THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, A U ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ Now E MICHIGAN DAILY \lI I - 31 - V~4 NtG iSlit nt.n ,.ctmIp p Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Publishea every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The 'Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All sights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as seond class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $400; by mail, $4.50. ,. Rember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPREBNTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. l. Y. CICAGO * "OSTON ' LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR .. IRVING SILVERMAN City Editor . . . . . . Robert I. Fitzhenry Assistant Editors ... . . . Mel Fineberg, Joseph Gies, Elliot Maraniss, Ben M. Marino, Carl Petersen, Suzanne Potter Harry L. Sonneborn Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ... ERNEST A. JONES Credit Manager . . . . Norman Steinberg Circulation ManagerJ. .J. Cameron Hall Assistats . . Philip Buchen, Walter Stebens NIGHT EDITOR: ELLIOTT MARANISS The editorials published in The Michigan SDaily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only It is important for society to. avoid the zpeglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition' of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which. act on this belief are educational insttu- -tions in the best meaning of the term. -Alexander G. Ruthven A Decade Of Summer Theatre... ITH THE LAST PERFORMANCE of "The Vagabond King" tonight the Michigan Repertory Players conclude ten years of successful stage endeavor. The success of the Players can best be gauged by that met during the present season which the director has called "absolutely the most suc- cessful from the attendance standpoint"-the season which culminates the ten years of earnest theatrical work. Ann Arbor audiences have voiced their appreciation of the efforts of the Players by record-breaking support at the box-office. Special recognition must be given Valentine B, Windt who ten summers ago organized The Repertory group and who has carried the greater part of the burden through its entire existence. He. has received during this period the aid and advice of outstanding theatrical personages such as Prof. Chester Wallace and Thomas Wood Stevens, both of the Carnegie Institute of Tech- nology,Drama School, the latter being the found- er of the Carnegie school and also director of the Globe Theatre Players; Lennox Robinson; Fran- cis Compton; Oswald Marshall; and during the past three years, Whitford Kane, whose help many of the student actors in the current season regard as one of their most important sources of guidance and inspiration. The Players, with the further aid of a perma- nent, adequate theatre for practice and per- formance, have managed to instill in their pre- sentations a sincerity and enthusiasm which forces more than favorable comparison with- the perfgrmances of the professionally-cast Dramatic Season during the spring semester. As against the regtlar session's Play Production, to which the summer student group is related and of which Mr. Windt is also director, the Players may be regarded as more successful, because, for the most part, more facilities and more pro- fessional aid are available during the summer. For the ten years of, outstanding achievement of- the Michigan Repertory Players, then, we offer an editorial toast. -Irving Silverman industry, banking, labor and education are all burdened by the economic ills in the area. It recited that the paradox of the South was that, with its large number of indigenous Americans and its immense store of natural wealth, its people as a whole are the poorest in the country. The report stated that the South was losing the better members of its own population, de- spite its relatively high birth rate, and mostly on account of its general economic debility. The rural districts have exported one-fourth of their natural increase in children to other parts of the country through the mere search of these people for gainful employment. Labor standards were in keeping with the gen- eral situation found in the South. An average differential in rates of new labor between the South and the rest of the country in 20 important industries Was placed at 16 cents an hour for the year 1937. Labor organization has made slow progress among the low-paid workers, there has been little collective bargaining, child labor is more common than elsewhere and women and children work under fewer legal safeguards than in other sections of the United States, the report said. A long list of similar ills was cited: education was found lagging, with a marked disparity be- tween the number of children to be educated and the means for educating them; more than one-third of the country's good farming land is to be found in the South, but this heritage has been "sadly exploited; health and housing are at low levels; the handicap of the tariff is forc- ing the South to sell its agricultural products in an unprotected world market and buy its manu- factured goods at prices supported by high duties. However dark the report may be, however, essentially it is the harbinger of the modern, new South, the keynote of which was sounded by Lowell Mellett, executive director of the Emer- gency Council, who declared in his letter of transmittal to the President that these "grave problems are not beyond the power of men to solve." For once men realize that the power to solve their problems lies in their own hands, that economic and social questions are the result of human relationships and as such are subjected not to a transcendental force for resolution, but to the application of intelligence and science in human relations, they have taken an important step forward in their attempts to solve those problems. Elliott Maraniss A Bombay Correspondent 56 Saraswati Sadan, Shiwaji Park, Mahim P. O., Bombay 16. 