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June 30, 1938 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1938-16-30

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The Editor



Gets Told
Questions Editorial

. . .


Edited and managed by students of the University of
M chigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications. 1
. ,ublishea every morning except Monday during the
U versity year and Summer Session d
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
ue for republicatibn of all news dispatches credited to
it' or not otherwise credited in this, newspaper. All
tights f republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class, mail matter.
Subscriptions during 'regular school year by carrier,
$400; by mail, K5.9
Member, Associated Collegiate Press; 1937.38
NationalAdvertisingService, Inc.
Cllge Publishers Rersentative.
420 MADisoN AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y.
cwi"' o.- o"TON" Los ANGei.s - sAN FACScO
Board of Editors
Managing Editor . Irving Silverman
City Editor.. ..... Robert I. Fitzhenry
Assistant Editors ....... . Mel Fineberg,
Joseph Gies, Elliott-Maraniss, Carl Petersen,
Harry Sonneborn, Dorothea Staebler.
Business Department
$usiness Manager . . . . Ernest A. Jones
Credit Manager . . . . Norman Steinberg
Assistants . Philip Buchen, Walter Stebens

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff, and represent the views of the writers
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which"
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
-Alexander G. Ruthven.
The President
And The Priniaries.-.


The question raised by the press and an-
swered by President Roosevelt in his fireside talk
concerning the Democratic primaries is a par-
ticularly pertinent one. As the press generally
saw it, and largely continues to see it, the matter
is one of a President out .to "purge" his party
of all those opposed to his personal views and
personal rule; as the President himself resolved
it, it is one of placing a 'clear issue of liberal-
versus-conservative before the voters wherever
Mr. Roosevelt, in spite of his reference to the.
court fight, the lost battle that won a war, gave
no indication that he would use that episode as a'
criterion of liberalism. Instead, he stated spe-
cifically that he would only intervene in those
primaries where a clear difference in record be-
tween two candidates made one distinctly prefer-
able to the other, and based his right to do so
on the mandate contained in the Democratic
campaign platform of 1936, which he rightly
considered a liberal program.
Anti-Roosevelt, writers have pointed out that
the definitions of "liberal" and "conservative"
are nebulous ones, and these writers are not en-
tirely wrong. However, the words are sufficiently
meaningful to be applicable with or without qual-
ification to nearly every member of the present
Congress on the strength of his voting record.
While it is true that many men who might well
be classed as conservatives voted for the wage-
hour bill, for example, it is hard to believe that
any honest liberals could have been numbered
among those who voted against it. Several other
Administration bills of this session, leaving en-
tirely out of consideration the reorganization
bill, could be used as further criteria. In general,
it can be flatly stated that those Democrats, of
whom there are several running for nomination
this summer, who have opposed all or nearly all
,of the New Deal enactments, and in particular
those of the last two years, are running under
false pretenses as memubers of the Democratic
Party, since their party affiliation links them not
only to the 1936 platform, but to Mr. Roosevelt's
personality as well. The President mentioned
this latter fact by referring in his talk to mis-
use of his name in the coming elections.
The summer primaries will be of great im-
portance in determining the course of the next
Congress. In the primaries held so far, no recog-
niizable conservative has received a Democratic
nomination. Two outright opponents of labor
and the New Deal have gone down to decisive de-
feat, in Florida and Oregon. The most important
primary of all, however, will be that to be held
in Kentucky next month when Senator Barkley,
Senate majority leader, seeks reelection against
Governor Chandler. Barkley will be running with
the frank indorsement of the President, and
Chandler will be the recognizable conservative
politician. The chips will be down, as Paul Y.
Anderson has said, and the choice will be up to
the people of Kentucky. If they, and the Demo-
crats voting in other states, want the Roosevelt
New Deal they have their opportunity to keep it.

