Need Seen For Spiritual Renewal
Of Declaration Of Indepencence
^' y v
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Publishea every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertisingService, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
Managing Editor . . . . Irving Silverman
City Editor . . . . . Robert I. Fitzhenry
Assistant Editors . . . . . . Mel Fineberg,
Joseph Gies, Elliott Maraniss, Carl Petersen,
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Business Department
Business Manager . . . . Ernest A. Jones
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Ciiculation Manager . . . J. Cameron Hall
Assistants . . Philip Buchen, Walter Stebens
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
-Alexander G. Ruthven.
Alva Johnston
And Jimmy Roosevelt . .
THIS week's Saturday Evening Post
carries an article by Alva Johnston,
a writer who begame famous by collecting all
the old Sam Goldwyn stories in a biography,
which has been heralded as an expose of large-
scale political graft on the part of President
Roosevelt's son, Jimmy. All that the article seems
to reveal, in actual statistical or factual mater-
ial, is that Jimmy is in the insurance business,
gets contracts from very large firms, and pro-
bably draws a fairly large income.
Mr. Johnston infers that Jimmy gets big con-
tracts because he is the President's son, but pre-
sents no evidence to show that Jimmy uses his
political position to help his business. In one
'passage, which does less credit to Mr. John-
ston's journalistic ethics than to Jimmy's busi-
ness ethics, he suggests rather ponderously that
some of Jimmy's corpoirate clients benefit poli-
tically from their insurance, while some of those
who have refused him have suffered political re-
taliation. Specifically he mentions the National
Distillers Products Corporation, which gave
Jimmy a $70,000,000 policy in 1933, and short-
ly afterward benefitted from a Congressional
decision to tax liquor two dollars a gallon in-
stead of three or four dollars, as -some people
advocated. Naturally, every other distiller also
benefitted from the decision, which came as a
result of a long and intensive study of the pro-
blem by Congressional committees. Mr. John-
ston's implication that the whole business was
the result of the National Distillers' contract
with Jimmy-would be laughable were it not so
His other example is even more humorous,
however; he suggests that the recent Congress-
ional investigation of the American Telephone
and Telegraph Co., which resulted in an order
for a. 25 per cent reduction on exorbitant long
distance rates, came because A.T. & T. had turn-
ed Jimmy down on an insurance bid.
Mr. Johnston's thesis that being the son of
the President of the United States does not do
an insurance salesman any harm is hardly
startling, and does not seem likely to arouse the
reading public to a pitch of righteous indigna-
tion. However, the carefully subtle suggestion,
which Mr. Johnston is cautious and clever
enough never actually to put in black and white,
that Jimmy does political favors for the com-
panies that buy his insurance, may be useful
to New Deal opponents in the current primaries.
Anything that will reflect any sort of discredit on
Mr. Roosevelt, senior, is seized upon with glee
by the hack writers of the tory press, starved
for mud to sling at a liberal president. For that
reason it would be pleasant if Jimmy would
bring a suit for libel and increase his business
income at the expense of Mr. Johnston and the
-Joseph Gies
Housing Problem
We must remember to go to the housing exhibit
up at Bradley hall tonight. We want to find
out all of the things that are wrong with the
"The fiIdles are tuning all over America ...
a fresh and more sensitive emotion seems to be
running up and down the old Yankee backbone
that unblossoming stalk." Thus wrote Van
Wyck Brooks in 1916 of the halcyon days of the
New Freedom, before the war completely shatter-
ed the Wilsonian-propagated illusions of the
At first glance it seems impossible for a Uni-
versity student, born at the very moment that
the earlier movement was dying, to recapture the
mood of hopefulness and vitality that animated
the intelligent men and women in the pre-war
era. In the two-decade interim the country has
waged a costly and destructive war, enjoyed a
short, dizzy period of boom, and is now reeling
precariously in the wake of the greatest indus-
trial crisis in its history.
