The Weather Gentle to moderate winds mostly west to northwest, be- coming variable. Generally fair today. --_--anew Official Publication Of The Summer Session Editorials Academic Freedom In Public Schools. The Biblical Scholars VOL. XLVII. No. 12. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 10, 1938 PFURIGEME CGNTM Death Toll 58 In Holy Land As Inter-Racial dHatred Mounts Britain Rushes Marines In Attempt To Subdue The HeavyBloodshed Prisons Are Filled. With Extremists JERUSALEM, July 9.-(A')-The seething Holy Land presented a black picture of hate and mounting death tonight. Gunfire and new incidents of sabo- tage fed the flames of rage and the despair of two races each determined to preserve its homeland in Palestine. Sharp warning of the spreading enmity between Arab and Jew came from over Trans-Jordan's borders, the eastern part of Britain's Palestine mandate where an Arab administra- tion rules. The death toll from bombing, snip- ing, rioting and armed clashes since July 5 stood at 58-44 Arabs and 14 Jews. The number of injured mounted to 189--143 Arabs and, 46 Jews. More than abscoie of the dead were Arab victims of the Haifa market place bombing Wednesday. To stamp out disorders British pro- tectors ordered into the bleeding land the fleet of swift armored cars of the 11th Hussars regiment from Egypt. Already the hills and rocks sanc- tified by Jesus' touch echoed to the stamp of hobnailed boots of 8,500 British regulars, who reinforced 1,- 500 police and who were themselves reinforced by 1,700 marines and sail- ors. Besides, 1,500 troops were or- dered from Egypt. Sturdy marines from H.M.S. Re- pulse, the 32,000-ton cruiser ordered from Mediterranean patrol duty at Malta, replaced patrolling comrades from the departing cruiser Emerald Police dogs tracked down ambushers in country districts. There was death-like quiet in the cities.,i Jewish shops were shut for the Sabbath. Arab doors were closed in protest. Hot-heads of both races jammed prisons and concentration camps. Three Jews were detained for police questioning in yesterday's Jerusalem bombing when four Arabs were killed and 36 wounded. Trans-Jordan's ruler, the Emir Ab- dullah Ibn Hussein, sent a memorial to the Palestine high commissioner, Sir Harold Alfred MacMichael, warn- ing of possible trouble among his ex- cited subjects unless strong measures were taken to bring the killers of the Haifa Arabs to quick justice. Band And Choir PerformToday Made Up Of Music Heads In Summer Session Two of the ensemble groups in the Summer Session of the School of Music will present a program ilus- trating the work being conducted in this summer at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. The two groups will be the a cap- pella choir under the direction of Noble Cain of Chicago, noted for the work his choruses have done on the radio and in concerts, and the University of Michigan band under the direction of Prof. William D. Revelli. The personnel of the ensembles will be made up largely of supervisors and directors of music in colleges and public schools, who are here for the eight weeks period acquainting them- selves with the newest methods of developing musical organizations in school and literature. Reading Problems To Be Discussed A special summer conference on reading problems is to be sponsored here for the second time by the School of Education, beginning to- morrow. Lectures and group confer- ences are planned for five consecu- tive mornings, Monday through Fri- day, at the University High School. Prof. Leonard Bloomfield of the Jimmy Gets It' From Benson For Committing 'Iionest Graft' Johnston's Story Deplored Although Jimmy's Acts Are Called 'Bad Ethics' By RICHARD KELLOGG James Roosevelt's selling insurance to corporatons dependent upon gov- ernmental goodwill can be deplored as "bad ethics," declared a former classmate of. James, Prof. George C. S. Benson of the political science de- partment, although Professor Benson pointed out the vague general nature of Alva Johnston's attack in the Sat- urday Evening Post makes one won- der if the article were not a typical Post tirade against the New Deal. "The article certainly was no credit to the author, Johnston," Professor Benson said, "for many of the quo- tations in the article were obviously manufactured and Mr. Johnston rarely gave documentary proof for, the charges." Despite the fact that some of the implications of the Post article were probably false, James Roosevelt is really guilty of what is commonly known as "honest graft," Professor Benson said. "Honest graft" means the use of a political position for personal gain, which is legal in every respect but of which the ethics are questionable. The insurance deal- ings of the elder Roosevelt may be classified as "honest graft" because although his actions were perfectly legal, he was in reality taking advan- tage