TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY TJhe ditor Gets Told 0 ®., On Educational Methods Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan Under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. . Ptblisheaevery morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Sesi~ Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also ueserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Rember, Associated Collegiate Press, 193738 RBPRSENTEO FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISNQ 1BY NationalAdvertisingService,nc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE., NEW Y K. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - LoS ANGELES - sANRANCISCO Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR.. IRVING SILVERMAN City Editor ....... Robert 1, Fitzhenry Assistant Editors :..........Mel Fineberg Joseph Gies, Elliot Maraniss, Ben M Marino, Carl. Petersen, Suzanne Potter, Harry L. Sonneborn. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ... ERNEST A. JONES Credit Manager . . . . Norman Steinberg Circulation Manager . . . J. Cameron Hall Assistants . . Philip Buchen, Walter Stebens -NIGHT EDITOR: IRVING SILVERMAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educational institu- tions in the best meaning of the term. -Alexander G. Ruthven. Defeat And Victory For The New Deal. . . NEW DEAL SUPPORTERS received N_" a jolt Thursday from the surprising defeat of Senator Pope in the Idaho primary by a conservative Democrat, Rep. D. Worth Clark. The narrowness of Clark's margin has led many observers to believe that the contest was deter- mined in his favor by Republican "raids," which are possible in the open primary used in Idaho, where party registration is not necessary in order to vote. It might also be worth pointing out that while Senator Pope had the indorsement of Postmaster-General Farley and Secretary of State Hull, he was not among those candidates personally mentioned by President Roosevelt. The President's neglect in lending the weight of his great personal popularity in Idaho, which he carried by nearly two to one in 1936, to Senator Pope, can be explained only by the con- fidence felt for Pope's prospects, a confidence apparently well-founded but now proven un- warranted. Astonishing as the New Deal reverse in Idaho may be, it is no more so than the extraordinary victory it gained in the far more important state of Ohio, where President Roosevelt's protege and former Harvard classmate, Senator Bulkley, won by the crushing majority of 222,000, while the total Democratic primary vote exceeded the Republican for the first time in Ohio history. More significant, perhaps, than either the de- feat of Pope or the victory of Bulkley was the repudiation by the people of Ohio of the admin- istration of Gov. Martin L. Davey, who made himself persona non grata with labor by his use of troops to help break the steel strike last year. The Associated Press noted that Davey's victorious opponent, Charles Sawyer, polled a heavy vote in the industrial and mining districts. %Meantime, primary interest has quickly shifted to the southeastern states, where three anti- New Deal senators are running for re-election. President Roosevelt's forthright declaration in Georgia in favor of Lawrence Camp, primary opponent of the reactionary Senator George, should do much to clarify the issues which the President considers at stake in the current elec- tions. Senator George is the first incumbent against whom the Presidential fire has beeni directed, and it should now be clear to every- one that the so-called "purge" is not a personal vendetta on the part of Mr. Roosevelt against the senators who defeated his court and execu- tive reorganization bills. It is true that Senator George voted against these measures, but so did several other senators running for renomination, including Adams of Colorado, whose state the President visited last month without inter- vening in the campaign. Senator George, how- ever, has also opposed numerous other liberal measures introduced in Congress during his term of office, notably the housing bill and wages and hours bill. His labor record is par- ticularly unsavory. :spousal of the cause of the little-known Camp is above all a demonstration of the President's To the Editor: It is a fact that Americans generally avoid the hard necessity of thinking. To receive multiple impressions, to be entertained by the movies, lectures, sport, to be lulled into dreamless com- fort has been our beau ideal. It is a graver fact that the American university has refrained from ding anything to check or correct this tendency. Consider the limitation of campus activities offered to students at Michigan: at one extreme, the technical lecture; at the other, the popular concert. Discourses on the Renaissance, the fatigue of metals, the theory of languages obvi- ously are designed for the few, while music un- doubtedly soothes the lecture-ridden brain of the many. Living in such a setting, students acquire wrong notions about the whole educational pro- cess. First the impression abounds that only that which is dished out by specialists or dropped from mumbling lips into tired ears to be trans- scribed