THE MICHIGAN DAILY- Y FRIDAY. AUG. 19 MICHIGAN DAILY I> W > I i _ '=. 6 udited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Publishea every morning except Monday during the University year and summer session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also lnteered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as ieond class mail matter. $ubscriptions during regular school year by carrier, _.4600; by mail. $4.50. !',ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 RRPRUNTEDO FOR NATIONAL ADVRTISING BaY NationalAdvertisingService,inc. CollegPublishers Rejrsentative 42o MAD4ON AvE. NEW YORK, 4. Y. CICAGO - osToN - LOS ANGELES - SAN 'ANCISCO Board of Editors MA14AGING EDITOR. . IRVING SILVERMAN 'City Editor . , . . . . Robert I. Fitzhenry Assistant Editors ... . . . Mel Fineberg, Joseph .Gies, Elliot Maraniss, Ben M. Marino, Carl Petersen, Suzanne Potter, Harry L. Sonneborn. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ... ERNEST A. JONES Credit Manager . . . . Norman Steinberg trcUiilation. Manager . . . J. Cameron Hall Assistants Philip Buchen, Walter Stebens NIG 'T EtITQR: IRVING SILVRMAN The editorials published in The Michigan DIly are writtei by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers .ily It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to ,thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educational institu- tions in the best meanig of the term. -Alexander G. Ruthven. And So we Part... ODAY THE SUMMER SESSION of- icially closes and The Michigan Daily ceses publication until the opening of the first semester of the regular session. "The summer has offered much both in high araem c standards and in recreational advan- tages. Wit some of the outstanding scholars ofthe. nation serving as visiting professors here this summer, and many of the faculty members f the regular session conducting courses, to- gather with the facilities of the University at the disposal of the students, and the several na- tional institutes conducted here, the University Summer Session has placed educational advan- tages before the students. The plays, excursins, special lectures, symphony andband concerts and other special features have all attempted to makethe student discover more pleasure in the university environment. The Daily, itself, has endeavored to serve the student body as ably and profitably as it could. It has tried to sum up the local, national and international affairs for morning consumption and enlightenment. If the Daily has been found interesting and enjoyable, then it has served its purpose. If it has provoked thought both in- agreement and opposition to its editorial columns, if it has invited a healthy skepticism on the part of its readers toward various events and trends, then, again, it has accomplished its purpose. The Daily has endeavored to be always truthful, honest and sincere and in doing so feels that it has conscientiously fulfilled its duty as a news- paper with a university background. -Irving Silverman Mr. Dies Goe s ToTown.. T HE DIES COMMITTEE investigating un-American activties appears head- eu in the familiar path of previous similar com- mittees. So far, it has been discovered that there are Communists in the CIO, the UAW, the Ameri- can League for Peace and Democracy, the Work- ers' Alliance, the Civil Liberties Union, the American Student Union, and several other. groups. The three principle witnesses on the tnatter of Communist influence in the country have been John P, Frey, long known as a leading reactionary in the top command of the Ane ri- can Federation of Labor and a bitter opponent of the CIO since that organization's inception; Walter S. Steele, editor of the notorious National Republic, organ of a number of professional patrioteering societies, and Edward F. Sullivan, the committee's own investigator, who has been exposed by the Midwest Daily Record, Chicago labor newspaper, as a former labor spy, listed in the LaFollette Civil Liberties Committee's findings. The testimony has verged on the ludicrous on several occasions already; for example, Sulli- van's revelations concerning the activities of several movie stars, who, it seems, have contrib- uted money to the cause of Loyalist Spain. tee, to investigate a connection between the De- partment of Labor and Harry Bridges, west coast maritime union leader, which Mr. Sullivan hinted rather darkly at during his recitation. Representative Dies is known to be a close friend of Vice-President Garner, his only dis- tinction as far as anyone can recall. Mr. Garner, it is further known, has placed himself at the head of the opposition Democrats who are lay- ing plans for control of the 1940 presidential convention and meantime using every means to smear the New Deal. One of the simplest methods is the attachment of the pro-Communits label, or, in its modified versions, the pro-CIO, pro-Bridges, pro-sit-down strike, pro-everything-the-public- has-been-inoculated-against-by-the-press label. If the Labor Department can be dragged across the front pages of, the reactionary press as "linked up" with the alien agitator, Harry Bridges, the investigation will be very useful- for the cause of reaction. Factual accuracy is of minor importance in these matters; the essential thing is "exposure" of something about the other side, something that, will catch the voter on a tender stereotype. But is is doubtful whether many people will be greatly aroused by the committee's findings, no matter what size headlines blazon the tale across the front page. Too many witch-hunts have been conducted already. In fact, even