14th July, '38. To the Editor: Very recently I read in one of the local news- papers that there are many youths in U.S.A. who would like to have some Indian pen friends. I offer myself as one, who would like to receive friendly correspondence from boys and girls attending U.S.A.'s Universities. I will be highly obliged if you will kindly pub- lish this letter in your paper. Hoping you will be very kind to me, Yours faithfully, H. P. Desai As Others See It Hague Slipping? Even his best friends, in their moments of candor, must concede as a simple matter of intellectual honesty that Mayor Hague, who or- ders the affairs of the Democratic party in New Jersey, has mismanaged his business quite seri- ously in preparing for the fall campaign. Mayor Hague, who is jealous of his reputation for political invincibility, may not care to accept responsibility for the present strange plight of his party, but it cannot properly be placed else- where. He is the leader who for twenty-five years has named the Democratic candidates for major offices. He has tolerated no interference with his prerogative. Upon his shoulders, ac- cordingly, rests the blame for the almost in- credible circumstance that with only a week re- maining for the filing of nominating petitions the Democratic party in New Jersey has as yet found no candidate for United States Senator. Elsewhere throughout the country the contests for Democratic Senate nominations are making interesting chapters of political history. The party is in the ascendancy, and although there are many signs of developing weaknesses, these nominations are to be coveted. Normally, there should be a comparable condition in New Jersey. Two years ago the Democratic party swept the state by more than 300,000. Only last fall Gover- nor Moore carried it by 45,000. These figure would seem to support reasonable hopes of suc- cess in November. Instead, there is an atmos- phere of defeatism that finds reflection in the absence of not only a- contest for the Senate nomination but of even a single candidate willing to be persuaded or pushed into the vacant place at the head of the ticket. In more than one way this unprecedented situ- ation is traceable directly to the door of Mayor Hague, who has appeared to weather success- fully the recurring storms of recent months but who has, in reality, been left just a little weaker, a little more distraught and discredited, by each new onslaught. Burkitt and Longo have been kept in jail. Norman Thomas and Congress- man O'Connell have been driven out of town. The legislative investigation of the guberna- torial election has been stifled. Hudson County has resisted all attacks. But still Mayor Hague is not quite the same. Some of his old cunning and power must of necessity be. gone, or he would not occupy the humiliating position of a leader who cannot induce an acceptable candi- date to seek the Senate place soon to become vacant. This is a pitiable state for one who is the law in New Jersey, who for so many years has had governors and legislatures and courts at his command, who is the vice-chairman of the Democratic National Committee and who has at times played with the notion of advancing Governor Moore as a conservative candidate for President. It would be interesting to know if Mayor Hague ever searches his mind and heart for the cause of the embarrassment that has overtaken him. He would find it, if his processes of thought follow a straight course, in that peculiar political ideology that passes as Hague- (By Associated Press) Sen. Sherman Minton, Indiana Democrat. told a luncheon of news- paper men and women Saturday that American newspapers "are big busi- ness and they give the people . . . :oday what they want the people to think tomorrow." The newspapers, he said, are con- trolled "by wealth and selfish forces," by the money of men who, in his opinion, "would not scruple to throw this country into fascism rather than Surrender their privileges." He also accused the wire services of "monopolistic practices." In an open forum after he delivered his prepared speech, Senator Minton said in response to questions : "I think the majority of newspapers are on the up and up. I think the great majority of working newspaper men and women are on the up and up,. The Senator addressed the Ameri- can Press Society. Paul Scott Mowrer, president of the society and editor of the Chicago Daily News, who intro- duced Minton, described the organiza- tion as "a national professional or- ganization of working newspaper men and women . . . dedicated to the belief that theirs is an honorable profession which is in the nature of a public trust." In the question period several mem- bers of the society expressed dis- agreement with Senator Minton's criticism, declaring that in years of newspaper work they never had been asked to