THE MICHIGAN DAILY. S Five 11niversity Publications Offer Journalistie Opport unities The Intellectual And Practical Are Attracted To Publications Health Service Provides Free ____________________________________________H ealth_____a Srv ce P rovidesU'UFree 117.72- ... i f _.- AA DTOPIAL if I I i tji i 5U5WNE5S Ii S5TPf- 11 IN51 t.PITOPIAL orR' - TA fT 1939f 'ENSIAN ...-I-N- f A. >r K __ riinm nu... _ W Medical Care To All Students Ji Unit Added Last Summer To Equipment; Room For 30 In The Infirmary One oT the most complete and in- expensive medical services offered by any American university is provided by the University of Michigan Health Service, which cares for any student illness that may arise during the se- mester of the student's residence in the University and takes preventive' measures in regard to student health in living and recreational centers. Illness contracted by the student during the semester in which he is enrolled is taken care of in the Health Service building and the University hospital. Each students receives, without charge, office medical care from his physician and from the Health Service staff of specialists. The student is also entitled to receive# free bed care for 30 days and emer- gency operations without charge. This fall, for the first time, the health examination, which is admin- istered to all entering students by the Health Service, in Waterman and Barbour gymnasiums, will include the Kline blood test for venereal dis- ease, according to Dr. Nelson M. Smith, Health Service physician in charge of the examinations. Owing to the uncertainty of what the gen- eral .student reaction to the tests will be; they will be given only to the men students this fall, with the view of ini- tiating the tests for women at some later date if they are well-accepted by the men. The University cares for any seri- ous illness that is discovered through the examinations, and students are also advised as to the care of minor addition, which adjoins the building on the south contains three office and examining rooms on the first and second floors. On the third floor the two rooms provide space for six infir- mary beds. One of the rooms is for men and the other for women. The Health Service now has room for 30 bed pa- tients in the infirmary. Equipment for the addition costs about $1,000. The Health Service will be open dur- ing Orientation Week to give medical' service. Nurses are stationed in each of the women's dormitories and men living in dormitories and rooming houses have the room-call services available. Of the medical services rendered by the University for which the student is charged, there are the following: extra nursing, some University hospi- tal service, dental X-rays, physician room-calls, non-emergency opera- tions, health appliances and repair and purchase of eye glasses at reduced rates. The charge for these services is made to defray expenses to the University only. The Health Service has a well- equipped pharmacy where prescrip- tions are filled by order of a Health Service physician, a physio-therapy department, optical and X-ray de- partments, an allergy and sensitiza- tion clinic and other facilities which enable the Health Service to give the student complete medical attention. There are several new appoint- ments to the staff of the Health Serv- ice this year. Dr. George H. Agate will be the class medical adviser for the class of 1942 to replace Dr. Morris McGarvey, who is entering private practice in East Lansing. Dr. James B. Lounsbury replaces Dr. Luther ROTC Students Become Officers Military Members May Be Second Lieutenants Commissions as second lieutenants in the Officers' Reserve Corps of the United States await those who suc- cessfully complete the eight semester course in military science and tactics in the University, under the program of the Michigan unit of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps. The eight semesters are divided in- to two sections of four each, the first the basic group and the last the ad- vanced group. An entire group of four semesters must be elected at a time, and, unless the student is for- mally discharged, becomes a prere- quisite for graduation upon election. Freshmen wishing ultimate commis- sions should enroll in the basic group the first year of attendance in the University. Physical education is not required of men taking military science. 