the direction of Ivan Parker more than 500 students "swung 'round and 'round" at the Summer Session square dance which was held from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. last night in the League Ballroom. Mr. Parker, who is a teacher at a Ford School in Macon, is very in- terested in this old fashioned type of dancing as are the other members of his family. His father, Ivan Parker, and his sister, Miss Leona Parker, furnished the music for the dancing. Mr. Parker played the fiddle at coun- try dances many years ago. Robert May, '39E, general chair- mar. of the affair, and Jean Holland, '39, president of the League, seemed Course Is Offered In Traffic Safety (Continued from Page 1) traffic problems, only a few univer- sities including Yale, the University of Wisconsin, the Missouri College of Mines, and, the University of Michi- gan-now teach courses devoted sole- ly to this important study. Dealing with many of the same problems encountered in this course, the National Institute for Traffic Safety Training will meet at the University Aug. 8 to Aug. 20 for the first time for an annual convention which will feature conferences, dis- cussions and lectures by prominent traffic authorities. to be doing the first square, known all over the country as the "Figure I call," with remarkable agility for be- ginners. Seen dancing the Alemande Left were Wilma Hilch, Grad., Mary Bel, '39, and Julian Frederick, Grad. (Continued from Page 2) next meeting of the club will take place Thursday, July 14, at 8 p.m., at "Le Foyer Francais," 1414 Washte- naw, on the occasion of the French National Holiday.) Mr. Charles E. Koella of the French, department will speak. The subject of his talk will be "La France dans le Monde." Special French music, games, songs, refreshments. Membership in the Club is still open. 'Those interested please see1 Mr. Koella, Room 200, Romance Lan- guage Building. Physical Education Luncheon: Dr.' Jesse Steiner, author of "Americans at Play," "Research Memorandum on Recreation in the Depression," et al, will address the luncheon meeting of the physical education group Thurs- day, July 12, at 12:10 p.m. in the Michigan Union. Make reservations by calling 2-1939 between 8 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Price 75 cents. An opportunity will be offered at the luncheon to purchase tickets for the dinner honoring Dr. C. H. McCloy, past president of the American Asso- ciation for Health, Physical Educa- tion and Recreation, to be held Mon- day, July 18 at 6:30 p.m. in the Michi- gan Union. Dr. McCloy will discuss the topic "Progress in Physical Edu- cation." Tickets may also be pur- chased for 85 cents of Miss Bell in Room 4016, University High,.at the Department of Physical Education for Women in Barbour Gymnasium, or the Intramural Sports Department, Ferry Field. Russian Language Circle: The sec- V(eddings e.. and Engagements Conger-Cunningham Miss Marion Cunningham of New York City was married July 8 to Sey- mour Beach Conger, III., formerly of Ann Arbor and now of New York. The ceremony, an Episcopal service, took place in the Church of the Transfigu- ration in that city and was witnessed only by immediate relatives of the couple. Miss Cunningham is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Al- bert Cunningham of Evansville, Ind., while Mr. Conger is the son of Mrs. Seymour Beach Conger of Ann Arbor and the late Mr. Conger. The bridegroom, editorial director of The Daily in 1931-32, graduated from the University in the class of '32 and is at present employed by the New York Herald Tribune. The bride received her degree from Vassar in 1936. Stipe-Smith The former Frances A. Smith of Wilmot St. was married to Louis R. Stipe of Detroit and formerly of Ann Arbor in a ceremony performed July 9 in the First Methodist church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Smith of this city and Mr. Stipe's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam E. Stipe of Detroit. The bride is a graduate of Michi- gan State Normal College while the bridegroom received his degree from the University where he was a mem- ber of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. He is employed in resident construction work in Detroit. Kloetzel-Gorder Elizabeth Ann Gorder and Dr. Mil- ond tea of the Circle will be given on Friday, July 15, in the Russian room, 21 A.H. The objective of the Russian Lan- guage Circle, which was organized this summer by Lila Pargment and Professor C. L. Meader of the Rus- sian Department is to give the stu- dents of Russian practice in the lan- guage in addition to the regular stu- dies, and to thus facilitate their task of acquiring the richest possible vo- cabulary within the limited time of the Summer Session period. The' last reunion of the Circle took place on July 8, in the Russian room, which was decorated in the Russian style. Around the samovar, the stu- dents of the Russian language were practicing their Russian, while the students of literature heard Profes- sor C. L. Meader read excerpts from Gogol's works. There will be a tea every Friday during the Summer Session, from 4 to 6:30 p.m. All students interested in practicing conversational Russian are cordially invited. Dames To Be Hostesses At Allred Named .Federal Judge ByRoosevelt ABOARD PRESIDENT ROOSE- VELT'S TRAIN EN ROUTE TO SAN FRANCISCO, July 11.-(P)--Presi- dent Roosevelt announced to a cheer- ing Wichita Falls station crowd to- day that he had appointed Gov. James V. Allred of Texas as a Federal district judge. The unusual ceremony of present- ing a new judge with his commission on a train platform was performed in Allred's hometown. In appointing Allred, Mr. Roosevelt said he was seeking wherever possible to nomin- ate younger men to positions on the federal bench. "As I said two weeks ago, the ef- forts of the people of this country to improve our federal judicial system have succeeded," Mr. Roosevelt said. "Our principal objectives for the im- provement of justice are on the way to be fully attained." "In line with these purposes," he continued, "I am seeking, wherever it is possible, to nominate younger men to positions on the federal ju- diciary." Mr. Kane Won't Cut Mr. Dekker's Play Pi Lambda Theta Tea Is At 4:30 Toi orrow A tea honoring guests in the Sum- mer Session education school, will be given at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in the University Elementary School Library by Pi Lambda Theta, national honor- ary society for women in education. Co-chairmen of the affair will be Betty Balch and Margaret R. Deinzer. Hostesses for the afternoon will in- clude Dr. Marguerite E. Hall, Ethel Hedrick, Doris Clive, Betty Smith, Margaret Kirkpatrick, Connie Jones, Olga Wright, Helen Coblentz, Mrs. Ann Correvont and Charlotte Brigh- ton. r I 11 MARSHALL'S L Y ** CUT - RATE ORUG STORE D O U B L E 231 South State Street 8 Doors North of Kresge's Electric Fan $1.75 Value $19 Guaranteed 1 Year Lifebuoy Shaving Cream SCHICK INJECTOR RAZOR and BLADES $1.25 Value All for . . 59c Y8 V . >. ; Y ENDS TONIGHT Grove" YEAR'S BEST MUSICAL FRED MacMURRAY YACHT CLUB BOYS TOMORROW NOW! Erich Maria Remarque's Sequel to "ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT" 4"REE COM RADES"I r 1 Robert TAYLOR Margaret SULLAVAN Franchot TONE III i I -A -. 1A , 1&% ,a",ILIM 11 Robert Jill I I