THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1938 ..,.. MICHIGAN DAILY I r>-~ -r- FI Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student..Publications. Publishec every dorning mxcept Monday during the >! University 'Year and Summer Session Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or-)ot otherwise coredited in tihs newspaper.- All rights tofrepublication of all other matters herein also Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, t*i.00;' by mail, 44.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY NationalAdvertising Service, Inc. Colege Publishers Reresuntav, 420 MADisoN AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CICAMO - BOSTON LOs ANGELES - SAN FANCISCGO Board of Editors Managing Editor . . . Irving Silverman City Editor . . . . Robert I. Fitzhenry Assistant Editors . . . Mel Fineberg, Joseph Gies, Elliott Maraniss, Carl Petersen, Suzanne Potter, Harry Sonneborn, Business Department Business Manager . . . . Ernest A. Jones Credit Manager . Norman Steinberg Circulation Manager . . . J. Cameron Hall Assistants . . Philip Buchen, Walter Stebens NIGHT EDITOR--ROBERT I. FITZHENRY The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educational institu- tions in the best meaning of the term. -Alexander G. Ruthven. Mass Education And The Faculty Reception.-.-. M ODERN mass education has brought to the American university a la- mentable deficiency-that of absence of close contact and the inter-discussion outside of the classroopm between the faculty and the students. In large lecture courses the professors seldom know more than a dozen of their itudents. The professors can ,hardly convey, within the time limits, their full knowledge of and experience with their subjects to a large, impersonal, dis- associated panorama of "intellects." It remains then, for the students to seek further, to meet the professors on more personal and understand- ing 'grounds so that they may know the subject better through knowing the prdfessors better; it remains for the educators to reciprocate by of- fering these students the opportunity of knowing them and their courses better. Because of this difficulty of adequate extra- curricular student-faculty relations during the ordinary routine of the University, the faculty reception at the Rackham School tonight as- sumes special importance. This reception should be used by students and faculty alike to break down these barriers of formalized education and peer into the personal and human side of edu- cation-that which is more informative, intel- lectually more fundamental, honest and sincere. -Irving Silveran. The 'Realistic' British Policy..* T H surprising thing about the Brit- ish protest on the bombing of Brit- ish ships by Spanish Insurgent and Italian planes is that Prime Minister ChambeIlain's patience wore so well. The repeated attacks on British ships have been one of the strangest epi- sodes of the Spanish war. Other nations, it is true, have had their vessels attacked-on June 19 the American steamer Wisconsin was struck by a bomb which tore a hole in her deck-but the historic boast of the safety of English citizens and English property in every part of the world, the traditional British mastery of the seas, and the fact that most of the ships affected have been British have made the British aspect of the matter especially interesting and puzzling. The following partial list of British ships attacked in recent months provides some measure of the strange passivity of the British government: January 16: The Seabank bombed but not hit, in the port of Burriana. January 20: The Thorpeness bombed in the harbor of Tarragona. Seven of the crew killed and eight wounded. January 27: The Dover Abbey bombed and the captain killed. February 4: The Alcira attacked and sunk, the crew saved by Loyalist ships. March 15: The Stanwell bombarded in the port of Tarragona. Three of the crew killed and 17 wounded. April 17: The Hellfern damaged in the bombing of Cartagena. Anril 25 The Celtic Rtar, the Stanlake. the The Euphorbia bombed in Barcelona, the cap- tain and first officer wounded. ,May 20: The Arnold attacked off Culera, unhit. May 22: The Penthames set on fire in the port of Valencia. Three of the crew wounded. May 25: The Thorpehall sunk two miles off Valencia. May 28: The Greatend bombed for the third time in the port of Valencia and sunk. May 31: The Penthames sunk in the port of Valencia. June 4: The tanker Maryad set afire in the harbor of Alcante. Four members of the crew killed and three wounded. June 6: The freighter St. Winifred set fire in the same harbor. Three of the crew killed and the observer for the Non-intervention Commit- tee, ironically enough, knocked unconscious. June 7: The freighter Thorpehaven wrecked in the harbor of Alicante and the bulk carrier English Tanker set fire. The cargo boat Thurston damaged. June 8: The dredger Gandia sunk in the port of Gandia. June 9: The Isadora bombed off Castellon de la Plana. June 10: The Thorpehaven bombed and ma- chine-gunned for the second time and sunk, and the-St. Winifred wrecked, in the harbor of Al- cante. The Stanray machine-gunned off Gandia. June 15: The Thurston set