Weather Fair, moderate temperature to- day; tomorrow fair and warmer. L 01k ig Aan iZ~ait Editorial Horror From The Air.., Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XLVIII. No. 40 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, AUG. 12, 1938 PRICE--FIVE CENTS ------- Cold Peace Rules Siberia's Border As Fighting Stops Midnight Truce Halts Open War Between Japan And Russia In Manchoukuo Commission Picked To Mark Boundary TOKYO, Aug. 1-(R)-Japanese and Russian troops kept a tense peace tonight separated by only a few hun- dred yards of shell-torn no-man's land on the Manchoukuo-Siberia bor- der. Scarcely 75 yards divided them at one point. The Japanese War Office said fir- ing ceased in accord with a Japanese- Soviet midnight truce reached in Moscow by the Japanese Ambassador, Shigemitsu, and Foreign Commissar Maxim Litvinoff. Warfare halted exactly one month after the first outbreak at Changku- feng July 11. Since July 29 heavy fighting had been almost continuous theatening a major Russo-Japanese conflict. The truce reached by the Soviet Foreign Commissar and the Japan- ese Ambassador provided for frontier marking by a four-man commission including two Russians and two Jap- anese-Manchoukuans, the foreign of- fice said. A feeling of general relief was ap- parent throughout Tokyo, already deeply involved in the second year of an undeclared war in China. There was no surprise expressed, however, for authorities consistently have maintained that the Siberian frontier fighting merely was a magni- fied border incident which would be settled across the conference table Lnstead of on the battlefield - Moscow Optimistic MOSCOW, Aug. 11-(A')-An at- mosphere of cautious optimism per- vaded Moscow tonight as a truce halted Soviet-Japanese warfare on the frontier between Far Eastern Siberia and Japanese-supported Man- choukuo. Though direct reports from the battle zone yere lacking, it was as- sumed that fighting ceased as agreed by Foreign Commissar Maxim Litvin- off and Japanese Ambassador Mam- oru Shigemitsu after lengthy peace negotiations. (The Japanese War Office in Tokyo announced all quiet along the dis- puted frontier when Russian and Japanese troops stopped fighting sep- arated only by a few hundred yards of no-man's land.) Among foreign diplomats and mili- tary observers it washoped fervent- ly that the border warfare had end- ed, 'but some hesitated to celebrate peace until several days have passed without further outbreaks along the frontier where Soviet-Japanese fric- tion is long-standing. Observers with a long memory of Far Eastern border disputes pointed out that a truce on one point along the twisting Siberian frontier some- times was only a prelude to new fight- ing on another point. Others suggested that much de- pends on the way the commanders of Japanese Kwantung and Korean ar- mies react to the truce effected byI their diplomats. French Group Hears Rainguet French Consul Addresses Members At Banquet Terming the French House an en- deavour which should be emulated at educational institutions through-I out the United States as a contribu- -tion of culture, M. M. Rainguet, French Consul at Detroit, last night spoke briefly before more than 70 members of the Summer Session French Club terminating their activi- ties with a banquet in the Union. Making his first official visit to Ann Arbor, Mr. Rainguet was guest of honor at the third annual ban-I quet of the group, directed by Mr. Attends Housing Parley To Mexico City as the U.S. rep- resentative at international housing and town planning federation con- ference will go Warren Jay Vinton (above), economist with the U.S. housing authority. He'll lead dis- cussion on housing in tropical countries. Late Primary Returns New Deal supporters in the United States Senate won two' contests and lost a third in Tues- day's primary elections, accord- ing to latest returns today. Late tabulations gave Sen. Hattie W. Caraway of Arkansas a plurality of approximately 8,- 000 votes over Rep. John L. Mc- Lellan in her race for the Demo- cratic nomination to succed her- self. President Roosevelt referred to Mrs. Caraway during his recent transcontiental tour as "my very old friend." Another Administration stal- wart, Sen. Robert Bulkley, won renomination by a tremendous majority over former Gov. George White in Ohio's Democratic pri- mary. A late tabulation gave Bulkley 523,715 votes to 199,716 for White. Sen. James