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July 08, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1938-07-08

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5 .. .x.

.The Weather
Showers and local thunder- Eo
storms, not so warm in south He Nei
today; tomorrow local showers. The4
W tg **,IThe
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Ford Loses Fight Exile Parley Hu Shih Tells English Rush Roosevelt S
Hears Nations Story Of Rise Men To Quell
AgRefuse Shelter Of New China Jewish-Arab
Bargainin Order For Ref ugees Vol.ntary Choice Of Ideas RaceRioting For Liber
Of Western Civilization
r._ _Myron C. Taylor, U. S. Characterizes Progress Arabs Mass On Palestine
St. Louis Trial Examiner Delegate Is Appointed Frontier; 5 Are Killed Champions Liberals New D
Rules Workers' Rights Colorado nier As Head Of Committee Fall of Monarchy During Fierce Conflict Dem4
Were Violated At Plant Brings New Unity Expe
Party Outlook Will Hold Public Outbreak Termed

um No. 1: The
w Road Surface . . .
mpetition . . .
al Men
)eal Candidates In
ocratic Primaries
ct F.D.R.'s Support
A M - 1/ ' I l

. .

Recommends Ford
BargainWith CIO
WASHINGTON, July 7.-()-Hen-
ry Ford faced the choice tonight of
bargaining collectively with a CIO
union at St. Louis, or fighting the
recommendation of a labor board trial
examiner that he do so.
T. E. Dudley, the trial examiner,
reported to the Board that the right
guaranteed workers in interstate in-
dustries by the Wagner Act, to or-
t gaize and bargain collectively with-
out interferenc or coercion, had been
Violated at the Ford assembly plant
in St. Louis by statements attributed
to the automobile manufacture in a
published inerview.
Ford had been quoted, he said, as
saying he would never recognize the
CIO union.
Dudley reportd that the union in
question, The United Autmobile
Workers, represented 68 per cent of
the 837 production and maintenance
employes in the plant. The Ford
Motor Company had refused union
demands for bargaining negotiations,
he said.
The Labor Board official recom-
mended that the company bargain
collectively with the union, and that
it reemploy 196 workers. These work-
ers either had been discharged for
union activities, he reported, or were
refused their jobs when the plant re-
opened after a shutdown last fall.
Dudley recommended also that the
company disestablish as a bargaining
agency for its employes the St. Louis
division of the Liberty Legion of
America, Inc.
The examiner said evidence taken
at a hearing on union cnarges of un-
fair labor practices disclosed that
one of the originators of the Legion
was Judge Leo Schaefer of the Mu-
nicipal Court In Dearborn, Mich.,
whose father, a schoolmate of Ford,
had acquired a box lunch concession
at the Ford Plant at River Rouge,
(Continued on Page 3)
Scholar Owes
Book Collector
Debt Of Culture
Adams, Clements Library
Head Talks To Luncheon
Of Renaissance Students
The scholar owes a debt of culture
to the commercial book collector for
having built up great libraries to fur-
ther cultural research, Dr. Randolph
G. Adams, director of the Clements
Library, told a luncheon meeting of
the Graduate Conference on Renais-
sance Studies yesterday in the Union.
Dr. Adams pointed out that there
are three main factors in building up
any great library: the scholar, who
knows what books are needed in the
library, the men who pay the bills
for the books and the middle-man,
who is the antiquarian book seller of
In illustrating his theory of the im-
portance of the book collector, Dr.
Adams pointed to Samuel Clements,
donor of the Clements Library as an
outstanding example of the book col-
lector who was not a scholar but
furthered, through his work, the stu-
dies of the scholar.
Mr. Clements, who graduated from
the University in 1882, collected, over
a period of years, when he was en-
gaged in the steel business in Bay
City, a comprehensive and valuable
library on American history which he
presented to the University ip 1923.
It can be seen, Dr. Adams said,
scholars owe a debt of culture to the
commercial book collector since "the
collector puts together the things
which belong together, and gives the,

