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August 13, 1938 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1938-08-13

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EN OF THE NATION'S most powerful football factories-all top-notchers
in this great million dollar industry-call their men back to work
September 10.
Production in the Big Ten starts the following month, and already the
speculators have begun to speculate and the coaching captains of industry
to fret. The music of the bands grows nearer. The chatter of the signal caller,
the myriad of colors, the weaving hips of the flying halfback, and the
battered physiognomies of the fall guys portend another great year for this
virulent, young business. In short, it's a bull market in the Western Con-
ference this season.
The far sighted have already appraised the scene. Briefly their analysis
Minnesota Utilities, a vast holding company controlling the
meat of the Northwest territory, will enjoy its usual prominence
among the shares. North and Western will have more than a medi-
cum of success. Schmidt's Lager, an Ohio corporation, will be a trifle
green. Two rising young concerns, say the experts, are Wisconsin
Inc. and Iowa Tubbs, and both may toss surprise packages into a
usually serene market. Purdue Engineering and Construction Co.
is of unknown quality. Indiana and Son will employ talent from all
sectors of the country-with promising results. Illinois Central,
headed by wily Bob Zuppke, its able executive, you may label as
"ever dangerous". Chicago Ltd. will be very limited. Michigan and
Co. will.
YVES, WHAT WILL Michigan do. To date their future has alternately been
described as (1) exceedingly promising; (2) exceedingly mediocre; (3)
exceedingly gloomy; (4) punk; (5) so-so; (6) brilliant; (7) average;. (8)
hellish; (9) amazing; (10) o. k. Without pulling any numbers out of the
hat, I'll try to present a few facts which may help you in your own analysis.
DrastV revisions in the organization's personnel features its 1938 cam-
pain. On the coaching line sits Herbert Orrin Crisler, late of Princeton,
as ihentor-in-chief. By his side will worry ex-Princetonians Earl Martineau
and Campbell Diekson backfeld and end bosses respectively, and Clarence
Munn, formerly line coach at Syracuse, now here. Out of the picture or
considerably dimmed are Harry Kipke, Hunk Anderson, Cappy Cappon,
Bennie Oosterbaan, and. Wally Weber. Of this group of 1937 pilots, only
the latter ,two will serve in any capacity here in '38.
OW AS TO PLAYER personnel. Not being graced in mental tele-
pathy, L can't possibly tell you what schemes and plans are busy-
ing Crisler's mind these days and will continue to do so for the next
four months. Frtiz himself probably couldn't, wouldn't, and won't
venture any lineup predictions until early in October, any success
predictions until late in November. So what I'm passing on is little
more than a bird's eye view of the team as they stack up in the .
august iorm book. And need I say that'|s a mighty unimportant
If Crisler so desires, he can start the same line this year that played all
lat season. Not a man is missing fromthe first seven. Here they are, along
with their most important rivals.
.ENDS:- Dan Smick and John Nicholson. Smick, on his way to nine
letters here, is a six foot four incher, tough, and versatile. He catches passes
adeptly, place kicks well, and can play a whale of a game when he feels so
inclined. Nicholson, an affable, well liked chap, shines on offense being a
first rate blocker. Add as competition Elmer Gedeon, whom Fielding Yost
called the fastest end he'd fever seen, and Joe Rogers and you have the
TACKLES:- Four men handled this position last season and will con-
tinue to do so this year. They are Captain Fred Janke, Don Siegel, Bill Smith,
and Joe Savilla. All 200 pounds and over, all experienced, and all rough and
ready, they most adequately staff this berth. Janke, the quiet and respected
leader, should have a great season. Dogged by injuries and hampered by a
trial at fullback, Fred never had much of a chance to reach top form. Watch
GUARDS:- Ralph Heikkinen and Jack Brennan. The former is a sure-
shot starter. Mentioned on practically every Western Conference team,
Hike should enter a strong bid for national recognition this season. Brennan,
a husky, blond adonis, will be pushed by two of last year's injured men,
Fred Olds and Fortest "Butch" Jordan, as well as sophomore Ralph Fritz.
CENTERS:- Archie Kodros and Forest Evashevski tell the story here.
Chuckling, shy, barrel chested Archie, who beat out the captain of the 1937
squad as a sophomore, won the Chicago Alumni Trophy as the most improved
man on the squad. Right behind, with mayhem in his heart, is Evie, the
"One Man Gang," a great sophomore competitor with the strength of an ox
and plenty of go-go.
BACKS:- A wealth of material with your guess as good as anyone's
on whom will click. The returning veterans are plucky Norm Purucker, who
came up from obscurity to shine last season, Fred Troske, Tex Stanton,
Wally Hook, Lou Levine, John Kinsey, Herc Renda, Harry Muhlholland, and
B BUT HERE'S THE STICKLER. There's a sophomore crew eligible
(I hope) of pronounced capabilities. In fact some say they'll
relegate the veterans to the warmth and comfort of the bench. Big
names:- Tom "Ace" Harmon, the boy Tulane urged to join their
party last winter and a truly great prospect ,is slated for one back-
field job. Harmon, leading high school scorer i the nation in 1936,
carries his 198 pounds on a football field with a deadly finesse. He
can really run and will be in there because of that. Ed Cristy, 200
odd pounds of fullback, will also enter a strong bid. So will satchel
Jack Meyer, a blocking specialist, Paul Kromer, Howard Mehaffey,
and Dave Strong. The latter is a senior, having transferred from
Illinois for whom he kicked a field goal to whip Michigan in 1936.
There are many more names-the squad will number 60 or better-but
those listed are the seeded entries. And, oh yes, now you want a prediction
on our prospects. Because of a wide divergence of opinion, I finally flipped a
coin 100 times to cement my decision. Heads meant good, tails rotten. Heads