fire, and the Sea- pharer sunk in Valencia harbor. June 18: The Marconi bombed in Valencia har- bor. June 22: The Thorpeness sunk by an aerial torpedo, the Sunion burned and sunk in Valencia harbor. Most of the attacking planes have been recog- nized as of German and Italian make, and it is a known fact, established by testimony of pris- oners, that they are flown by German and Italian air officers.' These repeated attacks on neutral shipping constitute acts of war, at least as fully as the U-boat raids on American shipping did in 1916-17. Certainly there is no incident in Brit- ish history to compare with the treatment of British shipping in the present war. Mssolini, however, cooly offers to use his influence with General Franc to have the bombings stopped, although declaring that the matter is entirely up to Franco himself. Lloyd George calls the Chamberlain policy "sheer dunderheadedness," and not without a certain amount of reason. Internati6nal law and international peace are equally indivisible, and if the one is completely abandoned the other can hardly last. -Joseph Gies. The Editor Gets, Tod... The Cost Of War To the Editor: One of the prominent and popular subjects for conversation, "bull session" conjecture, and mere personal muse is the subject of war. Within the last three years, war has climbed steadily into the fore of our minds, and we even seem to shiver in delight at 'the possibility that it may break at any momhent. While we are not so bellicose as some of our relations in the family of nations, the very fact that we do not hold more fearful contempt for war has aroused in me the desire that all America could have shared an experience with me that happened a few weeks ago. Course of events had led me to a huge hospital plant for the care of disabled World War Veter- ans, and I was waiting to visit with one of the physicians when one of the nurses asked me if I would like to look around. I said that I would and together we started down the hall. In the first room into which we peeked we suddenly became aware of a sonorous voice, sounding dra- matically as if reading from a book or manu- script. The nurse explained, "That is the talking record. We try to give them the advantages of good literature and other times we teach them Braille. All of them are blind." "Blind'!" I echoed. "Yes, from flying shrapnel and syphilis con- tracted in the oversea camps. They are all dis- abled war veterans beyond cure." We left them, eager faced, but blank-eyed, and continued down the-hall. Next, the nurse swung open a grilled door and we entered a room which resembled very closely a vast cage. I noticed the men in groups or singly, talking or just staring nowhere. A few hurt eyes surveyed us as we stood in the doorway, and one of the men hurled a curse at the nurse in a blazing barrage. I was surprised! "Shell-shocked," she said to me. "We don't usually keep them but they have been sent over for internal treatments. That one over in the corner thinks he's Napoleon, and the one on the floor sends Christmas presents to Mrs. Astor.", "He looks very intelligent," I said. "Yes," she replied, "he and I went to college together. He graduated "summa cum laude," but now-." I understood. "But, his left breast is covered with medals, surely they are some consolation." She looked at me oddly. "They don't mean any- thing to him now; and certainly they do not mean anythihg to us." There were other blind rooms and other cages, wheel chairs, cripples, etc. Further down the hall I suddenly became aware of a pungent, dis- agreeable smell. I questioned the nurse. "Gangrene," she answered. "We keep him away from all the rest. It smells so." I was wondering why the doctor had not operated. "His is a story," she answered. "He was shell- shocked in the war, and once home again in Mississippi, he acted so queer that the civil au- thorities declared he was a felon, and slapped him in the penitentiary. The weight and tight- ness of the ball and chain brought on the gan- grene; but the shell-shockel 'condition ao J/{feem lo Me Heywood,,Broun Professor William Gellermann, of Northwest- ern University, has written a doctor's thesis on the American Legion. I assume that it is a long document-and that the edu- cator furnishes data on which he bases his conclu- sions. Newspapers can af- ford to give only the high- lights, and many readers will take sides oe way or an-: other merely by reading the headlines.; Already one of the Le- gion officials has attempted to end the debate by saying that the doctor is a Red and should go back where he came from. That, of course, really isn't an answer. I haven't read Professor Gellermann's report, but I want to "horn in" on the discussion through a side door. I think there is something to be said for Legion leaders, both local and national. The offices which they hold didn't drop into their laps. At least, they went out and worked to get themselves elected. In my opinion, it would be an excellent thing if the articulate spokes- men of the Legion were more liberal in their views, but that isn't likely to happen unless the progressives get to work and elect the kind of men they want. It is my understanding that