into notes for coming examinations is knowledge. With it grows a complacent feeling that the study of isolated units of knowledge must await some mythical future in that world of clash and clang where knowledge will eventu- ally undergo the acid test. That is all nonsense. Educators know that experiences can be simulated; life-realizations anticipated; a correlation of knowledges, consum- mated here on the, campus. How? By an inter- change of fact, theory, precept, experience gath- ered in our separate lives at the passing moment through the simple device of open forums. The need is urgent. In the rumble of ideologies and "isms" now contending for power, our isolated studies, together with the whole body of western democratic culture, face the danger of extinc- tion. Are we prepared to, let them go? To save the structure, we might make a final appeal to humane reason by way of the university. Intelli- gent discussion of contemporary issues, and interchange of views on cabbages and presidents conducted fairly in all the colleges of the nation might serve to burn down barriers and to de- molish walls now being erected in more troubled parts of the world. (The United States is not immune from world infection-not by a long shot!) A closer tie-up between the university and the community should help to clarify con- fusion, correct prejudice, and formulate the sound viewpoint. Perhaps even a faith in the los dignity of man and in the virtue of justice might again flicker in these upspringing centers of light. The university cannot remain the cloistered abbey it once was. Happily the American uni- versity within recent years has made efforts to touch life at many points. But to be really effec- tual, centres of discussion conducted by elected groups in many units planted all over the campus should function daily. Here everybody, that is, undergraduate, graduate, professor, business man, professional, and idler would assemble on a basis of equality. Out 'of the mixed contribu- tions of foolishness and wisdom might come a common faith, an everyday philosophy, a basis for social truth. Such questions as to the rela- tionship of modern man to society, to industry, to government, to art, books, the drama, music, travel, and 'God would serve to re-measure changing values in terms of living for all of us. Education dare no longer draw an iron ring or a charmed circle around the professor and his text-book. -Felix Sper In Historical Retrospect To the Editor: At this time it is worth while to look back upon Japan's attack on Shantung during 1914. Germany was ready to return its Kiaochow con- cession to China. If she had not, China could have taken back her own by force more easily than the Japanese. Before China could act, the Japanese struck the first blow at Tsingtao. They were in such a hurry to get their hands on Kiaochow that they did not wait even for the consent of the British whom they had invited to join in the attack, nor of the Americans who had. guaran- teed the integrity of China. While the Japanese surrounded Kiaochow, they assured the world that they wanted to take the country only for the purpose of returning it to China. This at- tack without consent of America and against the expressed wish of China was an unfriendly act, a war without a declaration on China and America. President Wilson expressed his approval of the Japanese "promise" to return the German concession to China. Japan took not only Kiaochow, but all of Shantung including the Shantung railway, China's own property which had never been in German hands. This was a violation of China's sovereignty and of Hay's Far Eastern Monroe Doctrine. The U. S. was not at war with Germany, certainly not with China, in 1914. The Japanese capped this insult to China and the U. S. with 21 demands, which were such a direct challenge to America that President Yuan Shih-Kai was amazed to learn that President Wilson would not back him against Japan. Manifest destiny was beckoning Wilson as she had McKinley when Dewey was in Manila. The English navy had its hands full on the other side of the Atlantic, in the Mediterranean and Indian Oceans. Neither Canada nor Mexico could stop or hurt us. Our naval bases in Hawaii, Samoa, Guam and the Philippines gave us a superior strategic position in the Pacific. The Japanese navy was no match for the American. The Japanese could not hone to fight America Jfeemr lo je Heywood Broun Lord Beaverbrook has thrown the hat of Frank Gannett into -the ring for 1940. This may be British hospitality, and again it may arise from that devilish delight the English take in spoofs and hoaxes. In other words, His Lordship may be pulling the leg of the noted American publisher and prohibitionist. Be that as it may, Frank Gannett is a house guest of Beaverbrook at the moment. And when he came down to breakfast the other morning there beside his bloater lay the Republican nomination for the Presidency of the United States. I speak to some extent in metaphors, for although His Lordship is the most powerful of British news- paper proprietors, he has as yet- no lien upon the White House. Still, he has done his spiritual best for the big night letter and form telegram man who defeated the