7arious Honor Societies Reward i ork Of Most Outstanding Sc
Freshmen Get
Phi Eta Sigma
Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Beta
Kappa Take Upperclass
Phi Beta Kappa
Phi Beta Kappa, the oldest of all
Greek letter secret societies, was or-
ganized at the College of William and
Mary on December 6, 1776. The be-
lief of the founders that a knowledge
of the basic laws which govern the
universe is necessary to good living
was reflected both in their motto and
in the character of their meetings.
Theirs were in great part given over
to a discussion of the problems which
affect humanity.
During the next century, there were
several important changes in the
character of the organization. In
1831 the policy of secrecy was abol-
ished. In 1875, the first women were
admitted at the University of Ver-
mont. In 1883, the need of some
central organization led to the for-
mation of United Chapters.
The growth of Phi Beta Kappa has
been slow but steady. The first char-
ters-granted by the parent Chapter
were given in 1779 to Harvard and
Yale. At the present time there are
732 chapters and a large number of
Associations of Phi Beta Kappa alum-
ni in the United States. There are
also Associations in China, Japan,
Iran, Syria, Italy and England.
The Michigan Chapter was found-
ed in 1907. Keeping in mind the pur-
pose of the Society, the recognition
and encouragement of scholarship and
cultural interests the Student Elec-
tions Committee makes a careful
study of the entire University record
of each ' possible candidates with a
view to determine as far as is human-
ly possible the student's standing both
scholastically and as a citizen. The
standards set are high and the rela-
tively small numbers of new members
elected each year bears- witness to
the care with which they are ob-I
served. Since Phi Beta Kappa has
been, from the beginning, an organi-
zation which functioned in the field
defined by the old cultural college
course, elections are restricted to jun-
iors and seniors of the Colleges of
Literature, Science and the Arts, Sen-
iors in the School of Education, and
to candidates for advanced degrees
in the Graduate School who meet the
extremely rigid 'requirements.
Phi Eta Sigma
The society of Phi Eta Sigma was
founded for the purpose of giving
recognition to the work of outstand-
ing freshmen and to serve as en-
couragement for the continuance of
good first year records. The members
of the society hope that it will also
urge incoming students to put forth
their best efforts toward successful
years in college.
Eligibility for membership is based
on scholarship. Any male student who
receives a' grade average equal to or
above half A and half $< during his
first semester may become a member,
and those who do.not meet this re-
quirement the first semester may be-
come eligible at the end of the year
by attaining the half A and half B
Meetings are held each month, us-
ually with a dinner at the Union. The
programs include the business of the
society, discussions, and an occasional
guest speaker. A smoker is given at
the beginning of each semester.
Phi Kappa Phi
Phi Kappa Phi, national honor so-
ciety, has as its motto "The Love of
Learning Rules the World." Organized
to provide an honor society dedicated
to the unity of democracy of educa-
tion and open to honor students of
all departments of American univer-
sities and colleges, the society's prime
object is to emphasize scholarship and
character in theathought of college
students, to hold fast to the original
purpose for which institutions of
learning were founded and to stimu-
late mental achievement by the prize
of membership.
Members are chosen during either
the first or second semester of their
senior year. Outstanding faculty
men also are invited into membership.
The Society provides several scholar-
ships for which members are eligible.
issues its own journal, holds ban-
quets twice annually and actively as-
sists its members in every way pos-
sible. Members are chosen by a fac-
ulty committee for scholarship, con-
League President
Assembly President
Retiring Daily Editor And Manager
butions to the University and ac-
Tau Beta Pi
Tau Beta Pi is the national senior
gineering honor society similar to
i Beta Kappa in the Literary Col-
'e. It represents the highest honor
corded an engineer.
For m e m b e r s h i p distinguished
olarship is the first requi Jte. Sen-'
s are elected in the fall and juniors
the spring.
Regular dinner meetings are held
ery two weeks at which talks on
gineering and other topics are pre-
Lted. Tau Beta Pi also assists in
various campus activities of char-
ble and other natures.
Iota Alp/ia
Iota Alpha is a society whrse aim
to stamp approval on meritorious
ik of engineering students; to stim-
te young practical alumni, and
e objectives.
The local chapter authorized in
1925, was the second in the new na-
tional organization that was formed
at New York University in 1919. At
its inception the organization was
called The Engineering Honor Society'
of Iota Alpha,
At present the society's local chap-
ter numbers more than 40 amongj
its membership.
Meetings are usually held on the
third Thursday of each month in
the chemical engineering room of the
East Engineering Building. At eachj
meeting a member of the society pre-
cedes the main speaker of the evening
with a short talk on research work
in his particular department of en-
gineering. Discussions usually follow
the speeches.
Sigma Xi
The Society of Sigma Xi is a na-
tional honorary scientific fraternity
with over 100 chapters and clubs
at various universities. The society
was founded for the purpose of en-
couraging original investigation in
pure and applied science and for the
promotion of friendship among those
engaged in research.
The Michigan Chapter was organ-
ized in 1903. Officers are chosen bien-
nially from among the faculties of
the various scientific departments of
the University. Members are select-
ed. from nominations submitted by
staff members in the department of
specialization. Membership is con-
ferred upon staff members and grad-
uate students who have demonstrated
ability in research, usually through
publications of noteworthy character.
Seniors and graduates who have ex-
hibited high scholarship together with
a promise of aptitude in research may
be elected to associate membership.
M Phi Epsilon
Mu Phi Epsilon is the only na-
tional music honor society for women
on campus. Qualification for elec-
tion to this society are a, scholarship
rating in the upper quarter of the
junior class in the School of Music, a
minimum requirement of two years
of theory and one year of history of
music and a faculty recommendation
in the student's major subject. Trams-
fer students are not eligible until they
have completed at least one semester
in residence.
Activities .include at least six mu-
sicales a year, at which members per-
form. Meetings are held twice a
month during the school year. The
objects of Mu Phi Epsilon are the
advancement of scholarship among
American musicians, the mainten-
ance of national contest awards and
scholarship awards and the promo-
tion of fellowship and opportunity for
exchange of ideas among outstand-
ing music students.
The Barristers
This is an honorary law society,
formed at the University of Michi-
gan Law School in 1904. The purpose
is succinctly stated to be the "social
and professional advancement of its
members and of the law school." It
also seeks to give recognition to those
law students whom it considers out-
standing, by its selection of them to
Membership in- any one year is lim-
ted to 25 senior law students. It is
elf-perpetuating, the active mem-
ers each year electing their succes-
ors in two groups: 15 in the spring,
nd 10 mere in the fall. Selection is
lade on basis of scholarship, char-
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