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July 09, 1938 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1938-07-09

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
ichigan under the authority of the Board in Oontrol of
tudent Publications.
PublisheP every morning rxcept Monday during the
Ukiiversity year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
fights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second clss mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$430; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
College Publishers RePresentaive
Board of Editors a
Managing Editor . . . . Irving Silverman
City Editor.. . . . . . Robert I. Fitzhenry
Assistant Editors . ... . . . Mel Fineberg,
Joseph Gies, Elliot Maraniss, Ben M. Marino,
Carl Pet'ersen, Suzanne Potter, Harry L.
Sonneborn. -
Business Department
business Manager . . . . Ernest A. Jones
Credit Manager . . .' Norman Steinberg
Circulation Manager . . J. Cameron Hall
Assistants Philip Buchen, Walter Stebens
The editorials published in The Michigan
Dail3y are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
-Alexander G, Ruthven.
The President
Starts His Pure...
YESTERDAY President Roosevelt be-
gan his campaign for liberals in the
Democratic primaries with four speeches in
Ohio and Kentucky. In Ohio the President en-
dorsed Senator Bulkley, a proven New Dealer
rumning against former Governor White, who
also claims to champion the Administration's
policies. More significant was the invasion of
Kentucky, where the President spoke for Sena-
tor Barkley, his lieutenant and majority floor
leader in the upper house, opposed for renomin-
ation -by Governor "Happy" Chandler, a marked
conservative and enemy of the New Deal. Gover-
nor Chandler has a strong political machine in
the state, but it now appears reasonably certain
that Senator Barkley will be returned.
The chances are that Mr. Roosevelt will also
take an active hand in at least five other Demo-
cratic primaries. He is likely to intervene in
Oklahoma in behalf of Senator Thomas, a de-
voted New Dealer, and in California in behalf of
Senator McAdoo. He will probably speak in
Nevada against the candidacy of Senator Mc-
Carran of Nevada, Senator George of Georgia
and Senator Byrnes of South Carolina, all of
whom have turned against the Administration
on important reforms.
Party politics apparently have forced the Presi-
dent to forego invasion of several states where
conservative Democrats are likely to receive re-
nomination. He has already indicated his inten-
tion of remaining aloof from the Indiana pri-
mary, where nomination is still made by con-
vention and where the reactionary Senator Van
Nuys appears assured of renomination, due to
fear of a split among state Democratic leaders
which would hurt the chances of Paul V. McNutt,
former Indiana governor and now high com-
missioner to the Philippines, who has grown more
and more enthusiastic in recent months over the
idea of a McNutt in the'White House. Mr. Roose-
velt likewise has said that he will not interfere in

the Colorado primary, where the conservative
Senator Adams is running against Justice Ben-
jamin Hilliard, a New Dealer:
The abandonment of any part of the program
of presidential support for liberal candidates to
the Senate is unfortunate. President Roosevelt
has every right, as head of the Democratic Party,
to attempt to see that men who will live up to the
party's platform be elected to office. Granted that
principles are not always easy to reconcile with
political expediency, it is hard to see how the
New Deal can benefit much from the election of
a reactionary Democrat in preference -to a re-
actionary Republican.
The anti-Roosevelt section of the press is fill-
ed with comments on the Roosevelt "purge". Howe
an insistence by a President that members of his
party remain loyal to the avowed program of
that party instead of turning color as soon as
they are safely ensconced in public office can be

