Weather Mostly cloudy showers i cen- Lor tral and east today. Cooler. An Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL XLVIH No. 44 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, AUG. 17, 1938 Editorial d Rothermere d Czechoslovakia . PRICE-FIVE CENTS is Negrin Saves His Ministry DespiteCrisis Two Cabinet Members Out In Barcelona Shake-up Over Mobilization Order Dissenters Objected To Industry Control PARIS, Aug. 16.-()-Premier Juan Negrin's Spanish Government at Bar- celona, weathered a ministerial crisis today in an internal argument over the extent of mobilization of the na- tion for war, it was stated in advices received by semi-official Spanish Government circles in Paris. Two members of the cabinet were replaced, it was said, in a reorganiza- tion of the government which was ex- pected to result in "better harmony" in relations between the Repbli- canGovernment and the Generalidad of autonomous Catalonia. Labor Minister Replaced Jaime Aguade, minister of labor, a Catalonian, was replaced by Jose Moix Regas of the Catalonian Unified Socialist 'Party, and Manuel Irujo was replaced as minister without portfolio by a fellow Basque, Tomas Bilbao Hospitalet, Spanish consul at Perpigan, France. The two replaced miisters, who resigned, were reported to have caused the crisis of their objection to decrees designed to bring the war industries more directly under the control of the government. A strange result of the crisis was' the suspension of the newspaper La Vanguardia, semi-official government organ directed by Premier Negri himself. He ordered the paper sup- sppressed indefinitely for having pub- lished a story on the crisis without first having it passed by the censor. War To Be Continued An Associated Pres dispatch from Barcelona last night declared that the change in the Spanish Govern- ment's cabinet "apparently had no connection with the continuation of the war."' Premier Negrin was re- ported to be still in command of all important public posts, and deter- mined to carry on the war. The decrees were said to be a part of the Government's program of combining all power under the cab- inet. This was to include the mili- tarization of the port of Barcelona. Trial Of Hines To Open Today Stryker, Dewey Addresses To Fill First Day NEW YORK, Aug. 16-AP)-With a 12-man jury and two alternates chos- en from a special list of 300 talesmen, the state cleared the way late today for the unfolding of voluminous testi- mony that brought powerful Tam- many district leader James J. Hines to the bar to answer conspiracy charges in a multi-million-dollar policy racket. The trial twill get under way to- morrow, with indications that the opening addresses of Distrct At- torney Thomas E. Dewey, famed for his racket-smashing prosecutions, and Lloyd Paul Stryker of defense coun- sel would take most of the day. Veering from precedent to address the jurors before the trial, Supreme Court Justice Ferdinand Pecora talked briefly about the rules of evidence immediately after the last alternate had been agreed upon. His remarks, the Justice said, would be elaborated at the end of the trial. He reminded them that Hines, under the American system of jurisprudence, was entitled to the presumption of innocence and that this benefit should insure to him beyond a reasonable doubt. The indictment, Pecora said, was simply a written accusation and carried no implication of guilt of the defendant. When the jury was complete, 109 of the panel of 300 remained and when Justice Pecora excused them there was a concerted rush for the door. The Justice told the jurymen they would be locked up for duration of the trial. UAW Will Organize In Arthur Pryor, Famed Conductor, Ranks Revelli Among Greatest Enthusiastic Praise Given Michigan Musical Set-up By Veteran Bandmaster By CARL PETERSEN Greatest praise for Prof. William D. -Revellias a band conductor and in- structor and for .the University mu- sical set-up was expressed yesterday by Arthur Pryor, veteran bandmas- ter and composer, for over half a century prominent on the American band scene. Mr. Pryor, who stopped off briefly in Ann Arbor on a vacation trip, is leader of "The Arthur Pryor Band," which was established by his father 77 years ago and is ranked among the finest concert bands in the United States. He is the father of Roger Pryor, ex-film star, who today leads his own band around the vaudeville circuits. "I have known Sousa, Da-osch