FRESHMAN SUPPLEMENT i 10 r lflirb 4:Datt SECTION ONE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1938 Class Of '42 One Of University's L4 f Freshman Orientation iTeek To Open Here Tuesday, Sept. 20 Students To Act As Advisors In New Program Start To Be Made Easier By Early Contact, Says Prof. PhilipA. Bursley By CARL PETERSEN An innovation in Orientation pro- grams-the aid of sophomore and upperclass student advisers - will highlight the 1938 Orientation pro- gram for freshmen, Tuesday, Sept. ' 20 through Saturday, Sept. 24. Under the system adopted by this year's Orientation Committee, head- ed by Prof. Philip A. Bursley of the Romance language department, two student alvisers will be placed in charge of each group of 25 freshmen, instead of one faculty member and one student as in past Orientations. Faculty advisers will be reduced in number, each having approximately 100 freshmen to advise, classify and register during the first week, and will act as a continuing advisers throughout the year. "Under this system," Professor Bursley said, "the entering student will profit by long-range faculty con- tact and at the same time find his induction into the University eased by the familiar contact with student advisers who are mostly sophomores and juniors." Program Arranged An extensive program, social and informative, for freshman men has been arranged by the student Orien- tation Committee, headed by Don Treadwell, '40. Social activities in- clude a Freshman Rally to be held at 8 p. m. Tuesday, Sept. 27, the place to be announced later. At this rally President Ruthven, Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley and Dean of Women Alice C. Lloyd will extend the official welcome of the University to the class of 1942. The University Band willplay several selections and the audience will join in singing Michigan songs. A mixer for freshmen men will be held at 8 p. m. Thursday in the Union ballroom. Heads of various student organizations for men will speak briefly on the functions of their organizations; athletic coaches will be'introdued;, singing of Michigan songsand cheers will be led by the cheerleaders, and Paul Brickley, presi- dent of the Union, will extend the welcome of the Union to the men. Tentative plans drawn by Treadwell call for two dances for freshmen men and women, one to be held at the Uion and one at thebLeague, some- time during the week. All freshmen men, except those in the Engineering and professional col- leges, will meet at 8 a. m. Tuesday in the Union ballroom to be assigned to their Orientation groups. Profes- sor Bursley emphasized the impor- tance of promptness as any delay in getting started will affect the whole program for the day. Groups Take Trips Following the opening meeting, the groups will separate to take health examinations, aptitude tests, trips around the campus, audiometer tests and to register and classify. Faculty advisers will be present in Waterman gymnasium at the time of classifi- cation. Wednesday, Friday and Satur- day evenings have been left open for men to become acquainted with the city.% Overnight aceomodations for men who get into town late in the eve- ning and have no time to look for rooms will be available at the Union at a moderate price. These rooms will be open the latter part of the week preceding Orientation. Freshmen are required to have obtained permanent lodgings Monday night, September 19, at the latest. Student Orientation advisers are as follows: Henry Adams, Henry Barnett, Francis Anderson, William Bavinger, Frank Bussard, Harry Block, John Atkinson, Jack Cooper, Richard Babcock, Gus Dannemiller, Arthur Bartholomew, John Goodell, John Christensen, Jack Hoover, Charles Dolph, John Hulbert, Colvin Gibson, Marshall Brown, John Green, Paul Keller, Reid Hatfield, Ted Yeibovitz, Robert Johnson, Mort- on Linder, Robert Kahn, Dick Liv- ingston, Newton Ketcham, Edward Mack, James Laird, Len Miller, Wil- liam Mundy and Lloyd Mowery. I i Welcome To The Freshmen An Editorial TO ALL OF YOU who will entpr the University of Michigan this fall, we wish to extend our sincere welcome and best wishes for a successful career. The University has much to offer those who prostrate themselves before its walls of learning with an open, unprejudiced mind and a serious intellectual interest. Especially to the student of the class of '42, does the University proffer an advanced educational program which will include the advantages of a tutorial system, an innovation in the University curriculum. Its group of educators, many of whom are nationally prominent in their respective fields of learning and intellectually stimulating, will introduce you to age-old 'facts and theories which scholars have been pondering for generations, as well as social, economic and political problems now confronting the world, for you to form your own theories and judgements. The con- geniality of many societies and more than 10,000 students of like ages and problems will surround and aid you; many will befriend you. The University possesses a physical educational plant which is famous throughout the world and which will be entirely at your disposal. These will be yours during your years of honest effort in. the University. But the University offers further facilities and advantages which you may profit from and enjoy, but which may also deter you from the attainment of a profitable educational background. As one faculty member aptly put