12 hours of academic credit may be earned toward graduation, one hour a semester in the basic group, two hours a semester in the advanced group. In addition to the eight semesters of academic work, one summer at an R.O.T.C. camp is required of all those seeking commissions. Signal, infan- try and engineers corps spend the summer at Camp Custer, Mich., while the Ordnance goes to the Aberdeen Proving Ground, in Maryland. Sum- mer work includes obtaining practical experience with equipment, receiving physical training and participating in athletics. The summer camp session is six weeks long. Students in the advanced group re- ceive pay from the government, amounting to about $200 per year. Men in the summer camp receive pay at the rate of 70 cents a day. Membership in the R.O.T.C. is not considered as enlistment in any part of the army, and carries with it no obligation for service in the army STUDENT PUbLi -. Hopw d Awards To Provide Student Writers $10,000 In Cash Major And Minor Prizes since the contests were inaugurated In Essay, Poetry, Drama in 1931. In 1912 a part of the fund And Fiction Are Given was set aside for the inauguration of a contest for freshmen, ineligible By ELLIOTT MARANISS unde( contest rules to enter the reg- Oneof he utsandng eatresofular competition. Freshman Hopwood One of the outstanding features of awards are made in the fields of the University of Iviichigan's extra- Ipoetry, fiction and essay, with prizes curricular program has been for of $50, $30 and $20 usually made in several years the Avery and Jule Hop- each, wood Awards for creative writing, for Three Hopwood major fiction win- which competition is held every ners have already been published, spring and in which prizes totalling as whve a rhadibeen epub - highas $0,00 ar givn. while a fourth and fifth will be pub- high as$10;00s aregiventw lished' this fall. Mildred Walker's The contests are divided.. into two "Fireweed," victor in the 1933 con- general classifications, major ant ireed"vco h 93c genralclasifcaion, mjoraxr~ltest, was the first, followed by Hu- minor, the former open to senior and graduateshbert Skidmore's "I Will Lift Up Mine an rauateigstudents, and the Eyes," winner of an award in 1935 latter to undergraduates. Each group and a contender for the Pulitzer is composed of four fields of writ- andearcntendR th Liger ing: prose fiction, essay, poetry and Prize recently and Ruth Lininger drama. Major awards of as much as Dobson's "Straw in The Wind," win- $2,500 are made, while minor awards ner of the chief major award in 1936. are limited to $250. Discretion is Judges Are Authorities given the contest judges in determin- Baxter T. Hathaway's "The Stub- ing the exact amounts. born Way," also a major award win- Established By Will ner in the 1936 contest, will appear at Established by the will of the late an early date, as will the winner of Avry Hopwood, successful writer of the 1937 major fiction award, a novel light stage. comedy, the Hopwood written by Emmanuel P. Menatsag- fund has received many additions, in- anian, an Armenian student enrolled :luding one of more than $50,000 last last year in the Graduate School who year upon the death of a relative of learned to speak English while work- Mr. Hopwood. The fund was set up, ing in an automobile factory and according to the terms of the endow- who filed for naturalization as an ment, for the purpose of fostering American citizen only two weeks be- student creative writing, and encour- fore the contest announcements. aging in particular "the new and the Hopwood competition is restricted radical." to students enrolled in English Seven competitions have been held courses in the literary or engineering college, with minimum schedule and for the undergraduate outstanding grade requirements for both graduate scientific or engineering publication. and undergraduatae students. It also -holds several minor awards Contest judges are selected from given by the E.C.M.A. the nation's leading men of letters, Scripts are first examined by the con- test committee before being sent to the judges. Material considered in- ferior in quality is weeded out. A part of the endowment is also used to bring an outstanding speaker to Ann Arbor to deliver the Hopwood lecture, given at the meeting at which the awards are made, generally held in the Union during the last week of school. Last year's lecturer was Walter Pritchard Eaton of the Yale School of Drama. ailments. These free examinations Carpenter as surgeon to the Health are offered, but not required, annu- Service and physician in charge of ally. health and injuries in the Intramural A new unit of eight rooms costing sports department. Dr. Carpenter approximately $5,000 was added to was married in June and has left Ann the Health Service last summer. The Arbor. N IK . cAin 7nvitation T o The Tarents I- , s r } The MICHIGAN UNION takes pleasure in announcing the comple- tion of its additional rooming facil- ities, which are available for all members and their guests. While in Ann Arbor stop at the UNION as its convenient location and excel- lent rooms will make your stay amost enjoyable one ... . 6he MICHIGAN UNION ' field in- I QUALITY - COMFORT Style Distinction Priced at $6.75 and up. Headquarters for: JOHNSON & MURPHY SHOES BASS OUTDOOR FOOTWEAR 9 I it Ii I