Pessimism could very easily take hold of us as
it did the generation preceding. We could, with
easy justification, indulge in the same low-grade
rationalizations of the F. Scott Fitzgeraldian
youths who condemned the earth and man as
insatiably malicious demons incapable of any-
thing but bestiality, helplessness and greed, and
then proceeded to drink themselves merrily to
hell. We, too could cry aloud with the tired re-
formers, who, disillusioned by the pragmatic
acquiesance of the New Freedom liberals to Wil-
son's "humanitarian" war, and humiliated by
the witch-hunting raids of the Department of
Justice agents, lamented, that, while they still
believed in reform they no longer believed in
But strangely enough, having lived through
the most trying period in American history,
University students today are more realistic,
more willing to face the facts, and more likely
to achieve lasting results than the Bohemia-
like, neo-progressivism of the 1900-1912 liber-
als. However much the provocation, ours is not
the neurotic revolt of the "lost generation" of
the twenties; no generation is ever lost; it loses
itself. Ours is, on the contrary, a powerful desire
to affirm once more the intrinsic majesty of
man, to refuse to shrink away in disgust and
despair from the realities, confusion and squalor
of the contemporary scene, to probe it, diagnose
it, until we find the principles that are essential
for the realization of the most humanly ethical
ideal: the full development of the capacities of
the individual.
In our own rationalization of present-day
American life, and iii our attempt to evolve a
program of social change as a result of the adap-
tation of certain universal social and economic
principles to the peculiarities of America, we
must of nesessity possess a thorough understand-
ing of the history and heritage of the country.
With that knowledge as a perennial reminder
that ours is not the only generation that has
felt the urge to set free the liberating forces re-
sident in the country, we can proceed with a
more profound awareness of the implications
of the past upon the present and upon our en-
visioned future. And in our search for a "us -
able past we are fortunate in being able to lay
claim to one of the great spiritual manifestoes
-me Declaration of Independence. One need be
no "noisy nativist" to feel a sense of gratiica-
thon in the fact that the American people have
lad as a usable guide to thinking and action
that profoundly philosophical phrasing-"life,
liberty and the .pursuit of happiness."
Pioneer Spirit In iAmerica
The American heritage is one that springs di-
rectly from the land. Had Rousseau or Paine or
the other philosophers of the eighteenth century
enlightenment that formed the spiritual basis
of the Declaration of Independence, been in the
American West when the wagons and the prai-
rie schooners were pushing their way across the
continent, they would have rejoiced in the ap-
parent realization of their contention that pio-
neer conditions produce simple democracy. In
Europe, first under the feudal yoke, and later
under the equfally oppressive domination of the
bourgeois aristocracy, society had become stag-
nant and classified.
America however was the land of the pioneers.
This was the land of opportunity for all who had,
the liberating virtues of courage and initiative.
This was the country where the land was black
and rich, the forests primeval, the expanse ap-
parently endless. Courage, initiative and in-
dividual resourcefulness had been real forces to
the pioneer of the early American West, not
mere phrases to which one paid lip-service and
promptly forgot. Exaggeration of the prevalence
of these virtues in the stories and legends that
grew out of this trek there undoubtedly has
been, but certainly, pioneer conditions much
oftener than not, led to a wholesome democracy.
It is to that stage of our national development
that the romantic agrarians would revert. It is
upon such a framework that the reformers of
our economic system have proposed to build a
more progressive capitalism. And, let us not
deceive ourselves upon this point: it is from the
frontier tradition that a.distinctive American
version of capitalistic democracy has emerged.
The effect of this tradition upon the psy-
chology of the American citizen is of far-reach-
ing and ultimate importance. Rampant, ruthless
industrialists pounced upon these individualis-
tic virtues of the early agrarian democrats and
made them the bases of their own anti-social
proceedings. The characteristic levelling process
made every baby a potential president; office
boys did manage to become directors of firms.
The fact, then, that economic classes have taken
shape in this country is of little or no impor-
tance to the American who has been brought up
in the only country which is philosophically,
politically and psychologically classless. It is
this tradition of a classless society, which has
been so thoroughly bred into the psychological
responses of the American that has been the
tangible bequest of the pioneers.