write an untruth or distort a news story. "I don't know whether these things exist," Minton said at one point, "but I have given you expert testimony and given you the names of books where you can find more." h He recalled "a little bill" he pro- posed last year which some newspa- pers denounced as an attempt to limit the freedom of the press. The American Newspapers Publish- ers Association, the Senator said, had made an "impudent and hypocritica] proposal," to "censor free speech by curbing the radio," and he had "as- sumed that if the press had set foi itself the task of cleaning up the house of radio it wouldn't mind put- ting its own house in order." "It proposed," he said, "that it should be a crime to publish as a fact anything known to be false. Ir other words, it would be a crime to lie, knowing it to be a lie. . . . Then it was that I learned from the great newspaper publishers that t h ey claimed the constitutional right to deliberately lie, and that you cannot run a newspaper without lying delib- erately." Minnto recalled the "era of greati editors, Greeley, Dana, Bennett and Watterson," spoke of the growth of newspaper chains, naming the Hearts+ and Gannett chains, and of the pass- ing of Pulitzer and "the ideals of Scripps." Today, he said, the editorial page receives "must orders from the high command." He said that columnists have re- placed the men who once spoke out freely on the editorial page, but that columnists themselves are now edit- ed "on the principle that the owners of the paper must decide what news shall be printed, to say nothing of opinion." Discussing the Associated Press, he said :- "It is impossible to start a compet- ing paper to one with an Associated Press franchise." And of the United Press, he said: "Let one try today to establish a newspaper in competition with one of its clients and see how tight the line is held." The Press~-Big Business Senator Minton Assails The Newspaper Publishers DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN TUESDAY, AUG. 16, 1938 VOL. XLVIII. No. 43 Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts: It is requested by the Administrative Board that all instructors who make reports of In- complete or Absent from Examina- tion on grade-report-sheets give also information showing the character of, the part of the work which has been completed. This may be done by the use of the symbols, I (A), X (B), etc. New members of Mi Lambda Theta. Kindly call for your certificate at Room 2533, University Elementary School today between 10 and 11 o'clock. Call Frances Quigley at 23082 if unable to call at this time. Phi Delta Kappa. The final lun- cheon meeting of the Summer Ses- sion will be held this noon at the Michigan Union at 12:15 p.m. Dr. Henry Beaumont, assistant profes- sor of psychology at the University of Kentucky, will be the speaker. Final Linguistic Instr=ite Luncheon Conference, 12:10 p.m., Tuesday, at (Continued on Page 4) Classified Directory Classified Rates The classified columns close at fiye o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance lie per reading line for one or two insertions. 1c per read- ing lire or three or more insertions. (bn basis of five average words toline). Minimum three lines per insertion. Telephone rate-15c per reading line for two or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. 10% discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. Phone 23-24-1 FOR RENT FOR RENT-Large Double and Single Room near Law School for Fall Session. Ph. 5400. 81x TRANSPORTATION WANTED WANTED-Ride to Chicago for two persons. Will share expenses. Call Box 15 Michigan Daily. 85x WANTED-Ride to Buffalo or vicin- ity at end of week. Call information to Box 10, Michigan Daily. 86x MISCELLANEOUS SILVER LAUNDRY-We call for and LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 5x TYPING - Experienced. Reasonable rates. Phone 8344. L. M. Heywood 43r TYPING - Neatly and accurately done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Dial 5244. 2x VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist. Reasonable rates. 70Q Oakland, Phone 16327. 17xr WANTED-A roommate, next school year, a medical student of the fourth year for a fourth year medi- cal student. 518 Monroe Street.°83x Wanted-Passengers for Bridgeport, Conn.; leaving June 14; share ex- penses. Call 6539 after 7 p. m. Ask for Baldwin. 84x WANTED-Two passengers-to Seattle or intermediate points. Driving via AAlerta. Leaving Saturday. Ca11 7503, M. H. Keel. 88x WANTED-Graduate student desires room in quiet home where there are no roomers other than immedi- atae family. Box A, Michigan Daily. 87x is and that serves to keep at a distance many estimable men who under more favorable circumstances might seek participation in public life. -New York Herald-Tribune deliver. Bundles individually done, no markings. All work guaranteed. TRANSPORTATION for four people to . Atlanta or Macon, Georgia, leaving Saturday, Aug. 20. Contact S. R. Adams, Lane Hall. 80x Phone 5594, 607 E. Hoover. 