Nazi Education
In Poland And Britain ...
G ERMANY won one and lost one in a
recent European "educational" con-
test. A New York Times dispatch from Berlin an-
nounced the signing of an agreement between
the German and Polish education ministries
providing that school textbooks be revised to
eliminate "all expressions and phrases liable to
offend the national feelings of either country".
The dispatch further stated that "As interpreted
by the German press the agreement should lead
to a dispassionate presentation of the epochs in
which the two countries opposed each other. Part
of the agreement calls for deletions from texts
that might be interpreted as insulting or likely
to injure national sensibilities." It is further in-
tended to extend the agreement to other
branches of education.
This will, of course, meet with the approval
of the German minority in Poland which charged
that it was discriminated against in violation of
the Polish-German accord of November, 1937.
The German sympathizers in Poland will now
be able to send their children to Polish schools
and be content that the children will get the best
that German education can afford to give to
England, on the other hand, made no'agree-
ment with Germany, but much of the German
"education" was seeping in through an exchange
of letters between British and German school
children which was encouraged with the idea
of fostering better relations between the two
peoples. It was soon found, however, that more
and more politics were introduced into the let-
ters coming from Germany-upon official Nazi
instigation, it was suspected--such as: "We are
glad to see Mr. Eden has gone. Now perhaps your
country will not be so hostile to us." Such pro-
pagandistic activities, along with the discovery
of German sabotage "field-workers", brought
a rigid tightening of control by the English au-
thorities. Thus, here the Germans have lost
These two instances are typical of the German
propagandistic activities to hit below the ma-
turity belt. By spreading their ideas among the
children through textbooks and lectures, the
Nazis are using an extremely potent method, one
which may not now evidence itself in complete
success, but will in the future serve the Nazi
cause well. Thus, the Polish agreement for the
Nazis is a'long stride in the direction of perman-
ent acceptance among the peoples of Central
Europe, but for the more democratic nations is
an insidious weapon which must be constantly
guarded against.
The English and of course, the French too,
are in a much more strategic position to resist
German "education" than the the Poles and
other smaller European nationalities. But we are
forced to wonder what will become of Polish
national unity, that unity which was fought for
so bitterly before and during the World War, now
that Germany will "aid" in Poland's "educa-
tion". Even though the agreement calls for the
deletion of sections of books so that nations'
sensibilities are not injured, it is naive to ex-
pect that during the revision Poland will be
able to demand as much respect for her sensi-
bilities as will Germany for hers.
-Irving Silverman
The Editor
Gets, Tol-do
The Rackham Fund
To the Editor:
Now that the spiring gracelessness of the
Burton Tower has become fact, and the inver-
tebrate mass of the graduate school an integral
part of all University advertising, it may well
be time to evaluate the desirability of these re-
cent gifts to the University. More important, it
is time to suggest more effective methods of re-
conciling the praise due famous men with the

essential needs of the school.
For it has become increasingly apparent to
the students, if not to the alumni, that a gross
divergence between Michigan's growth in physi-
cal plant and her growth in academic stature
has developed in recent years. Unfortunately
certain donors have come to view the University
as only an adjunct to the buildings and grounds
department. And even more unfortunately, some
there are who justify such attitudes; who declare
that whatever is done with such sums is the best
that can be expected. But this is a counsel of
despair. If those who provided endowments had
no interest in the real needs of the school, we
might well deed them forty acres in darkest
Africa to lavish their riches in. This is no answer.
No more is it to contend that the prime aim of
donors should not be to perpetuate revered
patronymics and that's that. Of course this
latter is true. But the real problem, is a deeper
one, one of taking these factors for granted and
then attempting to reconcile them with the fun-
damental needs of the University.
Two suggestions might be made. One, that
future gifts be placed in endowments to pay the
salaries of a certain category of teachers. For
example, all lecturers might be paid by Rackham
endowment funds (be termed Rackham lecturer
in animal Econolgy, Rackham lecturer in the
Theory of Counterpoint, etc.) If all lecturers in
the university were endowed by the Rackham
funds, fully as much publicity would be given the
name Rackham as the graduate school could
provide. Smaller endowments might be used for
the salaries of lecturers or instructors within