Reorganization bill and saved the republic. And his moral support has taken tangible form. The grateful sight which met the eye of Frank E. Gannett as he started to cut his preserved fish was a fresh copy of the London Daily Express, and upon the front page of that duly premedi- tated paper he found a screaming headline which read, "The Life and Times of Frank E Gan- nett." Every man likes to see his name in print, and Mr. Gannett is not exceptional in any way. Nevertheless, he blushed and said, "Your Lord- ship is too kind." Even Mr. Gannett Surprised "Don't mention it," replied Beaverbrook, and after helping himself to marmalade he passed the jar to his guest in truly democratic fashion. "Read on and see what our Lord Forbes has to say about you." Lord Forbes, it may be explained, is one of Beaverbrook's rewrite men. The eyes of Mr. Gannett, which are wide by nature, expafided still further as he got into the swing of the article. He found himself described as the lead- ing candidate for the Republican nomination in 1940. Mr. Gannett has tried never to become a violet, but, this was a surprise even to himself. He was choked with emotion as he said, "What His Lordship writes is much too much, Your Lord- ship." It wa' rather an awkward sentence, but Frank Gannett is not accustomed to titles in the city room. He refers to his own employees as Joe or Slim or simply, "Hey, you, over at the corner desk." * * * Hindiana, Hiowa, Harkansas In addition to emotion he tangled with a bloater bone, but when his host had patted him heartily on the back Mr. Gannett said, "It can't be true." "If you see it in the Express, it's so," replied Beaverbrook, speaking with severity and coining a phrase simultaneously. The wand of the British publishing potentate had been waved, and wonders set afoot. Already the delighted visitor could almost 'see the next Republican conclave and hear a delegate get up to say, "Hindiana casts hits vote for the favorite son of the London Daily Express, Frank Hernest Gannett." With Harkansas and Hiowa to follow, not forgetting Halabama and Hohio, whata could be sweeter? Fortunately Mr. Gannett rose to the occasion. He was tactful enough not to mention the fact that the last American nominated for the Presi- dency of the United States by the British press was Dorothy Thompson. He said with simple dignity, "I have never sought office, but no American could refuse." "Give me back that marmalade," said Beaver- brook to indicate his blunt way that the American incident had been disposed of and that he must now turn his attention to settling the affairs of Europe and of Asia. reduced to impotence, Japan would be out of Asia forever. The U. S. would own all of Canada and half of Africa and of the Pacific islands of England and France. China and India would be free. The U. S. and Germany (the Kaiser but not Hitler) would be the most favored nations in China and East India, in Siberia and Russia. France and England would do business on the terms of America and Germany. This result could have been brought about and the World War could have been over in one year or less. Thus we turned over China to Japan, exposed the American route to China to a double flank attack, where Japan has a formidable reception for us at the Marshal and Caroline Islands, cut the Philippines off from the princi- pal American naval bases, left part of Africa to England and France, shed American blood upon the battle fields of Europe, taxed living and unborn Americans and filled the coffers of Wall Street with the world's gold and created over 23,000 new millionaires "to make the world safe for democracy". And as for Japan today there is truism in the Latin adage: Unus Deus vult perdere, prius dementat. -Julius M. Magil, Ph.D. On 'Blockade' To the Editor: The Ann Arbor branch of the American League for Peace and Democracy wishes to add this note of endorsement of the movie, "Blockade", now showing at the Michigan Theater. We urge all individuals who wish to aid the peace movement to see this picture before it leaves town. Tn iute from the American Tague 'ma-- AS OTHERS SEE ,IT Peace On The Tumen The truce established on the Tu- men River by the Litvinov-Shigemit- su agreement is sufficient evidence of the anxiety shared by both the Soviet and Japanese governments to localize the conflict and to settle the border dispute for all time by a joint exami- nation of the pertinent documents and the local topography. The per- sistence with which both negoiators have sought an understanding, retir- ing from one diplomatic stalemate af- ter another, only to catch their breath before getting together again, and the important concessions }which both finally made would seem to' ex- onerate both governments of any direct responsibility for the promo- tion of this particular incident. While such evidence of a mutual will to peace is decidedly reassuring to a jittery world, it cannot be accepted as \assurance that the local rumpus is over. How and why it started re- mains as much of a mystery as ever; for . . . This is our life . . . let's fight for it.' We know that Block- ade is on the side of the people who are being starved by war-time blockades; being butchered by Fas- cist bombs; and