THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, 14, <. MICHIGAN DAILY .1 -/ -4_ Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control of Student IPublications. 'ublishea every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. . Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein alsO reserved. "Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail-matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4-00; by mail, $4.50. &Fleber, Associated Colleiate Press, 1937-38 R PREBENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING mY NationalAdvertisingervice, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MAnisoN AVE. 'NEW YORK. r14.,Y.' C=IAaa BOSTON - Los AaNLss - SAN FRANCSCO Board of Editors M4ANAGING EDITOR.. IRVING SILVERMAN City Editor . . . . . . Robert I. Fitzhenry Assistant Editors . . . Mel Fineberg, Joseph Gies, Elliot Maraniss, Ben M. Marino, Carl Petersen, Suzanne Potter, Harry L. Sonneborn. Business Department 3TSINESS MANAGER ... ERNEST A. JONES Credit Manager . . . . Norman Steinberg Circulation Manager . . . J. Cameron Hall Assistants . . Philip Buchen, Walter Stebens NXIGHT EDITOR-ROBERT I. FITZHENRY The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. It is Important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous fqr it -to thwart the ambition of youth to reform, the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educational institu- tions in the best meaning of the term. -Alexander 0. Ruthven. The New Men's Dormitories ... THE UNIVERSITY will make a con- siderable inroad into the solution of its. men's housing problen with the now prob- a e completition of the Union Quadrangle by t~lfall of 1939. For several years, since the outbreak of the depression, the University has experienced vast influxes in enrollment until, during the past few years, serious difficulty was met by many men students who found a scarcity of good rooms at prices which they could afford. Repeated investigations by groups of the stu- dent body, notably the Student Senate last year, into the housing siuation brought forth the conclusion 'that dormitories would be the most effective in eliminating the housing prob- lem. The ,University administration also held thiat dormitories would be the solution. A peti- tion to the State Legislature requesting funds for dormitories was thought cf; the feasibility, of providing more men's cooperative houses was considered; several other suggestions were pro- posed and pondered. Dormitories for a considerable number of men op the campus of Michigan, however, was a long- cherished dream and one which did not seem repaly to materialize. It was known that a quad- rngle of dormitories surrounding the Union wps contemplated, but its completion seemed i. the far-distant future. But the announcement last week that the PWA had granted 45 percent of the total funds needed for the completion of. construction of the Qudrangle, which was begun with the Allen-Rumsey Dormitories, and a dormitory for medical students, brings with it signs of immediate relief for the housing pob- leni. With the University also floating bonds for the remainder of the $2,100,000 needed for the dormitories, it means that student ocu- pancy of -the Quadrangle will come in the near future. Although in all the dormitories will nouse only 1000 of the approximately 6,000 of the male student body not living in fraternities, yet it is an appreciable beginning. The University may expect aid from other s urces, too, for the building of more dormi- tories. Alumni and friends of the University throughout the country have interested them- splves in the housing problem at the University and several alumni groups have adopted ten-year dormitory drives-to raise money within ten years to construct dormitories on campus. The students, too, principally through the Student Dormitory Committee and its special projects have raised funds to be used for dormitories and have also attracted the interest of others to this problem. -Irving Silverman Michigan Editor's Note: The author of the following article is the wife of George w. Shepherd, Advisor to the New Lire Movement in China. Mr. and Mrs. Shep- herd have been working in China for many years under the auspices of the American Board of Foreign missions. was the China Medical Association. The years have rolled by, full of interesting experiences, adventures in cooperation with Old and New China toward a better China. The scenes of those adventures have changed within this years' time. The highways I have been traversing are now running with blood. Young China is at grips with Japan, thousands, many of them my own friends, are this moment trudging along the Kiangsi Highways on foot, their few worldly possessions carried in hands, perhaps separated from family by the confusion of refugeeing or by the results of bombing and machine gun fire. Women with fear clutching at their hearts, because they know that women by the hundreds of thousands over occupied China have suffered rape at the hands of the invader. They are all hungry as there has been a food shortage in Nanchang for sometime. Disease, like cholera and the summer dysenteries, augmented by the humid hot weather, causes many to drop by the roadside, thus polluting the place for those following along. I would make these highways real to you who first sent me there, to you and your friends and the many guests who traverse Michigan's Highways in ease and happiness. 