1-l e f eywood Broun
The administration in Washington is protect-
ing American reds. Once they were almost ex-
tinct, but now they are increasing rapidly. I re-
fer, of course, to the population report of the
National Resources Commit-
tee, which finds that the tide
has turned for the Indian.
But I could go on to note the
fact, that long before the
New Deal the government
Yrdid embark upon a policy of
".paternalism in regard to the
Indian. Even in the deepest
depression no Sioux or Crow
has ever starved to death.
For lo these many years the Indian has been on
relief, and there have been few complaints con-
cerning this situation.
It was generally recognized that men and wo-
men of this good old American stock could not,
survive under rugged individualism. In order to
save them from extinction they were made wards
of the state. It is curious that this policy has
aroused such a small amount of criticism, be-
cause, in effect, the government is maintaining
the first native Communists.
The Indians who roamed this land before the
coming of the various white armies were red in
fact as well as face. Their collectivism was of a
primitive sort, but within the tribe there was a
sharing of the wealth, and fields are tilled co-
k * * +*
Here's An idea For A Soldier
Indeed, I think a scholar might do a really seri-
ous book on the relationship between the Ameri-
can Indian and the French Revolution. Let me
state an oversimplified hypothesis with the hope'
that some educated man can fill in the gaps. I
assume that Rousseau, although he was a ro-
matic (or maybe because he was romantic), pro-
foundly influenced early revolutionary thought.
He was "one of the spiritual fathers of our own
Revolution, since Thomas Jefferson read him
avidly. His influence on the French Revolution
was even more direct. According to the Columbia
Encyclopedia, "his plan provided that individuals
should freely surrender their absolute power
over themselves to the people as a whole ...'
Today that might be called liberal democracy,
but it was revolution at the end of the eighteenth
century. Rousseau believed in the natural worth
and goodness of man if only he could be rescued
from social and economic maladjustment. And
that'/ where the American Indian comes in, be-
cause Rousseau drew much of his concept of the
noble savage from such scraps of information as
he received from the New World.
* * *
The Setup Was Tough On Him
Salvation was to come from contact with the
woods and streams and the simple pleasures
which arise from living close to nature. While
he did not match up wholly to this ideal, the
native Indian of America was probably a good
fellow when he had it. His cruelties came to the
fore chiefly when he fought for his own posses-
sions and his own civilization. Aside from the
Carlisle Indians and a few big league ball players,
the noble redman just crumpled up under a fier-
cely competitive economic setup. Under paterna-
lism he begins to flourish.
According to the report of the National Re-
sources Committee, the original American is
growing more rapidly than any other ethnic
stock. I have no particular stake in the fate of
the aborigine. The only Indian I even knew well
was Chief Meyers, who could hit like a demon but
who threw down to second as if he were putting
the sixteen-pound shot. Still, it would have done
much to cripple modern conversation if the na-
tive Americans had become extinct.
I'know a girl who would be tongue-tied if it
were not possible for her to say every once and so
often, "Let's give that back to the Indians." She
thinks its an epigram. But it would be an even

more uproarious joke if the Indians increase so
much in the next few generations that it will be
quite unnecessary to give back anything to them.
They might just step out and take it.