and Victor Herbert personally," Mr. Pryor said. "and Mr. Revelli ranks top-notch among them all. There is no man in the United States better equipped to do the work' which he is doing here today, both as a conduc- tor and as an instructor in band work." About -five years ago, Mr. Pryor said, he was judging a band contest in Evanston, Ill. On the program was the Hobart High School Band of Hobart, Ind., directed by William D. Revelli. The band chose as its selec- tion "Les Preludes," by Liszt. "As soon as the band finished," he said, "I put down 100 on my score card and turned to the other two judges. Each had given the band a 100 score. It was the first time in my life I had, ever given either a high school r.r PROF. WILLIAM D. REVELLI college band a score of 100, which means letter perfect." Mr. Pryor praised the summer program of the University as an ex- cellent means of developing band technique all over the nation. Teach- ers of band come to the University in the summer, he said, to study and then take their knowledge of new technique back to their students. "When I was a boy," he said, "we had to wait two years for "Gilmore's Famous Band" to come to town be- fore we had a chance to learn any band technique. Now," he said, "that knowledge is available to any stu- dent in the United States ,through institutions such as the University of Michigan." Kang Declares Korea Writing Is Most Vital Stress Of Jap Oppression Is Offering Inspiration For Outsanding Work Tells Embodiment Of Oriental Mind Korean literature, along with that of the United States, is the most vital in the world today, Prof. Younghill Kang of New York University de- clared yesterday in the second of a series of lectures on Korea given in conjunction with the Institute of Far Eastern Studies. Korean writers undergoing tor- tures and long years in prison at the handis of the Japanese today are turning out pieces of literature which will rank among the greatest works of the age, he said. These writers all write in pure Korean, a language established in the 15th century to re- place Chinese which was too difficult for the common people to learn to read. Pure Korean, Professor Kang de- clared, is undoubtedly the most simple language in the world today. Consis- ting of 10 vowels and 14 consonants, the Korean alphabet can be learned in 10 minutes, and can be easily read and understood. Professor Kang also discussed the doctrine of Chuntoism, which he termed the "best embodiment of the Oriental mind." Chuntoism, he said, was the creation of a Korean who was dissatisfied with the doctrines expressed by Confucius and Buddha, but opposed the introduction of; Christianity into Korea. It embraces some of the best teachings of those religions and adds some of the later philosophies. Confucius, Professor Kang de- clared, discouraged people. The be- lief in fatalism robbed them of ambi- tion. They felt that their lives were ordained for them by the gods and that, regardless of their actions, that ordained life would be fulfilled. This teaching Chuntoism rejects complete- ly. It further casts out the belief in transmigration and embraces the lat- est advanees in science, medical and botanical, for the betterment of the people. In Chuntoism, he said, everything exists for man, and man is, in fact as great as God. In his discussion of ;the literature of the East, Professor Kang pointed out that it is well-nigh impossible for a westerner to write a novel of life in the East and make it realistic be- cause the psychology of the East and the West are so widely different. He described "The Good Earth" as a "readable, Class C novel," and crit- icized it because Pearl Buck has Ang- lo-Saxonized the characters. Many situations which she describes are, he said, absolutely false. She has in- Traffic Group Has Panel On Enforcement Evanston Safety Expert Heads Discussion Of Three E's Of Safety Ban 'Fixed' Tickets Says Chicago Judge A panel discussion of "Enforce- ment," held yesterday by the Nation- al Institute for Traffic Safety Train- ing, was presided over by Lieut. F. M. Kreml of the Northwestern Univer- sity Traffic Safety Institute, whose program for traffic safety in Evans- ton, Ill., has won nation-wide atten- tion. Speakers participating in the panel included G. W. Barton, traffic en- gineer of the Chicago Motor Club; Judge John Gutknecht of the Mu- nicipal Traffic Court, Chicago; El- liot Ness, Director of Public Safety, Cleveland; J. S. Baker, traffic safe- ty consultant of the National Safety Council; and Don Stifer, director of the Indian. Department Safety. Makes New Charges of PublicI t n Loyalist Troops Stop Insurgent, Drive On Mines Gen. Miaja Gains Control Of Tunnel In Almaden MercuryMining Center HENDAYE, France (At the Span- ish Frontier) Aug. 16.