came up 51 times, tails 49, So there you have it. A great Michigan team in
1938-is hereby decreed to be inevitable.

4 Big 10 Titles
Are Captured
By Wolverines
Hockey, Wrestling, Track
Squads Win Conference
Championships In '38
Tank Team Takes
In spite of the woeru showing in
both football and basketball, Michi-
gan athletic teams proved their claim
to the title "Champions of the West",
by annexing four Big Ten and one
national championships in the past
The biggest disappointment of the
year was the basketball squad. Her-
alded as potential title-winners and
as the strongest Wolverine quintet in
-ecent years, ex-Coach Cappy Cap-
pon's squad began the Big Ten sea-
son auspicially with three successive
Attack Bogs Down
But after this impressive start, the
Michigan attack bogged down and
subsequent games proved that a good
defense can not win basketball
games. In spite of the inspired play
of Captain John "Jake" Townsend,
who broke Bennie Oosterbaan's All-
time Michigan scoring mark and was
three times All-Conference, the team
wound up the season in a tie for fifth
place with six wins balanced by a
half dozen losses.
But if Oosterbaan lost the scoring
mark, he gained something more de-.
sireable-the head coaching post, re-
placing Franklin C. Cappon.
But Oosterbaan will have no easy
time of it in this, his first year as
head coach. Gone from last year's
squad will be Townsend, the spear-
head of the Wolverine attack for
three years, Herm Fishman and Bill
Barclay, both three year men.
Heading this year's squad will be
Captain Leo Beebe, Ed Thomas, nine-
letter man Danny Smick, Jim Rae
and Charley Pink. The last two
showed considerable promise last
year as sophomores and should im-
prove greatly. From a none too
promising freshmen souad will come
Herb Brogan, a shifty long shot artist
and Mike Sofiak, another small but
fast boy.
Share Hockey Crown
Michigan's first Big Ten title of
the year came in hockey but had to
be shared with Minnesota's Gophers.
But this year's prospects depend
largely on whether or not Ed Allen
decides to return to school. If Allen
does not return the whole first line
of James, Allen and Johnny Fabello
will be gone, leaving a competent
but light and inexperienced second
line. Burt Smith and Captain Bob
Simpson who left their defense posts
last year only on periodic treks to
the penalty box have left permanent-
ly through graduation. Only member
of the first six left will be Goalie
Elden "Spike" James.
Left to bear the brunt of the usual
heavy puck schedule will be Captain
Les Hillberg, George Cook and Evie
Doran who will be aided by some
promising freshmen.
Michigan's second and third title

