Cooler, with probable thunder
showers; easterly winds.
An Industrialist
For Collective Bargaining.
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Bulkley, Caraway
Vietories Balance
Sen. Pope's Defeat
Slosson Terms Danubian
Basin Europe's Powderkeg
Unwise Boundary Settlements Following War Seen
Cause Of Tension Centering At Present
Around Czechoslovakian Republic
If war of world-wide implication comes within the next two years, it is
more likely to arise where the stresses and strains of international ill-will are
the most profound-in the Danubian basin-than in the two present day
theatres of war, Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department declared
For Hopwoods
Is Tomorrow
Arrange Truce But
'Fighting Continues
Eight Awards For
Drama, Essay,
To Be Made In
Ohio Democrats Repudiate
Davey's Administration
In Gubernatorial Race
Taft Is Republican
Senatorial Choice
WASHINGTON, Aug. 10.-(A)--The
defeat of Sen. James P. Pope by a
conservative Democrat in Idaho's
Democratic primary gave Adminis-
tration officials a jolt today, but they
were gratified over the success of Sen-
ators Robert J.,Bulkley and Hattie
W. Caraway in Ohio and Arkansas.
The contest between Pope, ardent
Administration supporter, and Rep.
D. Worth Clark, who, proclaimed that
he was no Administration "yes man,"
had been described by some as a test
of the New Deal's popularity in Idaho.
Farley Favord Pope
During the campaign, Postmaster
General James A. Farley made it
clear in an address that the Adminis-
tration hoped Pope would be returned
to the Senate.'
Asa house member, Clark opposed
the Government and Court reorgani-
zation bills. He also has criticized
Administration Foreign policy.
While Pope had the endorsement
of Administration aides, he had not
received any direct indication of favor
from President Roosevelt as had Sen-
ators Bulkley and Caraway.
On his recent western train trip,
the President praised Bulkley in Ohio
and in Arkansas referred to Mrs.
Caraway as his "old friend."
Bulkley Wins
Bulkley won renomination by a 2
to 1 majority and Mrs. Caraway held
a substantial lead over two oppon-
ents in late unofficial tabulations of
the Arkansas vote.
There was no official comment here
on Pope's defeat. Gloom was evi-
denced particularly, however, at the
Agriculture Department. The Idaho
Senator was a close friend of Secre
tar' Wallace, helped draft the new
Farm Act and was one of its sponsors.
In Idaho, Pope's friends said many
Republicans entered the Democratic
primary to vote against him.
Ohio Primary Results
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Aug. 10.-(P)-
Ohio Democrats repudiated today. the
Administration of Gov. Martin L.
Davey, selecting as their gubernatori-
al nominee, Charles Sawyer, who
promised widespread reforms in State
As Democrats apparently outpolled
Republicans for the first time in
Ohio's history, two other races were
almost overshadowed by the unpre-
cedented fight waged by Sawyer and
Davey. Unofficial figures indicated
a new primary vote record in excess
of 1,460,000 was set.
Nomination of Sen. Robert J. Bulk-
ley and Robert A. Taft, son of the
late President William Howard Taft,
as Democratic and Republican can-
didates for U. S. Senator, respectively,
set the stage for an uncompromising
New Deal battle in the November
general election.
Bulkley indicated he would cam-
paign for expansion of New Deal So-
cial Security and other policies, while
(Continued on Page 4
Progressive Club
Will Meet Tonight
The Progressive Club, Michigan
chapter of the American Student
Union, will hold its last membership
meeting of the summer at 7:30 to-
night in the League.
Reports on the recent World Youth
Congress and Spanish Relief drives
will be given by committees in
charge, and a continuation commit-
tee will be elected to start work on
a large expansion program for the
coming year. The possibility of one
more public meeting before the close
of the summer session will also be
discussed in connection with the
activities of the club on the labor and'
elections issues.
