1I IGAN DAILY President Gets Cheering News On Eve Of Tour McDonald Claims Housing Insurance Figures Will Total About A Billion F.D.R. To Travel WASHINGTON, July 6.-(A)-Pres- ident Roosevelt received some cheer- ing business news today on the eve of his 'departure for an ambitious trianscontinental speaking tour. The Federal Housing Administra- tor, Stewart McDonald, reported to the Chief Executive that new govern- ment-insured h o m e construction would total about $1,000,000,000 this year, or more than double last year's figure. The President, holding a round of last-minute conferences, had a final word of advice for officials adminis- tering the spending-lending program, discussed the monopoly investigation with Chairman William 0. Douglas of the Securities Commission and made ready to appoint an adminis- trator for the new wage-hour pro- gram tomorrow. Today's heavy White House sched- ule was designed to leave the Presi- dent free tomorrow to work on speeches for his trip. The first ad- dress will be at Marietta, Ohio, Fri- day morning. Mr. Roosevelt will proceed thence to Kentucky where, in three speeches, he is expected to make it clear he fa- vors the renomination of Senator Barkley, the majority-leader. Bark- 1y is opposed in the Democratic pri-.. mary by Governor A. B. Chandler. McDonald, calling at the White House today, carried a sheaf of graphs and charts to illustrate a re- cent upturn in building operations. Small home mortgages selected for appraisal totalled $96,000,000 in June, he said. This was 75 per cent higher than in June 1937. McDonard interpreted the building statistics as a favorable economic sign. He said the construction in- crease would have beneficial effects in many lines and would help reduce unemployment. Secretary Ickes, who runs the bil- lion-dollar PWA program, went over a long list of projects with the Presi- dent and said he would announce later Presidential approval of a num- ber of them. IDALYO AL I (Continued from Page 2) ing commercial subjects on Thursday, July 7 at 7 p.m. in Room 172, ground floor west, Rackham Graduate School Building. Dean Edmonson of the School of Education will say a few words of greeting and then there will be a brief discussion of plans for so- cial and other activities for the sum- xlier. Linguistil Institute Luncheon Con- fer'ence, 12:10 p.m. today, in third floor assembly room of The Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Stu- dies. Prof. Morris Swadesh of the University of Wisconsin will discuss "Complementive and elliptic sen- tences in English." All interested are invited to both the luncheon and the discussion at 1 p.m. Women Students majoring in Physical Education: There will be a swim in the intramural pool at six o'clock on Friday, July 8 to be fol- lowed by a buffet supper for graduate and undergraduate women majoring in physical education. A fee of 35 cents will be charged. Reservations may be made, in Room 15, Barbour Gymnasium. Chemistry Lecture: Dr. J. W. Cook of the Research Institute of the Roy- al Cancer Hospital of London, Eng- land, will lecture on "Cancer-Produc- ing Compounds and their Chemical Relationships" at 4:15 on Friday, July 8, in Room 165 Chemistry Bldg. Excursion No. 4. The Crianbrook Schools. Inspection of the five schools of the Cranbrook Founda- tion, Bloomfield Hills, Christ Church, and the Carillon. Round trip by special bus. Reservations may be made in the office of the Summer Session. Group leaves Ann Arbor, Saturday morning, 8:30 a.m., re- turns at 4 p.m. Women Students of School of Mu- sic: There is to be an informal "get- together" of all women registered in Summer Session at 8 p.m. Thursday night in the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room of the Michigan League. Lots of fun, no speeches, and free admis- sion. Graduate Students in Mathematics are cordially invited to' a tea to be given by the members of the De- partment of Mathematics in the gar- den of the Michigan League on Mon- day, July 11, from 4 to 6 p.m. naitla.acf - Ch 1 nt cnp Winner Take All Is Tony's Dare To Baer ORANGE, N. J., July 6.