ner delivered his epochal paper before the Amef i-
can Historical Association in 1893, it was evident
that the simple democracy of the frontier days
had given way before the onslaughts of oligar-
chical monopoly. And, although the eminent his-
torian had discovered that the frontier, probab-
ly the most significant single factor in American
history, had, to all intent and purposes been per-
manently closed, there was no sociologist, or
even novelist, to delineate the effects of such
a condition upon a country which had regarded
these lands as the safety-valve of its demo-
"Smallness" had been the keynote of the early
American democracy. The Jeffersonian idel of
men "enjoying in ease and security the fruits of
their own industry" was the economic guide of
the country. The farm, the shop, the store-these
were the basic factors in the American economy,
and together with them went the political struc-
ture of democracy, the natural rights of liberty
and justice and the philosophical tradition of in-
dividualism. The method of reform in America,
then, was one that conformed almost entirely
to the middle-class economy upon which the
country was founded. It was one that resistef
strenuously any attempt at concentration and
monopolization. Because Americans felt psy-
chologically classless, economic and political re-
volt rarely took on the class aspect. Reforms,
if they were necessary, were meant to reform the
system, not change it; the primitive capitalism
of the 1820's has been the utopia of American re-
formers from Henry George to Franklin Roose-
The farmers in the eighties were suddenly
aware that their period of self-sufficient isola-
tion was at a permanent end. Railroads, banks,
tarrifs, politics, were now as important in the
life of the farmer as rain and sunshine. Agricul-
tural production soared but the farmer's lot
grey correspondingly worse. It was inevitable
that, becoming conscious of the ills that beset
them the farmers of the Middle West should
record their discontent through political organ-
ization. Yet bowed as they were in bitterness,
beaten as they might be by the harshness of
nature, the greed and unscrupulousness of the
land speculators and mortgage-holders, their
revolt never became fanatical, or violent. In-
stead they formed popular political parties and
demanded elemental financial reforms, income
tax laws, postal savings banks, restriction of
possession of land to producers and the public
ownership of the means of transportation and
communication. Thus Hamlin Garland, writ-
ing of the tribulations of the middle-border far-
mer, while in manifest sympathy with the re-
volting agrarians, could with apparent consis-
tency extoll the pioneer doctrines of individual-
ism and success.
Reformers of the industrial and political
realms were animated by the same populist con-
ception of the meaning and nature of reform:
revision here, a patch there, a bit of oil for ac-
celeration and then set the machinery going
again. The particular bug-a-boo of the laborers
and the small business men was the rapidly deve-
loping tendency towards industrial concentra-
In politics Tom Johnson, Golden Rule Jones,
Hazen Pingree, Brand Whitlock and other re-
forming municipal officers strove earnestly to
wipe out the "shameful" corruption and mis-
government of American cities. Henry George,
William Jennings Bryan, Theodore Roosevelt,
Robert La Follette, Louis Bradeis-these were
the men restive America turned to, not the D
Leonites, the I.W.W. or the pre-war socialists.
Farmers still cherished the idea of being able to
retire in comfort to a town, workmen still vision-
ed a reformed America in which they could
enjoy security, a home, and education for their
chilren; the demagogues and politicans who
promised them these things more abundantly or
immediately were the messiahs of progressive
America. Out of these popular demands for the
extension of democracy came such measures as
the direct election of senators, an income tax,
women's suffrage, the referendum, initiative and
recall-important measures all-but in the final
analysis, mere alterations of the system, minor
restrictions to the inexorable concentrations of
wealth and power.
From the beginning then, the American scene
has been a challenge to which men have reacted
either by flight, acceptance or revolt. And it is
pertinent to note that even in the periods of
(Continued on Page 3)
To the Editor :
The University appears to be making definite
progress toward the attainment of a position of
distinction as a center of intellectuality. The
various institutes, the daily lectures, the em-
phasis upon scholarship all are indicative of an
awakened interest in study. Yet one does wonder
after a 4:30 lecture at the Oriental Palace
whether the campus might not benefit to a great-
er degree from a more balanced program of lec-
tures. Instead of the truly valuable academic
discussions of the Renaissance and the Far
East, it might be well to include talks and dis-
cussions revolving about the nature of the broad
social scene. Problems of vital significance war-
rant such discussion, and it is rather obvious
that the student body would appreciate such
directive analysis. A. B.
To The Editor:
A sweet stench in the nostrils of public opin-
ion was raised not so long ago by the Daily
concerning the deplorable conditions of clean-
It is appropros that a word be said on the
other side of the question-namely, the disgust-
ing manners and conduct of the hungry student
'Brothe ,Rat'
(Editor's Note: We welcome hack Mr.