To the Editor:
May I raise a protest against the editorial cap-
tioned "Arms Embargo on Spain" written by Mr.
Gies? In my opinion the author gives a leftist
florification of the pitifully mistaken heroism of
Michigan men who, under the ironically named
Abraham Lincoln Battalion, allied themselves
withthe Loyalist-Communist cause in Spain.
Furthermore,.the author voices fear concerning
an ultimate threat of fascism in the U. S. Hav-
ing done some research on fascism, I believe I am
qualified to speak on the subject. Although I
definitely hold no brief for fascism, it is very
possible that it is the lesser of two evils. May I
assure Mr. Gies that this country need not worry
about-fascism if it cleans up communism and
provides adequate protection of the interests of
labor. It is a truism that fascism arises as a
reaction after communism (or its initial form,
socialism) takes root. Witness Germany and
Italy. And apropos of the subject, much of the
alarm about' fascism sounded in this country is
in reality a smokescreen to distract attention
from communist activities.,
If Mr. Gies will consult pp. 270-271 of the
issue of AMERICA for June 25 he will find an
article by Arnold Lunn and also on page 281 of
the same issue a communication relative to this
point. In part it states that point seven of
Franco's program reads: "Human dignity, the
integrity of man and his liberty possess values
that are eternal and inalienable." In point eleven
he maintains that "the domination of a weaker
group by that which is more powerful" will
not be tolerated. Certainly this does not indicate
that Franco expects to pursue the ruthless tac-
tics of Hitler.
Thank you for allowing me to express my views
on this pertindnt topic.
Yours very truly,
-J. M. R.
Question Refuted
To the Editor:
The question with which the Daily editorial
was concerned in regard to Spain was not one
of fascism versus communism, but of fascism
versus democracy. We are of the opinion that if
a nation desires communism, socialism, capi-
talism or fascism it is entitled to it; but we be-
lieve that the decision in regard to the form of
social and economic system to be instituted
should be left to the democratic process. Loyalist
Spain has a Socialist premier and Socialist, Com-
munist and Republican cabinet ministers. ,The
government is democratic and parliamentary,
similar in form to those of France and Great
Britain, and was elected by universal suffrage.
The Franco regime is authoritarian and anti-
democratic, as Franco himself has said. A com-
parison between the plans of the two govern-
ments for carrying out their programs after the
war reveals a sharp contrast. On May 1, 1938,
Premier Negrin made the following declaration
of policy: "The legal and social structure of the
Republic shall be built up by the national will,
freely expressed, as soon as the war is over, in
a plebiscite to be carried out without restrictions
or limitations, with full guarantees of protection
against every possible reprisal, for those who tlake
part in it." In his celebrated interview with Roy
Howard of the Scripps-Howard newspapers, Gen-
eral Franco declared that "the new Spain will
progress on the lines of a totalitarian state,"
that "Five years experience of such government
(the Republican) which was the cause of this
providential war, have proved for Spain the false
democracy of the republican parliamentary re-
gime," and that "A plebiscite is not to be
thought of for some time" (after the war). As
for "ruthless tactics," even if the bombings of
civilian populations in Barcelona, Madrid, Va-
lencia, Guernica, Durango and other places did
not convince us, we should still have Franco's
own statement addressed to the enemy, "Do not
forget that every day that passes, every life you
sacrifice, every other crime you commit, will be
a new sin against you the day you confront our
justice." In contrast to this expression, Premier
Negrin has pledged "complete amnesty for all
those Spaniards who wish to cooperate in the
tremendous work of reconstructing Spain and
making her once more a great nation."
-J. G.

Oriental Splendor
To the Editor:
The University of Michigan must be justly
proud of its new, awe-inspiring graduate build-
ing, yet I wonder at the reaction of the ordinary
graduate student to such a display of princely
wealth. These are still years of heavy depression
and perhaps no group feels the pressure of cir-
cumstances more than the student struggling to
complete his advanced academic studies. The
Rackham building does add distinction to the
campus, but what greater, if not so ostentatious,
significance would have been realized if the
fund had been employed for additional scholar-
-E. M.
Consoling Thought
I am not one to agree with the frequent thesis

