DWI EN'S Y-Fo THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, AUG. 13, 1 TWENTY-FOUR~ SATURDAY, AUG. 13, Concentration program Here Is Explained Every Student Must Have 60 Hours And 60 Honor Points To Concentrate Students in the University's co1- - lege of Literature, Science and the Arts who are studying for the degree of Bachelor of Arts or a similar degree do not "major" in the subject of their choice, as is the case at many schools and colleges, but take a first or Gen- eral Program, usually for two years, followed by a second or Degree Pro- gram, usually rejuiring another two years. To enter the Degree Program, us- ually at the beginning of the student's junior year, the sudent must have completed at least, 60 hours of work with ai average grade of C or better. A student who fails to attain the C average required for admission to candidacy for a degree may be given NEW POINT PLAN A revised graduation of honor points will take effect for the first time with this year's fresh- man class. Replacing the old sys- tem of 3 points for an A -grade, 2 for B, 1 for C, none for D, and no hours' credit for E, the new scale provides 4 points for an A grade, 3 points for B, 2 points for C, 1 point for D and none for E. one semester and one Summer Ses- sion after the semester in which he passes the 60-hours line, in order to bring his honor point index up to the required mininum. The record of the student, however, must be sat- isfactory enough to justify the exten- sion of time. At the. conclusion, then, of his sophomore year, when n the ordinary course of events the student has re- ceived 60 or more hours and an equivalent number of points, he be- comes, upon placing application, a candidate for a degree ,Then he must relect either a "division" or a "de- partment of concentration." A "department," in the technical sense of the word, is a course of study such as French, history, chemistry, or anthopology. A student is at liberty f to concentrate in any department if he wishes to do so.. A "division," as the term is technically employed, re- fers to a larger grouping of courses, of which there are three. Group I, or Division I, is composed of Ancient Languages and Literatures. Modern Languges and Literature, Classical Archaeology, Journalism and certain courses in Speech and General Lin- guistics. Group II, or Division II, is devoted to scientific courses such as mathe- mtatics, astronomy, physics, chemis- try, minerology, etc. Group II, or Division III, is de- voted to the "social sciences" such as history, economics, sociology, political science, etc. A student may concentrate in any study. For example: a student who .s primarily interested in scientific pursuits may, after completing in his first two years at Michigan the total number of points, proceed to concen- trate in Group II (science) or he might select a department in the group (such as physics, for instance), if he is more interested in physics, than in a more sweeping survey of all the sciences. Eachr student's credit for gradua- tion, comprising his entire course of study in all four years at the Univer- sity, must iclude not less than 30 hours study in his department of con- centration, or not less than 60 hours of study in his division of concentra- tion, if he chooses the latter. Ban On Autos StrictlyUpheld No Driving Allowed While School Is In Session "No student In attendance at the University shall operate any motor vehicle," is a line in the University catalogue which is strictly adhered to by the students and enforced by the administration. Students falling wi thin three groups, however, are granted, upon personal request, exemption from the "auto ban." The regulation does not apply to students 26 years of age or older. It also does not apply to part- time students receiving credit for not more than six hours per semester. Those with a faculty rating of in- structor or higher will be exempted. When any appreciable saving in transportation costs is realized, stu- dents may drive their cars to Ann Arbor., and place them in dead stor- age. Full information on stored cars, including the name and address of the owner, make, type and license number of car, and location of stor- age must be reported to the Dean of Students Office immediately after the car is brought to Ann Arbor. This More Than 100 ExtracurricularActivitiesAre Open For Participation (Continued from Page 23) class of '40 were initiated. Shortly after the advent of the second semes- ter a group of freshmen and sopho- mores who raised their average dur- ing their second semester on campu,. will receive the small gold pin, in the shape of a candle, which is the Alpha Lambda Delta symbol. Congregational Student Fellowship The Student Fellowship of the First Congregational Church kis organized to provide a social center for the 800 Congregational students and all others who may be interested. Pil- grim Hall, which is the student house, is a meeting place. The program of the Fellowship in- cludes as a main feature, the Sunday evening supper hour At six o'clock, followed by a social program, devo- tionals led by the students them- selves and discussions and addresses by prominent speakers. Dances, sleigh rides, picnics and other recreational activities are held every two weeks. Scimitar Scimitar has as its purpose to spon- sor fencing and encourage fencing competition on the Michigan campus. Requirements for membership are an unanimous vote of the active mem- bers on the basis of ability and sports- manship plus eligibility. Sponsors of the group are Coach John Johnstone, Prof. A. E. R. Boak, Prof. Joseph R. Hayden, and Dr. George May. Practice sessions and coaching not confined to members are available have gone on to win major gliding technical men from the outside on strengthening of ieligious affiliations every Monday, Wednesday and Fri- and flying contests. subjects of interest to mechanical en- and assistance in the problems of the day in the small Intramural building gineering students. religious life of the student. gym. A.S.M.E. In addition, inspection trips, ban- 'Ihe Association accepts any Lu- The Student Branch of the A.S.M.E. quets, and joint meetings with other theran student or faculty member as The Outdoors Club constitutes the first grade of mnem- societies are participated in. An es- eligible for membership. Meetings are bership in the parent society, which say contest is also held, and the win held in the Zion Lutheran Parish Hall The purpose of the Outdoor Club is the national mechanical engineer- ner sent to the annual convention at every Sunday from 5:30 p.m. to 8:301 is recreational. Its activities include ling professional organization. Chicago. p-m. Supper, social