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July 03, 1938 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1938-07-03

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Mr. Yawkey Shows Daughter Julia His Baseball Stadium

Britain's Princesses Review Girl Guides

She's a little young yet to understand her father's bragging about the American League standing of
the Boston Red Sox, but wait until two-year old Julia Yawkey gets old enough to want a pennant as much
as papa does. She is shown with the Yawkey parents in the office of her father at Fenway Park, Boston, home
of the Red Sox, the property of Mr. Yawkey.

Babs' Heir

"Hold Still!" British Princess Margaret, 7, ig isaying to Princess
Elizabeth, 12, when they and their father (right) and mother (in furred
coat) reviewed 1,000 Girl Guides. Elizabeth wears a Guide uniform; Mar-
garet is dressed as a, Brownie, whatever that is.


A new high-powered mobile public address system, of which the above
control board is the important unit, has been added to the equipment of
the U.S. army. Maj. Gen. J. O. Mauborgne, chief signal officer of the army,
is testing the system which is capable of covering an audience of at least
100,000 persons. The set is equipped with a radio receiver and phono- i
graph record turn tables.
To Hold Traffic Institute Here

Lance von Haugwitz- ieventlow,
two-year old son of Barbara Hut-
ton and her count, is going for a
walk in London, where court pro-
ceedings are at present going on
between Papa and Mama von
Haugwitz-Reventlow. Custody, of
Lance seems certain to figure in
the litigation sooner or later.
Linguistic Institute
Offers Pr-ogram
With luncheon conferences Tues-
day and Thursday and an evening
lecture Wednesday, the 1938 Linguis-
tic Institute is preparing to offer the
complete weekly program which will
be continued through the Summer
Prof. Roland G. Kent of the
University of Pennsylvania, secretary
of the Linguistic Society of America
and visiting member of the Institute
faculty, is announced as the first lec-
turer df the summer program. He
will speak at 7:30 p.m. .Wednesday,
in the amphitheatre of the Horace
H. Rackham School of Graduate
Studies, on the topic, "Word-end
and phrase-end in Latin metrics."
The luncheon conferences, which
are open to all persons interested re-
gardless of membership in the In-
stitute, will be held Tuesday and
Thursday at 12:10 p.m. in the third-
floor assembly room of the Rackham




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