13, 1938 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TWENTY-THREE freshmen Face I A Problem.Of Activity Choice lemaining Clubs, Societies Are Listed For Eligible Students,_Old And New (Continued from Page 22) lated to the fairs and minstrel shows produced during the first years of the present century as a means of pro- moting the construction of a Union building. The first Union Opera was presented in 1907. The most suc- cessful was "Cotton Stockings," pro- duced in 1923, which became a hit at the Metropolitan Opera House after a tour of the Middle West and East. The last show was "Give Us Rhythm" in 1935. Participating in a Mimes show is required for membership. There will be a call for tryouts as soon as plans for a production are completed. No- tices of meetings, which are held in the Union, will be announced in the Paily Official Bulletin. chart Shows The Official Organization Of The Administration PRESWEoT I r" 2 iip i eA rPp N, Vt RsrP'CovsLofi. t0'Sift irR~r EE Crrgr 7..., .l I T 1 i Ceirnurr 0 ,rrCw e C a a their thinking, and seeks to encourage companionship of their fellow, towns- organization of the group is similar tolerance for the opinions of others by men. to that of any other social sorority of presenting for consideration the ar- the University in its purpose. Meet- guments on both sides of each ques- Cercie FranCais ings are held the first and third Wed- tioeetings are held three or four The principal purpose of Le Cercle nesdays in each month. times each semester, and follow the Francais is to acquaint the student general pattern of a short, informal with the more familiar aspects of Kappa Beta Pi talk by an outside speaker preceding the French tongue and culture Kappa Beta Pi is a legal sorority an open forum discussion on the topic through a series of lectures and semi- for white women law students who of the evening. monthly meetings. have at least a C average for the first Meetings are held on Wednesday The only necessary qualification year's work in law. Meetings are ,..,.....,.,,~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ...m .;5..,,.«..,...+1..T...,f m hr'iitT. 'nl"otrt!hPIrntthi venings, either in a room at the Law Club or at the Union. All law students are invited to attend any meeting, and may become active members by 101r membership in Le Cercie is that the prospective member be able to carry on a conversation in French. :-- Cou~rcIt [A1knw SrM&ENr Cao'i'rwrrtts -- tqrss;rroN - fl/46AUfl COAAUK pOAEN TDE~ COR 1'l~tg. L sG S LT/GI contacting any of the officers. INippon Club The Nippon Club is a social or- Chinese Students Club ganization for Japanese at the All Chinese students registered in University of Michigan who were born the University are members of the either in this country or Japan. Chinese Students Club. Meetings are i The purpose of the Nippon Club held at least three times during the is to prove assistance to Japanese and semester at Lane Hall. Advance no- to promote friendly relations be- tice is given by cards. The Sunday tween American and Japanese stu-- evening suppers are being continued.; dents. The Hiawatha Club Michigan Dames Club The Hiawatha Club, which numbers An organization for the wives of about forty members, was organized students and internes on campus is in the fall of 1935. the Michigan Dames Club. The club The purpose of the Hiawatha Club meets the second and fourth Tuesday[ is, first, to foster a feeling of good- of each month. There are nine in- will and friendship among Upper terest groups whi'ch meet once a Peninsula men who are students at month; art, athletic, book, bridge, the University; and second, to create child study, charm, drama, home .T~virgrc irttu rc~r MtX Srvtwr Epfr raotRw ~AW. ' I4IRdnT4Wf'tI II I OrwA1)ait o a:' Toastmasters "Conceived in frivolity, nurtured in good-fellowship, dedicated to the cul- tivation of wit and the graces of a gentleman." Thus in its official toast is typified the motto, spirit and purpose of Toastmasters, oldest honor society on the ;University of Michigan campus. Toastmasters was formed and organ- ized' March 6, 1897, maintained a leading position at the University until the World War when it, tem- porarily passed into a state of sus- pended animation, and was reor- genized in 1934., Toastmasters at the present time is composed of between 20 and 25 Michigan men from the Literary school and Law school. Its primary purpose is to cultivate and develop the art of impromptu afterdinner speaking among the members. In- formal dinner meetings are conduct- ed monthly. Tau Sigma Delta Tau Sigma Delta is an international honorary fraternity in achitecture and the allied arts. Its aim is to pro- duce men fit for the profession of architecture both by virtue of their professional training and their con- cept of the duty toward society on the part of architects. The belief that architecture is much more than a: technical profession led to .the or- ganization of Alpha chapter of Tau Sigma Delta at Michigan in 1913. The society was originally founded because of a belief that architecture owes to the world a finer place in which to live, a freer philosophy, and an in- .-I digenous culture as expressed in aims to provide a social and cultural buildings. center for students. Although it em- There are two classes of member- phasizes Jewish values, its facilities ship, junior and senior. Members must are open to all students. The Foun- be in the junior class. dation is located at 1102 Oakland, and its physical facilities include a library, Architectural Society The purpose of the Architectural Society is to give the student body a means of promoting and developing activities within the Architectural School itself. This body is also in- strumental in getting speakers to ad- dres .the students from time to time upon subjects related to their work. The sponsorship of parties and mix- ers falls upon this organization as dofs the school paper "Designer" and the annual Architect's Ball, held in the spring. Student relations with the faculty are handled mainly through the Society. The governin'g body of the Society is composed of eight representatives, called the Architectural Council. Four are elected at large from the entire school and four are elected by class vote. The officers are in turn elected from and by the Council. All class officers within the school are related to the Council by their class representatives. It is the aim of the organization to create a more unified feeling throughout the dif- ferent classes in respect to school functions. For this