'Heal Disease Wagon' "Ai-Yah, here comes the Heal Disease Elec- tric Wagon!" has been called up and down thous- ands of miles of the new "dirt surfaced" highways of Kiangsi China. Called from the doorways of huts, perhaps anxious eyes have been searching the road because some woman has failed in her struggles alone to give birth. Called from the doorways of yamens, when members of official's families need emergency attention and perhaps transportation to the hospital in the distant city, Nanchang. Called from the small schoolhouses, the government had established recently for ev- ery hundred families. Here teacher and pupils cooperated with doctor and nurse in prevention of smallpox, eye and skin diseases. They learned to swat the fly and mosquito in preventive ways as well as with netting and swatter. Heralded bythe farmer by the roadside, because the rounds of the "Heal Disease Electric Wagon" included Health Clinics of some of the Govern- ment Reconstruction Centers. From these Cen- ters they would help transport new seeds, new breeds of pigs and chickens and some times the staff would come along. The farmers came to recognize the helpfulness of these Centers. There have been stones too! The poor have been bitterly poor so long and with many of them the reaction to being forced to help surface the roads was that of resentment, taken out on the cars that passed along. To one who could not read, the big beautiful green car with the gold lettering looked like an official's car. Eighty percent of the people have carried upon their laboring backs those twenty percent of the cultured of China. Changes were in process by the new forces in the Nationalist Government, many plans for reconstrucion and benefit of the peasant were underway. However there had not been time enough for the meaning of it to permeate slow minds. Comprehension would al- ways be quickened as service was rendered. Along a certain troublesome route one day we came across a man who had been hit by a car and was lying beside the road attended only by a crowd who took its interest out in useless ex- cited argument over the situation in general. First Aid was rendered and the man then trans- ported to the nearest Health Clinic. The gesticu- lating, vociferous crowd dispersed that night over many bypaths and around an evening bowl of rice and bean curd told the story of that miracle to many others. Afterwards there were no stones from that place. Landslides And Bandits Anyone who drove the roads that the "heal the Sick Electric Wagon" has traversed had more than stones to face, landslides, floods and Red- Bandits. Fortunately the land had always slid just before our arrival. Turning back was not so bad in view of what it might have been. Dis- cretion kept one from going any farther into a flood than one of the party could wade out ahead to map out the road and see that there were no treacherous washouts. Flat tires could be no small nuisance. If the second spare had punctured and you were not near enough to the capital to walk in or ride a ricksha, you would hop a charcoal run bus, if you can hop a bus with a spare in hand, and go to town to get it mended, returning the next day to start all over again. Red Bandits were the words that made hearts stand still, for the moment. When we drove the car in from Shanghai we wanted to go around to Kiangsi by way of Fukien to attend a conference as to a wider use of the traveling health clinics. The last day of this trip we were very much hindered by washed out bridges. One we had to pay to be replaced and help in the replacement. The second was half repaired when we reached it. The delay brought us up at evening to a beautiful old walled, city, that we should have reached at noon. Glad we were, when told that just at the scheduled time we would have been passing a certain town in the middle of the afternoon, three hundred Red-Bandits swooped down from the mountain fastnesss and plundered and burned the town and still held the road. They were isolated units of the main Red Army, left as cells when that long retreat trek was taken to the Northwest. To exist they had to retire to mountain fastnesses and to replenish their needs such raids were suddenly made. We' will never know whether our passing that way had any thing