P. Pope, another supporter of Administration mea- sures, went down to defeat in Idaho's Democratic primary. His successful opponent was Rep. D. Worth Clark, a self-styled con- servative. Fielding Yost Feted At Coaching School Fielding H. Yost, Michigan's one- man football tradition, was back at an old stamping ground yesterday as West Virginia University,. still claim- ing "the old man" as a native son of its own hills, made the Michigan men- tor hoxior guest at a "Yost Day" ban- quet held in connection with the University's football coaching school. Discoursing on his favorite theme of athletics for all, Yost told the as- sembled coaches, writers and friends that America must look to athletics as a necessary recreation when the United States of the future confers many additional hours of freedom up- on its workers. FDR Rejects, George;Starts Party_'Purge' Charges Incumbent Does NotsRate As 'Liberal'; tAdvises Backing Caip Snubs Candidacy Of Gov. Talmadge BARNESVILLE, Ga., Aug. 11.-(P) -President Roosevelt for the first time called vigorously today for the defeat of a Democratic Senator he feels does not meet the tests of lib- eralism-and his challenge was promptly accepted. Mr. Roosevelt told perspiring sand cheerigg thousands assembled here for a rural electrification celebration he felt Sen. Walter F. George should not be returned to the seat he has oc- cupied 16 years and added firmly "I most assuredly would vote for Law- rence Camp" in Georgia's Sept. 14 primary. Senator George sat impassively on the platform through the President's hard-hitting speech and at its con- clusion walked across to the party chief, snook hands with him and said: "Mr. Roosevelt," I regret that yout have taken this occasion to question my Democracy and to attack my pub- lic record. I want you to know that I accept the challenge." . The President's answer was lost in the confusion of many persons mov- ing across the platform but Senator George later told newsmen Mr. Roose- velt replied: - "God bless you, Walter. Let's al- ways be friends." In making the young Federal dis-t trict attorney from'Atlanta his choice for the office, the Chief Executivet frowned also on the candidacy oft former Gov. Eugene Talmadge. He did not mention the fourth man in the race. William G. McRae, Atlanta at- torney and Townsend Plan advocate. It was the second Georgia speech of the day for the Washington-bound President who is returning from a cross-country vacation and a Pacific fishing cruise. This morning at Athens he received an honorary Doc- torate of Laws from the state univer- sity, renewed previous appeals for a sharp improvement in Southern ec- onomic standards and called for "con- stant progressive action" in the na- tional government. Mr. Roosevelt frequently called George "my friend" and said he "is beyond doubt a gentleman and a scholar" but "I am impelled to make it clear that on most public questions he and I do not speak the same lan- guage." Camp as well as George sat onthe platform-although neither had a part in the program-while the Chief Executive took the offensive for the first time in this year's primary bat- ties.- Heretofore he has said good words for Administration stalwarts but has not publicly sought the de- feat of incumbent dissenters. BULLETIN IIANKOW, China, Aug. 11-UP) -Japanese air raiders today ex- acted a heavy toll of dead and injured in a swift attack on the industrial heart of China-the Wuhan tri-cities. Unofficial estimates said 400 persons were killed or injured. Three United States mission properties were badly damaged when 27 Japanese planes, heavily loaded, dropped their cargoes on Hanyang and Wuchang at the confluence of the Han and Yangtze rivers. Traffic Parley Inspects Tests For Motorists Administration Of Exams Hit For Inefficiency And Lacking Thoroughness Role Of Psychology In Traffic Drawn Demonstration of standard drivers' license examinations and of special- ized technical,, clinical examination for drivers with high accident records were featured yesterday in the after- noon session of the National Institute for Traffic Safety Training. The disadvantages and inefficient aspects of the typical drivers' license examination were discussed by J. S. Baker, Traffic Safety Consultant for the National Safety Council. Among the defects listed were the usual lack of thoroughness of such examina- tions, the expense of a really thorough examination, public objection to