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July 10, 1938 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1938-07-10

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PictresSome Reasons For Enthusiasm
News Uf The World As Illustrated In Associated Press Pictures She stn Of Thusas
I About The Stjdv Of The R1



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Will Inaugurate Summerl
Program Of Dramatics,
Music, Physical Culture
The Women's Education Club is
supplanting its regular meeting this
week with an invitation to all men
and women students of the Summer
Session to attend the Country Dance
which will be given at 7:15 p.m. to-
morrow in the League Ballroom, it
was announced yesterday by Prof.
Mabel E. Rugen, faculty sponsor of
the club.'
The dance will inaugurate the
Club's summer program, which aims
to promote recreation in the fields
of music, dramatics and physical edu-
cation, and to cooperate with other
grdups in gaining these ends. Other
events on the program which will be
open to the entire campps are "Bo-
hemian Night," a social gathering
featuring arts, crafts and games to be
given Monday, July 18, in the League,
and a cabaret supper to be held Aug.
2 in cooperation with the League.
July 22, the club will aid the Chinese
students and the Ann Arbor Inde-
pendents in holding an ice cream
social in the Rackham Building which
all students may attend. The social
is being given in connection with
Chinese relief.
- July 27, the club will hold its ann-
ual joint meeting 'with -Pi Lambda
Theta in the University Elementary
School Library, and on Aug. 8 the club
will sponsor an evening of music and
All women enrolled in the Summer
Sesson are automatically eligible for
membership in the Women's Educa-
tional Club. Members of the planning
committee for the Summer Session
are Mary Eliza Shannon, Marian
Ruth Sherwood, Helen Cromwell,
Candance Roell, Ann Finlayson,
F'rances Quigley, Edith Steele, Dr.
Helen Taylor, Mrs. Connie Jones,
Jean Hosafros, Gladys Atwell, Gladys
Wilks. Mrs. E. Hamilton, Mary D.
Michael, Vivian Reynolds, and Gladys
Simo~nds. 1

This was the wreckage of a Northwest Airlines plane which crashed as it was taking off from the Billings,
Mont., airport. Mrs. N. S. Mackie, Evanston, Ill., died in a hospital shortly after she was thrown from the
ship. Nine other persons aboard the plane escaped death, although seveil were hurt.

(Continued from Page 2)
lives of men and determine the des-
tiny of the great. Such is the nature
of religion in the Holy Scriptures.
Finally in scripture, there is phi-
losophy backed by experience and
verified by the results which always
wait upon time. Judaism, Christian-
ity and Mohammedanism are based
on this Biblical record. Our wes-
tern civilization has fed upon it. (1)
God's justice was not always as-
sumed. In fact, the history of such
an idea is long. It took its rise in
dreams. (2) Likewise, man's broth-
erhood, not at all a modern notion,
has passed through various stages
of debate, speculation and suffer-
ing. (3) That one man should not
enslave another comes out of hiding
in the dim past as an ideal, both the
story of democracy as revealed in the
evolution of the Jews and the Chris-
tians in scripture has been a casual
fact down to our own later stages of
social progress. (4) That each should
have the freedom to worship as he
chose is young indeed and "a right."
But how to worship at /all, what God
was like, how to experience the Deity,
-these and kindred problems find
their fullest treatment anywhere in
written form within the 66 books we
know as the Bible.
Furthermore, so gripping have been
the ideas, so inspiring have been the.
ideals, and pageantry of the New
Testament that the Christian world
sustains great universities to study
the issues raised, and the story of the.
translations of these scriptures reads
like a sacred history of mankind.
Mahny Translations
The first complete English Bible
was that of Miles Coverdale (1535).
Coverdale's Bible is based upon the
Swiss-German version (Zurich, 1524-
29). It represents the work of a
scholar who could use available ma-
terial. Luther's Bible, the Vulgate,
and Tyndale's work were drawn upon.
The so-called Great Bible, a re-
vision of Matthew's Bible (John Rog-
ers) was completed in London (1539).
In 1557 the English exiles who had
found refuge in Geneva during the
reign of Mary, produced a version of
the New Testament, with preface by
Calvin, and in 1560 the whole Bible.
This is known as the Geneva Bible.
A New Testament was issued by
the English Catholic College at
Rheims, in 1582, and the Old Testa-
ment in 1609 at Douai. These re-

