THE MICHII GAN DAILY FRIDAY, JULY 8, THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~~-1. Il i Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Publishec every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in,, this, newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4,00; by mall, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY NationalAdvertisingService,inc. I MCollege Publishers Rere.entative +420 MADISON AvE. New YORK. N. Y: ChICAGO - BOSTON - LOS AmGELS - SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors Managingg Editor . . . Irving Silverman City Editor . . . . . Robert I. Fitghenry Assistant Editors . . . . . Mel Fineberg, Joseph Gies, Elliot Maraniss, Ben M. MarinQ, Carl Petersen, Suzanne Potter, Harry L. Sonneborn. Business Department, 1usiness Manager . . . . Ernest A. Jones Credit Manager .' . . Norman Steinberg Circulation Manager . . . J. Cameron Ha11 Assistants . . Philip Buchen, Walter Stebens ..F,..= NIGHT EDITOR: ELLIOT MARANISS E The editorials published in The Michigan aily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educational institu- tions in the best meaning of the term. -Alexander G. Ruthven. HoHum o. 1: The New Road Surface . .0'. HE DAILY has been bombarded dur- ing the past few days with queries kbout and objections to the stones which are be- ig thrown about by the cars and the under-layer of'sticky asphalt which impedes the swift pedes- trian on the streets around the campus'. The Daily has investigated the situation. It was found, after a thorough probe into the problem'now facing the campus, that things are not so bad. The coating being laid on the streets around the campus is'a sealing coat of protective asphalt. The theory is that the stones will set securely in the asphalt and provide a better road, in a few days, if the sun relents, or a week, if the sun is too persistent- in spreading its otherwise beneficial rays. In addition, although inconvenience is caused during the "settling" period, the process of "sealing" -the streets being used here is one of the more inexpensive methods, and is being done entirely with city funds, the University paying nothing directly toward the upkeep of the streets around the campus. Here, the "town" and "gown" get a lng.n Therefore, to the women who have had to pick the stones and wash the asphalt from between their toes, we suggest shoes which cover the toes for a few days, even if fashion decrees other- wise. To the men, and some women, who have had to take off their shoes to remove the stones and hot, sticky asphalt which accumulated about and filtered in the open spots in the soles, we suggest that paper (not The Daily) be inserted in the shoes to bridge the gap in the soles for a few days-we have found this system effective ourselves, if the paper is replaced every morning. To those who have been victims of the stones hurled by the passing cars, we suggest that you adopt the defeatest attitude, for a few days, and stand at a distance from the road, until all is clear. Thus, everything will be OK, in a few days. -Irving Silverman 'he NEC And Competition ... THE RECENT CREATION of the Na- tional Economic Council to "make a full and complete study and investigation . of the concentration of economic power and financial control over production and distribution of goods and services, the causes of such concen- tration and control and their effects upon com- petition," marks one of the nation's most sig- nificant government inquiries. The inquiry, sponsored by Rep. O'Mahoney of Wyoming, is significant not only because it rep- resents the next move in the Administration policy of extending governmental control, but be- cause it indicates a return to the original govern- mental policy of business control inaugurated in 1890. Under the provisions of the Sherman Anti- Trust Act of that date and the Clayton Anti- Trust Law of 1914. the government attempted to ! man of the capitalistic economy-the codes of NIRA provided for a measure of government- fostered monopoly in various fields of business. The collapse of the NRA has been followed by a reversion, which is cearly indicated today in the NEC and anti-trust prosecutions, to the original policy of preserving competition. The prosecutions of the Ford, General Motors and Chrysler corporations for violation of anti-trust regulations in regard to auto-financing methods indicates the trend. Today the creation of the NEC makes the trend all the imore pronounced. Composed of three senators, three representatives, an expert each from the Treasury, Justice, Labor and Commerce cdepartments and one each from the Federal Trade Commission and the Securties Exchange Commission, the Council promises to conduct one of the most searching business investigations ever undertaken by the government. -Carl Petersen Japan's Peace Offer And The B~oycott * WITH A YEAR'S COSTLY military op- erations in China still far short of bringing to Japan the conquest she set out upon last summer, the invaders have drafted what may be considered preliminary terms of peace on which they will consent to the termination of the