The Weather Lower Michigan-Mostly cloudy and thundershow- ers Friday; warmer on Thursday. M OfrA 41F '3 Editorials The President And The Primaries . . Official Publication Of The Summer Session ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1938 . XLVHL. No. 4 PRICE FrVE c 3iii Barclay again Reaches )uarter Finals Reception For Summer Students, Only Wolverine Qualifier In Intercollegiate Meet Is Succesful In Matches Turnesa, Holy Gross, Paces Field Today Bill Barclay, only University of Michigan man to qualify in the 41st National Intercollegiate Golf champ- ionship at Louisville, Ky., yesterday, today stroked his way into the quar- ter finals when he made 160-yard eagle from a bunker to eliminate Wilson Flohr of Dartmouth, 3 to 2. Barclay, a semi-finalist last year, defeated Joseph Zotkiewicz of Dayton 2 to 1 in the morning. Willie Turnesa of Holy Cross and Lew Oehmig of Chattanooga paced the field into the quarter / finals stage after a series of 24 spectacular matches. Turnesaa turned back suc- cessfully in the opening two rounds of eliminations William S. Boyd of Stanford and Bobby Jacobson of Dartmouth, both by counts of 3 and 2. Also successful in advancing to the quarter-finals were Robert N. Bab- bish of the University of Detroit, Stanley Holditch of Georgia Tech, John P. Burke of Georgetown Uni- versity, Henry Castillo and Bert Mc Dowell, both of Louisiana State. Barclay Tuesday carded a 36 hole total of 152 to qualify for the champ- ionship contest. Bob Palme of Mich- igan dropped out of the contest Tues- day when he added a disastrous 82 to his first 73 to dispel his chances. 41 Kappnski, Michigan captain, carded a 158 on Tuesday while Lynn Riess, Michigan sophomore had a 158 Jim Loar a 162, Bill Black a 164, Ken Johnson a 166 and Tom Tussing a 182. Barclay today will meet McDowell in the quarter-final eliminations. High Tor' Has Fin al Showing HereTonight Repertory Players To Give Shaw Drama Friday In Lydia Mendelssohn "High Tor," Maxwell Anderson's fantasy of the Hudson Highlands, will have its final presentation by the Michigan Repertory Players at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Men-j delssohn Theatre. George Bernard Shaw's "Arms and the Man" Will close the first week's program with presentations at 8:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday. The cast of "High Tor" already given three times by the Repertory players. includes Charles Maxwell, Grad., as Van Van Dorn; Mary Pray, Grad., as Lise; William Halstead of the speech department as Arthur Biggs; William Rice '38, as Judge Skimmerhorn; Ellen Rothblatt '39, as Judith; and Edward Jurist, '39, as the Indian. In "Arms and the Man" Shaw's cynical attention is directed against war, against the survival of barbarity and militarism which from time to time makes civilization doubt itself. Against the background of a ro- mantic Balkan state just emerging from the last war, Shaw has, with his usual dexterous wit, placed a blustering soldier and a sighing lover sparring for a maiden, all dancing lightly in a musical comedy plot. Palestine Is Tense As Jew Is --anged Faculty, Rackham Gradua To Be Scene o Dance Follows 1 The Summer School re coming students ,and f bers of all schools and rolled in the Summer Se held at 8:30 p.m. tom Horace Rackham School Studies. A general rece the Assembly Room on t] will welcome all guests t tion, while various depa quarters will be set up rooms, with a faculty ceiving in each. The Administrative R for' the reception will: 'third floor Assembly R Graduate School and wi into two sections, Ethel social director of the nounced yesterday. Each of the sections guests for one hour. Fr( until 9:30 p.m. the recei be composed of Rege Junius E. Beal; Vice-P Mrs. Shirley W. Smith dent and Mrs. Clarence Director Louis A. Hop Summer Session, and 1 Dean and Mrs. Wells Dean Edward H. Kraus F. Bacher; Prof. and M Eich; and Prof. and MV Leidy. The line serving from 10:30 p.m. will includem7 Mrs. Hopkins; Dean and Bursley; Dean Samuel T. and Mrs. James B. Edm Bacher; Prof. and Mr Eich; Prof. and Mrs. Ho is; Prof. Earl V. Moor Mrs. Peter Okkelberg;f Mrs. John Sundwall. There will be dancing to 1 a.m. in the League the nusic of Charles Z' band. Student hosts a will be in attendance a 'Camrpus, Out TJ Only One Ofo The magazine withou will go on sale this mor pus," the only Summer azine in the United Sta initial