Michigan Intram
Is One Of The
Tennis Courts, Baseball
Diamonds, Golf Course
Available To Students
This University is one of the few
large educational institutions in this
country which cannot be accused of
over-emphisizing intercollegiate ath-
letics at the expense of intramural
sports and which can undoubtedly
boast one of the finest "athletics for
all" programs in the United States.
According to Elmer D. Mitchell, di-
rector of Intramural athletics here,
more than 300,000 students use the
facilities of the huge new Intramural
Sports Building, erected in 1928,
during the course of a school year,
and on the average of 1,000 to 15,000
use the building every day.
Mitchell said that 7,500 men stu-
dents in the University enrolled in
some form of competitive intramural
sport during the last school year,
which is approximately 70 per cent
of the student body, while 5,000 more
were registered in more informal
types of contests.
32 Sports Offered
A total of 32 sports are offered
the students and the entire intra-
mural program at Michigan is wholly
arrived on the same night. The
wrestling team, with three individual
winners, nosed out a favored Indiana
aggregation by three points. Co-Cap-
tain Johnny Speicher, Harland Dan-
ner and Don Nichols annexed the
118-, 155-, and 175-pound titles in
that order.
The mat prospects appear particu-
larly bright with two of the three
Big Ten champs returning next year.
Both Danner and Nichols will be
back and thei will be aided material-
ly by Captain Harold Nichols who
reached the semi-finals last year.
Most promising of the freshmen are
Bill Combs and Tom Sparks.
And Track }indoor)
For their third ig Tn tle ichi-
gan just continued in the well-oiled
groove when they swept to their fifth
consecutive indoor track champion-
ship. The Wolverine thinclads went
unplaced in only one event, the
The Wolverines continued in their
cinder winning ways 'on into the
spring when they cleaned up at the
outdoor meet. Paced by Watson who
captured first places in the shot, the
discus and the broad jump and a
third in the high jump, the men of
Coach Charley Hoyt won going away.
Stronger This Year
The opposition is ever more pessi-
mistic about halting Michigan track
power this year than they were last.
For returning is Watson (The One
Man Track Team), Gedeon and Stan
Kelley in the hurdles, Wes Allen,
second ' in the high jump, Ralph
Schwarzkopf, second in the two mile,
and, if these were not enough bad
news, freshmen Phil Baleyat, national
junior 400-meter champ, Warren
Breidenbach and Jack Leutritz will
be around to make the 1939 edition
of the Michigan track team twice as
tough as ever before.
The one national championship
came to the Wolverines in swimming
after having being beaten by Ohio
State in Conference meets. The Wol-
verines under Coach Matt Mann are
perennial favorites in Big Ten and
(Continued on Page 1i)