--AP)-panish government reinforcements in troops and artillery were reported tonight to have blocked, at least temporarily, the Insurgent drive on the Almaden mercury mining center. A sudden counterattack today which marked a stiffening of Gov- ernment resistance gave General Jose Miaja's men control of a mountain and railway tunnel, three miles east of Cabeza Del Buey. The town lies about 20 miles west southwest of Al- maden. The Insurgents, in control of Cabeza Del Buey, were preparing a new thrust against what had been for days a steadily receding defense line, when Miaja's men struck. Tanks rumbled along a hillside to the mouth of the railway tunnel on the eastern side of the mountain. Government shock troops followed, shielded by heavy artillery fire. Within two hours the eastern mouth of the tunnel was in Govern- ment hands and Government forces had crossed the mountain, taking po- sitions at the western opening of tkhe tunnel. Government dispatches said 100 In- surgents with machine-guns and rifles were trapped inside the tunnel. Hackly Butler No. 1 Citizen,' Is Dead Here Prominent Civic Leader Expires At 76 After Six Months Of Ill Health Wolcott Hackley Butler, a gradu- ate of the Law School in 1887 and of the literary college in 1891, rated as Ann Arboi's "No. 1 Citizen" by vir- tue of his remarkable record of civic service, died late Monday evening at his home at 1010 Monroe St. He had been in failing health for six months, and was 76 years old. An insurance agent, Mr. Butler was acting secretary of the Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce, with which he had been actively affiliated since the time of its organization in 1919. In addition to his work in that or- ganization which he nad served as president, Mr. Butler was connected with the Boy Scouts for 25 years and was an acting city park commission- er. He was a staunch supporter of the Community Fund Association and of the Ann Arbor Humane Society which he had directed for 50 years. The general promotion of Ann Ar- bor's business interests has been wide- ly attributed to Mr. Butler. He was a former Y.M.C.A. director and had been president of the alumni organ-~ izati ofo thelta Delta Chi fraternity since 1900. Mr. Butler had been an honored guest at numerous testimon- ial dinners, on May 15, 1935 being lauded as "Ann Arbor's No. 1 Citi- zen," It was the consensus of opinion of the group that if education and en- gineering-two of the "three E's" of traffic safety-were 100 per cent ef- ficient, then the third factor, en- forcement, would not be necessary. Death rates, it was pointed out, very directly with the amount of enforce- ment necessary. Judge Gutknecht saict that four years ago 93 per cent of traffic tick- ets in Chicago were "fixed" through one channel or another, and that since this has been eliminated, the death rate has been cut in half. The group agreed that harshness of enforcement was not nearly so im- portant as certainty. Mr. Ness said, "I am not so much in favor of a 'big stick' as I am of a sure stick." It was pointed out that weaknesses in present enforcement programs in- cluded lack of funds, lack of per- sonnel, and inability to train officers thoroughly. Public support, it was agreed, is absolutely necessary to any enforcement program. General Motors To Stand Trial 3 Corporations Accused In MonopolyCharge NEW YORK, Aug. 16.-(R)-Gen- eral Motors, Bendix Aviation Cor- porations were charged with con- spiracy to smash competition in the radio equipment industry in a $720,- 000 damage suit filed today by Radio Receptor, Inc., in Federal Court. Radio Receptor, which said it manufactured and sold instruments and equipment used by government agencies here and abroad, .charged the defendants employed industrial "spies" and also acquired a group of corporations to reduce competition. General Motors, the complaint said, controls- stock of Bendix aviation cor- poration which, through stock own- ership, controls Bendix Radio. Bendix Radio, the complaint al- leged, was organized in 1936 for the sole purpose of obtaining a