issue. "Campus," issue num cludes short stories b Purdom and Carolyn R tices by Morlye Baer The publication is reple toons, according to adva tion, and boasts five f photographs. "A complete record Session activity at the1 Michigan," is the aim of staff, headed by James A special feature of e cording to the editors, Scrapings," telling of M dentsrengaged in jobs s the ordnary path of ployment. A "personal included in the list of co MICHIGAN DAILY' Summer Session stu ing journalistic and b perience may apply f The Michigan Daily ed at 5 p.m. and busines p. m. any day this. w Student PublicationsI Maynard Street. To Be Held Tomorrow te School to introduce guests. Bridge games f lAffairl; take place in the Ethel Fouutain ~f ffar;Hussey Room of the League, and Reception prizes will be awarded. There will be no charges at the reception. cetion, wel- Biological Chemistry students will 'acuity mem- be received in the Blue Room on the colleges en- third floor, as will students in the ssion, will be Chemistry and Physics departments. rrow in the Hygiene and Public Health' head- of Graduate quarters and the School of Education iving line in will be in the Reading Room on the he third floor second floor. International Law in to the recep- the West Wing of the Assembly rtment head- Room, the Institute of Far Eastern in separate Studies and the Linguistic Institute member re- in the Men's Lounge on the second floor and Library Science and Music eceiving Line in the Women's Lounge on the sec- form in the ond floor. The East Council Room oom of the on the second floor will be head- ll be divided quarters for the Engineering Mech- McCormick, anics. The Renaissance Studies group League, an- will meet in the East Conference Room on the third floor and Speech and Play Production will receive in will recvpe the Women's Lounge. ving line will it ad Mrs resident arsndNewStampede ;Veice-Presi- S. Yoakum; In Exchan e- kins of the Es. Hopkins; I. Bennett; to .k sSoari g ; Dean Byrl rs. Louis M ~ '), T1~~ irs. Pauls M. Highest Prices Rea che d On Market Since Peak Director andto Period Of November Mrs. Joseph . Dana; Dean NEW YORK, June 29 - caP) - A onson; Dean stampede of buying which exceeded s. Louis M. anything seen in last week's record- ward B. Lew- breaking advance swept through the e; Prof. and Stock Exchange today, boosting in- and Dr. and dustrial shares to the highest average price since last November. from 9 p.m. The fact that prices did not run Ballroom to into a substantial selloff in the two wick and his days of wavering on Monday and nd hostesses Tuesday attracted buying orders it the dance from all over the country and abroad, brokers said, by traders and investors who missed the rise last wek. day, , Prices of shares in the nation's Its Kind leading companies shot up $1 to $7, with a few volatile issues up as much as $10. t a prototype Volume is Doubled ning. "Cam- Trading in the Stock Exchange Session mag- swelled to 2,658,690 shares, the larg- tes, offers its est since -Oct. 29, and more than doubled yesterday's turnover. ber one, in- Brokers reported considerable pur- y Catherine chasing by investment companies oss, and ar- and from foreign sources. and others. The Associated Press average of te with car- 60 representative stocks gained $2.10 nce informa- to $46.90, a gain of approximately 21 ull pages of per cent in nine trading sessions, making one of the sharpest advances of Summer in such a brief period of time in University of Stock Exchange history, and lifting ,the editorial the level to the highest since Mid- Boozer. January. Ech issue, ac- Exclusive of rails and utilities, the is "Summer average of 30 industrial shares alone ichigan Stu- jumped to $2.90 to $68.70, a new high omewhat off' since last Nov. 1. This took the in- summer em- dustrial average above the trading " column is range in which it fluctuated from intents. early November until March, when the sharp spring slump developed. Indications Favorable TRYOUTS Wall Street analysts said that what dents wish- business news appeared was moder- usiness ex- ately favorable, but did not change or work on the business outlook appreciably. The litorial staff market was betting heavily on con- s staff at 2 tinued business recovery the remain- veek at the der of the year, they explained, en- Building on couraged by indications of a change n the underlying business