it, the University offers the advan- tages of an educational institution and a social clinic. It is up to the student, then, especially in his freshmen year, your coming year, to learn to discriminate and select the quantity of each which will best serve you in attaining your desired goal. Too many stu- dents have come to the University to engage only in the social whirl on campus, to participate in the occasional outcroppings of Siwashian atavism, which is enjoyable but' becomes disturbing. Others engross themselves entirely in the intellectual atmosphere, to the complete disregard of the recreational and extracurricular facil- ities offered. The seasoning which these latter opportunities may lend to your years in the University may make your educational dish more palatable, but care must be exercised so that the entree itself is not spoiled. This fundamental problem, then, faces you, the incoming student. What you will make out of your college career will depend upon your own discrimination and judgement. You will be cast upon your own resources and ability to forge from what is offered to you that which will be most beneficial and lasting. You will emerge from this stimulating and enjoyable experience with as profitable a background as you fashion during your coming years. -Irving Silverman Two New Dormitories Housing 1,000 Students Planned For 1939 Figures Show Expenses Vary With Students Budgets Estimated To Run From $347 Per Year Up; Average Judged At $530 By ROBERT I. FITZHENRY Living scales and yearly budgets in Ann Arbor come in all sizes and shapes. Many students have doubtless put themselves completely through school here by virtue of extraordin- ary diligence and many hours of work, while others eat far into a $1200 yearly bankroll. The old halo around the youth who has worked his way through college has shrunk and dimmed upon the penetrating investigations of modern educators who find that the working. youth finishes his college career with but a fraction of the advantages ac- cruing to his more fortunate com- panions. Partial dependence on cam- pus work has been found to be quite consonant with academic accomplish- ment and general development, but reliance on extra-curricular work for even half of one's total expenses, it has been proven, makes seriousin- roads into the student's all-around growth. Wielding a thick and apparently in- exhaustible bankroll, on the other hand, is also a deterrent to the de- velopment expected in a college youth. Social activities, under these conditions, tend to usurp more than a normal allotment of time and the academic side of the ledger shows an ominous red. University officials have computed an economical yearly student budget at $347 for Michigan residents and $387 for non-residents. An average budget, however, runs about $530 for Michigan residents and $570 for non- residents. These figures do not in- clude incidentals, clothing and travel while engineering and science stu- dents are obliged to purchase special equipmeit. The estimate or the expenses of the average student during his first year in college is based on board at $6.50 per week for 36 weeks and on room rent at $4 per week for 38 weeks. A large percentage of the students, however, spend much smaller amounts for board and room during their first year in college, some obtaining board for as little as $3.50 per week and room from $2 per week up. Specially inexpensive boarding ar- rangements are available at the Wolverine Cooperative, a student- managed venture which has lately been enlarged and improved. per person in suites, and $3.50 per person in double'rooms. A radio fee, in the past only col- lected at the will of the lessee has lately become a regular charge of both landladies and dormitories. Landladies may charge at their own discretion. The fee for radios at the dormitories, however, will be $4 a semester. The dormitory movement has long (Continued n Page 8)I NYA Extends Aid To Those Asking Help Part-Time Jobs Available In Various Departments For Worthy Students More Than 1300 Aided Last Year In addition to numerous scholar- ships and loan funds, assistance to students who are partly self-support- ing will be offered again this year in the form of part-time employment made possible through National Youth Administration grants to the University. Work is given only these students whose University attendance is de- pendent upon extra employment. Last year between 1,300 and 1,400 stu- dents were aided through NYA funds and received wages totaling about $100,000. In assigning work, the student's welfare is regarded fore- most, and projects in the field of major academic interest of the indi- vidual are assigned. Included among the various types of employment are clerical and office work; adult edu- cation projects, sponsored by the Ann Arbor Public Schools; juvenile de- linquency projects, and assistance up- ol faculty projects and research. Average monthly wages are $15 for graduate students and $12 for under- graduates, the hourly wage for gradu- ate students being 50 cents and that of undergraduates 40 cents. To qualify for aid; students must be between the ages of 17 and 24. Those eli- gible for NYA work are directed to write the office of the Dean of Students for a formal application. One of the stipulations in the out- line of the program of the N.Y.A. is that funds alloted must be used to pay students for doing socially desirable work. The funds