of the desire of corporations' wishing to keep on good terms with the govenment in order to sell in- surance. "Such practice is to be distinguish- ed from outright graft or political extortion," Professor Benson contin- ued, "since no coercion is employed." Thus Jimmy's insurance business cannot be properly classed as a typi- cal political insurance business, as the Post implied, in which, for example, people wishing to build are refused permits unless they buy policies from the bosses' favorite." "But on the other hand," Professor Benson said, "James Roosevelt's entry into the insurance business should be differentiated from the mere use of his name for its publicity value, traditional of presidents' sons. Ro- osevelt's clients in buying his policies are paying to keep on good terms with, the administration. But when Nat- ional Yeast Company made Richard Cleveland one of its directors, and when The Tuckenback Steamship Company made Kermit Roosevelt its head, they were paying for the pres- 'tige of having a presidential name on their list of officials. This practice cannot be termed unethical since the name is not being used to curry the favor of the government. It is (Continued on Page 3) Fourth Religion Meeting Opens Here Monday Bible Seminar And Panel Series Included As Part Of Conference Activity Arranged to coincide with the meet- ing in Ann Arbor of the American Standard Bible committee, the Fourth Annual Conference on Religion will open a week of activity here tomor- row, including panel discussions, sem- inars, luncheons and practical ieli- gion studies, lasting until July 15. The "week of religious emphasis, will see assembled on the campus some of the most distinguished Bibli-, cal scholars in America who will at- tend' regular luncheon and after- noon seminars- under the chairman- ship of Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, direc- tor of the Summer Session and Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, students' re- ligious counselor, respectively. Two University professors will lead panel discussions during the week's program of discussions. They are Prof. Leroy Waterman, of the Orien- tal Languages department and Prof. Henry A. Sanders of the Latin de- partment. Among the noted Biblical students who will attend the committee meet- ings are Prof. Luther B. Wiegel, dean of the Yale divinity school, who will inaugurate the noon series of Biblical discussions Monday; Prof. William Irwin of the University of Chicago, and Prof. X. James Moffat of Union Theological Seminry. The 3 p.m. forums under Dr. Blakeman's direction, will have a list of religious leaders and churchmen on campus taking leading roles. Monday's discussion will be entitled "Youth Movements and Religion," and Prof. Howard Y. McClusky of the School of Education and Dr. C. W. Brashares, minister of the First Methodist Episcopal Church will head the panel. Kenneth W. Morgan, di- rector of the Student Religious Asso- ciation, will head a panel on "Inter- Faith Problems" Tuesday and Wed- nesday. Dr. J. M. Dorsey, assistant di- rector of the Neuropsychiatric Insti- tute will speak on "Religion and Men- tal Hygiene." Luther Scholar Talks Monday Schwiebert Will Deliver Renaissance Lecture Prof. Ernest G. Schwiebert of Val- paraiso University will deliver the second in a series of lectures in con- junction with the Graduate Confer- ence on Rennaissance Studies at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Graduate School Auditorium when he speaks on "Ren- naissance Elements in Martin Luth- er." He will also speak at a luncheon meeting of the Conference at 12:15 p.m. in the League on "Wittenberg, Nursery of the Reformation." Professor Schwiebert, head of the Plnrfo ssof w , RmiPnaG at o Varied Topics Offered For Sermons Here Chicago Pastor To Speak To Unitarians; Slosson Talks At Congregational, Ann Arbor churches will present a number of sermons, lectures and musical programs for today's reli- gious activity. In the Third Unitarian Church, Rev. Edwin H. Wilson of Chicago, will speak at 11 a.m. on "Religion, Illusion or Necessity." At 7:30 p.m. he will deliver a lecture on "Mexico's Revolution by Education." Rev. Frederick W. Leech will de- liver a sermon at St. Andrews Epis- copal church at 11 a.m. after the special Holy Communion ak 3 a.m. this morning. The services at the First Congre- gational Church wil include an' ad- dress by Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department on "The Sin of Cynicism." Dr. Parr will conduct the service and receive new members. The choir will sing "The Radiant Morn" by Woodward. Mrs. Grace J. Konold will sing "Come Unto Him" from Handel's "Messiah." "Wanted A Religion" will be the theme of Dr. W. P. Lemon's sermon at the Morning Worship Services at the First Presbyterian Church. The choir under the leadership of Dr. Healy William will take part in the services singing "Jesus, Word of In- carnation," by Mozart; "Lord Gog of Abraham" by Mendelssohn. There will be a supper and program for Summer Session students at 5:30 p.m. Stalker Hall's student class at 9:451 a.m. will be lead by Kenneth Mor- gan, head of the Student Religious Association, speaking on "Mysticism." Ernest C. Stellhorn will talk on "Just tification." Grad Student Badly Burned In Home Fire - . I Shu-Chi Shen Is Trapped e In Basement Bedroom a By Early Morning Blae Hospital DescribesI Condition As (;rave While trapped in his room by ant early morning fire of undeterminedf origin yesterday, Shu-Chi Shen, grad- uate chemical engineering student'. 