scholar the opportunity to investigate
them intact."
Renaissance Group

'' 1

Grows Brighter


EL PASO, Texas, July 7.-)
-The six-member Nevills Expe-
dition, long overdue at Lee's
Ferry, Ariz., on its trip down the
treacherous Colorado River, was
reported sighted today by two
Coast Guard pilots from El Paso.
The .pilots, R. W. Fendlay and
J. L. Riggs, reported they had
communicated with the party
and that apparently its members
were well and did not need aid.
They sighted the expedition's
boats 20 miles northeast of Lee's
Ferry, the pilots reported to Lt.
Perry S. Lyons, United States
Coast Guard commander here.
With the report from an unidenti-
fied amateur radio operator that the
six-member expedition in which three
University people are taking part had
passed Cataract Canyon on the
stormy Colorado River, hopes for the
safety of the party became stronger.
The expedition which set out from
Green River, Utah, June 20, expected
to reach Lee's Ferry, Ariz., July 4,
but as yet has not arrived.
At Grand Canyon, the Associated
Press reported, Emery C. Kolb, photo-
grapher who has twice made the
treacherous 300-mile canoe trip, said
the national park service had picked
up a short wave message from an un-
identified operator who said the ex-
pedition had passed Cataract Can-
yon. Kolb said he bellieved that .if
they had passed the Canyon they
would have no difficulty reaching
Lee's Ferry.
University members of the expe-
dition are Elzada Clover, botanist;
Lois Jotter, her assistant and Eugene
Atkinson, geologist.
Cranbrook School
Objective Of Trip
Buses enroute to the Schools of the
Cranbrook Foundation l16tated in the
beautiful Bloomfield Hills residential
section near Detroit will leave at 8:30
a.m. tomorrow from in front of An-
gell Hall, according, to Prof. Louis
Rouse of the mathematics depart-
The beauty spots of the "most
beautiful private school" in the Mid-
dle West will be the objectives of the
fourth University Excursion, he said,
and of particular interest will be the
Christ's Church, the Cranbrook In-
stitute of Science and the Cranbrook
Academy of Arts.
Daily Staff Misses 'Red,'
Popular Lino Operator
Michigan Daily reporters and
editors are sad to lose the services
of Elton "Red" Whitney, popular
linotyper who served them in The
Daily composing room for five
"Red" is now in Valparaiso,
Ind., where he is operating his
own job-printing establishment.
He was noted especially among
the student journalists for his
ready and willing assistance at all
times and for his skill and speed
at the linotype.

Session Saturday
EVIAN-LES-BAINS, France, July 7
--P)-The inter-governmental com-
mittee attempting to solve the acute
problem of thousands of racial and
political.refugees heard warm words
of idealism today, but few qncour-
ing practical suggestions from dele-
gates of seven nations wo addressed
The conference elected Myron C.
Taylor, chairman of the United
States delegation, to the presidency
in tribute to President Franklin D.
Roosevelt, who called it into session.
Organizing its work, it voted to
hold its third public session Saturday
morning, when further statements of
policy will be presented by national
delegations, and approved appoint-
ment of two sub-committees.
Appoint Committee
One sub-committee, headed by T.
W. White of Australia, will deal with
private refugee organizations; the
other, to be directed by Michael Hans-
son of Norway, will be a technical
group to supervise a compilation of
immigration laws and practices of
governments, represented at the con-
Except for this, the committee
made little progress toward solution
of its problem.
The apparent stumbling block still
was the necessity of getting some
country to receive refugees. The pub-~
lic addresses left little doubt most na-
tiolis were in disposed to offer Havens.
The most encouraging word was
from Braziltwhosetdelegate, Helio
Lobo, said the state of Sao Paulo
"might' be in a position to accept an
unspecified number of agricultural
Many City Dwellers
fIt was pointed out, however, that
most of the German and Austriana
refugees were city dwellers.
Even Palestine seemed to close
tighter before Jewish refugees. A
communication to the committee from
the Arab National Committee there
said a delegation was enroute here
to argue against any increase in the
Jewish population in the Holy Land.
Senator Henry Berenger of France
in his address made plain that Euro-
pean governments expected American
nations to receive refugees, saying
"new countries" should bear the bur-
Argentina was luke warm, her dele-
gate, Dr. Tomas A. Lebreton, stress-
ing that she was "jealous" of her
"own right in all matters relating
to the manner wherein and the means
whereby immigrants will be allowed
into our country."
Belgium Filled
The Belgian delegate said his coun-
try was filled to capacity with ref-
ugees. Beuclker Andreae of the Neth-
erlands said his country was not in a
position at the present time to admit
any, eicept in extraordinary cases,
and represented colonies as unsuit-
able because of climate.
White of Australia declared his
country "cannot do more" than take
the generous amount it is now taking
while the Canadian representative,
Hume Wrong, called upon Germany
to "Do something" by giving her opin-
ion on the refugee problem and relax-
ing restrictions on removal of pos-
sessions and cash assets.