rural Department
Country's Finest
supported, with the exception of the
instructors' salaries, by proceeds col-
lected from intercollegiate football
games. The salaries of teachers are
paid from the University budget.
According to Mitchell, a good share
of the net profit from football, the
only paying sport, goes for the main-
tenance of indoor and outdoor ath-
letic programs.
The erection of Yost Field House in
1924, dedicated to the real "Grand
Old Man" of Michigan Athletics,
Fielding H. Yost gave great impetus
to the intramural sports program by
removing all varsity practices and
games from Waterman gymnasium,
which building was at that time the
focal point of all indoor intramural
An even greater boon to the "ath-
letics for all" program was the erec-
tion of the huge Intramural Sports
Caters To All Tastes
Housing almost every conceivable
type of facility for the advancement
if the intramural sports, the erection
of this building, of course greatly fa-
cilitated the program in a number
of sports which heretofore had been
partially neglected on the sports pro-
gram because of inadequate facilities.
Chief among the new additions
were swiming, basketball, boxing,
wrestling, handball, squash, indoor
baseball, volleyball, indoor golf, water
polo, badminton an tennis.
Beside the large number of in-
door athletic facilities of the Intra-
mural Department, there are a great
many outdoor sports available, some
of which are organized under the de-
partment and others which are of the
more informal nature.
The University of Michigan boasts
the finest 18-hole golf course of any
college or university in the country.
It is a testing layout, affording the
expert keen competition, yet at the
same time it is fair enoug to allow
a good score if said "dub" is fairly
hot. The course is situated south of
town, about a mile from the campus
proper, in an exceedingly hilly terri-
tory, and it's said to that one of the
finest thrills to be offered on the
course is the view of-the entire cam-
pus among the huge oaks and maples
in the valley below the eighteenth
42 Tennis Courts
Besides the excellent golfing facili-
ties the University boasts 30 tennis
courts at Ferry Field for the men
students and 12 more at Palmer Field,
reserved for the use of women stu-
dents. Those at Ferry Field are prin-
cipally clay, although there are a
few cement courts, while those at
Palmer Field are one-third concrete.
The facilities of South Ferry Field
provide opportunity for touch foot-
ball and soft ball in season.
-Women of the campus have their
seperate intramural program, which
although not as extensive as that of
the men, is nevertheless inclusive
enough to take care of the athleti-
cally-minded girls enrolled here.
They too have had a new building
erected for their personal use, the
Palmer Field House being listed
among the best of its kind in the
country. In it there are facilities
for tennis, archery, golf, bowling, bas-
ketball, and volleyball while the beau-
tifully clipped grass of the Palmer
Field is used in the tall for field

Crisler Will Have,
Veteran Line Intact
From Last Season

--- >

To Coach Varsity

Herbert O. (Fritz) Crisler; who
will attempt to play Moses to
Michigan's football tribes when he
starts his first year as head coach,
has already impressed the campus
with his efficient and businesslike
system. Crisler had a free hand in.
selecting ;his three assistants and
chose men with whom he had
worled before.

To Captain Varsity

Five Varsity Backs Also
Due To Return; Soph
Stars Add To Material
Punt - Pass - Prayer
System In Discard
With an almost entirely new
coaching staff as a foothold, Michi-
gan's football team will attempt to
pull itself out of a five year old
limbo which has seen it plummet
from thepeak of the gridiron world
to the bottom.
Following the deposition of Head
Coach Harry Kipke and Line Coach
Heartley "Hunk" Anderson and their
subsequent replacement by Head
Coach Fritz Crisler and his aides,
Campbell Dickson, Clarence Munn
and Earl Martineau, followers of the
Maize and Blue hoped the Wolverine
football fortunes would take a de-
cided upturn.
Material Is Good
Crisler is stepping into a position
which can easily make him either
hero or goat. He has the material
to produce a winning club. Last
year's entire first string line, from
end to end, will return intact. He
has three letter winners at the ends,
four 'at the tackles, four at the
guards and one center.
Returning for the backfield are
five varsity men who, if given the
chance, should be able to produce,
But even if these :are not enough,
there is the most promising sopho-
more crop in years coming up, a
crop which should not only fill what-
ever holes graduation has left but
which should push some of the hold-
overs out of their postions.
He 17 Trouble Shooter
Campus reactions to Crisler ind
his policy were decidedly favorable.
The new coach is known as a trouble
hooter.- When he went to Princeton
as head coach in 1932, the football
outlook was as cold and dark as it
is at Michigan. The Tiger had not
been growling hard enough to fright-
en West Podunk Teachers. And yet,
in the next five years, his teams lost
but five games and in two of the
season's, '33 and '35, were undefeated.
Crisler lays no claims to bing a
miracle man.,His first year will be
devoted to making "a creditable
showing". But he does stress/me
thing-he wants fighting teams. The
desire to play football is a prerequisite
to playing on a Crisler-coached team.
He warned all potential candidates "if
there's any team on next year's sched-
ule any of you think you can't beat,
you might as well not come out."
New Spirit Prevails
The same spirit pervaded the
spring training practices. The men
went at their blocking, tackling and
calisthenics with a vigor scarcely con-
spicuous in previous springs.
Spring training was run as it had
never been before. Crisler and his
assistants had every move planned.
Everything clicked with Military pre-
cision. And yet the force behind this
efficiency wasn't driving, or goading
the men on. The novelty made the
workouts fun and the efficiency de-
veloped will pay dividends in the fall.
Learn Fundamentals
In the first two days of spring
training, the men were engaged in
furious blocking and tackling, some-
thing that had formerly been reserved
for the second week. Crisler had
teams formed and actual scrimmages
going at the end of the first week.
With the coming of Crisler, an ex-
ponent of the Minnesota shift which
had already added a snap and pre-
.ision to the football workouts, the
death knell of the famous Michigan
punt, passband prayer system ap-
peared to be sounded, although ac-
cording to the new coach, he's "going
to do plenty of praying".