28, of Hope, China, suffered burnsc which physicians fear may prove fa- tal. Two other University students and three youths sleeping in the house at the time escaped injury asf the flames confined themselves to a basement workroom, adjoining Shen's' bedroom. The fire, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Kinsley, 1430 Cambridge Road, is believed to have started ata about 6:30 a.m., whereupon Shen,' caretaker of the house, was arousedt by smoke, is thought to have openedt a door separating his room from thec blaze, creating a draft which drewt the flames against his body. In an effort to escape the flames, Shen fin-c ally forced his body through a win-v dow pane only a foot square, broken glas severely lacerating his righta arm. His cries awoke the youths up-i stairs, who escaped and summoned help. The five uninjured were MVrs. Kins- ley's three sons: John Treadway, graduate business administration stu- dent, 22; Ted Treadway, 21; Howard Treadway, University High School student, 17; Robert M. Richman, graduate English student, 23, Kala- mazoo, a roomer at the Kinsley rest- dence; and Harry Palmer, 21, 420 ParkwoodSt., an overnight guest. Shen's condition was reported last night at St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital as unimproved, three-quarters of his1 body being covered with third degree burns. One transfusion has been given him and another will be uad- ministered today. Canadian Lawx Auithority Talks1 Professor Corbett Speaksx Here Tomorrow "Conflicting Doctrines on the Foun- dation of International Law" will be the subject of a lecture to be given at 8 p.m. tomorrow by Prof. Percy E. Corbett of McGill University, a mem-I br of the faculty of the Summer Ses- sion in International Law. The lecture is the second in the series of public lectures to be given by members of the faculty of the Ses- sion, and will be held in the small au- ditorium of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Professor Corbett will discuss the history of international law, its foun- dations, and the conflicting doctrines that have evolved into the basic laws of modern diplomacy. He is a recog- nized authority upon questions of in- ternational law between Great Brit- ain, the United States and Canada, and conducts courses in such prob- lems in the Summer Session. School Band Clinic Opens Here Monday The third Annual High School Band Clinic at the University will open tomorrovr with an enrollment of 115 high school students, accord- ing to Prof. William D. Revelli, dir- ector of the University of Michigan Band. Picked by a selective process, this group will assemble in Ann Arbor from eight different states to spend three weeks of intensive studying of band playing. The clinic will last from July 11 to July 29. A program of work has been ar- ranged for the session which will in- clude daily band rehearsals, ear train- ing, sectional rehearsals for brasses, and special concerts and recitals un- der the direction of certain nationally famous guest conductors. These dir- ectors will include Victor J. Grabel, Gerald Prescott, Clifford P. Lillya, Russel Howland and David Mattern. In addition to the serious work of1 the clinic, a program of recreational activities has been provided under the supervision of competent instruc- tors which will range from swimming, tennis, baseball and other sports to dancing, hikes, wiener roasts and trips. The boys who attend the eclini will be housed in the Michigan Union while the girls residence will beAdel- ia Cheever House. Students who will attend the clinic this year will come from New York, New Jersey, Ohio, West Virginia, Indiana, Illinois, Pen- nsylvania, and Michigan. Dr. Finch Talks On Metathesis Here Tuesday Regular Linguistics Group Program Opened By St. Louis University Man Two linguistic scholars fresh from first-hand research into the little- known languages of exotic peoples are among the 'speakers announced by Prof. Charles C. Fries for the coming week's public program of the Linguistic Institute. Opening the series of lectures for the week will be Dr. Chauncey Finch of St. Louis University, who at the Tuesday noon luncheon conference in the Rackham building is