FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1938 FOUR SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1938 Chebatoris Dies On The Gallows As Scheduled All Last Minute Efforts Of Governor Murphy Prove Of No Avail MILAN, Mich., July' 8-A)-The Federal Government took the life' of Anthony Chebatoris todayon a gal- lows in the yard of the Federal deten- tion farm here. Michigan's first legal execution in 108 years marked the end of a long trail of crime for Chebatoris, bank robber and murder. He became the first person to pay with his life for a violation of the National Bank Rob- bery Act. Tonight his body, unclaimed by re latives, awaited consignment to the earth in a potter's field. Before the gaze of 23 persons in a temporary structure housing the gal- lows, Chebatoris plunged through a steel trap door at 5:08 a.m., just four minutes after sunrise. Physicians said he was unconscious until they pro- nounced him dead at 5:21 a.m. Federal officials proceeded in an orderly fashion with their grim task after efforts to transfer the. execution out of Michigan ended in failure. Gov. Frank Murphy, avowed op- ponent to capitol punishment, who asked President Roosevelt to move the hanging to another state, termed it ".a blot on Michigan's civilized re- cord." Existence of a long-dormant Michi- gan statute providing hanging as the penalty for treason' prevented the Justice Department, which reviewed the situation at the President's re- quest, from changing its plans for the execution. Under Federal law an exe- cution may not be moved from a state which provides the death penalty. Chebatoris was convicted of killing Henry porter, a bystander, while fleeing aft'er an abortive attempt to Rob the Chemical State Bank at Mid- land, Mich., last September. The rob- bery was thwarted when Dr. Fraik L. Hardy, sharpshooting dentist with officers above the bank, opened fire with a deer rifle, wounding Cheba- toris and killing his companion. Chebatoris attempted suicide while a federal prisoner in the Saginaw jail, and was removed to Milan under close guard. This morning he walked firmly up the 13 steps of the scaffold and turn- ed to Phil Hana of Epworth, Ill, whotsuperintended the hanging. "Are you Mr. Hanna?" he asked. "I am," Hanna replied. "Then I know It will be a good job," said the condemned man. Chebatoris, who until yesterday was aceompanied on the death march by the Rev. Lee Laige, prison chap- lain, who afterward sad the absolu- tion granted the killer was condi- tional upon whether or not he was truly repentant. Father Lge. pointed out that "even up to the last" Chebatoris re- fused to repeat prayers. A native of Poland Chebatoris first was convicted in this 'country for the holdup of a Packard Motor Car Co. cashier in 1920. Since that time had spent most of his years in pris- ons. He was 38 years old. Fifty -tui entQ Hear Educators Tell History Of University To Comnercial Group Dr. J. B. Edmonson, dean of the School of Education gave a brief history of the University, and a com- parativeestimate of it in relation to other institutions, in a talk to 50 students of commercial education at the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Dr. George E. Meyers, also of the education school faculty, told of his special interest In vocational studies, while John M. Trytten, instructor in commercial education, spoke on the advantages to be gained by group participation. Miss Charlotte Palmer was chosen leader of the committee formed to, make plans for group study and re- creation during the summer session. The first scheduled event is a picnic July 14." Music School Women Plan New Organization' The "Get-Acquainted" warty given' at 8 p.m. Wednesday for women en- rolled in the Summer Session music' school brought alout a new organi- zation known as the "Treble-Aires,", which plans to meet every two weeks1 throughout the Summer Session. ; Leah Lichtenwalter, Grad., wasa elected general chairman of the club at the business meeting, and appoint- ed three assistants. Virginia Sproul will act as publicity chairman, Mrs. Clara Florence is head of the stunts committee and Dorothy Royt will have charge of the programs. Following a program of games and Senator King, Douglas Discuss Monopoly Inquiry Teachers, Meeting At Columbia, Say Fascism Influenses The Schoolroom Prof. Newlon, Educational Leader, Claims Stifling Of Discussion Is Factor From New York Herald-Tribune One thousand teachers from all sections of the country, attending the first of a series -of public lectures on educational administration at the Columbia University summer session yesterday, took part in a discussion as to whether American schools are educating for democracy or fascism and indicated by question and answer that they were fully convinced of the presence of fascist influences. The