to do with this particular raid or not. We waited two days but the local military 'forces wouldn't consent to our traversing that next section of road. As we were retracing our road we had car trouble just fifteen miles from where two English women had lost their lives at the hands of such forces. Arriving in Kiangsi, which for some time had been under the new Nationalist regime we were told that we could sleep on the stretchers of the ambulance as it was parked be- side the road and have no fear. The Red Army For ones who had lived-in the Kiangsi-Eukien mountains where the Red Army grew up there Ii femsr fo Me Heywood Broun Of all the beasts man seems to be the most forgetful. Other animals learn not to return to things which have caused them pain and woe. The singed cat dreads the fire, and an elephant will fall for some particularly punish prank just once. But thi sis not true of those mam- mals who are supposed to reason. It is not so much, perhaps, that man forgets but rather that he remem- bers in reverse. Soldiers who were up to their necks in mud and blood began after a little time to talk of those same days as if they were gay and glorious. The profession of arms and the pro- fession of politics could hardly survive if it were not for the human tendency to fumigate old alleys with mignonette. Those recollections which are beyond endurance we lay away in lavender. And by some strange quirk we are proud of such devious mental processes and sing blithely of "memories which bless and burn." Nothing else can explain the rising school of thought which begins to contend that maybe the Old Deal was not so bad, after all. * * * Nothing To Be Proud Of To be sure, this is not said much by the men who stoo on the myriad breadlines during the winters of our deepest discontent. Nor have I yet heard this gospel preached by any of the raggedy men of the Bonus Army who were scattered by the guns and gas of General Doug- Las, McArthur's Expeditionary Forces. It has al- ways seemed to me that the battle which was waged across Anacosta Flats marks the least honorable page in our national annals. The men who were attacked had committed no crime save that of being poor and miserable and homeless. The action occurred under the administration of Herbert Hoover in the summer of 1932, at the very peak of the Old Deal. Reporters say that President Hoover did not proceed under his own steam but was actuated by the advice of another Cabinet member who felt it would be a shrewd stroke to convince the country that the nation was on the eve of revolu- tion. And, indeed, the country was in very little need of convincing. Not in my lifetime has de- spair ever been so widespread as it was during the final chapters of the Old Deal. In the streets of the City of Detroit thousands and thousands of men stood in sullen silence as the President of the United States drove-by These were the unemployed whose necessities were being taken care of by private charity. But the black mood was not limited to the jobless. One may hear mournful talk from captains of industry today, but it cannot match the dire predictions uttered by these same men in the autumn of 1932. I remember a chat I had with a Wall Street man in that same year. "There is no hope," he said. "Nothing can be done. Civiliza- tion as we have known it is gone forever." Later Free With Curses Two years later he was cursing out Roosevelt and saying that business was quite competent to take care of itself if only the government would cease to interfere. And even in the days of the gold rush, before the great awakening, boom times left many communities untouched. A big day in the market meant nothing to the share- cropper. The unskilled worker was not in the balloon when everything was going to '00. I have heard critics say that under the New Deal we have lost our sense of moral values. But just how sensitive were our noses in the Old Deal days when there was cynical administra- tion for every sharp fellow who could rear a house of cards and get the public in before the speculation tumbled? No one man should be singled out as the villain. The fault was systemic. But America was sick in body and soul. "Lord God of hosts, be with us yet. Lest we forget." army did there. He only hints at the horrors that accompanies a Revolution, based upon class hat- red. For the sake of perspective in history some one should tell that story for Mao Tze Tung has become a world-known figure by virtue of his interest in the peasants and the part his army is playing in the United Front in China. We know at least a fraction of that story. Many, many civilians, some of them our friends, met their death at the hands of this army and almost always after some one of several terrible methods of torture had been applied. Upon all who did not acceed to the Soviet idea or continence their methods, be he rich