publication In the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30; 11:00 am Saturday
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1938 Room 2, University Hall Monday, Occupational Information.
VOL. XLVIII. No. 11 July 11 from two to three. The
Committee will act on loans for fall Unitarian Church, Sunday, 11 a.m
Students, College of Literature, Sci- at that time. Applications must b Rev. Edwin H. Wilson, Chicago, will
ence and the Arts: No courses may be filed in Room 2 not later than July speak on "Religion, Illusion or Neces-
elected for credit after today. 10. sity." 7:30 p.m. "Mexico's Revolution
School of Education, Changes of by Education."
Elections: (Undergraduate). University Men and Women on
No course may be elected fjr credit Monday evening, July 11, from 7:30 First Methodist Church. Dr. Bra-
after Saturday, July 9; no course to 8:30 i the Michigan League Ball- shares will preach on "Providence" at
may be dropped without penalty af- room there is to be Country Dancing. the morning worship service at 10:40
ter Saturday, July 23. Any changes The lessons will include instruction o'clock.
of elections of students enrolled in in Quadrilles, Rye Waltz, Polka, etc._____
of eectonsof tudntsenrlle inEveryone is invited The lessons are
this school must be reported at the Erye is ined. Th lessons ar Episcopal Student Group, Sunday
Registrar's Office, Room 4, Univer- Free of charge. First lesson July 11. evening meeting. Cars leave St. 4n-
sity Hall. drew's Church at 5:30 for the Mack
Graduate Students in Miathenriatis
Membership in class does not cease Cottage at Whitmore Lake. Supper
nor beginL until all changes have been are cordially invited to a tea to be 25 cents. Bring swim suits. Evening
thus officially registered. Arrange- given by the members of the Dc- discussion led by the Rev. Henry Lew-
ments made with instructors are not partment of Mathematics in the gar- is. Topic: "The Church and Mar-
official changes. den of the Michigan League on Mon- riage."
day, July 11, from 4 to 6 p.m.
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Last St. Andrew's Episcopal Church.
time tonight at 8:30, "Brother Rat." Women Students: There will be Services of worship Sunday are: 8
Michigan Repertory Players. Tenth tournaments in badminton, tennis, a.m. Holy Commui°n. 11 a.m. Morn-
anniversary season. Phone 6300. and golf open to all women students
on campus. Register at the Wom- ing Prayer and Se. n by the Rev.
Students' Observatory in Angell en's Athletic Building by noon Mon- Frederick W. Leech.
Hall will be open to visitors from 8 day, July 11. The Christian Student Prayer
p.m. to 10 p.m. tonight. The elevator
will be operating for guests. Deutscher Verein reception: Stu- Group will hold its regular meeting
dents of German and faculty memn- at 5 p.m. Sunday, July 10, in the
Band and Chorus Concert. A pro- ders interested are cordially invited Michigan League. The room is to be
gram of unusual interest will be pre- announced on the bulletin board.
sented in Hill Auditorium, Sunday . Christian students are cordially in-
afternoon, July 10, at 4:15 o'clock, by Deutscher Verein at 8:15 pm. in vited to attend.
th SmmrSesin adWilimMichigan League Building, Grand vtdt ted
the Summer Session Band, William Rapids Room, Monday, July 11. Ger-
D. Revelli, Conductor; and the Sum- First Congregatina Church. Min-
mer Session Chorus, Noble Cain, man songs, musical solos, readings, ister, Rev. Leonard A. Parr. A serv-
Conductor refreshments and opportunity for ice of special interest will be held
German conversation. Sunday morning at 10:45. Prof.
uA Library Science Supper for fac- There will be a meeting of the Preston W. Slosson of the History
ulty, students, and their wives and Southern Club on Monday, July 11 Department is to preach on "The Sin
pusbands will be held Sunday, July 10, 7 p.m. in front of the Horace Rack- of Cynicism." Dr. Parr will conduct
6:30 pm.intheGardeoftheMich 7Hthe service and receive new n hmm-
gan League. Tickets (price 45 cents) ham Graduate School Building. Or- s The chr wi n e ma
may be secured at Mrs. Smith's desk ganization of the club will be com- diant Morn" by Woodward. Mrs.
in the Library Science Study Hall un- pleted and activities for the summe Grace J. Konold will sing "Come un-
til Saturday evening. A special in- discussed. All Southern students are Ga Hm Komd wissing " e
vitation is extended to students in urged to be present.
Courses 271 and 273. First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Lectures in Protein Chemistry: Dr. Washtenaw Ave. 10:45 a.m., "Want-
The Graduate Outing Club will Wi. C. Rose, Professor of BiochemeARlgo"ithsujctfDr
meet at Lane Hall on Sunday, July istry at the University of Illinois, will ed, A Religion is the subject of Dr.
10, at 2 p.m. to go to Silver Lake lecture at 2 p.m., July 11-14 inclusive,
for a swim and a picnic. Come and in the Amphitheatre of the Horace. ing Worship Service. ,The choir un-
get acquainted. H. Rackham School of Graduate Stu- der the leadership of Dr. Healey Wil-
:dies. The subject of his llectures is an will take part in the service. The
VagaondKin: -die. Te sujec ofhislecure ismusical numbers will include: Organ
Vagabond King: Final tryouts for "The Nutritive Significance of the Prelude, "Rhosymedre" by Vaughan-
leads Monday, July 11, at 3:30, in Amino Acids. The Essential Nature Williams; Anthem, "Jesu, Wrd of
Room 306, Tower. This applies to of Certain Amino Acids." God Incarnate" by Mozart Solo
those who were incladed in the"A"The
double tentative casting at the last Michigan Dames. On Tuesday, July "Lord Go" Abraham"rom "The
tryout,,and those who have seen the 12,~ from 3:30 to 5:30 the Michigan Elijah" Gdby o a Mendelssoh, Donn ePsldn
conductor since the last tryout. There Dames, an organization ofstudent Chown; Organ Postlude, "Sonata No.
will be no "Vagabond King" chorus wives and wives of internes, will hold 4, Finale" by Mendelssohn.
rehearsal on Monday. The next re- a tea at the League. A cordial invi- 5:30 p.m., Supper and program for
hearsal will be on Tuesday, at 5 p.m. tation is extended to all student wives Summer School students. The Book
for men and women. of the University to be present. Please of Job has been arranged by Dr.
-- remember the time as no individual Lemon in the form of a Greek drama
A Graduate Conference on Renais- invitations will be given, acted out-of-doors in the open air
sance Studies Luncheon will be held ThtBdrouthof-doors nnttheoophntar
at the Michigan League (not at the The Bureau has received notice of theatre.
Union), Monday, July 11, 12:15 p.m. the following Michigan Civil Service First Baptist Church. 10:45 a.m.
Professor Ernest G. Schwiebert of Examinations:
praso EUniesty Gwiseakr on Plumbing Classes; Salaries to be Rev. R. Edward Tayler, minister, will
Valparaiso University will speak j onanund' preach.
"Wittenberg, the Nursery of the Re- announced.6 pm S ialUniversit
formation." Make reservations at Electrical Classes; Salaries to b students willpguests of the Wesley
the English Office, 3221 Angell Hall. announced. Student Foundation at Stalker Hall.
__________ Bookkeeping Mac me Clerk Clas- Mrs Grace Sloan Overton will speak
There will be a ten-minute meet- ses; $100 per montf; Open to men
and wmen.and lead the discussion.
ing of all Public Health Nurses on and women.
Monday, July 11 at 5 o'clock, in West Applications for the above exam- Stalker Hall. Student Class at 9:45
Amphitheatre of W. Medical Bldg. inations must be postmarked before a.m. Mr. Kenneth Morgan,. Director
At that time we will plan for our midnight, July 13, 1938. For further of the Student Religious Association
"Moonlight Get Together Picnic," so information, please call at the of- will lead the discussion on "Mysti-
please be on hand." fice, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: cism."
___bnd 9-12 and 2-4. WesleyanGuild meeting at 6 p.m.
Student Loans. There will be a Bureau of Appointments and (Continued on Page 3)