reason, class ad- ministration is carried on through the cooperation of the class officers and the Council. Hillet Foundation The B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation recreation room, chapel, lounge, of- fices, and kitchen. Membership is approximately 500. Among the most important activ- ities are: Religious Services every Fri- day evening; Sunday Evening Forums (Avery Weisman, Chairman); Hillel Players-Dramatic Group (Louise Samek, President); Hillel Indepen- dent Club-Social Organization (Al Finkelstein, President); Palestine Club (Samuel F. Grant, President); Fireside Discussion Group; Hillel Book Club (Betty Steinhart, Presi- dent); and social events. Tau Epsilon Rho Through cooperative effort, Epsilon Chapter of Tau Epsilon Rho, interna- tional Jewish legal fraternity seeks to promote among its members a deeper grasp of the problems of the law student and a broader approach for professional life. It has sought to sustain a reputation for scholarship on the campus and conducts regular discussion groups, on current legal problems, special review sessions' for its members and guests on academic courses, besides entertaining fromi time to time pro- minent members of the bar. For the past three years the chapter has won the trophy presented by the national fraternity for scnolastic eminence. Social activities includes dances, dinners, and luncheons. Membership is by invitation and election. Phi Epsilon Kappa Phi Epsilon Kappa is the only na- tional physical education fraternity in the United States. It functions to inculcate the principles of Peace, Friendship and Brotherly Love; to promote and enhance the happiness of its members and to elevate the standards, ideals and ethics for professionals engaged in teaching physical education. Kappa Chapter was founded here in 1925. Membership is open to those stu- dents of health and physical edu- cation above freshman standing who, through scholastic rating, profession- al ability and character show prom- ise of furthering the ideals of the fraternity. Meetings are held bi- monthly., The yearly banquet and 'get-to- gether' will be held in the spring to which all alumni brothers and men of Phi Epsilon Kappa are invited, Lawyers Liberal Club Organized in 1934, the Lawyers' Liberal Club provides the members of the law school with a forum at which they may discuss current social, ec- onomic, and political problems. In keeping with its name the Liberal Club opens its membership to all re- gardless of whether they are so- called "conservatives" or "liberals" in a "University of Michigan conscious- ness" among high school graduates from the Upper Peninsula by sponsor-' ing collegiate dances, advising the high school graduates, and keeping in touch with Uppoer Peninsula news- papers.I The club sponsors speakers, mainly members of the faculty. It also par- ticipates in intramural athletics, and boasts a hocky team. Initiates are selected by vote of the active mem- bers. Dues amount to one dollar per semester. Scalp and Blade The National Fraternity of Scalp and Blade is a social organization for the promotion of social entertainment and educational recreation for col- lege men from Buffalo, New York. The Michigan Chapter is one of the oldest and most active chapters of the fra- ternity. Any male resident of Buffalo in the University is eligible for undergrad- uate membership. The local chapter invites all Buffaloians to enjoy the Alpha Alpha Gamma Alpha Alpha Gamma, national honorary sorority in architecture and its allied arts, has as its goal the fostering of an interest in various forms of art. Students from the School of Architecture and of land- scape designing, who are in the up- per one-third of their class sdholas- tically, are eligible for membership. Meetings, held every two weeks, are usually held in the homes of profes- sors. Women s Physical Club All women majoring in physical education are automatically members of the Women's Physical Club, which has as its purpose the promotion of sportsmanship and participation in outside activities on campus. Alpha Kappa Alpha Alpha Kappa Alpha is a national social sorority for colored women. The making and music. _ Uelu 11unJlLy. Alpha Gamma Sigma Alpha Gamma Sigma is a social or- ganization for former Girl Scouts, Girl Reserves and Campfire Girls. A social meeting is held every other Monday night. Phi Taua Alpha Phi Tau Alpha is the honorary Latin and Greek society. Intended for all students interested in partici- pating in the study of the classics, the society meets twice a month. Pro- grams of many and diverse phases pertinent to the fields of Latin and Greek are presented. Phi Tau Alpha has as its purpose the furthering of the. student's inter- est in his or her work and the pro- viding of a closer contact between student, classmates and professor. Alpha Lambda Delta Alpha Lambda Delta is a society established to honor those freshman women who attain a 2.47 average during their first semester or during their first and second semesters com- bined. In April, 193f1, 23 women of the (Continued on Page 24) Get Your Name Stamp (See Calkins-Fletcher's ad p. 4) Fill out this coupon (first, mid- dle, and last names necessary) and mail it with 25c in stamp to Calkins-Fletcher Drug $324 South State St. ANN ARBOR, MICA. FULL NAME.............. Address................... City........ ............ S i O N E M A.N T E L L S A N O T H E R I [.E J'~ I in FINE QUALITY- MEN'S WEAR at REASONABLE PRICES This is the Distinction that Saffell & Bush have enjoyed for many years. Exclusive Representative for STEIN-BLOCH FINE CLOTHING and NUNN-BUSH SHOES unay, ctober 16, 193$ What a week-end! It all started off bee-y~ofyy nite at the Deke dance with Bill - my looking defitey snsh (if I do say so) in my straPless formal and getting much attention teraywas super-exciting. from the: brothers. The game yesterday w ned the odd home town when Marry looked as if he hardly recognize I trotted out to meet him in my swankY green one that made such a telling impression on the girls at the house St here.) The black dinner dress finished WarrY uesshe's decided that the gal he grew up next door to (and had to take out just once) can be sightly glamorouster Allofwhich n-hoo -two dates with him next week! All of any-oo - to dthank her for her wards of reminds m, I must write Ginny and dobe at _ Jacobson -- ighti wisdom about getting my wardrob 'i Thecertainly know what a gs ud have here Ann Arbor. The yceany s bess certainl on campus.Nxt to her Mother, a gal'sb fnr l her Jacobson wardrobe . affe i $Bush i