Editorial Defeat And Vicoy For The New Deal .. . Yl r e Mitt . 1 ttt SAMPLE COPY Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XLVIII. No. 41 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SATURDAY, AUG. 13, 1938 PRICE-FIVE CENTS _______________________________________________________________________ q Japs, Russians In New Fracas With Dispute Over Sakhalin Clash Of Island Police Follows Settlement Of Affair AtChangkufeng Situation Reported As Being Serious TOKYO, Aug. 13., (Saturday)-('P) -Tension between Soviet Russia and Japan increased today with a new border incident born within 48 hours after settlement of the dangerous Changkufeng affair. The .new trouble broke out on sparsely-populated Sakhalin Island, north of Japan, where Moscow and Tokyo divide control. At an isolated corner of the Russo-Japanese boun- dary, Domei (Japanese News Agen- cy) reported, infantrymen of the NKVD, Soviet secret police, shot and wounded two Japanese policemen. Adding to the gravity of the inci- dent, the policemen, one of whom was hurt seriously, were escorting Ryukichi Tashirogi, a member of Parliament, and an "inspection par- ty" near the border, Domei said. Fired Without Warning ,The agency reported the Soviets opened fire without warning. Authorities at Shikika, Japanese city on Sakhalin, reported a corps of police, rushed to the border to "in- vestigate" the incident, now were confronting the Russians. (Sakhalin Island, lying close to the Siberian coast, was first settled in 1857 by the Russians, who owned all of it until 1905. In 1905 the Treaty of Portsmouth allotted the northern three-fifths to Russia the southern two-fifths to Japan. , (Following the Russian revolution in 1917, the Japanese occupied all of the island, which is 600 miles long and from 16 to 105 miles wide. They did not evacuate the northern part until 1925). Incident Considered Closed Meanwhile the incident at Chang- kufeng, on the mainland near the juncture of the borders of Siberia, Korea, and Manchoukuo, was con- sidered' closed. Fighting which marked the later stages of the month-old incident end- ed promptly at noon Thursday, said reports from the sector of dispute. The truce followed an agreement reached in Mosow between Foreign Minister Maxim Litvinoff and the Japanese Ambassador, Mamoru Shi- gemitsu. In this agreement, it was indicat- ed in an abridged text of the Litvin- off-Shigernitsu conversations re- leased by the foreign office Friday, Japan made most of the concessions. The foreign office spokesman said appointment of a border commission would be announced shortly, and would begin its work by demarcating the border in the Changkufeng area. I Rader Gets Award Scene Of Jap-Soviet Changhufeng Boundary Michigan Wrestling Champion Dispute Where Hostilities Recently Ceased To Tackle Guatemalan ungle i SAY..SOVIET T ~Novokievsk -- cUTE1 VLADIVOSTOK R Pa l a =--' x, Road ;p SI BOURDARYBHERE...... ,L. KHASSA N ._.." ~N I CHANGKUFENGVA .80UNDAy RSDGE HERE,SAYS Gene of flgin JPAN yuk BOUNDARY c HOsAN Tumen R jban SAY 'e . .COMING TO RIVA L 4 5 1 Re hi VLADIVOSTOK AS SEAPORT MI L ES ." I e ''"" I 100 Japanese Airplanes Raid Hankow And TrI-City Area { t i 1 i 1 i I l 1 I i 7 a a i 1 i i r 1 t i r Harland Danner To Write Folklore Of Vanishing' Mayan Tribe Of Indians By BEN MARINO Harland Danner, Michigan's Big Ten 160-pound wrestling champion, will choose the forbidding and mys- terious jungles of Guatemala as his next field of action and tackle the job of collecting material on the folklore of a vanishing tribe of Mayan Indians, the Lacandones. Blond, broad-shouldered Harland will be accompanied on his hazardous journey by only two companions, both Mexicans, who will join him in Mexico City. Preparations for the trip have been underway since last Christmas under the technical supervision of Prof. Mischa Titiev of the anthropol- ogy department. Anthropology is only a hobby with Danner, who is major- ing in romance languages. Neverthe- less, scientific research will be the motiviating force behind the expedi- tion which has as its object the mak- ing of a complete motion picture record of the religious and material culture of the swiftly vanishing de- scendants of the ancient Mayas. Danner will- depend on gaining the confidence of a wild, unfriendly people and hunting for the major portion of his food supply. The films and articles he will write upon returning from his journey will finance the trip. The material gleaned from his re- search will supply the foundation for, a mast er' and perhaps a do :tors' degree after he has completed his last year of undergraduate work. Because of the inaccessibility of the regLi.i, the Lacandones have per- petuated the ancient modes of lifc and semi-barbarian customs, Danner said, and their answer to the com- ing of the white man has been to withdraw further into the inpene- trable jungles of Central America. They hunt, he added, with bow and arrow, and many of them have no conception of the use of a horse. Danner plans to drive to Mexico City and spend approximately six weeks there studying at La Biblio- tece Nacional de Mexico. He also hopes to find some student there in