vised the great work of St. Jerome,
the Latin version of the Bible, whose
date was 383-405 A.D. This is now
used, with some modifications, as the
authorized version of the Roman
Catholic Church. The Sistine edi-
tion of the Vulgate (1590-1593) is
the source of the Douai version, in
use throughout the Catholic Church.
In 1604 James I. appointed a con-
ference at Hampton Court. The sug-
gestion of a new translation made by
Rainolds, was taken up by the King
and six committees were appointed to
do the work. The version. known as
the Authorized Version, appeared in
1611 and has become the most famous
English translation. Done at a time
when the language itself was pe-
culiarly rich and expressive, it has
not only taught Religion but exercised
a commanding influence on English
diction and literature from that day
to the present.
The Convocation of Canterbury in
1870 entertained a plan for the re-
vision of the Authorized Version. The
work was done by two committees,
the one British, the other American,
the latter being advisory only. Each
committee was divided into an Old'
Testament and a New Testament and
a New Testament company. After
long and painstaking labor the Re-
vised New Testament was published
in 1881 and the whole Bible in 1885,
by the University Presses of Oxford
and Cambridge. The sale of the Re-
vised New Testament was at first
immense. Many unauthorized re-
prints appeared in America. It is
estimated that in less than one year
after this issue, due to its popularity
on both sides of the Atlantic, fully
3,000,000 copies were sold.
The most recent work known as
"An American Translation" is by
Goodspeed, Smith and Waterman.
Any literature vital enough to sur-
vive such changes, any book dynamic
enough to influence various civiliza-
tions, any series of situations com-
pelling enough to be translated again
and again, may well create wonder
and occasion excitement on the part
of persons either devoted to culture or
concerned about religion.


Benson Deplores
Jimmy's Actions

Ford Factory
To Be Held


(Continued from Page 1)
similar to Douglas Fairbanks jr.'s
going into the moving pictures with
the advantage of a drawing-cerd
name, certainly a perfectly ethical
The type of financial reward se-
cured by James Roosevelt from his
insurance business, which has been
common among political circles,
should be eliminated, Professor Ben-
son said, if the honor and prestige
of public office is to be maintained.
With government and business be-
coming more and more closely inter-
twined, the practice is potentially
dangerous, he added, because oppor-
tunities for it will be more prevalent
as there will be more political offices
with which busines will find it de-
sirable to keep on friendly terms.
Perhaps the best solution to the
problem would be the development of
a code of ethics governing the rel-
atives of important positions. Such
codes were developed in the civil ser-
vice of the old German Empire, Pro-
fessor Benson pointed out, and sim-
ilar ones exist in various branches of

Donald Marr Nelson (above), of
Chicago, vice-president in charge
of merchandising of Sears, Roe-
buck and Company, has been of-
fered the post of administrator of
the new wage and hour law by
President Roosevelt. Nelson was
formerly active in NRA admniis-

Fifth in the series of University
conducted excursions will be the trip
to .the Ford Motor Company's River
Rouge plant at 12:45 p.m. Wednes-
day. Spedial busses will conduct the
University party to and from its des-
tination and guides will be provided
for the tour of inspection through the
automobile manufacturing p 1 a n t


Class & individual in-
struction in all types
of dancing. Teachers'
course. Open daily dur-
ng Summer Session,
10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Phone 9695 2nd Floor
Terrace Garden Studio
Wuerth Theatre Bldg.


TODAY 1:00 TO 11:30 P.M.


Call To Southerners
All Southern students interested in
working,on committees for the annual
Watermelon Cut which will be held
for the Southerners and their friends
at 7 p.m., July 15, in the Garden of
the League are asked to attend a
meeting at 7 p.m. Monday outside
the Horace H. Rackham School of
graduate Studies. John T. Norris,
Grad. is general chairman of the
the United States government. The
Supreme Court for example, has de-
veloped a practice whereby a justice
having any possible interest in the
outcome of a case, voluntarily refuses
to sit for it.
"Perhaps a Congressional investi-
gation to determine the truth of the
charges and to set up advisory ethical
standards would be a good thing,"
Professor Benson concluded.

In contrast to the bitterness between Count Court Haugwitz-Reventlow
and his wife, the former Barbara hunton, is this friendly stroll in
London July 1 by their .Attorneys, Norman Birkett (left), for the Count,
and Sir Patrick Hastings, for the Countess. They're shown leaving
court after Count had been charged with threatening his wife.

Bridge Lessons Start
Wednesday At League
A series of six bridge lessons will
be given by Conway S. Magee from
7:30 to 8:30 p.m. every Wednesday
at the League.
All those interested were urged to
sign up at the League desk for the
classes. There will be a charge for
the series.

Webster To Show Movies
Of '36 Olympics At Union
Randolph Webster, director of
Physical Education Activities for the
Summer Session, will show his sound
movies of the 1936 Olympics and
travel pictures of his trip to the
games at the next meeting of the
Men's Education Club to be held at
7:15 p.m. Monday in the Michigan
Union Ballroom.
All men in the Summer Session are
urged to attend.

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Made in the Tropics


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