THE MTCHIGAN DAILY 's Son olitical Charge $14,400 Bronze Cat Provokes Protest Lrticle In Magazine Today Answers Accusations About Business Policy (Continued from Page 1) s income had never touched $50,- 0 a year, contrary to reports that had amounted to from $250,000 to .,00,000. "If all these smear stories are so," )osevelt wrote, "they must involve any of the government agencies and my of those individuals and groups whom I've sold insurance. Thus ey, too, must be engaged in dark actices. "Doesn't it seem to you that such .proprieties are far too widespread r safety?" The President's son denied that he er had been asked "by a prospect a client to do anything except write surance contracts." "It has never been suggested to me any form, directly or indirectly," said, "that I intercede for a client a prospect in any government anch, commission, brreau or de- .rtment. And this has surprised e. I quite expected some sort of ertures. I would have turned down ch requests had they been made." He said his firm obtained a con- act under which National Distillers insured for $60,000,000 to $100,000,- 0. On this business the firm makes annual profit of 71/2 per cent of e premiums, which range from 50,000 to $350,000, he said. But that atract was obtained, Roosevelt de- red, by "writing a new form of iskeyinsurance policy and having accepted by the Underwriters' As- Lightweights Promise Fans Return Battle Bout Must Await Healing Of Ambers Cut Lip; Armstrong Assents NEW YORK, Aug. 18.-(P)-A repe- tition of the 15-round thriller Henry Armstrong and Lou Ambers unreeled in Madison Square Garden last night was promised New Yorkers today, but they're going to have to wait some time to see it. Both Al Weill, manager of the de- feated Ambers, and Eddie Mead, who pilots Armstrong, first man in ring history to wear three crowns at one time, agreed to do an encore for Mike.. Jacobs as soon as Armstrong recovers from the cutting up Ambers gave him. Three Months To Heal Dr. Alexander Schiff, who took more than 10 stitches in Armstrong's lip, told Mead it will require two and maybe three months for the lip to mend properly. Armstrong will need an additional month to get into con- dition. "Henry has one of the worst cut lips I have seen in 30 years of treating fighters' wounds," Dr. Schiff told Mead. The holder of the featherweight, welterweight and lightweight titles spent today crating up his collection for shipment to California. Arm- strong and Mead go west tomorrow. Later the Negro will take a trip to Honolulu with his wife. Mead made it plain Armstrong has no intention of surrendering the featherweight title herwon from Petey Sarron last October. Promise To Defend Title ' "We've promised Ed Bang to de- fend that title on the Christmas fund show he runs each year for the Cleveland News," he said. "Henry's opponent will be Jackie Wilson, Gin- ger Foran, Mike Belloise or Leo Ro- dak." Ambers, who came out of the hec- tic battle in much better physical trim than his conqueror, took it easy around tQwn today. He leaves to- morrow on a fishing trip and then will go to Quebec for a visit, Lou Asks Return Bout "The first thing Lou said to me when he woke up this morning was to make another Armstrong match for him," said Al Weill. "Mead is will- ing and we'll fight as soon as his boy is in shape. Ambers will be ready after a month's rest." Ambers collected $33,860.22 for his beating. Armstrong's end was $20,- 766.13. Revised figures show the gross gate was $107,280.94 and the total attendance 19.216. Strip Grime From Rome's Colosseum Loyalist-Rebel Parley Hinted OnZurich Visit Representatives Of Both Sides Simultaneously Appear In Neutral City ZURICH, Switzerland, Aug. 18-W) -Simultaneous appearance in Zurich today of the premier of Government Spain and the Spanish Insurgent representative in London inspired re- ports that the two had met as repre- sentatives of the warring Spanish factions. Swiss sources were inclined to dis- count a statement by Dr. Juan Ne- grin. Spanish Government premier, that he came to Zurich only to attend the International Congress of Physi- ologists. It was pointed out that he had left his hotel at the hour of the congress banquet, but failed to ap- pear there. Associates of the Duke of Alba, In- surgent representative in London, de- clined to disclose why he was in Zur- ich. He and Negrin had suites at different hotels, both of which were guarded. Attendants at Negrin's suite ex- plained his evening absence by say- ing he had gone to confer with con- gress delegates. The Spanish Government premier arrived in Zurich this morning, ac- companied by two other Spanish doc- tors, one of whom was Rafael Men- des, secretary of state for interior in the premier's cabinet. At the congress banquet in the eve- ning, Fabra Nebras, Spanish minister to Switzerland, made a speech in Ne- grin'stname, thanking Switzerland for "aid to the women and children of Spain." O.D.MORRIL L 314 S. State St. $14,400 bronze cat whose purchase recently by St. Louis museum provoked a flood of "letters to the editor" and attacks by various groups which cited the "desperate plight of the city's relief needs," has been called by museum oficials "the most important object of its kind in America." The dull metal tabby is believed to date back 2,00 years I . Two Deserters Tell Committee Youths Communist Prisoners Ancient glory is being stripped of its grime in Rome, where diggers are clearing out the dirt of centuries in the famous Colosseum, using, this track and cars. I Full Summer' Of Educational Activity Viewed (Continued from Page 3) he spoke on "The Dawning Renais- sance." At the service, the Summer Chorus, directed by Prof. David A. Mattern of the Music School led the assembly singing and H. W. Schaf- fer of the Grinnell Music Co. was at the console of the organ, tempor- arily installed for the occasion. Two more Vesper services were held dur- ing the summer, both on the Terrace of the Library. President Ruthven gave the