the- press, with the exception of the most reactionary section, is unable to do justice in the old- fashioned style to the Dies committee. The word "Red" no longer carries the appeal it did a few years ago. A torso slayer easily monopolize, the lead columns in competition with the plottings of Moscow. Many people are inclined to shrug an indifferent shoulder over the news that there are still Communists in America, and, perhaps more important, so many honest and useful citi- zens and statesmen of liberal convictions have beein labeled "Red" that the sting is wearing off. -Joseph Gies Te 'Purge'. The President Quotes The Post The following editorial appeared in -thle New York Post early this week and was quoted in its entirety by President Roosevelt In explaininghis *intervention, in primary elections to his press conference: "The President of the United States ought not to interfere in party primaries." That state- ment, in one form or another, is appearing these days throughout the Tory press. The idea is that the President should be aloof, from such sordid considerations as who wins the primaries in his own party. But actu- ally these primaries will determine to a large extent the makeup of the next Congress. And that, in turn, will determine whether or not the President can keep his campaign promises to the people. Campaign promises are supposed to be the responsibility of the whole party. At least that's the theory. But in practice the head of the party alone is held responsible for them. In American politics any one can attach him- self to a political party whether he believes in its program or not. We hear the phrase "read out of the party," but it doesn't mean anything. No one is read out of the Democratic or the Republican Party. There are many prominent Democrats today who are heart and soul against everything the Democratic Party has stood for since 1932. And those men are still in the party. What's worse, not one of them was candid enough to oppose the renomination of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1936, although after four years there'was no doubt whatever as to the program Franklin D. Roosevelt was pursuing. This same hidden opposition, after giving the New Deal lip-service in 1936, turned around and knifed it in Congress in 1937 and 1938. Now that election time has come around again, the hidden opposition hides the ax behind its back and prepares to give the President lip- service once more. In those circumstances there is nothing for the.President to do-as the responsible head of the New Deal-but to repudiate publicly those who have betrayed the New Deal in the past and wilt again. If men like Senator Tydings of Maryland said frankly: "I no longer believe in the plat- form of the Democratic Party as expressed in the New Deal; I'm running forr e-election as a member of the Republican opposition to 'the New Deal, then there would be no reason and no excuse for President Roosevelt to intervene against them. The issue would be clear. The voter could take his choice between the New Deal and Tydings' record of consistent opposition to it. But Tydings tells the voters he supports the "bone and sinew" of the New Deal. He wants to run with the Roosevelt prestige and the:money of his conservative Republican friends both on his side. In that case it becomes the President's right and duty to, tell the' people what he thinks of Millard Tydings. That's why we welcome the report that Roosevelt help is going to be given to Tydings' opponent, Rrepresentative David J. Lewis, and to James H. Fay, candidate for the nomination in the Sixteenth Congressional District of New York. Fay is running against Representative John J. O'Connor, one of the most effective obstruc- tionists in the lower house. Week in and week out O'Connor labors to tear down New Deal strength, pickle New Deal legislation. Why shouldn't the responsible head of the New Deal tell the people just that? -New York Post Cost Of Battleships The $5,000,000 appropriation for the Kear- sarge would scarcely commission a modern de- stroyer. Our, two new battleships, the North Carolina and the Washington, now under con- [ifeems loe H-eywood Broun NEW YORK, Aug. 16-Seemingly there is not much to be said about Martin Dies who heads the special House committee which was sup- posed to be investigating "un-American activi- ties." All that he reveals of himself in the direc- tory of the Seventy-fifth Congress is set down in a single line *which runs, "Democrat, of Orange, Tex- as, was elected to the seven- ty-second and each succeed- ing Congress." There is noth- ing here which accounts for the strange didoes to which ,Dies has commi~tted his as- sociates. Naturally I feared the worst when the first session of the investigators was turned into a field. day for photographers who were allowed to take pictures of little Robert Dies while the child looked up in admiration as his father posed for the birdie with a menacing gavel in his hand. "There will be bedtime stories," I said to myself uneasily, and my worst wears were realized when Colonel John P. Frey was wheeled in to do his familiar turn on "Reds" with slides and sound' effect. The Colonel has not changed his act for many seasons; but apparently it was novel to the gentleman from Orange who sat open-mouthed, as is his custom, while the good, gray metal- worker took rabbits from a hat. * * * Judging from the newspaper cuts little Bobby seems to be a likely lad, but I am wondering whether Martin Dies has not established a dan- gerous precedent by attempting to turn the ses- sions of his committee into a series of