Voluntary choice or an intelligent
experimentation in new political and
social philosophies were, cited as the
primary characteristics of the rise of
modern China by Dr. Hu Shih, Dean
of Peking University College of Arts,
speaking yesterday in the third of a
series of lectures in conjunction with
the Institute of Far Eastern Studies.
Three factors were stressed by Dr.
Hu as contributing to the moderni-
zation of China : Foreign aggression
into China at the turn of the century,
opening China to the western powers;
long and intimate contact with the
western civilization thus admitted:
and the revolutions of 1911 and 1926,
the former removing the monarchy,
an impediment to change, the latter
removing the military 'clique last
stronghold of the reactionary.
When the Chinese were attacked by
Japan at the turn of the century, Dr.
Hu said, it marked the beginning of
a period of intimate contact with the
western world. The key cities of
Shanghai, Honkong and Tientsin rose
to power, police regulations were es-
tablisfied, roads were built and the
westernization of China begun.'
There was no man or any class of
men powerful enough to protect the
institutions of the Chinese people
from the encroachments of western
civilization, Dr. Hu said.
The years of intimate contact with
western powers which followed have
left their irrevocable stamp on Chin-
ese culture, Dr. Hu said. But it is
important to remember, he empha-
sized, that the contributions of the
west to Chinese culture have all been
voluntarily accepted by the Chinese
people. "China no longer resists," he
said, "she only chooses." Since the
changes which the Chinese made
were all adopted voluntarily, he
pointed out, they will endure.
With the overthrow of the age-old
monarchy in 1911, Dr. Hu said, the
last obstruction to newand progres-
sive ideas was removed. This prog-
(continued on Page 3)

Bloodiest In History
JERUSALEM, July 7.-(,P)-Arab
tribes from Trans-Jordan were re-
ported massed on the Palestine fron-
tier tonight as Britain sped warships
and troops to smash the bloodiest
Jewish-Arab race outbreak in the
Holy Land's recent history.
Simultaneously, Jewish leaders
warned their people against being
"drawn into civil war."
In a pitched battle lasting four
hours British troops fought a band of
600 Arabs said to have just brossed
the border from Trans-Jordan, east
of Palestine and a part of Britain's
Palestine mandate but governed by a
local Arab administration.
No British Hurt
Five Arabs were reported killed and
eight wounded. There were no Brit-
ish casualties.
Total casualties in two days of riot-
ing and battling were 33 killed, 11
However, a number of Arabs were
said to have succeeded in entering
Palestine and to have joined their
comrades in the hills fighting for
"Arab independence."
Tribesmen Mass
The tribesmen were said to be
massing south of "Tegart's Wall,"
the $500,000 electrified fence recent-
ly completed along the Syrian bor-
der, north of Palestine, to keep
trouble-makers out of the country.
The news of Arab reinforcements
was received as Britain ordered two
battalions of troops, each normally
consisting of more than 800 men,
from Egypt at "the earliest possible
Already at Haifa were 'the British
cruisers Emerald and Enterprise,
each of more than 7,500 tons. Both
arrived as the result of an emergency

