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August 13, 1938 - Image 22

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Michigan Daily, 1938-08-13

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More Than 100 Extracurricular Activities Are Open For Partic

'iparitio U

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Activity Choice
R ub -eaining Clb, Societies
Are Listed For Eligible
StudentsOld And New
Polonia Literary Circle
Founded 30 years ago by American
Poles, the Polonia Literary Circle has
as its purposes to give Poles a con-
genial meeting place, offer them an
opportunity to talk over their prob-
lems and, most important, to discuss
matters of adjustment through an
,intelligent group with an understand-
ing of both American and Polish cul-
tsprograms usual includ speak
ers and other entertainig features.
den organizaton in teSchool o0f
.Forestry and Conservation. Its activi-
2 ies are both professional and social
in nature.
Membership is open to faculty
members, alumni, Forestry school stu-
dents and pre-forestry students. Dues
tare two dollars a year. Meetings,
which are held bi-weekly, are for the
*purpose of transacting business and
discussing topics of professional in-
:with the faculty in matters of mutual
Social activities which are spon-
ord inlude the Fall Camfire at
eaginaw Forest, Spring Field Day,
smokers,, dances and dinners. "The
Michigan Forester," the School of
Forestry and Conservation's annual,
~s published in the spring and every
member receives a free copy-.
Natural Science Society
of China
The purpose of the Natural Science
Society of China is to promote science
and scientific achievement while pre-
senting its members with a better
knowledge of scientific conditions in
Eligibility is determined by the stu-
dent's interest in promoting the wel-
lare of scientific achievement. Mem-
).ership is based upon merit, scholas-
tic adaptability and the taking of in-
tiative to further the interests of sci-
ence and science as regards China
more particularly.
Activities include trips to points of
scientific interest, discussion groups
and research work.

who have at least a C plus average.
Rushing is held every semester and
meetings every other week. The meet-
ings are both social and religious in
nature. The motto of the club is
"Every member is a leader in the
church tomorrow."
Quarterdeck Society
Quarterdeck Society is an honorary
invitational society of the Depart-
ment of Naval Architecture and Ma-
rine Engineering, College of Engi-
neering. One of the oldest engineering
;ocieties on this campus, it was f ormed
in 1909.
All meetings are student conduct-
ed. At various times during the year
members write papers on subjects
relative to the field of ships and
shipping which are read before the
society. Following the reading of
these papers there are general discus-
At presenu tnere is being formed
ue r e gia nceh of te society , a
come acquainted with the ways of
the wind and the water.
Beta Sim Rh was organized at
the University of Michigan during the
fall term of 1937 and soon afterwards
this organization was formally ac-
cepted by the Council of Student Af-
fars. Its purpose is to give the trans-
fer student and upperclassman who
has not affiliated with any fraternal
group an opportunity to do so while
a junior ,or senior.
The Stump Speakers' Society of
Sigma Rho Tau is a branch of the
intercollegiate engineering spealters
society founded at the University of
Michigan to develop ability in public
discussion and debate. The major
objecti of the organization is to in-
sure a closer bond of understanding
between the applied scientist and the
general public through development
of speech activities among colleges of
architecture, engineering and tech-'
nology. It holds conferences, debates,
and speech contests oni national and
engineering problems with local so-
cieties and branches in other colleges.
Ranks of membership are neophyte,
novice, associate and full. Assembly
meetings are held every Tuesday eve-
ning at 7:30 at the Union. Training
groups meet regularly.
Suomi Club
The purpose of the Suomi Club is
primarily social. It also promotes the
study of Finnish culture and life in
general. To be eligible for member-
ship one must be of Finnish descent
Meetings are held on Sunday evenings
in Lane Hall. Membership is limited
to beltween 20 and 25. The club was
organized at Michigan in September,
The first Negro fraternity was or-
ganized in 1905 at Cornell University.
Epsilon chapter was established on
the University Michigan campus on
April 10, 1909. Meetings are now
held at the Union the first and third
Mondays of each month. Aims of the
fraternity are to promote high school
and college education as a means to
bette; citizenship and to promote and
sustain the intellectual qualities of
the Negro race.