allotted, however, shall not be used to replace college funds available for 'the proj- ect requested. Schools, Colleges And Proper Abbreviations To indicate the various schools and colleges in which a student is enrolled, the following are in gen- eral use on the University campus: College of Literature, Science and the Arts-Numerals alone. College of Engineering-E Law School-L Medical School-M College of Architecture-A College of Pharmacy-P School of Dentistry-D Graduate School-Grad. Special Students-Spec. School of Music-SM School of Education-Ed School of Business Administra- tion-BAd. School of Nursing-SN. President Issues Welcomel argest Figures Show 1514 Students Have Entered Final{Number Is Expected To Exceed Last Year's 2,000 Enrollment Total Literary College Has The Largest Group Advance registration figures, re- leased yesterday, indicate that the class of '42 will be one of the largest in recent Michigan history. Freshman registration acceptances to date show a substantial advance In freshman enrollment over last year with 1514 prospective first-year stu- dents already registered as compared to 1415 last year at the same time. Last year 2,000 freshmen were en- rolled in the University. The Registrar's Office explained that although the figures are sus- ceptible to change, it is highly prob- able that the final number of fresh- man registrations will exceed the total of last year. Of the applicants accepted to date, 1059 are men and 455 are women. The College of Lit- erature, Science and the Arts has the largest number of prospective stu- dents to date, with 1008, followed by 407 in engineering, 36 in music, 24 in architecture, 19 in education, 14 in pharmacy and 6 in dental hy- giene. When the members of the class of 1942 begin their activities at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 20, with the first assembly of the Orientation Week program, there may be more than 2,000 members of the class enrolled. PRESIDENT RUTHVEN * * * . You who are to enter the University of Michigan in the fall of 1938 are privileged for the next four years to make use of_ the educational facilities which have been provided by the people of the State of Michigan in order that their sons and daughters- may enjoy opportunities for cul- tivation and advancement equal to those which can be found in any part of this country. At the outset I suggest that you remem- ber first and foremost your re- sponsibilities, both to those who have made it possible for you to attend college, and to yourselves; for you surely owe it to your- selves to exercise the self-disci- pline which is always necessary in order to do a job well. Re- member, too, that you are a se- lected group and that a process of selection is going to continue throughout your lifetime. Your admission to the University means that you have passed the first test. As a student you will find others awaiting you at fre- quent intervals, and after your graduation you will be called up- on to pass the many tests to which men and women must al- ways subject themselves, success in which is measured by the esteem and approval of their fel- lows. We welcome you to Michi- gan and trust that you will ful- fill your own and our hopes. -ALEXANDER G. RUTHVEN. Present University Dorms House About 170 Men; Allen-Rumsey Is Newest Definite steps toward the allevia- tion of the constantly recurring hous- ing problem were taken by the Universitywith the announcement this summer of plans being drawn up for the construction of two dormi- tories to house 1,000. The new dorms are to be open for the fall of 1939. At present about 170 men are housed in University dormitories. Al- len-Rumsey, a freshman house opened last year, accommodates 118 and Fletcher Hall, open to all men, takes care of the remainder. Occupants of Allen-Rumsey are chosen on the basis of geographic representation by the Dean of Stu- dents. Operated by the Union the dormitories have a house director, a dietician and 24 upperclass proctors. As space in these dormitories is both popular and limited students desiring residence in them are advised to make early application. Students pouring into Ann Arbor in the fall inevitably are met with a' wild scramble for housing facilities. As the University has expanded new academic buildings have been erect- ed, space for which had to be secured by tearing down roomnig houses, thus reducing yearly the number of rooms available and leaving no compensa- tion for an ever-increasing student body. Through the years the situation has become increasingly acute with room rents skyrocketing and stu- dents being forced to take lodging some distance from campus. Minimum prices for men's rooms last year were: $4 for singles, $3.75 .4 a u s it i r" Independent, Fraternity And Sorority Organizations Plan Various Special Programs For Orientation Week Over 150 Freshmen Are SRA Guests At Rendezvous Camp More than 150 freshmen, chosen at random from the names of entering students, will be guests of the Student. Religious Association at the annual Freshmen Rendezvous Camp Sept. 17 to 19 at the Fresh Air Camp site on Patterson Lake, 25 miles from Ann Arbor. The charge for the week-end will be less than five dollars, and will include all expenses. Included in the program will be talks by Fielding H. Yost, di- rector of athletics, Coach Fritz Cris- ler, and members of his staff; swim- ming and games; and stunts to serve as mixers. Michigan songs will be taught and