trend in the last few weeks. Curtis Shows Movie Films Of Sun, Moon Describes Methods Used By Observatory To Film Phenomena Of The Sky Lectuire Is Third Of Sumper Series Motion pictures of the sun and moon were shown yesterday by Dr. Heber D. Curtis, director of the University observatories, giving the third lecture of the Summer Session series in the Graduate School Audi- torium.' The pictures shown were taken at the McMath-Hulbert Observatory at Lake Angelus, near Pontiac, Mich., where a new tower telescope, which Professor Curtis termed "the most convenient and efficient mechanism of its kind", was completed two years ago. "The motion picture technique is very different from the ordinary as- tronomical photography," he said. "While the exposures for ordinary celestial pictures last for hours-I recall one in which I assisted which lasted 32 hours-the motion picture exposures are relatively short, lasting only a few seconds or minutes." Professor Curtis told his audience hat while astronomers enjoy the pictures they take from the artistic and aesthetic point of view, they also regard them as scientific data of great value in technical astronomical work. Professor Curtis showed three reels of pictures, including' one of an eclipse of the sun of 1932, photo- graphed by the McMath-Hulbert Observatory. He described, with the aid of the film, the extensive pre- parations made for the camera study of the eclipse prior to .its occurence, preparations which included repeat- ed drills of each menxer of the .Qb-. servatory staff in his special duty: for the day. A sun-spot in eruption furnished one of the most interesting of the pictures shown. Professor Curtis called the sun "nothing but an ordin- ary star-a run-of-the-mill conser- vation celestial citizen," which, if projected 10,000 light years from the earth, would be merely one more pin- point in the great galaxy of the Milky Way. Navy Assigns Cont Lructioni Of Ten Ships Billion - Dollar Expansion Program Starts; Craft To Cost $23,000,000 WASHINGTON,June 29-(')-The Navy started its billion-dollar fleet expansion program today by assign- ing to four navy yards the construc- tion of ten auxiliary craft expected to cost $23,000,000. At the same time the army received $48,000,000 of public works funds for barracks and other buildings. Largest of the ships the navy or- dered was a 9,000-ton. $12,600,000 submarine tender, which was award- ed to the Mare Island, Calif., Navy Yard. A $1,746,000 contract for its Diesel machinery was given to the American Locomotive Company, Au- burn, N. Y. The other craft included two small seaplane tenders, two mine-sweepers and five harbor tugs, distributed among the Norfolk, Va., Charleston, S.C., and Bremerton, Wash., yards. The ten new auxiliary craft will increase to 67 the total number of .hips of all types under consruction. This number includes two 35,000-ton battleships. Since last July 1, 32 war vessels have been commissioned. In the next year, the Navy expects to spend more than $200,000,000 on warship construction and enlarge- ment of facilities of its own plants, expanding faster than at any time since the immediate post-war period. Penal Code Modernized By French Government PARIS, June 29.-(U?)-The French nvernment today changed its nenal Chinese Fear New Jap Thrust As 50 Are Killed In Tokyo Storm /H NA O 'HAN HAi OfA- IroNA C NP uc tteno ao lng Han i CHUN6 CNA CHANG SHA K W A N G S 1. NA CAN AI IS kN~- ia Sea- Believe Hankow-Canton Railway ine in Danger Japan Bans Production For Home Use Of Iron And Cotton Products Fear of a new Japanese thrust into the heart of Chinasouth of the Yangtze to cut the magli ine of comrunication linking Hankow with the outside world was expressed by Chinese militarists, as Japan's worst storm in 60 years yesterday flattened Tokyo houses, killing more than 50 persons. Chinese suspected that Japanese-. were planning to cut the Hankow- Canton railway, source of supplies from the .outside world, in Hunan province about 250 miles west of Hankow. -- . As China quaked in expectation of thie Japanese offensive, Japani con- fident of her greatest asset in prosecution of the war on China-the patriotic temper oV'her people--again tightened her economic belt-. While meteorologists last night is-* Franco Raises British Hopes For Cessation Of' Bombings Note En Route To London Said To Carry Proposal To End Attack On Ships