war. The plan, according to reports, emanates directly from the Peiping provisional government, a tool of the Japanese army. It calls for a di- vision of China into five autonomous units unq41 separate governments, three of them under Jap- anese cortrol, the other two to be awarded to the present legitimate government of China and a "combination of Kwangtung-Kwangsi provincial leaders" respectively. In order to gain Europear support for the plan, Germany, Great Britain and France would be guaranteed spheres of interest corresponding roughly to their present or former spheres in China. With the present existing military situation, in which the Chinese are carying on in a successful guerilla war behind the Japanese lines while the main Jap offensives have been checked by floods and Chinese regular army resistance, it isiardly likely that Chiang-Kai-Shek will give considera- tion to any peace offer based on the Peiping draft. The Japanese are by no means, as numer- ous writers have testified, in full control of the areas their armies have overrun, while Chinese powers of resistance do not appear to have been notably reduced. The burden of the war, it is true, falls on the Chinese population, which has made immense sacrifices, but which has shown itself to be still united behind Chiang-Kai-Shek against the invaders. Eventually, the capacity for suffering of the Chinese people will probably be measured against the financial state of the Japanese government to determine the final outcome of the war. Americans, sympathetic to the Chinese people, can contribute to the economic paralysis of Japan by refusing to buy Japanese products. A decline of serious proportions in the American market for Japanese silk and other goods has taken place during the past year and has mater- ially aided in the financial embarrassment of the Tokyo regime. Every dollar used to purchase Japanese goods helps buy bombs for the civilian population of Shanghai and other Chinese cities which have become the objects of systematic Japanese ter- rorization from the air, terrorization organized in an effort to break the national morale of a people which will not submit to force of arms. The publication of the Peiping peace proposals, as the enemy's war aims, will probably have the effect of strengthening the Chinese will to resist. But China needs every assistance a friendly pop- ulation can give it. A steady stream of AmericaX contributions is crossing the Pacific for Chinese medical aid. It hardly seems consistent that an- other steady stream should be crossing parallel to it to feed the military machine that makes the medical aid necessary. -Joseph Gies T he editor Gets Tod The Rackham School Again To the Editor: Mr. Don C. Cozadd, who so feelingly held forth on "Gilt-Edged Education" a few days ago, is to be commended for his pride in the high prin- ciples that our University professes, and in those physical symbols of her prestige that he pointed out, such as the Main Library, the buildings for athletic activities, etc. He might even be commended for his tirade on that object of controversy which strikes a "BRASS NOTE" in the dignity of the campus- the Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Mr. Cozadd apparently is concerned with pit- ting the Rackham building against the law School and Angel Hall, which, he says, are ar- chitecturally beautiful because "they do not go beyond the bounds of propriety, of good taste," or against the Library which is beautiful "be- cause its design is founded on good taste." Let us accept these vague ana innocuous terms "good taste" and "propriety" for the moment as of sufficient significance to afford common ground- for argument. If the Rackham building is inappropriate and in bad taste because of "its 'imported Mall," transplanted classic mode, Pompeian ornament, and pompous bric-a-brac, how can the Greek temple front and factory interior that isrAngell Hall be considered appropriate as an administra-. JifeeiJii~ 'Hleywood Broun Many hold that the son of a President of the United States should not be in the insurance business. But it is held also that a son-in-law should not be in the newspaper business and that radio and aviation are pur- suits which ought to be barred to the close relations # . of a Chief Executive. And so I mildly ask: "What have you?" BeforeJ James Roosevelt began sell- ' ing policies he was studying to be a lawyer. The law is an honorable profession, but if young Roosevelt had been admitted to the Bar and had begun practice he would hardly have been immune to criticism. It would have been said that clients came to him in the hope that the prestige of his kinship to the White House had tempted litigants to seek out his services. There are barristers, some of them highly respected, who cannot quite shake off the aura of glory which surrounds them be- cause of some distinguished relative. And so before any general condemnation sets in I think it might be well for critics to suggest a way out and draw up a list of occupations for Presidential relatives which might be agreed upon as above all possible reproach. Closing