Heywood Broun
Nobody will ever get Franklin Roosevelt mad
by calling him a politician. His newspaper friends
say he takes great pride and makes off-the-rec-
ord boasts that when it
comes to that game he is
both Culbertson and Sims
combined. Indeed, it is un-
derstood that he has little
sympathy with those who
fight for good causes and
} lose through the ineptitude
of their tactics.
It seems to me that Mr.
Roosevelt has made rather
more mistakes than he confessed in the recent
icebox oration. And yet I do not see how either
his friends or his foes can deny his aptitude in
the technic of putting forward his policies. I
read that Andrew Jackson was equally adroit, but
in modern times the President's only White
House rival for the position of Expert No. 1 would
be the other Roosevelt, who happened to be a
fifth cousin.
If outsiders are to be let in, some might chal-
lenge on behalf of Jim Farley. To my mind that
is no contest. Jim knows all the ropes, but when
you get down to the threads Mr. Roosevelt can
give him cards and spades.
. * A*
It Depends On How You Say It
The word "politician" has curious connota-
tions. When a man is proceeding in a direction
which you favor one uses the words "good poli-
tician" as a piece of praise. But by curling the
lip and putting a snarl on the syllables you may
indicate utter enmity to a foe by saying "that
politician." To some extent the President has
taken the sting out of the word by accepting it
as a compliment instead of an epithet, no matter
from what quarter it comes.
If a rank amateur may be permitted to make
a suggestion, I think he should act in similar
fashion about the word "purge." For various
reasons it is not a popular word at the present
time, but when anybody says in anger or alarm
that the President is "trying to purge the Demo-
cratic party" he should reply, "Oh, yes, indeed."
He indicated his desire to separate the sheep
from the goats in his radio chat, but he did not
go quite the length of saying that he wants to
split the Democratis party. I think that is his
desire. I certainly hope it is.
By one of the curous and ironical twists of his-
tory Franklin D. Roosevelt in this respect is fol-
lowing into regions where his fifth cousin pio-
neered. T. R. split the Republican party, but it
did not stay split. Indeed, he came to the pre-
posterous position of suggesting the name of
Henry Cabot Lodge to the second National Bull
Moose Convention. ,Colonel Roosevelt failed be-
cause no logical division, between the two major
parties can be attained unless both are split
wide open at the same time. If just one is rent
asunder, it becomes a lost cause and gives power
to another group which has no unity except fidel-
ity to a label.
Already Mr. Roosevelt has made deeper in-
roads into the Republican ranks than T. R.. ever
did into the Democrats. I do not think he will lose
the LaFollettes when the test comes, and there
is every indication that the very vital aid of
Mayor La Guardia will go to the liberal side in
the new lineup.
* * *
Profiting by the experience of T. R., President
Roosevelt has no intentions of sacrificing the
great political value of the name and local ma-
chinery of the Democratic party. Colonel Roose-
velt would have had a much better chance of
success if he had organized a palace revolution
rather than making his attacks from the outside.
It would be said that Franklin D. Roosevelt has
no personal claim to ownership of the Democratic
party. But neither has Carter Glass, and ob-
viously the two men do not belong on the same
team. Nor do La Guardia and Vandenberg.
It puzzles me that sincere conservatives should

be so irate at any suggestion of a purge. If de-
mocracy is to function successfully, there should
be no confusion. We ought to have a liberal and
a conservative party. The Virginia Reel has gone
on so long that we are all mixed up. Let some-
body blow a whistle and say, "Choose your part-
As Others See It
Evil Days For The Circus
It can't be true. The Circus can't really be on
its last legs, as reported in the news from Scran-
ton, Pa. A nation of circus fans, of whom by no
means the majority are children, is unwilling to
believe that this famous institution is at an end.
By Circus, we mean, of course, the Ringling
Bros., Barnum & Bailey show.
To the dyed-in-the-wool fan, mention of the
Circus brings up a host of nostalgic recollections,
-the clowns, peanuts and lemonade, the long
queue of elephants, pretty ladies in spangled
tights, an indefatigable band, rain, sideshow
freaks and the arrival of the long trains at day-
break. But the Circus was more than that-
something rather undefinablei of another world,
almost; spectacular, mysterious.
Every winter the -Circus would hibernate in
Florida, while its agents scouted up gorillas,
dusky maidens with long necks and other sensa-
tions of all the continents. In spring it would
open with a grand flourish at Madison Square
Garden. New York. then switch to canvas and