children's matinees. Nor do I feel that even little Bobby will be much amused after the first ten or twelve hours of the performance, for Colonel Frey really isn't in a class with Uncle Don when it comes to goodclean fun. When the Colonel began to read long passages on the religious views of Lenin, little Bobby's attention began to stray. Hhe couldn't see much point in this part of the performance by the funny man; and I must say that I am one with Bobby in this respect. But for the sake of the boy a trailer has been released promising a double feature with famous starsof Hollywoo9 This is embodied in a report from Edward F. Sullivan, "ace investigator for the Dies commit- tee," who has just talked to the Los Angeles Chief of Police, and become overnight an au- thority on "subversive activities" among the stars of the silver screen. If Mr. Sullivan is an ace it must be that the deuces are running wild, for there is nothing in his revelations which has not been a matter of newspaper record for many months. He has, for instance, discovered the existence of an or- ganization known as the North American Com- mittee to Aid Spanish Democracy. Mr. Sullivan says that many well known actors in California have contributed to it. Of course, they have. So have well known authors and writers and paint- ers and bakers and candlestick makers in New York, Chicago and 'New Canaan. Indeed, there are millions of Americans who do not share Mr. Sullivan's feeling that it is subversive for men and women of America to favor the cause of democracy against the Fascism of Franco. And again, Mr. Sullivan feels that he has hit upon something in learning that there is an anti- Nazi League in Hollywood. Mr. Sullivan can hard- ly contend that this is an under-cover group, for he complains that it conducts a "very lurid campaign" against Hitler and his American co- horts over the radio five nights a week. Since when did it become un-American to express horror and indignation at the persecutions fostered by Der Fuehrer and those who would start a similar anti-Semetic movement in Ameri- ca? According to the news story, Mr. Sullivan said Jewish organizations seemed to be con- cerned about the activities of the German-Ameri- can Bund and the Silver Shirts, but he added, "This concern is not shared ' by any other agency."V Quite obviously it is not shared by the Dies committee which allowed George Sylvester Vie- reck to sail for Germany before submitting to questions, nor has any concern been expressed by "the ace investigator." Indeed, he goes out of his way to assure Nazis in Los Angeles that they have a perfect legal right to picket Jewish meetings. But the Dies committee is only a little group of indifferent Congressmen. Americans in the mass do not intend to allow Fascist philosophy to poison American life. It would be an excellent idea to put "the ace in- vestigator" back at the bottom of the pack, and for Martin Dies to take his whitewash brush and his little son home to Orange. This is no job for tots or tangerine legislators. The Editor Gets Told.. 'Not A Fascist' To The Editor: It would indeed be ungrateful of me to leave this summer without expressing my appreciation of your splendid editorials. In an age of increas- ing regulation and threatening fascism, a free press is indeed refreshing. Keep it that way. And a suggestion. Although I heartily agree Walter M. Kotchning. University Press. $3.50. The Unemployed Intellectual Does A College Education Help In Getting A Job? Oxford By STANLEY LEBERGOTT "WPA here we come," may be the challenge which a disillusioned gen-: eration of students hurls at society today, but previous generations have been far more optimistic. Profes- sional schools have burgeoned, en- rollments shot up since the turn of the century, until even America is Bearing the insistent claim that the professions are overcrowded. With the democratization of education, the emancipation of the lower and middle classes in European countries follow- ing the war, and the continuing pres- tige of the professions, the causes for this increase are clear. But whether or not the increase has re- sulted in a real overcrowding of the professions remains to be determined. Perhaps the main service which Pro- fessor Kotchnig's work renders is to point out that the major cause for the undue size of professional enroll- ments and unemployment is not that incompetents have filled the profes- sions but rather that society does not employ competent graduates, how- ever much it needs their services. With the.s three years of prepara- tion, the distinguished committee of collaborators, and the statistical im- pedimenta which lend authority to this work, there may be a tendency to overlook the vital meaning of its conclusions.' The blanke t state- ment that the ratio of students to population has increasedttremen- dously in all countries since the war -600 per cent in Japan, 232 per cent in the United States, 144 per cent in Germany-only weakly indicates the background of crowded classrooms, overworked faculties, and restrictions on enrollment which accompanied this growth. But when it has been translated into terms of fighting! youth organizations, and collegel graduates turning more and more to competition with truck drivers, sales- men, and clerks for their positions, itl becomes clear that here is one of the fundamental anomalies of mod- ern educational and economic so- ciety. It, has almost come to be ex- pected- that college graduates will gain no better chance at a job as a result of a general college training. But the serious problem concerns the specialized