ex- aminations that pass only qualified drivers, and difficulty of obtaining competent examiners.j Color blindness tests used in con-1 nection with drivers' license exami- nations are of little value, according to Mr. Baker. Their purpose is simply to point out to the driver that color' blindness exists and that he must compensate for it, he said. Accidents resulting from color blindness alone are extremely rare, Mr. Baker pointed out. A complete demonstration of an up-to-date clinical examination was presented by Alan Canty, traffic psy- chotechnologist of the Detroit Re- corders' Court. The psychiatric clinic there has been operated since 1920 and has handled over 20,000 cases in that time. In recent years special at- tention has been paid to traffic of- fenders, Mr. Canty said, and new tests for drivers have been instituted. "The psychologist doing traffic (continued on Page 3) Frankensteen Guarded After Bomb Incidents Dusted Union Official Says Explosion Was Intended As An Intimidation Hint DETROIT, Aug. 11.-UP)-Police to- day maintained a guard about the home -of Richard T. Frankensteen, deposed international vice-president of the United Automobile Workers Union, after a black powder bomb ex- ploded in a garage in the rear of Frankensteen's home last night. The garage was damaged, but no harm was done to the house or its occupants. The explosion took place while Frankensteen and his wife, their two children who were asleep, Maurice Sugar, Frmnkensteen's attorney, and Mrs. Dorothy Kraus were in the house. Sugar and Frankensteen were going over a radio speech which Frankensteen made tonight. Mrs. Kraus is a stenographer. "I believe the bombing was an at- tempt to intimidate me," Franken- steen asserted. "I have no reason for accusing anyone in particular, but I have no enemies except those in the fight over UAW affairs." Loyalists' Drive Nearing Cabeza For New University Dorms $945,000 Grant Approved By Schools Constitute Cornerstone Of Naziism, Schorling Contends Lecturer Cites Difficulties Of Isolating Institution From The Social Pattern By ELLIOTT MARANISS Schools constitute the cornerstone of the precarious house that Hitler is building in Nazi Germany, Prof. Ra- leigh Schorling, of the School of Edu- cation, said in a lecture here yester- day. Declaring that it is impossible to study any institution apart from the wider social pattern, Professor Schor- ling proceeded to evaluate the Nazi educational system in terms of the Linguists Find Indian Survey Revealing Test Will Repeat Experiment With American Indian On Unwritten "Language That this summer's experiment of bringing to Ann Arbor an American Indian for purposes of linguistic ob- servation justifies similar action next year was the conclusion reported at the Linguistic Institute luncheon con- feren'ce yesterday 'by Dr. Carl Voege- lin of the department of anthropol- ogy of De Pauw University and Dr.' Zellig Harris of the department of Semitic languages of the University of Pennsylvania. The current experiment was first projected a year ago in response to a demand for an opportunity to make detailed observations of an unwrit- ten language. As a result Dr. Voegelin brought with him in June a Hidatsa Indian from North Dakota. The In- dian, Charles Snow or "Bear-Arm", is by vocation a cowboy, but for the past two months has busied himself in enjoying life in Ann Arbor and in providing examples of Hidatsa lan- guage for Voegelin and Harris. Such a project is of great value, Dr. Voegelin told the Institute mem- bers, because it brings the subject out of the generally difficult fieldjcondi- tions into a place where severalre- corders can collaborate and where they can check with various linguistic experts with respect to accuracy of results, It is, Dr. Harris added, par- ticularly advantageous for scholars whose linguistic training has been exclusively with written languages. Some of the linguistic peculiarities of Hidatsa, which is a Dakota lan- (Continued on Page 3) peculiar society it springs from and which it is intended to serve. That the schools are definitely and frankly an instrument of the National So- cialist Party is an obvious fact, Pro- fessor SchorliAg said, that is denied by no one, and that is evidenced in textbooks, curriculum and classroom procedure. If one accepts the basic Nazi as- sumption that ' Hiter is a man of destiny, the spearhead of the attack upon the "only" problem of the world -the 