3x I BritainEx Stake In Spain British Military Expert Warns Of Fascist Threat To Life-Line F WA 2 r1 Capt. B. H. Liddell Hart, Author of By its geographical position, the Iberian Penin- sula is almost as important to Britian as it is to France. The question must therefore be asked and faced squarely: what the strategic conse- quences would be if Spain were the ally of our enemies. In the first place, it is obvious that Gibraltar as a naval base would become untenable. The anchorage there is limited and the depth of the water increases abruptly. This restricted area could not be used by our naval units if they were exposed to the fire of enemy guns emplaced on the Spanish side. ;" A few batteries, rapidly installed on the Span- ish side, would render the anchorage untenable. We should then have not a single British base between England and Alexandria, a distance of 3000 miles. This would be so serious as to rele- gate to. second place the question whether our squadrons would even be able to pass through the Strait of Gibraltar in order to enter or leave the Mediterranean. Nevertheless, this question of an entrance to and exit from the Mediterranean is complicated by the possibility of the naval and air bases of the east coast of Spain and the Balearic Islands being at the disposal of our enemies. There are still further dangers to, be considered. The possession of bases of operations on the northwest and southwest coasts of Spain would enableenemy submarines and seaplanes to threaten the route to the Far East, the Cape route and even the sea routes to England. The danger would be increased if the enemy occupied the Canary Islands. It is clear that, from a strategic point of view, the result of the war in Spain cannot be a matter of indifference to us. A friendly Spain would be most desirable; a neutral Spain indispensable. * * * For these reasons the results of foreign inter- vention in Spain closely concern us. An analysis of the military events of the civil war enables us to realize the leading role which has been played by foreign intervention. At the beginning, the help provided by Ger- many and Italy, although negligible in quantity, was enough to enable Gen. Franco to bring re- inforcements from Africa and consolidate his position in Spain; it was thus an indispensable factor for the insurgents. During the second phase it would probably have been imnossible for the badly equipned and "Europe in Arms," in L'Ordre, Paris. governments. And if, during the present year, Gen. Franco has been able to make continued progress, it is owing only to the maintenance and increase of supplies from Italy and Germany. The fatal consequence is that Gen. Franco is becoming more and more dependent .on the states which provide him with suplies. It is quite probable that he will end by becoming their tool; which would mean that in the event of a war in which we were engaged on the other side, the naval and air bases of Spain would be in enemy hands and the whole structure of our imperial defenses would be undermined. If we study contemporary history in Spain, we realize that the same class which supports Franco was openly pro-German during the Great War. Report On The South ... Anyone who pays the slightest attention to the lessons of history can only conclude\that it would be an act of stupid credulity to expect a change of attitude from these same parties after the support which Germany has given them during the civil war. The British Government- has always taken the utmost care to avoid showing any manifestation of sympathy for the Republican Government, which has not prevented it from being accused of being "in the service of the Reds." In April, 1937, Gen. Queipo de Llano declared at the micro- phone : "Our victory will determine once and for all the collapse of Great Britain." Evidently, this gentleman is unusually indiscreet, but there are abundant proofs, positive and negative, which shows that he is not the only one of this way of thinking. It must not be forgotten either that Gen. Franco, if he wins, will need German arms and German organization to keep power. The techni- cal methods employed nowadays to control a conquered country are more developed 4nd effi- cient than in the past and demand specialized men and material. It seems improbable that Franco could find these in Spain. Supposing that he confines himself to im- porting foreign advisers. Does not history show us the results achieved by the German military mission in Turkey? It would, moreover, be unwise to ignore the implications of certain points of the Falangist program which Franco has adopted: "We have a will to empire . . . Our military forces must Summer Residents. . Keep in daily touch with your Un- THE MICHIGAN DILY Place your subseription to the Daily now for delivery to your home next fall. .50 a year including mailing Call at the Student Publications Building, or mail the coupon below. 40, A GLOOMY PICTURE of the economic and social conditions of the South was given last week-end in the report of the National Emergency Council. Drafted entirely by Southerners who obtained their information largely from Government departments and agencies, the 60-page report treated the South's problems in 15 different topics, ranging from economic resources to purchasing power. The report itself made no recommendation. It restricted itself to a realistic appraisal of exist- ing conditions, its authors apparently proceeding on the sound principle that awareness and under- standing are the necessary preliminaries to change and reform. Yet so thorough and compre- hensive is the appraisal that the inferred method of change runs through the sixty pages as if it THE MICHIGAN DAILY Student Publications Bldg. ANN ARBOR, MICH. Please send THE MICHIGAN DAILY for one year to: Name: Street: I I i I I'E