to discuss the topic, "What are the causes of metathesis?" Both the remaining speakers will offer discussion material gained from their investigations carried on while living for several years with the na- tive users of the languages they studied. Dr. Murray B. Emeneau will lecture on "Dravidian echo words" at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the small amphitheatre of the Rack- ham building. Dr. Murray has only recently re- turned to this country after holding a three-year fellowship of the Ameri- can Council of Learned Societies for research in the Dravidian languages of India. At the second luncheon conference of the week, to be held at 12:10 p.m. Thursday, Kenneth L. Pike of the University of Mexico will discuss "The Problem of Tones in Mexican Indian Languages." 2 Members Quit River Expedition LEE'S FERRY, Ariz., July 9.-(A)- Departure of the Nevills expedition on the second leg of a thrilling voy- age down the Colorado River to Boul- der Dam in Nevada was postponed today when two members quit.. Don Harris of Soda Springs, Idaho. U. S. Geological Survey ernploye, said he had transferred from Mexican Hat, Utah, to Salt Lake City, necessitating an immediate return to work. Eugene Atkinson, University of Michigan geologist, said he believed the trip thus far had served its pur- pose - botanical study - and an- nounced he was leaving to do re- search work in Texas. owicki Opens Campaign1 For Lieut.-Governor Schroeder Offers Strong Contest; Gov. Murphy, Takes A Neutral Stand LANSING, July 9.-(/P)-Lieut- Gov. Leo J. Nowicki announced to- day that he would seek renomination in the Democratic primary next fall, definitely eliminating. himself as a potential rival of Frank Murphy for the governorship. Noted Court Liberal Ill Since Winter; Forced To EmployOxygen Tent Appointed To Bench In 1932 By Hoover PORT CHESTER, NY., July 9.--(P) -Associate Justice Benjamin N. Car- dozo of the United States Supreme Court died late today at the home of Justice Irving Lehman of the New York Court of Appeals.,( At his bedside were members of the household and his secretary, Joseph Raugh, who announced the death. Cardozo had been ill with heart trouble since last winter. In the last few weeks he had spent much time in an oxygen tent. Justice Cardozo was 68 .last May 24. He had long been a friend of Presi- dent Roosevelt and only today the President and Mrs. Roosevelt sent flowers to him. He came to Judge Lehman's home from Washington in June to spend the summer after being forced by ill- ness to miss all the spring sessions of the Court. Cardozo had served on the Su- preme Court since 1932, when he was appointed by President Hoover. Long celebrated as a liberal, he went to the Court as successor to Oliver Wendell Holmes, famed as "The Great Dissenter." Before that, Cardozo had been on the New York Court of Appeals since 1917. He was born in New York, the son of a judge,-was graduated with high honors from Columbia University, and passed the bar examinations without any formal legal education on the basis of reading he had done in his undergraduate years. A staunch supporter of the New Deal philosophy, he upheld 22 of 27 laws brought before the Supreme Court in the historic period from 1934 to 1937. His death ended more than a week's fight to overcome a relapse from the old heart ailment. The first news of the relapse came on July 2, when physicians reported he "has not been doing so well." For the last three days, the jurist's condition had changed frequently but it seemed hle was losing ground by inches.mThen early today his secre- tary announced that Cardozo had "passed a poor night, but otherwise his condition is unchanged." New Institute Will Be Aided By Endowment Study Of Latin America Will Be Inaugurated In 1939 Summer Session A substantial endowment from the Rockefeller Foundation was received by the Summer Session yesterday for the Institute of Latin - American 1 Studies to be held here for the first time next summer, Prof. Louis A. Dies At 68, Chronic Heart Proves Fatal Benjamin Cardozo -- -r With the hat of Speaker George A. achroeder of Detroit already in the ing, Nowicki faced what appeared Akely to develop into the hottest fight an the Democratic ticket. Schroeder ommands a. strong following in his home-town, which is also Nowicki's, ind has made many friends out- 5tate. The Lieutenant Governor, however, has at least the half-hearted blessing f his party organization-despite a oolness that has grown up between his office and that of Governor Mlurphy. Without naming names or citing specific instances, Edward J. Fry,' State Democratic chairman, ap- pealed to his lieutenants months ago o shy away from primary scraps and support the entire slate of state of- ficers for reelection. The unknown quantity in-the lieu- tenant governor equation is State Senator Ernest C. Brooks of Holland. Petitions