monopoly in the field of specialized radio ap- paratus of the type made by radio, receptor. The defendants, it was'. charged, interfered with free com- petition in interstate trade and in- Sdulged in unfair trade practices. JOHN P. FREY * * * Frey Ch arges Reds Working In WPA Group Workers Alliance Termed Real Front Organization Of Communist Party. WASHINGTON, Aug. 16-(P)-The House Committee investigating un- American activities heard testimony, today that the leaders of the Work- ers Alliance, active in organizing WPA workers, include many Com- munists. John P. Frey, A.F.L. leader who already had testified that Commun- ists held high places in many CIO unions, gave the committee a long list of delegates to a workers alliance convention who, he said, were Com- munists. When Frey had concluded, Rep. Thomas (Rep-NJ) said he wascon- vinced the alliance was "one of the real front organizations" of the Com, munist Party. ' Later, David Lasser, Workers' Alli- ance president, said in a statement Jhat Frey had failed to present proof that the Alliance was engaged in un- American activities. "I dare say the percentage of Com- munists in our organization is prob- ably less than in Mr. Frey's own or- ganization, the machinists' union," Lasser said. "Yet I certainly would not charge his organization with being 'dangerously subersive'." The committee decided late in the day to ask the Labor Department to submit its complete record on Harry Bridges, leader of the CIO's West Coast Martime Union. Deportation proceedings are pending against Bridges, who has been accused of being a member of the Communist Party. Edward Sillivan, senior committee investigator, said in a report that wit- nesses could be produced who could tell how an immigration service offi- (Continued on Page 3) Strikebreakers Parade In Downtown Marshall MARSHALL, Aug. 16.-(P)-Carry- ing placards urging a return to work, 70 employes of the Wilcox-Rich plant of the Eaton Manufacturing Co. pa- raded through the business section today. The plant closed Monday af- ter a dispute developed with the Mar- shall local of the United Automobile Workersd(CIO) over a 10 per cent wage reduction. Pickets encircled the plant Tues- day. The concern manufacturers au- tomotible valves and normally em- ployes about 130 persons. Roosevelt Puts Tydings And O'Connor On List ForPurge President Attacks 2 More Opposition Democrats On Primary Battlefront Quotes N. Y. Post Editorial To Press WASHINGTON, Aug. 16-(P)- President Roosevelt called in empha- tic language today for the defeat of Sen. Millard F. Tydings of Maryland and Rep. John O'Connor of New York in the coming Democratic pramiries. .Answering a press conference ques- tion, the Chief Executive read, and issued as his own statement, a recent- ly published editorial (New York Eve- ning Post) which said Tydings was attempting to obtain renomination "with the Roosevelt prestige and the money of his conservative Republi- can friends." t O'Connor, chairman of the impor- Cant House Rules Committee, through which almost all legislation must pass, was called "one of the most ef- fective obstructionists on the lower House," laboring "week in, week out . to tear down New Deal streitgth" and "pickle New Deal legislation." Picks Up Gauntlet O'Connor promptly took up the gauntlet thrown down by the Presi- dent. In a statement issued through his office here he said: "Like Senator George, I,-too, accept the challenge. The voters in the 16th' Congressional district will alone de- cide who will represent them in the House of Representatives. "The President lives in the 26th district. 'Ham' )Fish is his Congress- man." He said he expected to answer the President in a nation-wide broad- cast, probably tomorrow night. The President's action in nahliing Tydings and O'Connor as congres- sional candidates whose renomination he opposed because of what he con- siders a lack of sympathy with New Deal objectives, had been expected. He prefaced his attack upon Tyd- ings with a complimentary reference last night to the Maryland Senator's opponent, Rep. David J. Lewis, in the course of a radio speech. Word got about Washington several days ago that O'Connor also had been put upon what many have called the "New Deal purge list." Jovial About It But the strength and vigor of the language which the President 'used had not been foreseen. He was, however, very jovial about it all. He had many quips and jokes for the