graduates-teachers, doc- tors, engineers, lawyers. viously needed instruction. The medical profession, is presum- ably overcrowded, "the supply of new graduates greatly exceeds the de- mand due to the increase of prac- ticing physicians" says the Final Re- port of the Commission on Medical Education. But this overproduction, Kotschnig is quick to point out, does not mean that the number of physi- cians is larger than needed. For the Committee on the Costs of Medical Care has made it abundantly clear that the country's need for medical service is not being adequately met at present; and that more physicians rather than less are required were we to provide satisfactory medical service for all. But medical service falls into the same category as plowed under wheat, dumped milk, and burned coffee: too many people need it; too few can pay for it. There- fore the cry of "Overproduction." But is it overproduction when the fun- damental needs of the people are overlooked? "Only when the pos- sibilties offered by medical insurance or other forms of socialized medicine have been fully and dispassionately explored will it be possible to dis- cover whether the medical profes- sion in the United States is over- crowded." Lawyers No Better Off Lawyers in the United States-as elsewhere-are no better off. The County Bar Association of New York opened an employment bureau, handled 3,000 cases of unemployed lawyers during the eight months end- ing February, 1931. The Bureau finally had to close "as during the time of its .existence it had only been able to secure 40 positions." But this overcrowding was more apparent than real, for public service and pri- vate business would have benefited immeasurably had leading positions been filled by men with legal train- ing. The American scene has been em- phasized because it is most close to students of the university, and teachers who know of shortened school years, crowded classes and pay cuts. But conditions abroad are equally 'serious, perhaps more se- rious. For the unemployment of the intellectual has been a major problem to most European countries 15 and 20 years ago. But the causes for the continuing lack of opportunity, for "hard core unemployment" are roughly the same. Professionals are in a particularly vulnerable position when economies must be practicied by the lower and middle classes. Their services can be readly fore- gone-what need have people who fare worried about food and shelter of the teacher, the architect, the den- tist? Most professionals are self- LEARNED PROFESSIONS, by number of school children than pre- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN FRIDAY, AUG. 19, 1938 VOL. XLVIII. No. 46 All students who have competed in the Hopwood Contests should call for their manuscripts at the English Of- fice, 3221 Angell Hall. today, 8:30-12, 1:30-4:30. Colleges of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and Architecture; Schools of Education, Forestry and Music: Each student who has changed his address since June registration should file change of address in Room 4 U.H. so that the report of his sum- mer work will not be misdirected. Registrants of Bureau of Appoint- ments: Persons registered in the Bu- reau should leave a change of ad- dress notification at 201 Mason Hall before leaving campus. Hours: 9-12, 2-4 p.m. daily; 9-12 only on Saturday. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. Exhibition of Early Chinese Pottery, at the School of Architecture, Mon- roe Street, under the auspices of the Institute of Fine Art upon the occa- sion of the Summer In-titute of Far Eastern Studies. The exlnihition has been extended by request throughout the Summer Session. Summer Session French Club: The picture taken at the fourth annual banquet in the Michigan Union, Thursday, Aug. 11, can be obtained from the Secretary of the Romance Language Department, 11a Romance Language Building. Charles E. Koella. Exhibition of Student water colors and oils done in the summer class in outdoor sketching, Ground Floor Corridor, Architecture Building. PEACH QUEEN TO RULE ROMEO--P)---A peach queen to rule over the annual. Romeo Peach Festival here Sept. 3 to 5 will be chosen Friday night from 11 candi- dates representing six cities. employed, or employed by the gov- ernment.. If self-employed, as the typical physician or lawer is, they have a few ethical ways of increasing business, and there is no place to search for a job. If employed by the government (teachers, artists, archi- tects) it is the easiest thing in the world for them to find that economy requires their dismissal, or prevents their employment in the first place. But while the demand for the services of the professional man and woman is so easily restricted, the ob- vious implications are 'fignored. By contrast, the hope that springs eter- nal, and a certain blind faith in the value of the professional degree makes the supply of graduates rela- tively inelastic. 200,000 Unemployed The figures which are given for the teaching profession in the United States are perhaps unduly biased by the depression - 200,000 certified teachers unemployed, and 250,000 getting less than $700 yearly in 1933 -but it is clear that an even greater I. rrI Does a Summer Session student on the Campus become a Michigan Alumnus .. . THE ANSWER IS Yes! He is entitled to avail hemself of the privileges of memnbership in The Alumni Association if hie so desires. The initia.tive should; comre from: him An interested Alumnus reads THE MICHIGAN ALUMNUS r . Order Your Subscription Now. $2.00, before August 20th Regular Price $4.00 per year... 26 issues