the University of Mexico who will accompany him on his expedition. The son of Mrs. B. V. Kreger of Ann Arbor, Harland Danner attended Destruction Of Headquarters By Nipponese Chinese Claimed Forces Above is a detailed map of the Changkufeng area and Possiet Bay region, with conflicting claims of Russia and Japan made clear. The "war" has been halted, at least temporarily, while diplomats seek a solution. Control of the area means mastery of the railroad carrying products out of rich Manchoukuo, and is also Im- portant for possible fortifications to Possiet Bay, where Russia has a submarine base. Adult Education In Road Safety Recommended B. W. Marsh Urges Study Of Traffic Problems And TrainingOf Pedestrians "We must stop blaming the motor- ist or the pedestrian, and begin a more careful and thorough study of the causes and cures of traffic prob- lems," Burton W. Marsh, director of the safety and traffic engineering de- partment of the American Automo-, bile Association said yesterday before a meeting of the National Institute for 'Traffic Safety Training. Mr. Marsh pointed out that al- though children are being thorough- ly trained in the elements of traffic safety in the elementary schools, not enough attention is yet being paid to adult education along these lines. His statements were borne out by statistics quoted by Earl J. Reeder, chief traffic engineer of the National Safety Council, who stated that by far the greatest number of pedes- trian accidents traceable to the pedes- trian involved persons below school age or over 55. Pedestrians are the cause of over 75 percent of all accidents involving pedestrians, Mr. Reeder said. Hie pointed out that the large percentage of accidents traceable to members of foreign, -uneducated, and lower econ- omic groups indicated that" these groups would have to be educated along the lines of traffic safety, and that probably the best way to reach them would be through their own leaders. Henrietta Westcott, 82, Dies In Goderich, Ont. Mrs. Henrietta Westcott of 1055 Ferdon Ave., widow of Capt. J. W. Westcott, who founded the marine reporting agency bearing his name,; died yesterday at the summer home of her daughter, Mary Louise West- cott, near Goderich, Ont. Mrs. Westcott, 82 years old, had been president of the company since the death of her husband. Educators Ask More M oney From Murphy LANSING, Aug. 12-(IP)--School men demanded today that Gov. Frank Murphy's special session of the Legis- lature provide additional funds for educational purposes. Dr. Eugene B. Elliott. superintend- ent of public instruction, sent an. open letter to the Governor asserting. that thousands of school teachers now draw salaries that are "less than WPA workers," and that further pay cuts would be necessitated unless the schools receive more money. The executive committee of the Michigan Education Association invit- ed school superintendents, county school commissioners and school board executives to confer in Lansing Monday to consider the problem. Elliott and the association's execu-; tive committee asserted they had learned of plans to cut $12,000,000 from the $28,000,000 State aid for schools appropriated by the 1937 Leg- islature as a large item in Murphy's economy program. The State superintendent said such a cut would have to be followed by a 50 per cent reduction in allowances to the schools for equalization, tui- tion, membership and transportation services, reduction of teachers' salaries and shortening of school terms. Illinois Professor To Discuss Metals Prof. F. E. Richart of the Univer- sity of Illinois will be the speaker this morning at the final meeting of the Engineering Mechanics Sympo- sium on the properties of metals. The plastic flow of metals will be the subject of the lecture by Professor Richart, who is one of the leading authorities in this field. He is espe- cially well known for his research work in re-enforced concrete inde- terminate structures, the proportion- ing of concrete, building tests, reen- forced brick work, cast iron pipes, and chilled car wheels. Agent Declares U.S. Spy Ring, Is Nazi's Goal House Committee American Inve In Espionage] Hears stigator Expose Of Belgian For Prize Society Paper WASHINGTON, Aug. 12-(M)-An1 undercover agent told the house com-I mittee on "unAmerican activities" to-1 day that the Nazi movement in the United States aims to set up a "vast spy network" and "powerful sabo- tage machine" for use in case of war. These charges came from John C. Metcalfe, committee investigator and former Chicago newspaper man, whose short stature, small black moustache and crisp tone reminded spectators of Adolf Hitler. Metcalfe, a native of Germany who, came to this country in 1914, told of joining the German-American bund under a German name, and becom- ing a trusted lieutenant of Fritz Kuhn, National Bund leader. He quoted Kuhn as saying he had1 Dr. Hans Luther, long-time German1 ambassador to the United States, re-1 moved from his post for failure tof cooperate completely with secret Ger- man-American Bund activities. "I have secret relations with Ger- many whereby I can get anything I want," Kuhn said, according to Met- calfe. Under questioning of Chairman1 Dies (D.