or poor, fell their judgment. Democracy is a great word and should not too easily, without more accounting, be used to hang a curtain between the past and present. If the years have taught the lesson that such methods are a futile terrible waste, it is well. Cooperation, in good will, with eyes wide open to the mistakes of the past on all sides, is the ideal for the group of young China with whom the "Heal the Sick Electric Wagon" cooperates. That ambulance was given by the Ford Motor company to the Kiangsi Christian Rural Service Union. The honorary head of this organization is Madame Chiang Kai Shek. The staff is Chinese young men and women who might have been in any large city with many more modern facilities for life and work, and at a larger salary. They and many more like them stand between a grafting, bleeding, opium encouraging officialdom of the past, with too much of it carried into the present, and the kind of revolution, that has been por- trayed, repeating itself, when the need for the United Front has past. If the best in the two forces will unit in the Youth Movement, now un- Politics Where Will He Strike Next By KIRKE L. SIMPSON WASHINGTON, Aug. 13.-QP)- Uncertainty as to where the Roose- velt party primary lightning may strike next gives an atmosphere of breathless expectancy to the two weeks of campaigning immediately ahead. Otherwise, this period in which four states pick party tickets seems politically featureless. The President's radio address Mon- day night, observing the third anni- versary of the Social Security Act, affords him an opportunity to carry into Maryland the crusade he began against Senator George in Georgia. Rep. David J. Lewis, who is running against Senator Tydings for the Dem- ocratic senatorial nomination in that state, had a big hand in framing and passing the Social Security Law. Mr. Roosevelt could in effect endorse Lewis against Tydings without ing either, since Tydings voted "pres- ent" when the act passed the Senate. Little Else Doing Elsewhere. the political situation seems devoid of national interest and possible thrills until the California and South Carolina primaries Aug. 30, in which Roosevelt pressure will be a factor in senatorial contests. He came out strongly for Senator Mc- Adoo's renomination in California. By implication, in a South Carolina train-stop talk, he seemed to frown on Senator Smith's candidacy, call- ing on his South Carolina hearers to send New Dealers to Washington to help rehabilitate the south. White House disfavor for Smith has long been indicated. Before Aug. 30, nothing is on the primary schedule to warrant national interest except a Texas run-off Aug. 27 in which administration hopes ride with Representative McFarlane's last-chance effort to reverse anti- New Deal trends which have been read into his failure to win a first- heat nomination. A run-off victory would improve the New Deal score in Texas. There is only one senatorial selec- tion slated between now and Aug. 30. A Socialist convention will pick a candidate in Connecticut on Aug. 27. Delaware Democrats named their House ticket that day. Party selec- tions for governor as well as House seats will be made in Wyoming Aug. 16, and on Aug. 23 Mississippi virtual- ly elects its next delegation to the House in Democratic primaries. None of these contests have attracted much attention outside the states involved. He Loves Surprises But the echoes of President Roose- velt's breath-taking surge into Geor- gia politics, to' urge the defeat of Senator George, are still reverberat- ing. The one thing Washington poli- ticians agree on is that no one can predict certainly where or when he will strike again. He exhibited in Georgia the flair for political surprise tactics which has marked his public career from the start. He has a lik- ing for keeping even most of his of- ficial family circle guessing. The surprise element stands high in Roosevelt technique. It has even been a sort of bame between the President and the corps of White- house news writers. The President gets a distinct kick out of catching them napping with some important release, as when he told a luncheon group he hoped Lawrence Camp would be the next Senator from Georgia. That statement, coming the same day that news wires were carrying the story of a New Dealer's defeat in the Democratic senatorial primary in Idaho, vied with the Idaho news for press attention. Mr. Roose- velt's declaration against Senator George at Barnesville next day swept the front pages; and more or less relegated the defeat of Senator Pope in Idaho to the political news back- ground. Eye For News The President's tactics again em- phasized to Washington newsmen what they have long conceded, that he has a keener eye for news values, and headline effects on public opin- on, than any hWite House predeces-- sor, certainly any since Theodore