New Assistants Too
Crisler brought his own entourage
along with him as assistants. Marti-
neau and Dickson, both of whom
worked with Crisler at Princeton, will
be here as backfield and end coaches
respectively. Muinnn All- Ameriest"


Fred C. Janke, Jackson, will lead
the first edition of the Michigan-
Crisler football library. Janke, a
sensational sophomore tackle two
years ago, was injured and had to
forego football for the remainder
of the year. He was converted in-
to a fullback for two games last
year and then was shifted back to
The Princeton football team will
travel to New Brunswick on Novem-
ber to play Rutgers in the first game
in the latter's new stadium. The
Tigers haven't played a football game
on the Rutgers ground since 1888.

-- i

Composite Big Ten Football Schedule






Chicago Minnesota Nor'western

Ohio Purdue


Ohio U. Sep. 23, nite Washington Detroit
Sept. 24 (no game) at (no game) U.C.L.A. (no game) at (no game) (no game) at (no game)
Champaign , Los Angeles Minneapolis Lafayette
Mich. State De Paul Ohio Bradley Nebraska Kans. State Columbus Butler Marquette
Oct. 1 at at at (no game) at at at at at at
Ann Arbor Champaign Columbus Chicago Minneapolis Evanston Indiana Indianapolis Madison
Chicago Indiana Illinois Wisconsin Michigan Purdue Drake S. Calif. Minnesota Iowa
Oct. 8 at. at at at at at at at at at
Ann Arbor Champaign Champaign Iowa City Ann Arbor Minneapolis Evanston Columbus Minneapolis Iowa City
Minnesota Notre Dame Nebraska Chicago Iowa Michigan Ohio Nor'western Fordham Pittsburgh
Oct. 15 at at at at at at at at at at
Minneapolis South Bend Lincoln Chicago Chicago Minneapolis Evanston Evanston New York Madison
Yale Nor'westernBloomington Colgate Ohio Illinois Chicago Wisconsin Purdue
Oct. 22 at at at at at (no game) at at at at
New Haven Champaign Kans. State Iowa City Columbus Champaign Columbus Lafayette Lafayette
Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Purdue De Pauw Nor'western Minnesota New York U. Iowa Indiana/
Oct. 29 at at at at at at, at at at at
Ann Arbor Ann Arbor Madison Iowa City Chicago Evanston Evanston New York Iowa City Madison
Penn. Boston Coll. Minnesota Harvard Iowa Wisconsin Purdue Ohio Nor'western
Nnv R t.(nncana a Q+Q+n+ x + -- 4.-r


Ricard Lost $200,000,
On Tunney-Heeney Bout
In 1928, when Gene Tunney made
his final appearance as champion
against Tom Heeney, the famous hor-
izontal Englishman, Tex Ricard, then

Students Admitted
Free To Contests
Included in the tuition for each
full-time student of the University

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