conference began with an hour's open discussion and was fol- lowed by an address by Prof. Jesse H. Newlon, former president of the National Education Association. Al- though the name of the American Legion, injected by Prof. William Gellerman in his recent talk on "The American Legion as Educator," was not mentioned, the teachers admitted that they were frequently under the influence of outside; pressure groups which caused them to refrain from teaching certain subjects. One woman said: "I'd lose my job if I taught labor problems or com- munism." A man asserted that teach- ers were unable to exercise their full rights as citizens because "they are held down by fear." Immediately after the discussion, at the start of his address Professor Newlon said: "I believe we have shown that forces inimical to de- mocracy are at work in American ,ducation today. Some of these forces are seeking to control Ameri- can education to their own ends, to prevent the schools from presenting to youth an honest and adequate pic- ture of conditions either at home or abroad, to limit freedom of teaching and make of education merely a de- fense of things as they are." Education must not remain neutral in regard to social problems if it is to avoid its fascist leanings, Professor Newlon said. "American schools edu- cate for fascism wherever there is not freedom to study and discuss contro- versial issues, wherever there is cen- sorship and exclusion from school li- braries of books that present honest1 and factual analyses of current ec- anomic and social problems and is- sues," he said. "American schools educate for fas- cism wherever teachers fear to exer- cise to their full rights of citizenship," he continued. "American schools ed- ucate for fascism wherever the ad- ministration of the school is authori- tarian or autocratic. A school can- not longrcontinue half autocratic and half democratic. It will become whol-. ly autocratic in time." At the start of the conference Pro- fessor Newlon listed eight character- istics of education for fascism. They included the teaching only of facts supporting an approved view, the inculcation of fascist ideals and at- titudes, a conditioning of obedience, a lack of free discussion in the class- room, an autocratic school adminis- tration, a limited library, the prohi- bition of teachers participating in civic life, and the law that every teacher must pledge loyalty and sub- servience to a controlling group. After he had listed them Professor Newlon asked: "Do we find any of these elements in the schools of the United States today?" Practically every answer from the gallery was affirmative. They ranged from "yes, we find all of them" to "You may find any of them in any schools" and "I believe there are quite a few such schools." Professor Newlon then outlined the characteristics of education for de- mocracy. The first he mentioned was the study of critical views and the presentation of conflicting ideas and of all pertinent data. He asked whether this was a gen- eral characteristic of the nation's schools. A large majority of voices shouted "No." Another of Professor Newlon's characteristics was a demo- cratic school administration with teacher participation in the de- velopment of educational policy. The majority of the audience again loudly denied that such participation was countenanced. O.D.MORR IL L 314 S. State St. Typewriters, Stationery, Student and Office Supplies Since 1908 Phone 6615 400 Senator William H. King (left), of Utah, and William C. Douglas, chairman of the Securities Exchange Comnission, drew off into a corner in Washington for a private discussion of the forthcoming monopoly in- vestigation. The senator seems to be doing most of tAe talking. Route of the President's Transcontinental Journey MINN w15 S I WYO .0 SALLTAAKE C L A r t "104fO ULY 13 IOWA MARIE TTA . SAN FRANCISCO E WORNT JL14 PUEBLO J Uv 8' rO JULY 12 NEI L O ISVILLE t a WASH N6TON - GALAPAGASY'S. OSEM TEuNATe s Uint vew9i ta PARK JULY 15 OKL A MO. LOSANGEL ES BOWL ING JUL V 6' GR EEN J L 8 SAN DIEGO AMARILLO . JULYvr6 JULY ORT vvOR'r~- BOARDS CRUISER I ULY 10 ~ Thsmap indicates the route President Roosevelt will follow on his transcontinental speaking tour. He mrnrl will make appearances at the designated cities. His tour is expected to help him decide the status of his own 60,000 of your neighbors have switched to electric cooking- An electric range provides the latest time, and there is less frequent need and most modern method of cooking. for redecorating. Cooking utensils, too, political popularity. Canadian Fascists Unite Against Reds '38 Torester' Honors .donor Of Endowment' The Michigan Forester, publication of the Forestry Club in honor of the senior class of the School of Forestry and Conservation, inaugurated ap- proximately 20 years