Roosevelt. It increased, also, the uncertainty as to how, when and where, if ate all, the President will make his next direct effort to "purge" Senate Democrats he rates conserva- tives at heart, as he does Senator George. The next two weeks may not be nearly as dull from the standpoint of national political interest as ' the scheduled happenings would suggest. Chang, who is ceaseless in her efforts for "Warphans." They don't have time to take to say War Orphans, there are so many of them and so much that must be done quickly to get them scattered around in small groups in safer places. Besides there are the wounded, a problem that is far too big for just medical organizations to handle. These women and others organize women to go into the dress- ing stations and help with the barest matters of living and first aide. And now for the time being until the great second move is over these mat- ters are in the confusion of refugee- ing. But the spirit to do what they can, as long as they can, has grown Profssor Younghil Kang Will Give Concluding Series Of Far East Lectures OF ALL THE WPA projects which anti-administration critics find objectionable, none seems to arouse their ire like the art projects and es- pecially the Federal Theatre. And this is in spite of the fact that the number of workers on all the theatre units must be very small in compari- son with those on the various con- struction projects. Because of this one finds a general misconception of what the Project is. The Federal Theatre as a division of the Works Progress Administration is a regular project giving work relief to unemployed theatre workers just as road building projects give em- ployment to laborers. It is under the same state control by which money from the Federal government is al- lotted to separate states who spend it for projects which each state thinks' necessary or advisable. However, in the case of the theatre projects there is a national director, Mrs. Hallie Flanagan, who formulates a general policy and makes it possible, for ex- ample, to secure important plays for all the projects. The project for Michigan is located in Detroit and has a quota of about seventy workers. About half of these, are actors. The rest are stage-hands, (carpenters, electricians, scene-shift- ers), office workers (time-keepers, accountants, stenographers), seam- stresses, janitors. All of these are from the relief rolls or have been certified for work relief. The salary The Federal Theatre Project By JAMES DOLL Editor's Note: Miss Hadley is a graduate of the University of Michi- gan and a former member of The Daily staff and was one of the first students to take a degree in the program of Oriental Civilizations. She is now a colleague of Professor Kang's in thu Far Eastern Art Del artmegnt of the Metropolitan Museum of New York.' By JOSEPHINE HADLEY The fifth and concluding series of special lectures sponsored by the In- stiute of Far Eastern Studies, will be given by Professor Younghill Kang beginning Monday, August 15. Pro- fessor Kang is a well known lecturer on Korea and is one of the outstanid- ing authorities on the culture of that country. Since 1929 he has been As- sistant Professor of Comparative Lit- erature at New York University, and at the present time he is on the staff of the Department of Far Eastern Art at the Metropolitan Museum in New York. Professor Kang's life and training has been so colorful and varied that it has furnished material for two highly interesting, autobiographical novels. A native of Korea, he was. educated according to the conserva- tive, classical ideal of, the "poet- scholars", and was thoroughly ground- ed in the ancient traditions, and cul- ture patterns of his country. The story of his idyllic childhood in an isolated provincial village, and of his youthful development marked by spiritual conflict and a deep desire to understand occidental culture, as well as by constantly growing anxiety for the fate of his nation, is poig- nantly told in "The Grass Roof", which was published in 1931. As Japan began a series of steady encroachments on his native. land, Professor Kang became keenly aware of the .gradual disintegration of the old order in. Korea, and soon realized that he could never realize his am- bitions in his own country. He felt that if he were to save his life he would have to transplant it wholly to a younger culture, and this forms the theme of his second novel, "East Goes West" (Scribner's, 1937). In this book he tells us how, in order to escape from the Westernizatiqn of the East, he decided to seek out the West itself, and to come to America where the romance of the machine age attracted him. On his arrival in New York, ready for anything, he embarked on a series of adventures that carried him through such diversified jobs as waiter, barge-man, store-clerk, far- mer's helper, and book-agent. Some- times