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office'6i the Summer Session until 3:30; 11:00 am Saturday
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1938.
Summer School Reception is to be
held in the Horace Rackham School
for Graduate Studies on July 1st at
8:30 p.m. The following rooms have
been assigned to the various depart-
Administrative Receiving Line, As-
sembly Room, 3rd floor, Professor
Biological Chemistry, Blue Room,
3rd floor, Professor Lewis.
Chemistry, Blue Room, 3rd floor,
Professor Schoepfle.
Hygiene and Public Health, Road-
ing Room, 2nd floor, Dr. Sundwal.
International Law, West Wing of
Assembly Room, 3rd floor, Professor
Institute of Far Eastern Studies,
Men's Lounge, 2nd floor, Professor
Library Science, Women's Lounge,
2nd floor, Dr. Bishop.
Linguistic Institute, Men's Lounge,
2nd floor, Professor Friese.
Engineering Mechanics, East Coun-
cil Room, 2nd floor, Professor Erick-
Music, Women's Lounge, 2nd floor,
Professor Moore.
Physics, Blue. Room, 3rd floor,
Professor Randall.
Renaissance Studies, East Confer-
ened Room, 3rd floor, Professor Rice.
School of Education, Reading
Room, 2nd floor, Dean Edmonson.
Speech and Play Production, Wom-
en's Lounge, 2nd floor, Professor
Graduate Conference on Renais-
sance Studies Luncheon, Thursday,
June 30, 12:15 p.m. at the Michigan
Union. Fifty-seven cents per person.
Professor Bush will speak. Make
reservations at the English Office.
3221 Angell Hall.
Seminar in Algebraic Geometry.
Preliminary meeting, Thursday, June
30, at 3 p.m., in Room 3001 Angell
Physical Education Luncheon: All
men and women students and mem-
bers of the faculty in physical edu-
cation, athletics and recreation are
most cordially invited and urged to
attend the firstof a series of weekly
luncheons to be held in the Michigan
Union, Thursday, June 30, 1938, at
12:15 p.m. The exact room number
will be posted on the Union bulletin
board. Dean James B. Edmonson of
the School of Education will be the
speaker. The weekly luncheons will
start promptly at 12:15 p.m. and will
end at 1 p.m. Price of the luncheon,
57c. Please make your reservations
promptly by calling 21939.
Excursion Number 1. Thursday,
June 30, 2 p.m. Tour of the Campus.
The party meets in the lobby of
Angell Hall, facing on State Street,
at 2 p.m. The students will make an
inspection of the Cook Legal Re-
search Library, Law Quadrangle,
Michigan Union, General Library,
Clements Library, Aeronautical Lab-
oratory and Naval Tank. Trip ends
at 4:45 p.m. There is no charge for
this excursion.
Fellowship of Reconciliation: Stu-
dents interested in holding summer
meetings of the Fellowship of Recon-
ciliation are invited to meet at Lane
Hall, Thursday night, June 30th, at
9 p.m.
Candidates now registered in the
Bureau of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information should call at
the office of the Bureau this week to
make out location blanks and bring
their records up to date. Office hours
9-12 and 2-4, 201 Mason Hall; Sat-
urday 9-12.
University Bureau of Appoint-

ments and Occupational In-
Linguistic Institute Luncheon Con-
ference, 12:15 p.m. Thursday, in the
third-floor assembly room of The
Horace H. Rackham School of Grad-
uate Studies. Professor Leonard
Bloomfield will discuss, "Why study
the languages of primitive people?"
All interested are welcome at both
luncheon and discussion, but may
attend the discussion alone if they
Political .Science 261 will meet to-
day at 2 o'clock in Room 406, Library
for organization purposes.
Last pertoi-;.dance of High Tor by
Maxwell Anderson. Michigan Reper-
tory Players at Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre. Curtain at 8:30 sharp. Last
week to buy season tickets at $3.75,
$3.25, $2.75. Box office open all day,
phone 6300.
Professor Geo.'ge E. Carrothers
will speak at 4:05 today in the Uni-
versity High School Auditorium on
"Some Findings of the Cooperative
Study of Secondary School Stand-
"Modern Theories of the Renais-
sance" is the topic of the lecture to
be given by Professor Douglas Bush
of Harvard University in the Main
Auditorium of the Rackham Build-
ing at 4:30 this afternoon.j
Mail is being held in the Summer
Session office for the following peo-
Sister Mary Ann, O.P.
Mr. H. T. Alves
Mrs. H. T. Alves
Mr. Grady W. Bartlett
Mr. Alvin Benner
Mr. Rikowsky, Mrs. Rikowska-
Miss Ann Besemer
Mr. Robert Brewer
Miss Kay Brown
Mr. Charles Buck
Mr. F. G. De Rosa
Mr. Warren Peters Foster
Mr. Wilfred S. Frazier
Mr. Richard H. Godell, Jr.
Professor Frank Hager
Mr. Leonard P. Hartwig
Mr. Robert Highberger
Mr. O. Bertram Horne
Mr. William Lockwood, Jr.
Mr. Timothy Loughery
Miss Marjore Lovering
Mr. Fred B. McDonald
Dr. Robert L. Masuhara
Mr. Eugene Meaurx