field of science, and also in the gen-
eral method and aim of science, the
ground common to all sciences.
At each biweekly meeting a mei-
ber reports oh a subject he has in-
vestigated which is of interest to him-
self and which he thinks he can make
interesting and understandable to the
group. This requirement excludes
subjects too technical for the diversi-
fied trainings of the members. Meet-
ings are held every other Friday night
in a University building.
Phi Lambda Upsilon
Phi Lambda Upsilon is a national
honorary chemical society. Member-
ship consists of senior and graduate
chemists and chemical engineers,
elected on the basis of scholarship.
The society sponsors an award each
year to the highest ranking junior
chemist and chemical engineer.
*Philip pine-Michigan Club
The purpose~ of the Philippine-
dents on the campus and to get them
acquainted with American students
as w ll a to e from ot hr c ou tr e.
er Sunday afternoon at Lane Hall.
Asheville School Club
The purpose of the Asheville School
Club is to keep alumni of the Ashe-
ville School together and, through
them, to present a gift each June to
the Asheville School.
Membership is only for those who,
at some time or other, were in at-
enc at he d Asheville School.
La Sociedad His pan ica
The aims of La Sociedad Hispanica
are to provide a means for students
to hear and speak Spanish and to
acquaint them with Spanish-Ameri-'
can culture. Its functions are meet-
ings with Spanish programs, a series
of six lectures, and Spanish movies.
Any student who has fulfilled the
University requirements and is in-
terested in Spanish culture is eligible.
Meetings are held twice a month.
Westminster i7Aiild
The Westminster Guild at the Uni-
versity of Michigan offers a varied
program to students of Presbyterian
membership and affiliation. Meetings
are held in a new church and student
center located at 1432 Washtenaw
Interests groups are held through-
out the week. A supper for new stu-
dents followed by a Fireside hour for
all Guild members and friends is held
each Wednesday night. Friday nights
are party nights.
Alpha Kappa Delta
Alpha Kappa Delta is an honorary
sociology society with chapters in the
University of Southern California and
the University of Michigan. Its pur-
pose is to promote interest in social
research and social work.
Second semester juniors, seniors
and gr'aduate students are eligible
for membership. The requirements
are five hours in sociology and a high
B average in all academic work. The
club meets monthly.
Transportation Club
The Transportation Club directs its
activity toward providing a better
contact with current problems of
transportation. Meetings are held on
the second and fourth Wednesdays
of each month of the academic year

and are announced~ in the Daily Of-
ficial Buletin. Members are elected.
Kappa Kappa Psi
Nu chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi.
national honorary band fratrnity',
chooses its members on the basis of
scholarship, leadership and musical
ability. Its program includes spring
concerts by its own concert band com-
posed of fraternity members. Besides
this, Nu sponsors an ensemble contest
open to every member of the Univer-
sity bands and in all functions assists
the Concert Band.
Meetings are held every two weeks
at the Union. on alternate Wednes-
days after band rehearsals.
Aeronautical Sciences
The Institute of the Aeronautical
Sciences on the Michigan campus is
a student branch of the national or-
iz topomote the apliation o
craft, and the student branch is now
in its third year ,on the Michigan
Studet member are enite to
Aeronautical Sciences"
English Jour'nal Club
The English Journal Club is an or-
ganization of graduate students in
the Department of English who are
interested in discussing problems re-
lating to literary history and criti-
cism. Membership is open to graduate
sudents only applicaton a md
other requirements are necessary and
all graduate students in English are
invited to apply for membership.
Cristian Science
Christian Science Organization at
the University of Michigan holds its
services every Tuesday evening at
8:15 o'clock in the Chapel of the
Michigan League Building. The or-
ganization also maintains a room on
the second floor of Lane Hall, where
the Bible, the writings of Mary Baker
Eddy, and all authorized Christian
Science literature may be studied.
Students, alumni, and faculty men-
bers of the University are cordially in-
vited to attend the services and to
use the Study Room.
Lawyers Club
The Lawyers Club of th'e Universit y
of Michigan is a residence club and
dormitory for male studients in good
standing in the Law School. The
physical plant, consisting of a lounge,
dining hall, kitchen and dormitories
divided into sections, has been called