his experiences were amusing and often they: bordered on the tragic, but through them all he showed such determination of will, flexibility of character, and above all, such an enthusiastic spirit for his new life, that he managed not only to survive his many ordeals but to secure a college education at Nova Scotia and at Harvard University in spite of his many hardships. Such a career has saved Professor Kang from the role of spiritual exile which is the fate of so many Orientals in America. So well has he succeeded in understanding our culture that he has adopted most of its elements and combined them with his native Kor- ean heritage. For this reason, Pro- fessor Kang's lectures should prove highly illuminating and stimulating to a Western audience. Professor Kang's topics are par- ticularly well suited to his special talents. At 4:30 on Monday, August 15, he will give his first address, en- titled "Changing Korea," in the main auditorium of the Horace H. Rack- ham School of Graduate Studies. Tuesday he will speak on "Chunto- ism and the Korean Language", Wed- nesday on "Korean Literature," and Thursday on "Korean Art". they receive (as with the other pro- jects) varies from $60.00 to $94.08 a month depending on whether their Job is classed as unskilled, semi- skilled, or skilled, or professional work. Each worker has one or more dependants. Besides these workers from the re- lief rolls there are four supervisors who act more or less in an executive capacity. There are the general Pro- ject Supervisor, the Stage Director, Art Director, and Director of the Marionette unit. When the Projects were first or- ganized, they were not set up for "dramatic actors" only but for peo- ple from all branches of the amuse- ment world. Many were from vaude- ville and as Brooks Atkinson has so tactfully put it "Had already served their term of usefulness to the thea- tre". They constituted one the chief problems the directors of the theatre units had to meet, In a number of places, including Detroit, the pro- jects were c *vided and certain workers not qualified for regular plays have been trained for a children's theatre unit. Others have been transferred to other projects. During the past season the Detroit Project has given from one to thirty performances of each of the follow- ing plays: Marlowe's Doctor Faustus, Albert Bein's Let Freedom Ring, O'Neill's Anna Christie, Shaw's Arms and the Man, Arthur Miller's They (Continued on Page 3) Ann Arbor Idyll A Reader Pens A Pane gyric For The University Down where the Huron river flows, Its placid bosom green and gold, Reflects the sunlit, vale at morn, Boding the traveller glad sojourn. For, flanked b.X woodland and by moor, Ann Arbor nestles on its shores,' And many a beauteous picture casts, Upon its waters gliding past. Outstretched athwart both field and glen, A picturesque landscape marks the scene, Bestrewed by many a spired kirk, That points to the celestial vault. There past one hundred years ago,. A mighty spirit issued forth, And born Catholepistimiad- When native sons were far more sparse, This inspiration blessed of heaven, Mantling priest and farseeing lay- men, In spite of rugged barriens met, =The Collegium jid emanate, Within the orbit o great stride, Without the curse of vaunted pride:, A glowing beacon in the west, A shrine of learning where the test Of pedagogs cosmopolite, Compassing all that's erudite, Her arts, and sciences unfold, So that the wondering may behold, That Nature's secrets once beclous Lie unmazed 'by her deft expose. Amidst wide halls, great libraries, About the sward reliquaries, This spirit permeates the souls Of her. desciples-one and all- There rich and poor erase degree, ,Within her classrooms' privacy. From every clime and race they come, To learn beside her native sons. Of varying interest is this horde, -The students accept by the board. Some out for ease, an idle quest Have much concern to keep abreast. A goodly set just bent. on play, Find they must work both night and day.- But, far the many are regaled, By problems offering aspects grave. While certain, come to take the course, Of knowledge at this famous source, Sated their craving, get their counts, Yet, cannot leave her charmed haunts. Though sage the trend and taut the rule, There too is romance at this school. The hillside trail, the winding brook, Afford the lovelorn many a nook, And - rustic benches placed beside, Catch many a smothered lover's sigh. Upon a hardby rising knoll, home few have paid their final toll. Their tasks unfinished, labor done, They await the second advent dawn. Maybe they see--we do not know,- The myriad students come and go. The state-flung burghers ponder hard, The wellfare of their noted charge. The townsfolk guard with jealous eye, This jewel of their civic pride. All lands upon this mundane sphere, Welcome Michigan's far and near