THE MICHIGAN DAILY sRAA 1 13, 1931 woomw SPECIAL MESSAGE TO PARENTS from r Efr Iait. 4,i T'S A BIG OCCASION FOR YOU when your son or daughter begins college. You will find it's just like living over again your own college days, or enjoying for the first time the grand experience. That's why you'll be eager to hear about all that goes on - it will be, "Now, don't forget to write often." But college students are notorious for being bad correspondents - no time in the hustle of college activities to write ade- quate letters. It's an old story. YOU CAN HAVE A WAY, though, a sure way, to keep in touch every day with your son or daughter at Michigan -- through The Michigan Daily. A subscription to The Daily will bring before you the ever-interesting panorama of college life. Read about the famous sporting events, gala parties, thrilling appearances of the stars of theater and concert stage; know what Michigan students are doing, thinking, and talk- ing about. See your son or daughter right in the midst of all the glorious experiences of life on the campus, as vividly told in the pages of their own daily college newspaper. Clip the COUPON Below! ii THE MICHIGAN DAILY Student Publications Building Ann Arbor, Michigan Gentlemen: Enclosed please find $4.50, for which please send the Michigan Daily for One Year to: NAME