being betrayed by internal enemies-the 'fifth col- umn."' Because we believe the Michigan Theater should be congratulated for being courageous enough to show this picture despite protests that some individuals and organizations have made, we are sending copies of this letter to both the Michigan Daily and The Ann Arbor News. Sincerely yours, W. C. Rohn, Secretary of the Ann Arbor branch of the American League. and until it is clearly known on whose authority it began and what author- ity that person or group still exer- cises, no one can predict how long an agreement reached in Moscow will be effective on the Tumen. Touchy Situation Rurthermore, the situation between Lake Khasan and the Tumen River [appears to be a very touchy one, if the latest reports of roop positions. are accurate. Whoever holds the original bone of contention, Changkufeng, the Russians admit that they have driven a wedge into Manchurian territory and the Japanese have driven a wedge into what they admit is Russian ter- ritory. The officers on both sides would undoubtedly have liked to straighten the line out to their own satisfaction and credit before the order to cease fire reached them. They are not likely to conceal very carefully their dissatisfaction with that order from the men who are, at some points, within hand grenade range of each other. In such a situa- tion the officers of both sides must take their orders from home very seriously indeed if they are to prevent clashes until the border commission- ers arrive, agree among themselves (if they ever do) and tell them where they belong. Whether there is such deference for orders on either side as will completely squash the tempta- tion to taunt the other fellow into action is doubtful. Since we have been inclined to feel from the be- ginnings that the Japanese army in Korea-undertook to push the Man- churian frontier a few miles closer to Possiet Bay and to open a Manchu- rian corridor to the mouth of the Tumen on its own responsibility and on the usual all-sufficient ground that Japan's destiny dictated the ac- quisition of such positions, we con- tinue to feel that Tokio must speak very peremptorily to the high com- mand in Korea to elicit lasting respect from the agreement reached in Mos- cow. Oily Guesses These feelings are based on sur- mises only, of course, worth no more at the moment than the more widely SATURDAY, AUG. 13, 1938 VOL. XLVIII. No. 41 Biological Chemistry 6205: Sem- inar reports handed in earlier may be obtained at the office of the department, 317 West Medical Bldg. Prof. F. E. Richart of the Univer- sity of Illinois will speak on the Plastic Flow of Concrete this morn- ing at 9 o'clock in Room 311 West Engineering. Visitors' Night, Students' Observa- tory, 8 to 10 tonight. Open only to Summer Session Students. Take elevator to fifth floor in Angell Hall. The Graduate Outing Club will meet at the northwest entrance of the Rackham Building at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 14 to go to Groome's bathing beach at Whitmore Lake for swimming, baseball and a picnic. This is the last meeting of the summer, so come and bring your friends. Notice to all Soiool of Music mem- bers, faculty, husbands and wives of the same. There will lx' an informal supper-dance at the Michigan League Ballroom, Monday evening, Aug. 15 at (Continued on Page 3) voiced surmise that Germany's de- cision to give Japan nothing but mor- al support was such a setback to the Japanese Army that Mr. Shigemitsu had its authority to make terms with Mr. Litvinov. The important thing is that whether the armies on the Tu- men abide by the terms of the truce or not, Nghether. the border commis- sioners agree on a definition of the frontier or not, the two governments. have succeeded in isolating the little. war as a local incident and in re- ducing to a minimum thereby the chances that it will develop into any- thing like what the Japanese still call "the China incident." -New York Herald-Tribune DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN AI II Campus a R ate Drug Stor~e Serving the '4 For many years the Campus Cut Rate Drug Store has served MICHIGAN students faithfully. We were the FIRST drug store in the campus district to offer CUT RATE PRICES to the students. Our store is noted for VALUES. We endeavor to offer the finest lines in drugs and cosmetics at the LOWEST PRICES. We urge you, upon arrival in Ann Arbor, to pay us a visit and see for yourself how economical it is to make this store your drug headquarters. AP fEtring I A COMPLETE COSMETIC LINE I Al ' 711 IC ELIZABETH ARDEN LUCIEN LE LONG LENTHERIC H. H. AYERS DU BARRY COTY IF RUBENSTEIN PRIMROSE HOUSE LAN VIN GEURLAIN COLONIAL DAMES And Many Others I FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE ... we will cash any and all of your checks. The only identification we ask is your student identification card. Remember this, for you wil need to make use of this service. That is only one of the services which the Campus Cut Rate Drug Store offers its customers. Here you will find congenial salesmen trained to serve each and every one of your needs intelligently . . . and, at the lowest cost to you. I WINES * BEER *CH AMPAGNE __ w um nhl* R mr-I fo