'Moo' Called A Predication
Or Non-Elliptic Utterance

'How Much' Is An Elliptie
Sentence According To
Professor SwadeshI
Proving that linguists, like ordinary1
people, can be roused to sharp con-1
troversy over questions of English
grammar, Prof. Morris Swadesh of
the University of Wisconsin evoked a
variety of opinions from his audience
yesterday noon when he addkessed!
the Linguistic Institute luncheon con-
ference n the topic 'iomplementive
and Elliptic Sentences in English."
Professor Swadesh, who has for
some time been engaged in a co-1
operative study of English grammar,
prefaced his discussion by a defini-
tion of a sentence as "a phonetic
unit marked by a longer pause at the
beginning and at the end, with cer-
tain regular tonal patterns." He did
;his in order to point to a distinc-
tion between the prei ational sen-
tence and the non-predicational sen-
"Five twos," an utterance heard at
the post-office stamp window, and
"John chews," are prosodically alike,
Dr. Swadesh pointed out, but the
first is non-predicational. "A predi-
cation," he explained, "is a non-el-
liptic syntactic utterance, commonly
having a subject and predicate."
A variety of such predicational
sentences was presented by the
speaker as having been found in
current speech. Besides the fa-
miliar formal sentence with subject
and predicate, he gave several cate-
gories illustrated by such utterances
as "Down with it!" "Hello!" "Moo,"
"Ouch!". and such explamative con-
structions as "Oh, Charley!" "What
a man!" and "Why, Willie!"
But besides such utterances, which
are complete in themselves, the stu-
dent of modern English grammar

how. Another class, he said, is con-
stituted of "continuing questions,"
such as "Who?" in response to the'
remark, "Someone is coming to see1
us tonight." "You and who else?" is1
another suchhcontinuing question. A
third class here is that of comple-
tions of interrupted sentences.
Elliptic sentences, according to Dr.
Swadesh, are utterances to which"
something may easily be supplied to
complete the meaning. An example
is the mention of a personal name, as
"Mr. Brown," in an informal intro-'
duction. Other illustrations are
"Happy to meet you," "Nice weath-
er," "How much?" and "Eligar,'
Outstanding in the subsequent gen-
eral discussion was a difference of
opinion over what Dr. Swadesh
named as predicational utterances of'
a type transitional to the elliptic,
that is, street signs and such phrases
as Through STOP Street." There
was a consensus. that "Stop" is an
imperative and hence predicational,
but whether 'Through Street" is a
sentence or simply a label like "black-
berry jam" on a jar is a question as
yet unsettled by Michigan's visiting
N. Davis Declares
War On Continent
Is Not Imminent
NEW YORK, July 7.-(OP)-Norman
H. Davis, chairman of the American
Red Cross and United States "Am-
bassador at Large," returning from
Europe today, said war was not im-
minent, although the "situation is
"The best informed people say the
issues are not yet sufficiently well
drawn," he said as he debarkedi from
EfTT G T in 'r M~ffnan, "'VIt

Fuel Of Stars
IS Atom Nuclei,
Bethe Believes
Will Give Talk At Physics
Colloquium Here Today;
Kramers Also To Speak
The fuel used to supply energy in
the stars was the subject of the in-
formal talk given by Prof. H. A.
Bethe of Cornell University before
the bi-weekly colloqium of the Physics
Symposium held last night in the
small amphitheatre of the Rackham
Prof. Bethe, who is a guest lecturer
for the Symposium from June 27 to
July' 15, has done a great deal of
research in this field and he discussed
some of his findings as well as the
general theories. He opened his talk
by showing the influence of Edding-
ton's work in England some time ago
on the way temperature and heat
were distributed in the different stars.
Fuel in the stars, he claimed, is
formed from atomic nuclei which
combine to form more complex atomic
nuclei structures in somewhat the
same manner as combustion. The
most important atomic nuclei for the
stars are of carbon. The' stars are
thus heated by coal, the carbon
nucleus being burned in such a way
that it gives off ten million times as
much energy as the combustion of
a single carbon atom.
The carbon atom burned combines
with hydrogen, the result being a
nitrogen nucleus. This is again burned
and combinesuagain with hydrogen.
The final result in the reproduction
of the carbon nucleus and the for-
mation of hydrogen nuclei, which
disappear and form helium'nuclei in-
Thus the sun will keep going as
long as there is hydrogen and will
stop when all the hydrogen is con-
verted into heium. Scientists have
computed this - time to be approxi-
mately ten billion years off, or three
times as long as the sun has already.
been shining.
Prof. Bethe will speak at the Col-
loqium this morning on the descrip-
tive theory of the compound nucleus
with applications to yields of nuclear
reactions. Prof. H. A. Kramers of
the University of Leiden, Nether-
lands, will be the other guest speaker
at the Colloqium this morning. He
will discuss reativity and spin.
Y.C.L. To Hold
Joseph Clark To Speak On
Denocratic Front'
The Young Communist League will
inaugurate its program of educational
activities for the Summer Session at
8 p.m. today in Unity Hall with a
talkC by Joseph Clark, executive secre-