"the finest of its kind anywhere." It
is the gift of the late William W. Cook
of New York.
Any male student eligible for ad-
mission into the Law School may ap-
ply for membership in the Lawyers
Club. At the present time 261 men
live in the Club. and about 300 eat
in the Club's dining hall. Preferences
for rooms in the Lawyers Club are
given to upperclassmen who have re-
sided in the Club at least one year.
The general supervision and manage-
mnent of the Lawyers Club is vested in
a Board of Governors.
Pi Tau Pi Sigma
Members of Pi Tau Pi Sigma, na-
tional honorary signal corps frater-
nity, are selected from the junior and
senior class of the signal corps unit
of the Reserve Officers Training
Aiming to promote a better coor-
dination between the students and of-
ianimportan campus miitar so
Les Voyageurs
The So it onLe Voyageurs is a
also interested in promoting social
and intellectual intercourse among
its members. Membership is limited
to 20, but is not restricted to any
especial school or college.
Scabbard and Blade
The preamble of the Constitution
of Scabbard and Blade exemplifies the
purpose of the Society:-
an obligaton to citizenship,eandcthat
the greater opportunities afforded col-
lege men for the study of miliary
science place upon them certain re-
sponsibilities as citizens, We, Cadet
Officers in various Universities do
form this Society and adopt this Con-
stitution in order to unite in closer
relationship the military departments
of American Universities and Col-
leges; to preserve and develop the es-
sential qualities of good and efficient
officers; to prepare ourselves as edu-
cated men to make a more active'part
and have a greater influence in the
military affairs of the communities
in which we may reside and above
all to spread intelligent informatio'n
concerning the military requirements
of our country."
Basis for election of members into
Scabbard and Blade is founded on
three qualities; scholarship in mili-
tary science courses, efficiency in
drill, personal qualifications and
campus activities.
Thta Sigma Pi
Theta Sigma Phi is a national hon-
orary professional journalistic fra-

ternity for women. Junior and senior
women in the Department of Journal-
ism who have a sufficiently high scho-
lastic rating and have been recoin-
mended by some professor in that de-
partment are eligible for member-
ship. Junior night editors for the
women's page of The Daily are also.
eligible but must receive special per-
mission from the national headquar-
ters. The purpose of the sorority is
to further the work of women in
the newspaper field and in the world
of wvriting in general. Meetings of a
literary nature are held ti-monthly
and social meetings are sponsored at
various times throughout the semes-
ter. Theta Sigma Phi corresponds to
Sigma Delta Chi, the men's honorary
journalistic fraternity.
Pi Lambda Theta
Xi chapter of Pi Lambda Theta,
nationale honra educational so-
furth of th e cas (e raging ap B
plus rating) and must be recomn-
mended by the faculty of the School
of Education. h Ea
For membership in Zeta Phi Eta,
national speech society, candidates
must be speech majors with a B
average or better, must be recom-
mended by a speech professor, and
must give a- tryout speech satisfac-
tory to the members. Meetings are
held twice monthly and are composed
of programs and socials.
The student chapter of the Ameri-
can Society of Civil Engineers con-
sists of sophomore, junior and senior
students of civil engineering in good
standing at the University. Its pur-
pose is the promotion of friendship
and the provision of information con-
cering actual engineering work in
progress throughout the country to
its members.
Eta Kappa Nu
Eta Kappa Nu is a national elec-
trical engineering fraternity founded

for the purpose of closer cooperation
among, and mutual- benefit to, stu-
dents and others in the profession
who by their attainments in college
or in practice manifest exceptional
interest and marked ability in elec-
trical engineering.
The local chapter sponsors elec-
trical engineering colloquiums, and
aids in all activities of the electrical
engineering department. Members
are elected from junior and senior
electrical engineers who have main-
tained a high scholastic average. Sup-
per meetings are held bi-monthly at
the Union.
A. E.E.
The A.L.E. (American Institute
of Electrical Engineers) is a national
association for the advancement of
the profession of electrical engineer-
ing. The membership of the local
University of eMichigan Branch is
wit program f professionalin
terest are held every three weeks.
Mimes is the mn' honorary dra-
matic society, founded ini 1912 to
provide for the continuation of the
Michigan Union Opera as well as to
provide entertaimfent at Union
In its earl years Mimes was re-
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Beta Kappa Rho
Beta Kappa Rho is an organization
for women not living in a sorority,
.dormitory or league house. Social
meetings are held monthly.
Eastern Society
Mebership in Eastern Society is
limited. to Chinese women on campus
who have at least a bachelor's degree.
Candidates must have a high scho-
lastic standing and participate in cul-
thua activities. Meetings are held


as seen ut
.4 .
i.", ~c. 111

limited to

Phi is a

Methodist club,

Scientia is' composed of a small
group of students, primarily upper-
classmen, who are interested in some I


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Sweat Suits

INTELLECTUALLY SPEAKING your college will take
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clothes that show you the clever trick of being
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sion . . . give you an unlimited College Wardrobe
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Tik our Economy course on "Clothes

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_______ - A A ~ -

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