Doll to the columns of The Daily. Mr.
Doll was theatre editor of The Daily
during the regular sessions of 1936-37
and was costume designer of Play Pro-
duction. He is at present art director
of the Detroit Federal Theatre. Mr.
Doll will submit semi-weekly columns
to The Daily, both on the current Mich-
igan Repertory Players' series and on
theatre news in general).
CEORGE ABBOTT's production of
this farce about a military school
is one from his recent series of suc-
cesses. Others with the Abbot label
were Boy Meets Girl, Three Men On
A Horse, Room Service and What a
Life. They are the sort that London
reviewers invariably describe as typi-
cally American. And if they have a
certain similarity of style it may be
because in directing them Mr. Ab-
bot adjusted them to his now fa-
miliar pattern. It is said that
Brother 1Rat was rewritten some-
thing like 37 times before he would
accept it for production.
Of this list Brother Rat is prob-
ably the most interesting to a univer-
sity audience although it probably
seems more typical to people who
have never been on a college cam-
pus. It is also the one most suited
from an acting point of view, to the
abilities of an organization like the
Michigan Repertory Players because
for once the younger members can
play parts that approximate their
own ages.
The same season that it was pro-
duced on Broadway there were two
other plays about life in military
schools. The reviewers agreed that
Abbot's farcial verson was more sen-
sible that the other dreary studies
of boys who were made to do parade
duty when they wanted to study the
No doubt Brother Rat will dupli-
cate the box-office success it has had
wherever it has been played. But you
won't be able to tell what it's po-
tential appeal here might be because
four performances have been too few
of any play produced last summer by
the Players or so far this season.
Something will have to be done to
either enlarge the seating capacity
or to make it possible to give more
performancesiof each play. How this
can be done without cutting down
the number of rehearsals or the num-
ber of plays is perhaps an insoluble
problem. So it seems that the Rep-
ertory Players' greatest stumbling
block is success.
Dr. Hu Shih, Professor of Philos-
ophy and Dean of the College -of
Arts of the National University of
Peking, China, will be the first-of
a group of scholars brought to the
Ann Arbor campus for a series of
lectures by the Institute of Far
Eastern Studies this summer. He
will arrive at Ann Arbor on the
fourth of July for about a week's
stay, to deliver four lectures.
Bqrn in the province ofAnhwei in
1891, Dr. Hu was brought up in a
scholarly family and received a clas-
sical education, before he was sent to
complete his studies in this country.
He received his A.B. from Cornell
and his Ph.D. from Columbia, where
he made a comparative study of
western and Chinese philosophies.
His first important work, The Devel-
opment of Logical Method in Ancient
China, was composed as a doctoral
dissertation. While engaged in the
study of philosophy, he conceived
the idea of liberating Chinese poetry
from the fetters of rhyme, meter, and
poetic diction. Some of the poems
which later appeared in his Chan-
Shih-Chih were composed as experi-
ments in this period.
Upon his return to China, he kept
up his interest in both fields-study-
ing and teaching philosophy and
writing free verse in colloquial Chi-
nese. His philosophical studies re-
sulted in the composition of a monu-
mental work, The History of Chinese
Philosophy, a standard reference
book on the subject. But far greater
was the influence upon contempor-
ary Chinese thought exerted by his
poetical works and his championship
of free verse as a legitimate verse
form and the language of the com-
mon people as the language of liter-
ature. The reform movement awak-
ened by his "literary revolution"
spread into other fields and resulted
in a major cultural movement,
known as the Chinese Renaissance.
His publications of this period in-
clude a collection of poems entitled
Chan - Shih - Chih, a collection of
prose essays, and a History' of Ver-
nacular Literature.
In 1931, Dr. Hu was chairman of
the annual conference of the Insti-
tute of Pacific Relations held in
Shanghai. Next year he was elected
a corresponding member of the Prus-
sian Academy of Learning. An hon-
orary LL.D. was conferred upon him
by the University of Hongkong in
1935; in 1936, Harvard conferred a
similar honor upon him on the ocas-
ion of the Tercentenary celebration.