prin- cipal address at a breakfast held in the Union honoring 450 students who received their master's degree dur- ing the. Summer Session. Professor Hopkins was master of ceremonies at the breakfast. To enable Summer Session students to visit points of scientific, industrial and educational interest near Ann Arbor, the University conducted, as it has for many years, a series of ten excursions. Groups made tours of the City of Detroit, Greenfield Vil- lage, the Ford River Rouge Plant, the Cranbrook Schools, Niagara Falls and vicinity, the General Motors Proving Ground near Milford and Put-In-Bay Island in Lake Erie. The excursions were under the direction of Prof. Louis J. Rouse of the mathe- niatics department, except for the trips to Niagara Falls and Put-In- Bay which were conducted by Prof. Irving D. Scott of the geology depart- ment. Add to this chronicle of events the innumerable private excursions made by students to the numberless lakes in the vicinity of Ann Arbor, and the long tale can be aptly concluded by the somewhat hackneyed but al- ways appropriate journalistic cliche, "a good time was had by all." Loyalists Report Front Victories (Continued from Page 1) vice" while the proceedings, now held in abeyance, were pending. Representative Thomas put in the record a statement that when the committee sought government offi- cials, it repeatedly was told they were "on vacation." He wanted par- ticularly, he said, to reach Catherine Kellock, an official of the WPA Fed- eral Writers' Project, whose husband, he added, was a publicity man for the Russian embassy. This led Representative Mosier to express curiosity as to whether any- one was "tipping off" the persons whom the committee wished to ques- tion. He said he had seen some investi- gators for the LaFollette Civil Liber- ties Committee in the committee room. "Are they trying to hamstring this committee?" he asked. "It looks mighty suspicious to me. We put two and two together where I come from." Sobel and Halpern both told sub- stantially the same story. They were "recruited," they said,. by men whom they knew to be communists. Com- munists paid for their passports and provided passage money, they testi- fied. 'I "It didn't take long to find out that the whole setup was communis- tic," Halpern said of the situation in Spain, adding later: "We went over there to fight for an ideal and then found ourselves under the Ogpu of Russia." He said 3,000 to 4,000 Americans had been in Spain during his time there., "I know definitely that those boys want to come back," he said. "If we had thought Franco would repatriate us we would have gone over to his side in a minute." Gov. Murphy Defends Calling Special Session MACKINAC ISLAND, Mich., Aug. 18-0P)-Opponents of a proposed new direct relief appropriation were char- acterized today by Gov. Frank Mur- phy as persons with a "let 'em starve" attitude toward the needy. He replied to charges made by Rep. Vernon J. Brown, Mason Republican leader in the House, who asserted a special session of the legislature had been called by the Governor iaecause of a "synthetic" financial emergency. Brown also charged the Governor with "playing politics with human miseries." "Those who comnplain about the condition of State government fin- ances are doing nothing but complain about what we've done for the unem- ployed and destitute," Murphy said. "We wouldn't have a financial pro- blem if we hadn't provided for the care of the stricken people of Michi- gan. Typewriters, Stationery, Student and Office Supplier Since 1908 Phone 6615 I " Read/The Daily Classifieds FOR AS LITTLE AS -i h, Summer Residents ... Keep in daily touch with your Uni- versity during the year through THE MICHIGAN DAILY Place your suscrption to the Daily now for delivery to your home next fall. $4.50 a year including mailing Call at the Student Publications Building, or mail the coupon below. Ebro e.:you can enjoy comfortable cooking this summer!I HENDAYE, France (At the Span- ish Frontier), Aug. 18.-(P)-The Spanish Government today report- ed victories on the two most impor- tant Civil War battlefronts-in the Ebro River Valley and west of Alma- den, the mercury mining center. Barcelona advices said Ebro River forces had smashed their way back into complete control of hills dom- inating Gandesa, recovering positions lost to the Insurgents since the July 26- push across the river in South Catalonia. The victory in the south, where the Insurgents have been striving to take over some of Spain's richest natural resources, was purely defensive. The Governmnent reported only that it had blocked the two-pronged drive to- ward Almaden. Insurgent dispatches indicated the southern Insurgent campaign mere- ly was being held up to permit rein- THE MICHIGAN DAILY Student Publications Bldg. ANN ARBOR, MICH. Please send THE MICHIGAN DAILY for one year to: Name: This summer, know the pleasure and convenience of doing all your cooking on a time-saving'electric range. Discover the comfort of preparing meals on a stove that does not raise the. kitchen temperature one degree, even in the warmest weather! You will understand why 60,000 of your neighbors find elec- tric cooking a boon - not only during the hot sum- mer months, but the year round. You will realize why more and more women are turning to this modern way of preparing meals ... why last year alone more than ten thousand families in and around Detroit switched to electric cooking. The price of an electric range today is about the same as that of an ordinary stove of comparable size and features. You can afford electric cooking in your kitchen NOW! *rThis is the latest average cost figure for a ~~43 This figure is a One-year's average Of actual cookin~g costs in familes of three p o a te re of 2 a cent, Prsons a# he raft o2 CtS(net) Per o prtn kwhr. The cost oPerating Your range will vary with the amount of cooking and with the use of reta don,' the waterless cookin g metho d i ev .7 - - - *.-U . I--- I