ago, has con- tinued to make a more or less regular appearance, interrupted for a time by the World War, Dean Samuel T. Dana of the forestry school said. The present issue of the book, which stands out for its fine typ- ography and high quality photog- raphy, he said is especially note- worthy for the dedication. It is ad- dressed to Charles Lathrop Pack, early champion of forestry study and especial benefactor to the University in establishing a generous endow- ment for the promotion of land utili- zation and succeeding grant from the Charles Lathrop Pack Forestry Foun- dation. Due to the aid of these grants the University =has been able to expand its own forest properties and cooper- ate with Federal, State and private agencies in the problem of land man- agement. Included among the special fea- tures of the book this year are a number of articles written by various alumni, faculty members and pres- ent students. Among these are "Some Aspects of Modern Forestry" by Prof. Howard M. Wright; "Forestry for Forest People" by Ellery A. Fos- ter, '31; "The Forester's Lament," "The Call Of The Loon" by Prof. Earl S. O'Roke; "News from the Field" and "War and Forests' by Lil- liam K. Starrett, '39, only woman student in the forestry school; and "Forestry, Dust and Civilization," prize winning essay in the Pack Prize Esay contest, by Bert E. Holby, '39. That is what appeals to most of the 10,000 families in and around Detroit who have switched to electric cooking during the past year. That is why more than 60,000 of your neighbors prefer an electric range to any other cooking method, and are now enjoying the advantages that only an electric range provides. What are these advantages? Your dealer will be glad to point them out to you, one by one, on any of the ranges he has on display. He will mention the CLEANLINESS of electric cooking, with pure heat from a glowing wire-heat as clean as sunlight. ,.He will mention the ease with which you can have a bright, sparkling kitchen. Walls and curtains stay fresh for a much longer period of remain bright and shiny after long use. Your dealer will tell you about the BETTER FLAVOR of electric cooking. Meats and vegetables cook- to melting tenderness in their own juices, with delicious natural flavor sealed-in. You will learn about the modern waterless cooking method which retains precious minerals and important food values. You will discover the ADDED LEISURE that an electric range makes possible . .. extra hours of freedom away from the kitchen. You will appreciate its COMFORTABLE COOKING in warm weather - an electric range does not raise the kitchen temperature one degree. Stop in at your dealer's today and see for yourself the convincing supe- riorities of electric cooking! , N 'Canada For Canadians' is the slogan of Canadian Fascists who organized at Kingston, Ont., as National Unity Party with Joseph Farr (right), directing the procedure. The new leader, Adrian Arcand (second from the left), declared that fascism will enable Canada to re- conquer its territory from "red clutches of Moscow and international Jewry." About 1,500 attended the meeting. Dr. Hu Shih Traces Literature Rise See the new electric ranges on display at department stores, electrical dealers or at your Detroit Edison office. (Continued from Page 1) roots of a dead force, the language of the people, the vulgar vernaculary was undergoing a natural process of evolution towards simplification, in- telligibility and regularity that has resulted in the present "perfect" Chi- nese language. Although the use of the people's tongue for artistic en- deavor did not become universally accepted until very recently, Dr. Hu said, China's greatest literary works, even those of ,antiquity, have been composed in that tongue, including the anonymous masterpiece "All Men Are Brothers," which has been a Chi- nese "best seller for five centuries" and which Pearl Buck recently trans- lated into English. Southern Club Plans Novel Watermelon Cut Southern students enrolled in the The first literary achievement in the people's language was the folk- songs, ballads, legends which they composed and sang themselves. From the Homeric themes inherent in this indigenous literature, Dr. Hu de- clared, the literary classicists, found the inspiration for great novels which they published anonymously in the vernacular tongue. The rise of these novels, which compare favor- ably with those written in any tongue, convinced the people that their "vul- gar" language was capable of pro- ducing literature of intense beauty, and intrinsically vital. Classified DirectoryI TYPING neatly and accurately done. Reasonable rates. Barbara Grill. 719 Tappan. Dial 3025. 32x so large double room. Garage avail- able. Phone 8544. 422 E Washington. 28x .. x;. . rr . .: _._ . . ... .. .y ,.:.{. . a.i: :