Besides the Development of the Logi-
cal Method in Ancient China, 1922,
several other works of his have ap-
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
SUNDAY, JULY 3, 1938 I
Students, College Of Literaturet
Science, And The Arts.
No course may be elected for creditt
after the end of the second week.,
Saturday, July 9th, is therefore the1
last date on which new elections may
be approved. The willingness of anf
individual instructor to admit a stu-
dent later would not affect the oper-
ation of this rule.
Graduate Outing Club: There will
be a meeting of the Graduate Outing
Club at Lane Hall, Sunday, July 3
at 2:30. At this time an organization
will be set up for the summer. All
persons interested pleaser come out.
Summer Session Chorus: Report at
7:15 p.m. Sunday, July 3, to Rack-
ham Building, left side section near
stage, for Vesper services.{
Excursion No. 3 will be to Green-
field Village instead of to the Ford
Plant, as originally scheduled for
Wednesday. July 6. The trip to the
Ford Plant has been postponed to
Wednesday, July 13.
The Intramural Sports Building
will be closed all day Monday, July
4, 1938.
Because of the Fourth of July holi-
day the extension classes in golf and
swimming will not meet on Monday.
The class in swimming will be held
on Tuesday evening, from 7 to' 8; and
the class in golf will meet on Wednes-
day at 5 p.m.
Lectures in Protein Chemistry: Dr.
Max Bergmann, Member of the
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Re-
search, will lecture at 2:00 p.m., July
5-8 inclusive, in Room 303 Chemistry
Building. The subjects of the four
lectures are as follows:
July 5-Synthesis and Degrada-
tion of Peptides. Chemical Analysis
of Proteins (Method).
July 6-Chemical Analysis of Pro-
teins (Results).
July 7-Fnzymatic Proteolysis. The
Specificity of Proteinases.
July 8-Synthetic Action of Pro-
teolytic Enzymes. The Activation of
Intracellular Proteinases.
Faculty Concerts. Professor Joseph
Brinkman, pianist, will be the soloist
on the occasion of the first faculty
concert in the summer series, Tues-
day evening, July 5, 8:30 o'clock, in
Hill Auditorium. Summer Session
students, as well as the general pub-
lie, are cordially invited to attend.
Mr. George G. Wilson, professor of
International Law, of Harvard Uni-
versity, will speak on uesday at 8
o'clock p.m., July 5th, in the small
lecture room, third floor of the Rack-
ham Building. His subject will be
War Declared and the Use of Force.
This lecture is open to the public.
Registration: A 'registration meet-
ing for all students who wish to en-
roll with the Bureau for positions,
will be held by Dr. Purdom in Natural
Science Auditorium at 4:15 on Tues-
day, July 5th. The Bureau has both
Teaching and General Placement
Divisions, and this meeting includes
people who wish to enroll in either
department. This applies to new re-
gistrants only and not to those who
have been previously enrolled.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational In-
Phi Delta Kappa: The regular
Tuesday luncheon of Phi Delta Kap-
pa will be held in the Michigan
Union July 5 at 12:15. Dr. Clifford
Woody, Director of the Bureau of
Educational Reference and Research,
will be the speaker.
Faculty and Student sf the Insti-
tute of Far Eastern Studies: The
faculty and students of the Institute
of Far Eastern Studies are invited
to meet the foreign students of the
University, and the delegates to the
Zen's Symposium on Chinese Culture,
1931, he contributed an article on
"Literature." In 1934, Chicago Uni-
versity Press published a series of
lectures on The Chinese Renais-
sance, delivered by Dr. Hu before the
students of Chicago University.
Dr. Hu is scheduled to give four
lectures in the main auditorium of
the Horace Rackham School of
Graduate Studies this week. On July
5 to 4:30 p.m., he will lecture on
"Political Ideas in Ancient Chinese
Thought." On .July 6 his subject will
be "Political and Social Development
in Modern China;" and on July 8
he will discuss "The Chinese Renais-
sance in Literature and Education."
Rotary Conference on International
Service at an informal reception in
the -Michigan League, Wednesday
evening, from 8to10. At 8 o'clock the
Chinese students will present an in-
teresting and unuual program of
music and pantomine in the Ball
Room of the League to be followed
by a social hour at 9 o'clock in the
Grand Rapids Room.