on these salaries to eke out others. Possibly it
may promote men before they leave the univer-
sity. Possibly it may give them decent beginning
salaries, instead of over-working them on hybrid
Whether or not these particular suggestions
are admissible, some solution must be sought. If
nothing at all be done, the University may, in
coming years, find itself famed for its buildings
and tuition rates. In that event it might most
usefully give up the ghost of scholarship and
learning, donating its buildings to a foundation
for retired professors and send its clerical
bureaucracy to work for the International Cor-
respondence School.
S. L.
For Reorganization
Mr. Roosevelt was entirely justified in his re-
marks to the Washington correspondents about
the basic merit of reorganization of the sprawl-
ing administrative agencies in the interest of
economy and efficiency. Every President since
McKinley has recognized the need for eliminating
duplicated services and for bringing related ac-
tivities together.
If the issue is revived in the next session-and

1432 Washtenaw Avenue Ph. 2-4466
William P. Lemon, D.D., Minister
Elizabeth Leinbach, Assistant
Healey Willan, Guest Organist and Choir
10:45 a.m. "Wanted-A Religion."
Sermon by the Minister.
Student Choir.
5:30 p.m. Supper and Program for Summer
School students. Dr. Lemon will present
"The Book of Job as a Greek Drama."
Zion and Trinity Lutheran Churches invite
you to their services.
East Washington at South Fifth Avenue
Rev. E. C. Stellhorn, pastor
10:30 a.m. Church Worship
Sermon "Justification"

Stalker Hall - Student Headquarters
State and Washington Streets
9:45 a.m. Student class at Stalker Hall.
Inquire at Church office about classes for
other ages.
10:40 a.m. Worship service at First Meth-
odist Episcopal Church, State and Wash-
ington Streets. Dr. C. W. Brashare's sub-
ject is "Providence."
6 p.m. Wesleyan Guild meeting at Stalker
Hall. Mrs. Grace Sloan Overton will speak
on "Christian Counselling in Boy and Girl
409 S. Division St.
Sunday morning services at 10:30 A.M.
indav School at 11:45 A.M.


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