to qualify him for the race have been in circulation for several weeks, but Brooks apparently has been waiting to learn Nowicki's plans before declaring his own intentions. Some of Brooks friends saw in the prospective contest between Detroit- ers an opportunity for an out-state candidate to turn the tables on Now- icki, who won he nomination in 1936 while two Democratic rivals, Secre- tary of State Leon D. Case and former Senator Hienry C. Glassner, were driving the out-state vote between them. Governor Murphy has declared a policy of strict neutrality in the mat- ter. "If Nowicki supports the Federal and State administrations, he will be a strong candidate," was the Gover- nor's comment. Nowicki himself claims no alliances, "I am interested in only one candi- dacy" he said, "and that is the can- didacy of Leo J. Nowicki for lieuten- ant governor.' Oriental Expert Here To Lecture Vandenbosch 2nd Speakei On Far East Series Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, of the University of Kentucky, will appea: here tomorrow as the second speaker on the lecture program sponsored b: the Institute of Far Eastern Studies A keen student of internationa law and a foremost authority on col. onial government, Dr. Vandenboscl will open his group of four lecture, at 3:15 p.m. in the Rackham Grad, uate School auditorium with a tall on "Recent Political Development; in Netherlands India." where To Go And What To Do In Ann Arbor The Next Seven 11 )ays By ELLEN CUTHBERT A widely varied group of interests will fill the program of university activities for this coming week. Tio changes of importance have been made in the League schedule- first the usual tea-dance will not beT held in the ballroom this week. Sec- ondly, for the first time this summer,' the Friday and Saturday social eve- nings will be transferred to the Union. Other than these two, however, everything will be as usual, with movies, drama, lectures, lessons, ex- cursions and the like filling the days. "Cocoanut Grove," with Fred Mac- Murray and Harriet Hilliard will be at the Majestic until Tuesday, when the "Fifteen men, a kid and a girl" will be replaced by a double bill, starring the Jones Family in "A Trip To Paris" and June Lang in "One Wild Night." Robert Taylor. Robert Vniin snva m1vaonhnot Tone will he on, At the Wuerth, "Bluebeard's Eighth Wife" will play until Tuesday, "Of Human Hearts" and "Love On Toast" until Friday, and Friday and Satur- day, "Call of the Yukon" and "Miss-, ing Witness." "Sally, Irene , and, Mary" and "You're Only Young Once"{ come to the Orpheum today, to stay until Tuesday. These will be fol- lowed by "Hell Divers" with Wallace Beery and "Women Men Marry." Un- til Sunday, "Baroness and the But- ler" and "Western Trails" will be at this theatre. Tomorrow a group of religious scholars and Biblical students will meet in the Fourth Annual Confer- ence on Religion. Luncheons, panel discussions and seminars are all in- cluded in the schedule. The con- ference will close Friday. The Michigan Repertory Players will bring "Shoemaker's Holiday" to 1 k series of lectures on the East Indies and Netherlands India at 3:15 p.m. tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday. Two medical lectures, both illustrated. will also be given this week. "Rabies" will be the subject of the first one, to be given at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday by Dr. Herbert W. Emerson. Dr. Rich- ard Freyberg will talk on "Arthritis" at the same time on Wednesday. At 4:30 p.m. tomorrow, Prof. Er- nest Schwiebert, of Valparaiso University, will lecture on the sub- ject, "Rennaissance. Elements tn Luther." "Choral Music in the Ren- naissance" will be the topic of an ad- dress at 4:30 p.m. Thursday 4y Prof.. Healey Willan, of the University of Toronto. The final lecture of the week will be one at 4:30 p.m. Friday by Pref. Frank Knight, of the Univer- sity of Chicago. His topic will be, "Economic and Religious Individual- r .1 Y s k 's Hopkins,_ director of the Summer Ses- sion announced yesterday. The Institute will concern itself with the problems and resources of the Latin-American "neighbors" as well as the capitalization of the Unit- ed States resources in Latin-America, Professor Hopkins explained. The Institute will include among its fac- ulty members scholars from Latin- American lands and authorities on Latin-American topics from the Unit- ed States. The Institute will not remain as a permanent feature of the Summer Session, it was pointed out, for the subjects of the foreign institutes of the Summer Session change annu- ally. 3 Leagues Formed For Softball Teams The Intramural Softball League has met with such success that, due to requests, it will start another lea- gue. Two leagues each having six teams in it, have already been formed and their schedules made out but since others have asked to play, at