-(UP)-An enraged Tony Galento, today chal lenged Max Baer, California's play- boy-pugilist, to a winner-take-all match. Tone hit the ceiling later reading Maxie's blast from Little Rock, Ark., at the National Boxing Association's rating of Galento as second only to Heavyweight Champion Joe 'Lbuis. Baer was rahked third. "He ridicules my posing while drinking beer," snorted Tcny. "I never pose in the ring. How can any- one forget Baer's pose on one knee when he quit to Joe Louis." "If Baer thinks he is a better man and deserves a higher rating than I do, here's his chance to prove it in the ring, not by mouth exercise," said Tony. Score Are Ded In Haifa Riot Battle Is Bloodiest Since The World War JERUSALEM, July 6. -(")-More than a score of Jews and Arabs were slain in Haifa today in the Holy Land's bloodiest racial disorder since the World War. Eighteen Arabs and five Jews were killed in street fighting which was touched off by a bomb explosion in the center of Haifa, Palestine's chief port. Gun battles and race rioting quick- ly flared throughout the business sec- tion before police could restore a semblance of order. Sixty-nine Arabs and 10 Jews were wounded seriously. Eyewitnesses said many casualities were inflicted by police who fired into ranks of the milling rioters. The victims of today's outbreak brought to 72 the number of Jews and Arabs killed in racial clashes in1 the Holy Land since May 30. Twenty- seven Arabs and 22 Jews were killedi in previous disorders, between the two groups, each of which considers Palestine its national and spirituali home. gree in History: The language exam-1 ination will be given at 4 p.m., Aug. 5, in Room B, Haven Halt. ThC ex-1 aminati.'n will be written and will be cne hour in length Students are asked to bring their own dictionaries. Copies of Od examinations are on file in the Basement Study Hal of7 the Genera Library. Prof. "r n W. Slesson f the de- partment of History, will be the' speaker at the mornm;g seivice at the First Cou;regational Cte. 2h. Sunday at 10:45. 'Ine subject of Professor Slosson3 . cc ress will be "The Sin of C::icisrn." The Bureau has received notice of the following United States Civil Service Examinations: Assistant Electric-Rate Investigat- or, $2,600 a year; Federal Power Commission. Operating Engineer (Marine-Die- sel), $2,600 a year; Bureau of Ma- rine Inspection and Navigation, De- partment of Commerce. Photoengraver, $1.44 an hour, 40- hour week; Government Printing Of- fice, Washington, D.C. Under Instrument Maker, $1,260 a year; Geological Survey, Depart- ment of the Interior, Washington, D.C. Medical Officer, $3,800 a year; As- sociate Medical Officer, $3,200 a year; Food and Drug Administra- tion, Department of Agriculture. Assistant Messenger, $1,800 a year; For appointment in Washington, D.C. only. Junior Script Engraver, $11.52 per diem, $2.16 per hour overtime ($3,- 000 per annum); For appointment in Washington, D.C. only; Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Treasury Department. Safety Instructor (Petroleum), $1,- 800 a year; Assistant Safety Instruc- tor (Petroleum), $1,620 a year; Bu- reau of Mines, Department of the Interior. Marine Engineer, $3,800 a year; ~-.m*AC IG5 STARTING TODAY! COMEDY DOUBLE BILL "Let Me At The Bum" Bellows lattling Tony Galento Tito-ton Tony Galento wishes to dispel all dopbt about his feelings toward Joe Louis. Announcement by the National Boxing Association that it considexs the Orange, N. J., beer and spaghetti man the No. 1 chal- lenger for Joe's title, led to this scene in Tony's bar. French Club To Meet Today Second Meeting Talks, Games, Features Songs The Summer Session French Club will hold its second meeting of the summer at 8 p.m. today at the Frencht House, 1414 Washtenaw Ave. Mr. James O'Neill of the romancef languages department will speak on "The Theatre Libre." Songs, gamesj and refreshments will follow the program.t On July 14 the club will celebrate, in a special program, the French Na- tional Holiday commemorating thet fall of the Bastile. At that time Mr. Charles E. Koella of the romance lan- guages ¢department, director of the club, will speak on "La France dans le Monde." Officers of the club elected at the last meeting are: president, Anthony Marc Lewis, Grad.; vice-president, Eveyln Harr, Grad.; secretary, Wil- liam D. Sag, Grad.; treasurer, Mrs. Helma Forsyth, Grad.; and official pianist, Winifred Cardner, Grad. Associate Marine Engineer, $3,200 at year; Assistant Marine Engineer, $2,- 600 a year; Maritime Commissiont and Navy Department.1 For further information, please call at the office, 201 Mason Hall.r Office Hours 9-12 and 2-4.E Bureau of Appointments and t Occupational Information. Mail is being held for the following people in the Summer Session Office:i Madeline Ardner' Miss Caroline L. Beltramini Mr. Albert Berkelhammer' Mr. Chas. J. Boocksa