new students will meet upperclassmen acting as counselors on various phases of college life. The program will not interfere with Orientation activities, since the latter do not begin until Tuesday, Sept. 20' The three-day session is designed with a two-fold purpose: to create a co-operative, friendly association of freshmen, faculty, and upperclass- men, and to provide a rapid and prof- itable adjustment to the larger sphere of University life with all its complex-' ities. Groups will discuss various Univer- sity activities. Athletics, publications, religion, dramatics, are only a few of the topics that will be dscussed in individual discussions where questions may be asked of upperclassmen ex- perienced in particular activities. Extension Service Gives Aid To Distant Students Althnstar mnc} of.1 an Ro n +'k 1,178 Student Loans Granted Here In '37-'38 $134,876 Total Is Greater Than Previous Amount; Recession Caused Jump Student loans granted 1,178 stu- dents last year totalled $134,876.65, Boyd C. Stephens, University cashier, announced recently. Gifts totalling $16,839.39 were made to the fund. This amount is $2,556 more than the amount 1937 while 32 less students than last year shared it. Of the total amount loaned, $1,304.00 was labelled "Uncollectable." With the advent of the Recession in the latter half of the academic year, Mr. Stephens said, the number of loans jumped' considerably over the first half which had been about the same as last year. There was one $5,000 endowment received by the University last year. Since the establishment of the Stu- dent Loan Fund in 1897, a total of $1,488,827.39 in loans has been grant- ed to students. Of this amount $10,- 271 has been uncollectable. The amount available for loans In the Student Loan Fund dropped from $523,315.52 in 1937 to $519,771.03 last year. This decrease, Mr. Stephens pointed out, was due to a transfer of several funds from the Loan Fund to endowments, on which only the in- terest and not the principle is loaned. The total amount in the endowment fund toadate is $401,866.60. In 1897, the year of the Fund's establishment, $75 was loaned. The argest amount was loaned in 1935-36 when $147,352.89 was given out. Congress Congress, the independent men's organization, will enter its second year of activity on the Michigan campus, when it greets the freshmen during Orientation Week. Organized before the close of the second semester of 1936, Congress experienced a steady up-current of support throughout last year, until this fall it enters its field with a fully organized and accepted program for the independent men on campus. Founded with the purpose of pro- viding for the independent men those privileges and advantages which are offered affiliated men by the fraterni- ties, Congress has planned a series of education, social and sports projects for the coming year. It will continue its sponsorship, along with the As-, sembly. of afternoon dances and Sun- Fraternity Fraternities at Michigan play a large part in the social life and gen- eral cameraderie of more than 700 Michigan men. It has been said, and probably rightly so, that membership in a fraternity is a tremendous asset to the new student attempting to or- ientate himself to the new routine of the campus. The welter of informa- tion and experience of the whole fra- ternity group become available to the new member. Fraternity rushing, starting Satur- day, Sept. 24 and running through Thursday, Oct. 6, is a period during which the prospective fraternity member, or rushee and active mem- bers of fraternities become acquaint- ed. This is accomplished by the fra- ternities inviting the rushees to visit the houses during meal hours. Assembly For the purpose of organizing the independent women on the campus and to encourage them to enter into social and scholastic activities, the Assembly was founded in 1934. The Executive Board of the As- sembly for the year 1938-'39 is made up of four officers: Betty Jane Mans- field, '39, president; Martha Tillman, '39, vice-president; Ruth Hartman, '39, secretary; and Marie McElroy, '39, treasurer. In addition to this Board there is an Administrative Board which consists of the above named as well as the president and vice-president of each of the three independent groups on the campus; the dormitory residents, the league house group, and the Ann Arbor In- dependents. Marjorie Tate, '39, is president of the Dormitory Board; Panhellenic The sorority rushing rules for the fall of 1938 have been revised for next year as announced by Panhel- lenic President Stephanie Parfet, '39. The rules in detail have been print- ed in booklet form by the Michigan Panhellenic Association and will be given to each girl who registers at the Panhellenic Booth in the League. All prospective members of sororities are required to pay a 50 cent fee there by Monday noon, Sept. 26. The sorority rushing period will extend from Saturday, Sept. 24 to Tuesday, Oct. 11. During this period the schedule of parties will start with the initial teas held from 3 to 7 p.m., The first Saturday and Sunday after- noons of rushing a girl may go to all of the houses to which she has been invited for these teas but is not al- 's Union Is Ready For Freshmen Registration To Commence EarlyFirst Week Freshman students have the oppor- tunity of making use of the Union facilities almost as soon as they reach Ann Arbor since registration of new students in the Union begins early in