Fresident 10 ioMake
Speeches At Stops
WASHINGTON, July 7.-(P)-
President Roosevelt was ready to-
night for one of the greatest cam-
paign drives of his career-a trans-
continental tour in behalf of his un-
finished New Deal program and of
liberal candidates for office in the
1938 Democratic primaries.
Laboring all day at top speed, the
President had his desk fairly clear of
official business before the time came
for his departure by special train at
10:30 p.m., Eastern Standard Time,
One major addition was made to
his itinerary-an addition which will
give him an opportunity, if he chooses
to use it, to lay a finger of disapproval
on the renomination campaign of
Senator George (Dem., Ga.).
He accepted an invitation of a del-
egation of Georgians, including Law-
rence Camp of Atlanta, who is in the
race against George, to speak at
Barnesville Aug. 11 "on any subject
you may deem of interest to Geor-
George has opposed the adminis-
tration on numerous occasions.
The Georgia speech will be made
after Mr. Roosevelt has completed his
swing across the nation and has tak-
en a leisurely cruise down the Pa-
cific Coast, through the Panama
Canal and back to Peisacola, Fla.
The occasion for the first address
of the tour will be a celebration at
Marietta, Ohio, tomorrow of the 150th
anniversary o the settling of the
Northwest Territory. The President
arrives at Marietta about 9 a.m., EST,
and leaves about 10:30 a.m. The time
of the speech has not been announced
definitely, but it will be broadcast
Later in the day, the President will
drop down to Kentucky, where he is
expected to leave voters in no uncer-
tainty about his desire for renomina-
tion of Senator Barkley, Democratic
leader. He will make a major talk
at Covington between 3:20 pi.m and
4:20 p.m., EST. This address also
will be broadcast nationally.
He will make shorter talks at Louis-
ville about 1:20 p.m., EST, and at
Bowling Green about 9:50 p.m., these
two speeches to be broadcast locally.
In speeches later in Oklahoma and
California, political analysts believe
the President will, at least, make ges-
(Continued on Page 4)
Rebels Checked
By Militiamen
Strategic Area Of Valencia
Saved From Insurgents
HENDAYE France (At the Span-
ish Frontier), July 7.-P-)--Spanish
Government Militiamen today
brought to a standstill the Insurgent
drive on Valencia and announced the
first gain in three days of fighting.
Dispatches from Madrid said Gen.
Jose Miaja's warriors drove the en-
emy back into hills of the Sierra De
Mora, 20 miles southeast of Teruel
and 45 miles inland from the Mediter-
The Insurgent attacks there ap-
peared directed at Sarrion, important
communications center on the Te-
ruel-Sagunto highway, and Mora De
Rubielos, north of the road and east
of the Sierra De Mora.
Today's action brought to a climax
three days of heavy fighting for which
Generalissimo Francisco Franco's
general staff had elaborated well-laid
plans only to have them disrupted by
the militiamen's resistance.
Government lines also held in the
Campillo sector, six and one-half
miles west and slightly south of Te-
ruel, where another Insurgent force

fought to reach Ademuz.
Capture of this strategic area
would give the Insurgents control of
the hadquarters of the Guadalaviar-
Turia river which sweeps down to

Ice Cream Social Scheduled
For Needy Chinese Students

Plans for an ice cream social to be
given from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. July 22,
on the new Mall in front of the Rack-
ham School, were announced yester-
day by the central committee for
the affair, composed of a group of
Chinese students and the Ann Arbor
The proceeds from the social, which
s to be sponsored by the League, will
be given, for the most part, to needy

Wurster, '40, who will be in charge
of the girls serving the ice cream,
Elizabeth Judson, '40, decorations
chairman and' Juanita Pardon, '40,
and Jeanne Judson, '40, are the co-
chairmen in charge of properties.
A program by the Chinese students
will be given at the social, and the
Chinese women, dressed in their na-
tive costumes,- will give talks in the
dormitories a few days before the

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