'orderly, systematic develop- ment of civilization versus engulfing society in disorder, and violence-- the tactics and methods in German schools appear logical and effective, Professor Schorling said, because they accomplish the task of inculcating the youth of the land with the doctrines of National Socialism with efficiency and dispatch. Party doctrine is taught as a re- ligion by "young editions of Hitler" who enter into their work with all' the zeal and enthusiasm of fanatics' who believe they are. engaged in the predestined task of saving the world, Professor Schorling said, and their influence among the young people of the land is tremendous. The leaders of the Hitler Youth have in fact, much more control over both the schools and the children, than do the s c h o o l administrators, Professor Schorling declared. Professor Schorling concluded the lecture by delineating some of his per- sonal observations and conclusions about the Nazi regime in general, gleaned after an extensive stay in. the country. He expressed amaze- ment at the extent to which the com- mon man can be regimented with- out having him resent the fact that you have taken away his freedom, so long as you improved his material lot; he was amazed at the serenity and emotional stability of most edu- cated men in Germany tdespite the trying recent history of that country; he is convinced that "we in America have a tremendous battle on our hands," probably not military, per- haps economic, surely psychological," to maintain and improve our institu- tions in an orderly fashion in the face of the dynamic example of Eu- rope, and lastly, he expressed the be- lief that the common people of Ger- many "are fine folks, just like the men and women in every other coun- try are." DISEASE CLAIMS ANOTHER OWOSSO, Mich., Aug. 11-(P)-Dr. Don W. Gudakunst, State Health Commissioner, said today that labora- tory tests showed that Franklin D. Eldridge, one-year-old child who died here yesterday, was a victim of Shiga dysentery. Union,Medical Dorms Aided By Allotment, Notification Received Here In Wire To University SecretaryShirley Smith Regents' Approval Pends Official Offer By IRVING SILVERMAN The University- of Michigan was yesterday granted $945,000 of Public Works Administration funds to use toward the completion of the Unioh quadrangle men's dormitories, and one dormitory for medical school stu- dents, to house 1,000 men in all. The official 'notification of the PWA approval came at 1 p.m. yester- day by telegram addressed to Shirley Smith, vice-president and secretary of the University and read: "Allot- ment of $945,000 made by the PWA to the Regents of the University of Michigan for two dormitory build- ings' project-docket Michigan 1559F -Will forward offer in a few days. Rush preparations, final plans and specifications and immediately take steps to make available funds neces- sary for project in addition to allot-' ment. Public announcement of al- lotment authorized." The telegram was signed by D. .R Kennicott, re- gional director of the PWA. Regents To Raise Rest The grant is 45 per cent of the total $2,100,000 needed to construct the dormitories. The remainder of the necessary funds will be raised by the Regents. through the sale of bond issues, now being arranged by Earl H. Cress, executive vice-president of the Ann Arbor TrustCompany. The of- fer to be forwarded referred to in the telegram applies to the formal pro- cedure required in making PWA grants in which the PWA adminis- trator offers the money to University following the filing and the ap- proval of the application for funds. When the University receives this offer in a few days, it will be neces- sary for the Regents to formally ac- cept the allotment, and then for the contract to be drawn. Must Demolish Houses The Union quadrangle dormitories, expected to house 850 men, will neces- sitate the tearing down of the houses now facing Thompson Street and several facing E. Jefferson and E. Madison Streets. The Union park- ing lot will be moved to the corner of E. Jefferson and Thompson Streets, from its present position directly be- hind the Union. The dormitory ad- ditions will adjoin the Allen-Rumsey dormitories which were opened last fall for freshmen students. The pro- posed dormitories, it is believed, will be ready for occupancy in the fall of 1939 and that freshmen will again be given the preference of rooming in the dormitories. The medical