-Tex.) Metcalfe estimated' that "at least half a million persons in this country" are members, sup- porters, or sympathizers with the Nazi movement. Metcalfe charged that when the House committee was appointed Kuhn' ordered Bunds in this- country to de- stroy all correspondence that might appear suspicious. This was corroborated by Peter Gissibl, head of the Chicago bund, who testified he had resigned after sharp differences with Kuhn over cer- tain policies. Gissibl, speaking slowly with a German accent, at one point indicat- ed he feared harm because of his testimony, but Chairman Dies prom- ised him protection. The former Chicago bund leader said he opposed Kuhn on hatred of Jews, uniforms for children similar to those of the Hitler youth move- ment, and a close tie between the bund in this country and Nazi Ger- many. Metcalfe said the foreign institute of Nazi Germany (the Ouslands Bur- eau at Stuttgart), was chief official link with organizations in this coun- try. It was manned, he testified, by several former bund leaders from this country who have returned to Germany. Owosso Reports Three More Dysentery Cases Campus Gives $70 To Students Youth Congress Gets Cash; $100 Goes To Spain The Michigan campus has con- tributed $70 toward defraying the ex- penses of foreign students attending the World Youth Congress at Vassar College late this month, it was dis- closed last night in a report issued by the summer organization of the Progressive Club. Funds collected this summer to aidl Spain, it was said in the same report, totaled $100 in addition to several truckloads of clothing, canned foods and medical supplies. A committee for continuations and membership has been recently ap- pointed and all interested in this work are asked to communicate with Robert Emerine, '39, chairman of the committee. In connection with the member- ship drive and general program of ex- pansion it was decided to undertake a series of meetings on general cul- tural topics at which speakers of na- tionwide prominence will be featured. The Club will give local issues first importance in its practical work for the coming year. HARLAND DANNER Ann Arbor High School where he played football, wrestled, and com- peted on the gymnastics team. His record as a wrestler on the Michigan Varsity culminated in the winning of the Western Conference 155-pound title last spring. Two years ago, Danner spent a vacation in Mexico where he worked on a ranch. He speaks both Spanish and French. Paris Jitter O ,a WarActivity, Report Sees Hitler Calling 1,{00,000 Reservists To TheColors PARIS, Aug. 12.-(Y')-The French Government, alarmed by reports of huge military movements under way in Germany, today sought informa- tion. on.Reichsfuehrer. Adolf Hitler's intentions through French diplomatic representatives abroad. The reports: 1-That Hitler's army had requis- tioned private automobiles, trucks, furniture vans and even municipal busses in Bavaria in connection with forthcoming autumn maneuvers. 2-That more than 1,000,000 Ger- man reservists had been called to the colors. 3-That Germany was speeding up construction of fortifications on her French and Polish frontiers. An Eye On Parleys These things led to fear that the Nazis were greasing their war ma- chine for use in case they failed to{ receive quick satisfaction from Czechoslovakia in the parleys over the future status of Czechoslovakia's 3,500,000 Sudeten German minority. Such ostentatious military prep- arations were in contrast with the Nazi precedent of swift and secret action-a fact which paradoxically tended to ease French fears. Foreign office circles and most dip- lomats voiced a belief that the prep- arations were designed to intimidate Czechoslovakia, France and Great Britain, but watched carefully the advices from French diplomatic and secret agents in Germany. Two Explanations Thus two possibly interlocking ex- planations ,of thf German manifesta- tions emerged n Paris: The Nazis wish; to impress the world with their military power. - They also wish to have their war machine ready for use in case of trouble over the Sude- ten demands for autonomy in Czecho- slovakia. Heavy Toll Of Life, Property, Reported HANKOW, China, Aug. 12.-()-- One hundred Japanese war planes virtually poured bombs into Han- kow and the neighboring cities of Wuchang and Hanyang today in one of the Chinese-Japanese war's most disastrous and most spectacular air raids. The bombs and the flames that spread in their wake killed or wound- ed 400 civilians of the tri-city area, which lies 600 miles up the Yangtze River in the heart of China. Two American mission properties were directly hit. More than 300 residences, most of them humble, were destroyed, and tens of thousands of dollars worth of railway equipment, crude oil, and kerosene were blown up. Raid Was''Effective' (In Shanghai a Japanese naval communique announced that the raid was "100 per cent effective" and that the headquarters of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek were destroyed. Hankow is theChinese provisional capital). No Chinese planes took the air to combat the