approximately four million persons are eligible to membership and that a shade under a million now belong. Very many have allowed their membership to lapse. I suppose that some of them dropped out because they didn't "like the way things are going." That seems to be almost the poorest excuse in the world. As far as a purely social club is con- cerned, it is the individual's right to take it or let it alone. * * * A Power In American Politics But I don't think that right exists for any who are eligible to societies or organizations which may potentially play an important part in the affairs of our nation. Whether you like the activities of the American Legion or deplore them, there is no denying the fact that it is a power in American politics. Those who drop out and then proceed to criticize the statements of the national commander are not doing an effi- cient job. It may be tedious and difficult work, but their plain duty is to retain membership and do their best to get the sort of commander they desire at the next convention. If the Legion needs to be reformed, that change can best be accomplished by Legionnaires. I don't mean for a minute that the Legion should be immune from criticism by outsiders. But very few persons in power are ever con- verted by the fact that some person who is not eligible to the franchise assures them that in his opinion they are black-hearted reactionaries. The ballot box is a great leveler. It is much more simple to kick a man out than to convert him. On several occasions this column has criticized the Legion, but it is my present impression that nothing I ever said was par- ticularly salutary whether I Was right or not. As the years pile on I begin to believe that I have rushed to certain fires, with the best intentions in the world, carrying a bucket of undiluted kero- sene. A Million Can't Be Wrong Four million potential Legionnaires can't all be Fascists, or America is already gone. Even a mil- lion can't invariably be wrong. But they can be lazy, indifferent and inclined to let a small group run the show. A few years ago I was in Buffalo during a State convention of the Legion, and during the most important session I passed a pleasantafter- noon in a hotel room with a couple of dozen dele- gates drinking and listening to war stories. On the floor of the convention officers were being elected. Swaggering resolutions were being passed. The convention took an attitude on a number of public problems which seemed to me all wrong. I never did find out what opinion the twenty- four absent delegates held on these matters, None of the issues was brought up. Instead the conversation ran along the lines of, "Do you re- member that night in Neufchateau when Bill got so tight at that little hotel near the station where the newspaper men lived?" It may be a terrible thing for high-pressure leaders in any organization to put over policies which are pernicious, but I think it is even worse for the rank and file to sit idly by and let them do it. The time to squawk is at the meeting and not five months later. first movement from Schubert's "Moonlight So- nata" in the most beautiful rendition that I had ever heard. The men really lived a full life, once upon a time. But now their personal afflictions and infirmaties have stolen all that. Momentarily, perhaps, they recapture a memory or experience which they acquired in earlier life, but that soon fades and they are once again "Veteran for hospitalization," number 5526, or whatever their numbers may be. Need I to add that this momentous visit has instilled in me the conclusion that of all the horrors which mankind inflicts upon itself, war is the most destructive and far-reaching; and that I will never again sanction that national disputes or differences be solved by war, no matter what the circumstances might involve. It takes too much from a man's soul and body. --Peter Carter. j 1 FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1938 VOL. XLVIII NO. 5 Summer School Reception is to be held in the Horace Rackham School for Graduate Studies on July 1st at 8:30 p.m. The following rooms have been assigned to the various depart- ments: Administrative Receiving Line, As- sembly Room, 3rd floor, Professor Hopkins. Biological Chemistry, Blue Room, 3rd floor, Professor Lewis. Chemistry, Blue Room, 3rd floor, Professor Schoepfle. Hygiene and Public Health, REad- ing Room, 2nd floor, Dr. Sundwall. International Law, West Wing of Assembly Room, 3rd floor, Professor Reeves.. Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Men's Lounge, 2nd floor, Professor Hall. Library Science, Women's Lounge, 2nd floor, Dr. Bishop. Linguistic Institute, Men's Lounge, 2nd floor, Professor Friese. Engineering Mechanics, East Coun- cil Room, 2nd floor, Professor Erick- son. Music, Women's Lounge, 2nd floor, Professor Moore. Physics, Blue Room,' 3rd floor, Professor Randall. Renaissance Studies, East Confer- ence Room, 3rd floor, Professor Rice. School of Education, Reading Room, 2nd floor, Dean Edmonson. Speech and Play Production, Womr en's Lounge, 2nd floor, Professor Sanders. Opening tonight at 8:30: ARMS AND THE MAN, by George Bernard Shaw. Michigan Repertory Players at Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. Last week to buy season tickets at $3.75, $3.25, $2.75. Box office open all day, phone 6300. All' out-of-town members of the American Federation of Teachers in attendance at the summer session are requested to send their name address, and telephone number to H. W. Matzke, 1422 Pontiac St. im- mediately. Professor Irving Scott of the De- partment of Geology will give an il- lustrated lecture on Niagara Falls and vicinity this afternoon, 4:30 p.m. in the Main Auditorium of the Rack- ham Building. The excursion to Ni- agara Falls, a two and one-half day trip, will start on Juy 15. Reserva- tions for this excursion should be made in the Summer Session Office. There will be an excursion to the Toledo Institute of Arts on Friday, E July 1, under the auspices of theI Graduate Conference on Renaissance Studies. The bus will leave from in1 front of Angell Hall at about 12:30 and will arrive back in Ann Arbor at about 6 p.m. Reservation should oe made in the Office of the Sum- mer Session, Room 1213 Angell Hall before 4:30 on Thursday. Tickets for the round trip will cost $1.50. o June 28 to July 1 inclusive, Profes- sor R. Keith Cannan of New York University will lecture on "The Physical Chemistry of the Proteins and the Amino Acids." This lecture will be at 2:00 o'clock p.m., in room 303 of the Chemistry Building. All students of the Summer Session who are interested are invited to attend. Candidates now registered in the Bureau of Appointments and Occu- pational Information should call at the office of the Bureau this week to make out location blanks and bring their records up to date. Office hours 9-12 and 2-4, 201 Mason Hall; Sat- urday 9-12. University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational In- formation. Elementary Sanskrit. A course in elementary Sanskrit has been added to the offering of the Linguistic In-' stitute and is open to students of the Summer Session. It will be held in Room 3217 A.H., TWThF at 9 o'clock. Those interested should con- sult Professor Fries or Professor Bloomfield. C. C: Fries Circulation Notice: Due to the fact DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. that several students made out their registration cards improperly, sev- eral subscriptions cannot be de- livered until those entitled to them call at The Daily offices. If you are not receiving your Michigan Daily, please present your University Trea- surer's receipt for the Summer Ses- sion at Daily offices with your full name and address. The area in which The Michigan Daily is delivered by carrier service comprises all streets between Main St., east to the city limits. In case you are living outside of this zone, either west of Main St., or outside of Ann Arbor, please call at the Daily offices and give an address within the above zone at which your copy can be delivered. In case this absolutely cannot be arranged, a mailing charge must be paid at the Daily offices be- fore your Daily will be delivered. The Michigan Daily Circulation Dept. Seminar in Bible: During the week of July 11 to 15, the University is offering an informal Seminar on the Bible open to all who wish to attend. The Seminars will be held at the Michigan Union at 12:15, Monday through Pridhv. Tickets ,for the luncheons will be 60c each, or $2.50 for the five. Those who do not wish to attend the luncheon are welcome to come only for the lecture. The lec- tures will be delivered by: Prof. Luther B. Wiegel, Dean Yale Divinity School. Prof. Leroy L. Waterman, Univer- sity of Michigan. Prof. William A. Irwin, University of Chicago. Prof. Henry A. Sanders, University of Michigan. Prof. James Moffat, Union Theolo-, gical Seminary. The Bureau has received notice of the folloming Civil Service Examina- tion's : United States (Continued on Page 3) N IClassified Directoryj FOR RENT-Single or double room for graduate women. 514 Monroe. Phone 22737 24x FOR RENT-Study and bedroom in private home, suitable for two men. 707 Church St 23x ROOM - Two large third-floor rooms, single or double, with cross- ventilation and skylights, large closets, ample parking space - graduate students or business peo- ple: The Haunted Tavern. 417 E. Huron. Phone 7781 22x ROOMS-1003 E. Huron, $2.50 week. Near campus and hospital. Show- ers. Water in every room. Boys, and married couples preferred. Phone 3201. 12x Careful work at low price. 5x SILVER LAUNDRY-We call for and deliver. Bundles ipdividually done, no markings. All work guaranteed. Phone 5594, 607 E. Hoover. 3x TYPING: Neatly and accurately done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Dial 5244. 2x VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist, Reasonable rates. 706 Oakland, Phone 6327. 17x. STUDENT LAUNDRY. Shirts 12c. Call for and deliver. Phone 4863 for other prices. 1x FOR RENT-Completely furnished apartment with private bath and shower. Also largg double room. Phone 8544. 422 E. Washington. 20x. N LAUNDRY: 2-1044. Sox darned.I - - - .'- -_ - ii Do you have typing to be done, or do you want typing to do?. Or, have you lost anything. N In any case, your best medium is The Michigan Daily Classified Column.. CASH RATES, LINE ici PER