students' dormitory will be constructed at Catherine and Glen Streets. It will house 150 men. The PWA grant now makes it pos- sible for the University to speed up the completion of the dormitory quadrangle which has long been a hope of the University, students and alumni. The PWA application for funds was long pending, and it is be- lieved that due to the interest and assistance of the Regents, especially Regent John D. Lynch, and the co- operation of the PWA regional direc- tor, Mr. Kennicott, the grant was finally secured. PWA Administration Young James Roosevelt Reveals, Earnings In Magazine Article Pitched Rich Battle Rages Near Mercury Mines Milton's Origmal Manuscripts Of Great Interest, Says Hanford By HARRY KELSEY Professor Hanford illustrated his Much of what is definitely known speech with slides of the manuscript of John Milton and his works today of Paradise Lost, Lycidas, 'Milton's has been garnered from those or- topic folio. or Commonplace Book, iginal manuscripts of his that still and notated pages of a book from the exist, Prof. James H. Hanford of poet's library. In the rough drafts Western Reserve University said yes- for Paradise Lost, he pointed out, it terday in the final lecture of the sum- can be seen why Milton turned from mer series in conjunction with the drama to epic: that 'he crammed Graduate Conference on Renaissance more and more idea into it until it Studies. Professor Hanford's subject had burst the bounds of a play. was "John Milton's Workshop."Milton frequently borrowed ideas Speaking of Milton "not in his gen- from the works of the ancients and eral relation to the period before him, from the earlier English writers, not but in his more special activity as a . disguising the ancient ones but poet," Professor Hanford stated that changing the English ideas just these old manuscripts were of espe- enough so that it is difficult topin cial interest where they contained the them down and identify them, Profes- poet's corrections, or where they dif- sor Hanford claimed, saying that Mil- fered from the printed texts, and ton himself was quoted as havin that the penmainship, though useful said "mse was qoted as beterf in certain instances, did not deserve not in the borrowing is little more more than casual attention. tn t borrwisl One thing which may be ascer- than a plagiarist." taned through investigation of these Milton's claim was that his work: manuscripts is the approximate date were unpremeditated and divinely in- and order of Milton's works. Those spired. This is quite true, corrections in whichthe letter e' appears as a to the original poems notwithstand- NEW YORK, Aug. 11-(P)-James Roosevelt, in a mazine article entitled' "I'm Glad You Asked Me," today made public his income tax returns for the last five years, showing an annual income ranging between $21,714 and $49,167. A total income of $172,978.03 was shown in the five returns. The President's son invited an in- vestigation of his affairs by "some hard-hitting anti-New Deal senator." "My trouble," he was quoted as saying, "seems to be a mixture of be- ing the son of the President and not failing in business." business were estimated at somewhere' between $250,000 and $2,000,000 a year. When he became his father's secre- tary last year at an annual salary of $10,000, the article said, he resigned from the Boston insurance firm of Roosevelt & Sargent, although he continued to receive dividends on business which he had helped place. "Since I have been my father's secretary, since I have been in Wash- ington," the article quoted him as saying, "I have not solicited nor at- tempted to solicit-no, and I haven't accepted-a single dollar of insurance HENDAYE, France (At the Spanish Frontier), Aug. 11.-(P)-Insurgent armies in Southwest Spain drove to- day to within range of Cabeza delr Buey, key to the rich Government- held Almaden mercury mines. I A pitch1d battle was reported in1 progress around the town, 24 miles' west of Almaden. It is the last im- portant position between the Insur- gent's Estremadura front and Alma- den. The latter is on the highway running east from Castuera. Insurgent dispatches told of a general advance while Government advices acknowledged the campaign had moved into the outskirts of Ca- 1 e s 'Nonstop' orrigan With His First Love N\EW YORK, Aug. 11.-(P)--Alone at last, with the roar of welcoming receptions behind him, Douglas Cor- rigan went back to his first love to-