T H:' MICHIGAN nl A IT.V m I le rowdyism Of Dad's Time Is Now In The Decadent Past Ai Old Memories Recorded By Myron Slater Greased Poles, Battle Of 'Laws' and 'Lits', Theatre Riots, Are Remembered Forty students on a greased tele- graph pole, struggling to keep out of the reach of barrel staves swinging beneath . . . A mob of rioting stu- dents ripping the piano of a local theatre apart, leaving the theatre in ruins . The "laws" and the "lits" battling to the finish in the grimy mud that was State Street. These are the memories of Ann Arbor of a half century ago, called forth by the sight of many an old grad slapping another on the back and starting a story "Do you remem- ber the time .. ." These are the memories of a man who has seen classes since '99 pass in and out of Ann Arbor, Myron E. Slater. Those were the days when State Street was a two-way dirt drive, when seniors wore high plug hats, when the cigar store had a wooden Indian in front, recalls Mr. Slater, Demolish Star Theatre Among the more dramatic episodes in the spotty history of Michigan's undergraduates is the memorable time when students demolished the old Star Theatre, which stood on Washington street between Main and Fourth. "'Twas a stormy day," recalls Mr. Slater, in a metaphorical way. "A pugnacious underclassman, sitting in the theatre one afternoon with his feet in the aisle, had tle misfortune of 'tripping the manager, who was unpopular with the students. The manager called the burly watchman and together they threw the offend- ing student peatly between the doors and onto the street. But revenge was not long in com- ing. The student, his dignity offend- ed, told his story to the rest of the campus, and that evening from 500 to 1,000 young men, armed with eggs, jars of bad fruit, bad apples, and of- fended dignities stormed the theatre, tore up the seats, tied a rope around the piano and hauled it into the street, where they dissected it. They would have been content, they said, to hive left the theatre otherwise peacebly except that the manager called the police and fire depart- ments. A __.- Map Of The Campus And Immediate Vicinity S iTh OP ~ ~ (SGRA04JAT E ( 'OW /0 J-7' CHOOLAJ MALL 7ALJZA - .r~ ItJti, 'f ILILLCK~ZC W>TUIA C :l s 7 IS U~ t'~ - J% SId Ps r~ n . - ..,, Cs,~ Y< /r j 61 A t 5 -- G' j SIUS£t ++P L idDIA 3 s a c 'IsD9 ry e1'Jluj , f 1Y!V Q 5IY AVE J rA T)~t - ZU.. to EMT £$,R. LASTNJ~C Stion OfLw4udrnl Front View Of Angell Hall, Literary College Center , A section of the front of Angell Hall is shown above. Classrooms, departmental offices and faculty offices are housed in this building. An Architect's Drawing Of Complete 'Music Center' Beginning Of A Riot This really marked the beginning of a riot. The policemen, some stout and not as fleet as the students, fared badly. They lost their helmets, their coats, and a moral conflict. The firemen fared worse. Bringing out their powerful hose to play upon the rioting students, the firemen were so unfortunate as to lose the control of their weapon, which was seized by the. students and used with telling effect upon the outwitted fire-fight- ers. The hose finally was cut and the pieces carted home for souvenirs. "But the settlement was bitter," reminisces Mr. Slater. "Members of the student body circulated among faculty and business men with col- lection pails to gather enough money to keep the arrested undergraduates from prison." Football scores from the away games were shouted out to the mob of students from a second story win- dow of the State Street bookshop, Mr. Sdater particularly remembers be- cause it was he who had to run with the telegrams from the telegraph of- fice to the bookshop. Studentshin those days had to go down to the postoffice to gets their mail each day, and each day there was a riot all oer again just before the distribution began. 'Old Doc' Remembered Many of the old alumni back in town will remember "Old Doc" Nag- ley, thinks Mr. Slater. 1Ie was fa- mous among students for his job which was to. carry the cadavers in the medical school downstairs to the pickling vat. In those days, the medical laboratory was located about where the new engineering building now stands. Fraternities in those days were feeble frame structures, made over from rooming houses and private residences, and only a small percent- age of the more affluent students were members according to Mr. Slater. The album from which Mr. Slater secured the old pictures of the cam- pus was collected by his grandmother, Mrs. Martha Sheehan, who was the donor of the rock which stands on the northwest corner of the campus as a memorial to the class of 1862. It was hauled, according to a news- paper report, from the backyard of Mrs. Sheehan's home by a team of 16 white horses, and was installed in its present location in an impres- sive ceremony in which President Tappan-participated. LIBRARY FOR MANY SUBJECTS Above is shown the north section of the Law Quadrangle facing South University St. It was the gift of William W. Cook, who also gave the Martha Cook women's dormitory. Construction was paid for with one of the largest single gifts ever received by an educational institution. The new musical center, which is now being planned, with Hill Auditorium to the left and the Baird Carrilon and the new quarters of the School of Music in the center and to"the right are shown. Here all University musical activities will be centered. Aerial View Of Hospital, Observatory And Surroundings University Of Michigan Intramural Sports Building s . ,. 3 b"Y z x . . .._.. . . a , ,. .. ,''.. , _ _ r x :I z ~. .yam :. '.. *-