Miss Mary Muldoon
Miss Margaret Muldoon
Dr. George K. Neumann
Dr. Forrest Noffsinger
Mr. Leo S. O'Hara
Professor L. S. Ornstein
Lt. Col. K. G. Pandalai
Miss Elizabeth Rorke
Miss Jeanne Rosselet
Dr. A. K. Saiki
Mr. George E. Schlesser
Dr. Scholten
Miss Joy Springer
Miss Virginia Terihune
Miss Aurora Tikkanen
Mr. Warren Vail1'JWyck
Mrs Ellis J. Walker
Elementary Sanskr it. A course in
elementary S;anskrit has been added
to the offering of te Linguistic Tn-
stitute and is open to !students of the
Summer Se,..gn. It will be held in
Room 3217 A.., TWThF at 9,
o'clock. Those rit. -fed should con-
sult Professor Frie,. or Professor
C. C.' Fries
Thtre will be an excursion to the
Toledo Institute of Arts on Friday,
July 1, under the auspices of the
Graduate Conference on Renaissance
Studies. Tile bus willaleave from in
front of Angell Hall at about 12:30
and will arrive back in Ann Arbor
at about 6 p.m. Reservation should
oe made in the Office of the Sum-
mer Session, Room 1213 Angell Hall
before 4:30 on Thursday. -Tickets
for the round trip will cost $1.50.
June 28 to July 1 inclusive, Profes-
sor R. Keith Cannan of New York
University will lecture on "The
Physical Chemistry of the Proteins
and the Amino Acids." This lecture
will be at 2:00 o'clock p.m., in room,
303 of the Chemistry Building. All
students of the Summer Session who
are interested are invited to attend.
Graduate Students in all depart-
ments who wish to take the German
examination required for the doc-
torate during this summer session
and those in the exact and natural
sciences who will be ready to take
both the French and the German
examinations are requested to con-
sult with Professor A. O. Lee as soon
as possible any day except Saturday
between 4 and 5 in room 120 Rack-
ham building. (Ground floor east).
C. S. Yoakum
Registration: A registration meet-
ing for all students who wish to en-
(Continued on Page 3)

ni si nr r wMnAniii w

Classified Directory

FOR RENT-Single or double room
for graduate women. 511 Monroe.
Phone 22737 24x
FOR RENT-Study and bedroom in
private home, suitable for two men.
707 Church St 23x
ROOM - Two large third-floor
rooms, single or double, with cross-
ventilation and skylights, large
closets, ample parking space -
graduate students or business peo-
ple. The Haunted Tavern. 417 E.
Huron. Phone 7781 22x
FOR RENT-1%' blacks from Union.
Front room, quiet airy. Single $2.00.
720 Whaley Ct. next to 726 St.
State St. Phone 6560 21x
ROOMS-1003 E. Huron, $2.50 week.
Near campus and hospital. Show-
ers. Water in every room. Boys
and married couples preferred.
Phone 3201. 12x
FOR RENT-Beautifully furnished
suite of rooms of living room, bed-
room and lavatory in private home.
Phone 8524. 9x

FOR RENT-Suite. First floor living
room with fireplace and bedroom;
also single room. In graduate house
for women opposite League, at 239
Twelfth St. Phone 8671. 14x
LAUNDRY: 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 5x
SILVER LAUNDRY-We call for and
deliver. Bundles individually done,
no markings. All work guaranteed.
Phone 5594, 607 E. Hoover. .3x
TYPING: Neatly and accurately
done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St.
Dial 5244. 2x
Call for and deliver. Phone 4863 for
other prices. 1x
FOR RENT-Two very attractive sin-
gle rooms. Reasonable price, run-
ning hot water, shower bath.
Breakfast if desired. Phone 7796.
FOR RENT-Completely furnished
apartment with private bath and
shower. Also large double room.
Phone 8544. 422 E. Washington.

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