All Avenues This is not an easy task. I have suggested that certain avenues of effort already seem' to be closed or closing on account of popular clamor. Perhaps teaching or the ministry would be ac- ceptabl.e, but even then I fear the charge might be brought that parental influence had been responsible for the relative's obtaining the pulpit or the chair. Indeed, I think- that if James had undertaken to make a living by selling subscrip- tions to the Saturday Evening Post the captious would have held that he was seeking to dazzle the potential customers by flaunting the name and fame of Roosevelt. I am quite ready to agree that insurance is likely to be one of the most embarrassing fields for a young man with strong political connec- tions. But I do maintain that perfect behavior is practically impossible. It may be that the point in the mind of the critics is not so much the occupation as the in- come. If James Roosevelt had plugged along making $5,000 a year as an insurance broker I assume that he would not have been taken up in the magazines or the newspaper editorials. But I am curious to know the precise income bracket at which "impropriety" enters in. Does the job become all wrong at $7,000 or at $70,000? Surely, an additional burden is placed upon a young man beginning a career if he should be constrained to say to himself, "I must be careful not to do too well at this job or it will be used against my father, the President." * * * Son Of The Old Man I have known a number of young men who happened to have some famous, or moderately famous men as fathers. Some didn't object to this circumstance. They felt that if it helped them to a start, that was all to the good. Others resented the situation. They wished to be wholly on their own. It maddened them when anybody, even though he bore gifts, remarked, "So youre the son of John Doe! Going to follow in your daddy's footsteps, I suppose?" But it has been my experience that even those who regarded the distinguished parents as an old man of the sea had no great luck in stepping out from under. Neither piety nor wit can altogether wipe out the fact of paternity. There is a screen actor who will be known even at the age of 85 as "Young Douglas Fairbanks," and the younger Dumas could not escape being set down as "Dumas, fils," even though "Camille" is probably better known today than anything to which "Dumas, pere," put pen. Accordingly, I =think that there should be a somewhat more rounded consideration of the case of James Roosevelt before all the blood- hounds are loosed. He is at present in a hos- pital, and the short statement which he made from there should suffice for the moment. I hope that later he will be heard from at greater length. I think he has that right. Law Quad was erected, the reaction was the same, only more so. When at last this supreme symbol in vicarious prestige unveiled her vulgar display, the Regents blessed her and again asked the people to bow down. It is encouraging to note how many refuse to accept it. -R. C. Mays and G. H. Hayes P.S. To A Review In my review of Brother Rat ini yesterday's Daily, the impression was given that although certain performers were entitled to special praise, I was too timid or too ungenerous to make the citations. Those whom I had singled out for such praise (as your waste-basket knows) were Messers Maxwell, Baer, Stevenson, and Austin; and Miss Schaefer. When you cut the last paragraph from my review you not only left me hanging in the air, but you made me look like a mean and ungrateful theatre-goer. I hereby object. A wholly irrelevant matter (which was not included in the cut portion) occurs to me at the moment : Mr. Baer, in a baseball cap, is the DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN iublication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30; 11:00 am Saturday until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1938 Physical Education: There will be a July 11 from two to three. The VOL. XLVIII. No. 10 swim in the intramural pool at six Committee will act on loans for fall o'clock on Friday, July 8 to be fol- at that time. Applications must be Science, And The Arts. lowed by a buffet supper for graduate, filed in Room 2 not later than July No course may be elected for credit and undergraduate women majoring 10. after the end of the second week. in physical education. A fee of 35 Saturday, July 9th, is therefore the cents will be charged. Reservations Graduate Students in Mathematics last date on which new elections may may be made in Room 15, Barbour are cordially invited to a tea to be beapproved. The willingness ofas Gymnasium. given by the members of the De- individual instructor to admit a stu- dent later would not affect the oper- partment of Mathematics in the gar- dtionf thi r ulde.t-Chemistry Lecture: Dr. J. W. Cook den of the Michigan League on Mon- ation of this rule. of the Research Institute of the Roy- day, July 11, from 4 to 6 p.m. ShlfEcinC neo al Cancer Hospital of London, Eng- School of Education, Changes of land, will lecture on "Cancer-Produc- Women Students: There will be Elections: (Undergraduate). ing Compounds and their Chemical tournaments in badminton, tennis, No course may be elected fFr credit Relationships" at 4:15 on Friday, and golf open to all women students after Saturday, July 9; no course July 8, in Room 165 Chemistry Bldg. on campus. Register at the Wom- may be dropped without penalty af- en's Athletic Building by noon Mon- ter Saturday, July 23. Any changes "The Chinese Renaissance in Lan- day, July 11. of elections of students enrolled in guge and Education" is the subject this. school must be reported at the of Dr. Hu Shih's lecture this after- Deutscher Verein reception: Stu- Registrar's Office; Room 4, Univer- noon in the Main Auditorium of the dents of German and faculty mem- sity Hall. Rackham Building at 4:30 p.m. bers interested are cordially invited Membership in class does not cease to attend an informal reception of the norbegin until all changes have been Excursion to Detroit Museum of Deutscher Verein at 8:15 p.m. in the thus officially registered. Arrange- Fine Arts, Friday. July 8, at 1 p.m. Michigan League Ifilding, Grand ments made with instructors are not Reservations in the Summer Session Rapids Room, Monday, July 11. Ger- official changes. office. This trip is under the au- man songs, musical sole, readings, spices of the Graduate Conference refreshments and opportumity for Applicants for the Doctorate in Ed- on Renaissance Studies. German conversation. ucation. Those who are planning to _____ make application for the Doctor of Students' Observatory in Angell There will be a meeting of the Education Degree (Ed.D) in Educa- Hall will be open to visitors from 8 Southern Club on Monday, July 11, tion will leave their names in Profes- m to 10 p.m. in front of the Horace Rack- sor Woody's office, 4002 U.H.S. this ll be operating for guests. ham Graduate School Building. Or. week. ganization of the club will be com- The radateOutig Cub illpleted and activities for the summer Teacher's Certificate Candidates dhe Graduate Outing olub willn t stes r who expect to be recommended by meet at Lane Hall on Sunday, July urged to be presenth the Faculty of the School of Educa- 10, at 2 p.m. to go to Silver Lake tion at the close of the Summer Ses- for a swim and a picnic. Come and Michigan Dames. On Tuesday, July sion are requested to call immediately get acquainted. 12, from 3:30 to 5:30 the Michigan at the office of the Recorder of the 'Dames, an organization of student School of Education, 1437 U.E.S., to Excursion No. 4. The Cranbrook wives and wives of internes, will hold fill out application blanks for the Schools. Inspection of the five a tea at the League. A cordial invi- Certificate. (This notice does not schools of the Cranbrook Founda- tation is extended to all student wives include School of Music students). tion, Bloomfield Hills, Christ Church, of the University to be present. Please and the Carillon. Round trip by remember the time as no individual Public Health Nursing Certificate: special bus. Reservations may be invitations willbe given. Students expecting to receive the Cer- made in the office of the Summer tificate in Public Health Nursing at Session. Group leaves Ann Arbor, Mail is being held for the following the close of the Summer Session must Saturday morning, 8:30 a.m., re- people in the Summer Session Office: make application at the office of the turns at 4 p.m. Mr. Albert Berkelhammer School of Education, 1437 U.E.S. J. E. Cadwell -*The Christian Student Prayer Miss Agnes Clancy Registration: Students are remind- Group will hold its regular meeting Margaret Cleland ed that Friday is the last day to ob- at 5 p.m. Sunday, July 10, in the Mrs. William Jackson tain blanks for enrolling with the Bu- Michigan League. The room is to be Mr. A. C. Jacobs reau. This applies to both Teaching announced on the bulletin board. Mr. Robert M. Loomis and .General Placement Divisions. Of- Christian students are cordially in- Mr. Henry McConnell fice hours 9-12 and 2-4; 201 Mason vited-to attend. Mr. Eugene Meaux Hall. -- Mr. Emmanuel Menatsoganian University Bureau of Appoint- Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the de- s Ria Meers ments and Occupational 'Infor- partment of History, will be the Miss Elizabeth Pieters mation. speaker at the morningservice at the Mr. Dave Smythe ____FirtCCongregational Church, Sunday Mr. Warren Van Wyck. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. To- at 10:45. The subject of Professor Mrs. Lillian K. Walker. night at 8:30, "Brother Rat." Michi- Slosson's address will be "The Sin of .Summer Session students are ad- gan Repertory Players. Box Office, Cynicism." vised to file a change of address card phone 6300. Tenth Anniversary Sea- -_with the Post Office, in order to re- son. Student Loans. There will be a ceive their mail without delay. meeting of the Loan Committee in Lutheran Students enrolled in the Women Students majoring in Room 2, University Hall Monday, (Continued on Page 4) ON SALE TODAY 7:45 until 2:00 FACULTY-STUDENT EDIRECTORY C Buy them at Angell Hall Lobby, Engineering Arch, Center of Diagonal, Follett's- Bookstore, i