Plan May Establish Safe Neutral Port LONDON, June 29-(AP)-Action in Rome and Burgos tonight raised Brit- ish hopes that the long list of Insur- gent air raids on British ships trad- ing with Government Spain might be ended soon. Informed quarters said Sir Robert M. Hodgson, British commercial agent at Burgos, would arrive in Lon- don tomorrow bearing a proposal from Insurgent Generalissimo Franco for establishment of a neutral port through which non-military cargoes could enter Government territory. These sources said Franco's note, containing the proposal, also would state that British ships have not been bombed deliberately. Hodgson will confer with Prime Minister Cham- berlain and Foreign Secretary Vis- count Halifax before a reply is draft- ed t( t) IK Informed persons expressed doubt hat Britain would accept Franco's terms. Some quarters pinned their aith on Premier Mussolini's inter- cession with Franco on behalf of 'legitimate" British shipping which was disclosed in Rome. Another new factor in the tangled situation was the sudden ordering of the British destroyers Imogen and :sis from Gibraltar to Mallorca, Franco's Balearic Island air base. The Admiralty called it a "routine" move- nent in connection with the Medi- terranean "Piracy" patrol. While warships may visit Mallorca at any time, the move.was convtrued - widely as a "gesture" for the benefit of Franco and to quiet anti-Chamber- lain clamor in the British Parliament. An Italian spokesman, the Fascist ditor, Virginio Gayda, outlining con- versations atRome last night between Lord Perth, the British ambassador, and Foreign Minister Count Galeazzo Ciano, said Ciano assured the British that Franco already had taken mea- sures which should satisfy London. The editor said Ciano told 'Lord Perth that measures taken by Franco included: Oi-ders that British ships be spared attack while navigating; Or'ders that the British flag be respected s'o far as possible in Span- ish ports, and sued warnings that a typhoon was I approaching to add to Japan's woes,a the government published a banb against production for home use of at long list of cotton and iron products. The decree was designed in part b to promote export trade, particularlya in cotton textiles, without increasingt imports of raw materials-a device to expand financial resources to meet war costs.L The move brought wild excitemento to textile markets as manufacturersi fought to buy up raw cotton. Ex-v port manufacturers were happy butn retailers-with a prospective, sharp curtailment of domestic sales-were in near panic. The scramble of retailers for every available bolt of finished cloth added to the market tumult, causing scenes like those in an American depart- ment store basement on bargain day. The Government declared the ban was "absolutely necessary" and, with a warning against hoarding or profiteering, announced a corps of "economic detectives" had been set up. With an already sizeable chunk of land in China vertical shading on the accompanying -snap, Japan charted a "no man's land" for foreigners-this line extending north from Pakhoi tot French Club Meets Tonight Koella, Thieme, Rosselet To Address Members The first meeting o fthe Summer, Session French Club will be held at 8 p.m. today at the French House, "Le Foyer Francais," 1414 Washte- naw Ave.' Prof. Hugo P. Thieme, chairman of the Romance Languages Department and Mr. Charles E. Koella, of the Ro- mance Languages department, direc- tor of the Club, will give addresses of welcome to the members. Mlle. Jeanne Rosselet, director of "Le Foyer Francais," will give an in- formal talk on "Un Voyage de Va- cances dans le Sud-Quest de la France." MIle. Rosselet, a native of Geneva, Switzerland, is head of the French Department at Goucher Col- lege, Baltimore, Md. Following the Ichang to Sian, then east and north E along the Yellow river. Japan's' bombing of Swatow, treaty port, and I the landing of- troops on Namoa E Island added credence to the Chinese t belief that Japan is contemplating a t drive on Canton, near British con- trolled Hongkong, and Hankow. Meanwhile Britain and France have warned Japan to stay off Hainan Island, bordering French Indo-China, or they will act to support each other in case "complications arise," in the words of a recent British diplomatic note. Opening Talk Will Be Givenr By Bloomfield 1938 Linguistics Institute To Hear