Opening Wednesday: Brother Rat,
presented by the luigigan Repertory
Players at Mendels ohn theatre.
Tickets now available at box office,
open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. every
day. Phone 6300 for reservations.
Rotarians in Summer Sessiot: AU
Rotarians enrolled in the Summer
Session are invited to meet the mem-
bers of the Ann Arbor Rotary Club
at a Get-Tcgether and Smoker at the
Michigan Union Tuesday evening at
7 o'clock. They wle also urged to jiom
the Ann Arbor Clu' in welcoming the
delegates to the Co"rence on In-
ternational Service at t'e noonday
luncheon in the Ball Roc of the
Michigan Union, Wednesday at 12:15
Michigan Union, Wednesday at 12:15.
Their wives are also invited to coic
and meet the wives of the Ann Arbor
Rotarians. The address will be given
by Prof. John B. Appleton of Pomona
University, Claremont, California, on
"Nationalism versus International-
ism." In the evening, with their
wives, they are cordially invited to
attend the reception tendered the
foreign students of the University,
the delegates to the Conference and
the students and faculty of the In-
stitute of Far Eastern Studies at the
Michigan League. At 8 o'clock, the
Chinese students will present a pro-
gram of music and pantomine in
the Ball Room of the League, to be
followed at 9:15 by an informal re-
ception in the Grand Rapids Room.
All Rotarians are urged to leave their
names and addresses in Room 9, UnI-
versity Hall.
Summer Session French Club: The
next meeting of the Club will take
place Thursday, July 7, at 8:00 p.mi.
at "Le Foyer Francais", 1414 Wash-
Mr. James O'Neill of the Romance
Language Department will speak.
The subject of his talk will be "Le
theatre libre". Songs, games, refresh-
Membership in the Club is still
open. Those interested please see
Mr. Charles E. Koella, Room 200,
Romance Language Building.
Physical Education Luncheon: The
second weekly luncheon of all persons
interested in physical education,
health education and athletics will
be held in the' Michigan Union,
Thursday, July 7 at 12:15 p.m. Dr.
Warren E. Forsythe, Director of the
University Health Service, will pre-
sent the topic, "The 'Bunk' in Hy-
giene." All interested are cordially
invited to attend. Kindly make res-
ervations early by calling 21939 be-
tween 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Unitarian Church, E. Huron and
State Streets. Sunday at 11 o'clock,
E. H. Wilson of Chicago will speak
on "A Declaration of Religious In-
At 7:30 p.m. "When does Patrio-
tism become Nationalism?"'
Episcopal: Summer Student Group
-Sunday night, the Episcopal Sum-
mer Student Group will meet at St.
Andrew's Church, Division and Cath-
erine, at 5:30 p.m. where there will
be cars to transport them to Camp
Birkett, on Big Silver Lake for a
picnic supper. Supper will be served
at a cost of 25c. There is a baseball
diamond and excellent swimming
facilities at the Camp. All students
.are cordially invited.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church--
The services of worship Sunday are:
8:00 a.m. oly Communion; 11:00
a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon
by the Reverend Henry Lewis.
First Baptist Church: Sunday,
10:45 a.m. Morning worship. Ser-
mon by Rev. R. Edward Sayles, pas-
tor, on "Some Things that Cannot
be shaken." At 6:30 'p.m. University
students will meet at the Guild
House, 503 E. Huron St., and Rev.
Roy E. Miller of the Saline Federated
Church will speak on "An Outsider
Looks in Upon the Northern Baptist
Convention at Milwaukee." This
meeting will close at 7:15, giving
ample time for the group to attend
the Vesper service of the University
to be held in the Rackham School
10:45 a.m., "The Beyond Within"
is the subject of Dr. W. P. Lemon's
sermon at the Morning Worship Ser-
(Continued on Page 3)
Classified Directory
ROOMS-1003 E. Huron, $2.50 week.
Near campus and hospital. Show-
ers. Water in every room. Boys
and married couples preferred.
Phone 3201. 12X
T.ATmnR.Y * 2-104.dSo a n -iA
done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St.
Dial 5244. 2x
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist,
Reasonable rates. 706 Oakland,
Phone 6327. 17x.