reporters, not the least of which was an assertion that he had been invited to visit all 48 of the states, including Maine and Vermont, the only states which went Republi- can in 1936. Further questioning re- vealed, however, that his invitation to Maine had been extended by his mother. A reporter asked whether in the case of Tydings, O'Connor and Sena- tor George (Dem-Ga) who also is on the "purge list," the presidential disfavor was due to the fact that these men opposed his bill to reor- ganize the supreme court. His reply was a vigorous negative, with an added statement thiat he did not expect this denial to end the publication of assertions to that ef- fect. The court plan, he sid, was not a part of the Democratic platform, and was not an issue today, since 98 per cent of its objectives had been obtained. Explains His Reasons The editorial which the President read, in addition to containing his attacks upon Tydings and O'Connor, was an explanation of his reasons for approving or disapproving the candidacies of Democratic members of Congress now seeking re-nomina- tion. It was headed "Why the President 'Interferes'" and began: "'The President of the United States ought not to interfere in party primaries.' That statement, in one form or another, is appearing these days throughout the tory press." The editorial went on to say that the approaching party primaries would determine the personnel of the next Congress which, in turn, would determine "whether or not the President can keep his campaign jected Western psychology into and, he said, the istic. temperament and Eastern characters mixture is not real- Mock Intoxicated-Driving Trial Presented By Traffic Institute By HARRY L. SONNEBORN A mock intoxication trial, designed to demonstrate modern methods of dealing with the drinking driver pro- blem, was presented at 7:30 p. m. yesterday in the main ballroom of the Union by members of the Nation- al Institute for Traffic Safety Train- ing. Before the trial, Hon. Harry H. Porter, Chief Justice of the Evans- ton. Ill., municipal court, presented a discussion of the extent of the drinking driver problem. He quoted statistics to show the variations in the extent of this problem in recent years and explained the meanings of the phrases "intoxicated," "drinking,' and "under the influence of intoxi- department, was placed on the wit- ness stand: He told about his part in1 the mythical accident, and explained particularly how he went about ex- amining the defendant for signs of intoxication. He gave a detailed de- scription of his methods in filling out a form required in all such cases.,t Dr'. H. A. Heise, of Milwaukee, toj whom samples of the defendant's urine, taken as soon as possible after ~the accident, were mailed, was called' to the stand. He described fully the chemical tests used to determine the degree of intoxication. Any person who has at least .15 per cent by' weight of alcohol in his blood stream, is not only intoxicated, but will show visible signs of intoxication and is infi* : M dvve. r- Thy T Heis sa- Protest Japan's Shanghai Acts Claim Neutrality Violation In American Sector SHANGHAI, Aug. 17., (Wednes- day,-(A)--Shanghai International Settlement authorities have protested to the, Japanese Consulate General against "violation of the neutrality of the settlement" by the Japanese army. The protest, accusing Japanese of participating in terroristic activities throughout the settlement last week- end, came as the Japanese command sent reinforcements up the Yangtze to renew the stalled drive against Hankow, about which Chinese were said to have deployed 1,000,000 de- fenders. The note referred especially to Ja- panese invasion of the United States sector in which United States Ma- rines arrested three Japanese; Ja- panese airplanes scattering propa- ganda leaflets over the settlement; and presence of a group of Japanese in a hotel room where police con- fiscated a supply of hand grenades. Chinese aviators today reported Japanese were sending approximate- i Examination Schedule e Recitation Hour 8 9 10 11 Examination Time Thursday Friday Thursday Friday 8-10 8-10 2-4 2-4 All other Recitation Hour 1 2 3hours Examination Time Thursday Thursday Friday Friday 4-6 10-12 10-12 4-6 Deviations from the above schedule are not permitted. All classes will continue regularly until the examination period. 44 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ST-ODENTS A