J. E. Cadwell Miss Agnes Clancy Margaret Cleland Mr. John T. Dale Mr. Wilfred S. Frazier Mr. Judge Goss Mrs. William Jackson Mr. A. C. Jacobs Mr. Robert M. Loomis Mr. Henry McConnell Mr. Eugene Meaux Mr. Emmanuel Menatsoganian Mr. Richard Meyers Miss Elizabeth Pieters Mr. Dave Smythe Mr. Howard L. Runion Mr. Warren Van Wyck. Mrs. Lillian K. Walker Summer Session students are ad- vised to file a change of address card with the Post Office, in order to re- ceive their mail without delay. TODAY AND FRIDAY TWO FEATURES OSIGt G R t G 'u A1G M R ti AP'10S toAR Ruthven Heads Traf fic Safety Speakers' List By BETSEY ANDERSON President Ruthven will lead. the list of speakers scheduled to talk before the National Institute for Traffic Safety Training to be held here Aug. 8-20. President Ruthven, who is chairman of the administrative com- mittee of the Institute will open the 12 days of meeting with a speech on the purpose of the Institute. D. D. Fennell, president of the Na- tional Safety Council, Paul G. Hoff- man, president of the Automobive Safety Foundation and president of the Studebaker Corporation, and Dr. Miller McClintock, director of the Yale University Bureau for Street Traffic Research will also speak at the general meeting, for the open- ing of the Institute. Short courses of collegiate calibre for advanced traffic safety students will continue for the next two weeks. The mornings will be devoted to in- tensive technical training courses and the afternoon courses will deal with the broad, general traffic safety back- ground. Men from the National Safe- ty Council, the American Automobile Association in Washington, D. C., the Yale University Bureau for Street Traffic Research and the Northwest- ern University Traffic Safety Insti- tute will direct the technical courses. The Institute is sponsored by the University, the National Safety Coun- cil, the Yale University Bureau for Street Traffic Research, the North- western University Traffic Safety In- stitute, the American Automobile As- sociation and the Automotive Safety Foundation. Cooperating organizations include the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, the Ameri- can Association of State Highway Officials, the American Publip Works Association, the Highway Education Board, the Institute of Traffic Engin- Music School, Women Gather 'Get-Acquainted' Party At 8 P.M._Tonight The first Summer Session social affair for the women enrolled in the School of Music has been arranged to provide an opportunity for them; to become acquainted with one an- other in an informal atmosphere. Leah Lichtenwalter, Grad., is general chairnian of the "Get Acquainted" party which will be held at 8 p.m. tonight in the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room of the League. All women enrolled in the Music School this summer, undergraduates as well as graduates, are urged to at- tend the affair. Each guest is asked to be able to offer suggestions for the formation of a permanent organiza- tion for the women musicians. Dorothy Royt, Grad., is in charge of entertainment which will feature games of all sort. She is assisted by Marion Whiting, Grad. Chaplin Won't Talk In Comning "Talkie" HOLLYWOOD, July 6.-(P)--Char- lie Chaplin will appear in a talking pitcher-but very likely the talking will be done by the other characters. Tim Durant, a scenarist who has been working with Chaplin at Pebble Beach, Calif., for the last six months, said today the "silent" comedian's future plans include a four-reel tal- kie. "The story is written around the character he plays," said Durant, "and he believes now that it will be best for him not to 'break the silence' he has maintained in his previous sound films." eers, the International Chiefs of Police and Conservation Bureau. Association of the National MOJUD Clari-phane SILK STOCKINGS play stellar roles for . . . 'BOLES OAKIE RANT YVR L with ID A LUMNOT GRAAM A'E r These are the Hollywood, with stockings that play leading roles in the stars . . . and with thousands of LE OF smart women all over the country ! They'll be your assurance of Summer smartness ... for they're flawlessly And JOAN FOUNTAINE ALLAN LANE in ''AAnirl'c k lirnN+ t+t v ;r- 7 -!- - - A 20th Century-Fox Picture with VICTOR McLAGLEN BRIAN DONLEVY LOUISE HOVICK beautiful . . . And their exclusive Screen- lite Shades are the creation of the ace fashion designer of fashions worn by Warner Brothers' stars i IM:U tob "s IPIuw I 79c to $J. ] 5 IN 1 And I] ' I