invaders, whose big ma- chines droned over the city in the morning. There was an ineffective anti-aircraft fire. In Wuchang the chapel of the or- der of Saint Anne Convent, operated by a mission of the American Epis- copal Church, was demolished by a direct hit, while another bomb tore down a nearby sisters' residence in which three American wOien mis- sionaries, huddled under a staircase, escaped without a scratch. Another bomb destroyed the' American Seventh Day Adventists' City Clinic in Wuchang, killing 12 Chinese patients. Many wounded had just been removed from the clinic when it was struck. Bombs released from Japanese planes which dived low over the Can- ton-Hankow Railway terminal blew up entire sections of track and killed the majority of occupants of a near- by building in which there were sev- eral girl refugees. Innocent Civilians Sufferers Although the bombing attained a high degree of accuracy, being cen- tered at railway yards and buildings, innocent civilians were the greatest sufferers. Attacking fronti 10,000 feet, the Ja- panese flyers directly hit flat cars and platforms packed with crude oil drums in the railway yard area east of Hankow's Japanese concession. The freight yards were turned into a blazing inferno. Bombs released simultaneously with those hitting the railway prop- erty brought death and destruction to a crowded suburban area for half a mile around. American and British oil installa- tions a mile from the railyards were not affected. * * Terrorists Explode Anti-Jap Bombs In Tense Shanghai Lloyd F. Rader, '24E, has been awarded the prize of Belgium by the International Association of Road Congresses for a paper on "Low Tem- perature Characteristics of Asphalt Paving Mixtures," it was announced yesterday by the department of trans- portation engineering of the College of Engineering. 'Dr. Rader, who received his M.S.E. in 1925 and his Ph.D. in engineering lastFebruary, wrote the paper as an abstract of his Doctor's dissertation. The prize consists of 2000 francs. Graduating with honors from the Civil Engineering course, Dr. Rader was awarded the Roy D. Chapin Fellowship in High way :Engineering during his first year of graduate work. He was also a member of the Honors Convocation that year. He attended the U.S. Naval Academy before coming to the University and is at present a lieutenant in the corps of civil engineers, U.S. Naval Reserves. During the past 10 years, he has been on the faculty of the Polytech- nic Institute of Brooklyn and is now associate professor of Civil Engineer- ing. Discovery Of Ancient Language Forces Revision, Sturtevant Says Traffic Experts Make Local Streets Scene Of Sight Tests By HARRY L. SONNEBORN A big open touring car, swerving out of traffic lines and cutting in front of oncoming cars, and a group of 20 or 30 men walking out in front of a car parked on the Huron River Drive, with its headlights shining on them, were two peculiar things that mystified Ann Arbor motorists yes- The idea was to photograph just what the driver with defective vision sees when he cuts out of traffic. The movies taken will show blurred vision ahead until oncoming cars are quite close, usually too close for the driver to do much about it. Last night a special test car was How the recent amazing discovery of an ancient language remarkablyt similar to modern European lan-j guages in grammatical structure hasr forced linguists to revise their con- ception of the Indo-European lan- guage family was described last eve-t ning by Prof. Edgar H. Sturtevant of Yale University in the conclud- ing lecture of the 1938 Linguistic In- stitute. Although the last thing 19th cen- tury philologists suspected was the likelihood of discovering another In- do-European language in Asia Minor, vat -,-inh- adinscvery was made. said with the verb "to be." It had only; two moods. It had a "durative" con- jugation strongly analogous to thej modern English progressive in -ing. Such differences, according to Pro- fessor Sturtevant, already have led to the belief that Hittite is not an In-; do-European language at all, but rather that it and the original Indo- European are themselves descended from a parent language which he has christened Indo-Hittite. Dr. Sturtevant then explained some of the independent archaisms which Hittite preserved but which were lost in Indo-European, such as two of the SHANGHAI, Aug. 12--)-Bombs of anti-Japanese terrorists exploded today in a Shanghai tense with fore- bodings over possible bloodshed to- morrow, the first anniversary of the outbreak of fighting between Chinese and Japanese in Shanghai. Two Chinese were killed and 15 in- jured when terrorists set off two bombs in a Japanese cotton mill in the Italian defense sector of the In- ternational Settlement. Two Chinese were injured In three other bomb at- tacks on Japanese properfy in the settlement. After one year's bitter warfare in the Yangtze Valley, the Japanese in- vaders have fought their way 500 miles up the river, about 100 air miles from Hankow, the Chinese pro- visional capital. During severe fighting around Kiu- kiang the Chinese assert Chinese nlanes in the nast few davs have