activities, and a! cross-country hikes ,swimming par- To add to the student's acquain- general forum are included. ties, toboggan parties, canoe trips, bi- tance with the practical side of the Scandinavion Club cycle hikes and hay rides. Meetings field of mechanical engineering and The Scandinavian Student Club of Disciples Guild are held every weekend as announced to enable the student to establish ira- the University attempts to stimulate The Disciple's Guild meets each in the D.O.B. of the Daily. Member- ternal contact with his fellow stu- interest in Scandinavian cultural ac- Sunday evening in the Church of ship is open to all undergraduate or dents and faculty in engineering are tivities and to foster friendships Christ, corner of Hill and Tappan. graduate students and to all members the organization's purposes. among the students of Scandinavian It gathers for tea and a social hour { 1 c skating parties sandc toboggan parties are also held. The Guild House at 4a8 Maynard Street is open to students at any time and many social evenings are held there. Sigma Alpha Iota The only professional musical sor- ority on campus is Sigma Alpha Iota. Requirements for eligibility are en- rollment in the Schoo'l of Music, a B plus average and recommendations. Formal musicals are held every month as well as one business meeting. Get Your Name aStamp (See Calkins-Fletcher's ad p. 4) Fill out this coupon (first, mid- dle, and last names necessary) and mail it with 25c in stamp to Calk in-Fletcher Drug 324 South State St. ANN ARBOR, MICH. FULL NAME........... Address................. City ................ . of the faculty. Glider. Cl ub The University Glider Club provides active contact with instruction in gliding and soaring. Instruction is offered members once a week. Dues are $8.00 a semester, with a $5.00 in- itiation fee. No previous flying exper- ience is necessary. All students in mechanioal - A gineering or allied fields are eligible for membership. The fee is $2.,4. which includes a subscription to "Me- chanical Engineering" and a mem- bership pin. At present the local stu- dent branch is reported to have the largest membership of any branch in the United States-170. Regular meetings are held every two weeks, usually on Wednesday eve- birth and descent. Sponsored by Professors Eriksen and Hansen of the Engineering Col- lege, the club holds meetings in the first and third weeks of each school month at Lane Hall. Exact dates of these meetings are announced in the Daily Official Bulletin. Itheran Student Clubr The Michigan unit of the Lutheran at 5:30 p.m. At 6:30 p.m. a forum discussion is held. During the pres- ent year the followings subjects are u n d e r consideration: "Marriage, Courtship, and Home Building," "Ex- periments in Religious Living," and "Choosing a Vocation. '' The social program of the Guild consists of numerous Friday frolics in addition to the Sunday evening Social Hour. At Friday Frolics the' church is open for ping pong, shuffle board, and many other games. Each semester other social events such as The club is the largest in the coun-1 nings. The programs consist of lec-I try and is the oldest collegiate glider tures, motion pictures, slides, or dem- IStudent Association of America di- club in existence. Many members onstrations presented, as a rule, by 1rects activity principally toward a Ii , .II J P. Jackson Hole Made Outdoor Research Base Prof. Hopkins Announces Camp Davis May Serve All University Groups Following a visit and inspection of Camp Davis at Jackson Hole, Wyo., Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, director of the Summer Session, announced that the Camp in the future will be made the base of operations for all Uni- versity outdoor research courses in the Rocky Mountain region. Found to be ideally situated and possessing adequate features and facilities, Camp Davis, now being used only by surveyors and gelogists of the University, will be used next sum- mer and following years more exten- sively than it has been, Professor Hopkins pointed out. This means that the camp may also serve the biolo- gists, botanists, zoologists, forestets, and other groups of the University, as their base of advanced research in the Rocky Mountain area. Outside of the Camp Davis region, the summer session camps operated in connection with the University in- clude the biological station at Doug- las Lake; the forestry camp, known as Camp Filibert Roth, which is in Iron Country, within the boundaries of the Ottawa National Forest; the Geography camps in Ann Arbor and at Wilderness Park, which is situ- ated on the Straits of Mackinac; the Geology camp at Statebridge, Colo.; the R.O.T.C. Ordnance camp at Aber- deen Proving Grounds, Md., and the Cheboygan project, sponsored by the land utilization department of the Graduate School and only 10 miles from the Mackinac geography course. International Club Is In Union Wing Taking up its quarters in the new wing of the Michigan Union next to Allen Rumsey dormitory, the foreign students' social and recreational1cen- ter will function this year under the new name officially passed by the Board of Regents at its last meeting, "International Center." The office of J. Raleigh Nelson, di- rector of the International Center, will be located in the Union addition as well as the secretary's office, club rooms, lounge, assembly room and kitchenette. The new headquarters will be the point of concentration for all foreign student activity. The reg- ular Sunday night suppers will be held there as well as a new get- together hour on Wednesday after- noons where tea and other refresh- ments will be served. The foreign student enrollment of the University last year was 300 and that number is expected to increase this year. Of this 300, 160 were Chi- nese, 11 Turks, 12 Japanese and 7 Indians. In addition to providing a social program for the foreign students the main duty of the director's office will be to keep account of the foreign en- rollment and to deal with Washing- ton, D.C., on all matters of immigra- tion such as passports, visas, exten- sion of stay, and status for University foreign students. iods, which are announced in the Daily Official Bulletin. " "Oh! Mother and Dad pay all the bills 4 r t And e hae al thefun I want to go back' I got, to go back J Q. J r, f'A to A LICH IGAN You'll soon know the c ) song You'll soon know your clothes belong at GR EENE S Micro clean, N UNDER THE! MICROSCOPE Ann Arbor's Foremost Dry Cleaner KNITS BLOCKED to Measurements PROMPT SERVICE on Short Not.i e w~r WNT A1 TI 10 ts'aifA "l L_ L11 .t._., CH.1 AfV A CFTT' Ysnr nr ian Qf III HEPi K S M VADE b'.flE x nerts l'.AtYZ A~.~UUM v.l l Z3vzteuesau~