Speech On Study Of Primitive Languages Prof. Leonard Bloomfield of the University of Chicago will speak on the study of primitive languages at 12:15 p.m. today, at the opening luncheon conference of the 1938 Lin- guistic Institute in the third floor as- sembly room of the Horace H. Rack- ham School of Graduate Studies. Professor Bloomfield is an out- standing scholar in the field of prim- itive languages, and has contributed much original research in the lan- guages of the American Indian. He is at present conducting a course in the Linguistic Institute in the study of the speech of the Algonquian tribes. director of the Institute, the keynot- ing discussion by Professor Bloom- field is unusually appropriate because of the attention paid by science in recent years to modern primitive tongues as well as to the long-studied ancient languages. Prof J. N. Douglas Bush of the English faculty of Harvard Univer- sity will spak at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in the main auditorium of the Rack- ham School on "Modern Theories of the Renaissance." As the second speaker in the Renaissance series of lectures, Professor Bush becomes the1 , -ef mnmh r.o t, -T,, r....A f,.r~.u.. Students Of International Law Here For Sevent iAnnual Meet Campus Tour Will B Today Excursion Is Open To All Summer Students A tour of the campus, the first ex- cursion of the Summer Session series, will be conducted today by Prof. Louis J. Rouse of the mathematics department. There is no charge for the excursion, and reservations are not necessary. The excursion is open to all regu- larly enrolled Summer Session stu- dents, who will meet in the lobby of Angell Hall at 2 p.m. The group will inspect the Cook Legal Research Library, Law Quadrangle, Union, General Library, Clements, Library, Aeronautical Laboratory and Naval Tank. The trip will end at 4:45 p.m. On Saturday, July 2, a trip to De- troit will be conducted by Professor Rouse. Expenses for this trip will total about $2, including luncheon. Reservations must be made in Room 1213 Angell Hall before 5 p.m. to- morrow. Budge And Austin Win At Wimbledon WIMBLEDON, Eng., June 29-(ft -Don Budge and that mechanical rabbit, Henry Wilfred (Bunny) Aus- tin, scampered into the finals of the All-England tennis champion- ships today and Wimbledon, a little bored by their superiority, turned its attention to tomorrow's semi- finals in the women's section of the tournament. Austin. reaching the znith nf his JERUSALEM, June 29.-(IP)-Brit- ish airplanes, police, and troops to- night patrolled Palestine, thrown in- to ominous tenseness because of the hanging of a Jew this morning- without precedent during British rule of the Holy Land. Chanting the song of the Revision- ist Party and dressed in its uniform, 19-year-old Benjamin Joseph stead- ily walked to the gallows in the troop-surrounded prison at Acre at 8 a.m By HARRY L. SONNEBORN 1 Thirty-five professors, instructors1 and students from colleges from Nova Scotia to New Mexico are gat-I hered here this summer upon the in-t vitation of the Carnegie EndowmentI for International Peace to attend the seventh annual Summer Session on International Law. Such men as Dr. James Brown Scott, director of the internationalt law division of the Carnegie Endow-1 ment for International Peace; Prof.f Jesse S. Reeves of the political. science department; George Grafton Wilson, professor of international law at Harvard University; Prof. Percy E. Corbett of McGill Univer- sity, authority on British-Canadian- American relations; and George A.I Finch, managing editor of the Ameri-I Ila _ nirnd o Tni,.nofnal law in the relations between Great Britain, the United States, and Can- ada will be taught by Professor Cor- bett, while Mr. Finch will conduct a course in the modern sources of in- ternational law. The schedule for the session con- sists of lectures and group discussions five or six days a week, held in Room 120 Hutchins Legal Research Li- brary and in the Alpha Delta Phi house, which is also serving as gen- eral office for the session. Four public lectures will be given in the small auditorium of the Hor- ace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Tuesday, July 5, Professor Wilson will speak on "War Declared and the Use of Force." Professor Cor- bett will speak on "Conflicting Doc- trines on the Foundations of Inter- naional ."M nndav .Tuly 11. Mr.