Will Try Golf Feat
Primaries At A Glance
Rep. D. Worth Clark, who cam-
paigned as conservative Democrat,
wins senatorial nomination over
Sen. James P. Pope, Administra-
tion stalwart; Donald Callahan,
lawyer-Financier, is Republican
nominee; Gov. Barzilla W. Clark
trails former Gov. C. Ben Ross for
Democratic gubernatorial nomina-
Charles Sawyer wins Democratic
gubernatorial nomination over
Gov. Martin L. Davey; Robrt A.
Taft, son of late President, nom-
inated by Republicans to oppose
Sen. Robert J. Bulkley, Adminis-
tration supporter renomined by 2
to 1.
Sen. Hattie Caraway maintains
comfortable lead over two oppon-
ents in late returns from Demo-
cratic primary; Gov. Carl E. Bailey
leads two opponents for renomina-
Gov. R. L. Cochran, Democrat,
renominated for unprecedented
third term; Charles Warner,
Farmer .,legislator, nominated by
Republicans. No Senate contest.
Vagabond King
Opens Six=Day
Run Here Today
Friml's Opera Climaxes
Repertory Players Tenth
Anniversary Year Here
The Repertory Players climax
their tenth anniversary season at
8:30 p. m. today in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre when they will
present Rudolf Friml's light opera,
"The Vagabond King." Performances
will run through Tuesday with a
special Sunday evening presentation.
Coming as the ;grand finale to a
season which has seen sell-outs for
all performances, the current pre-
sentation will star Hardin Van Duer-
sen of the Music School faculty in
the role of Francois Villon, the beg-
gar king of the Paris slums. Tickets
for the Sunday, Monday and Tuesday
presentation are still available.
The largest chorus and cast of
principals ever assembled on the
Mendelssohn stage will enact the
production with the University Sym-
phony, under the baton of Henry
Bruinsma, furnishing the music.
Other members of the cast for the
production which will be directed by
Valentine B. Windt, are Burnette
Staebler, Mildred Olson, Mary Clod-
house, Donn Chown, Edward Jurist,
Sally Pierce, Truman Smith, Charles
Harrell and Virginia Frink Harrell.
Willey, Strong
Refute Theory
Dynanic Consonant Shift
Is Held Incorrect
That the so-called dynamic theory
accounting for the familiar conson-
ant shift in the Germanic languages
is not supportable by evidence dran
from anatomical studies was the
joint contention of Professors N. L.
Willey and L. H. Strong in their
paper presented last evening before
members of the. Linguistic Institute.
The dynamic theory accounting for
the consonant shift was first ad-
vanced about two decades ago, said
Dr. Willey, in an article published
by Professor Edouard Prokosch. It
was Prokosch's belief that muscular
tension and lung pressure were the
forces that acted to change voiced
spirants to voiceless spirants and
voiceless consonants to voiced stops.
This hypothesis, according to Pro-
fessor Willey, has a number of in-
consistencies. These he pointed out,
showing particularly how absurd the
theory is when extended to its full
in a University lecture yesterday.
Tracing the history of the nations
which touch the basin pf the Danube
and pointing out that no other river
is so international in character or
has seen so much of war, Professor
Slosson stressed that the nations in
the basin are parties to a lively, mu-
tual antagonism.
The present-day tension in the
Danube arises, Professor Slosson said,
from the unpropitious settlements
made following the World War. The
small Balkan states which supported
the victorious allies were granted
great expanse of territory-the terri-
tory of Serbia and Roumania was
doubled in extent-in which dissatis-
fied minorities were completely dis-
Empire Falls
In addition to the great expanse
in territory, he pointed out, the old
Austro-Hungarian empire was broken
up leaving Austria to stand alone.
Myriads of different peoples were
lumped together into states created
by the Peace Conference. In Czechos-
lovakia alone, he pointed out, Slo-
vak, Czech, German, Magyar, Ruth-
enian, Jew and Gypsy mingled to-
gether in mutual dissatisfaction.--
Of the synthetic states created fol-
lowing the war, Professor Slosson said,
"Czechoslovakia was as badly located
as a state can be in this world."
It had no seaport, it was surrounded
on all sides except in one spot in the
East by enemies or rivals-yet it
turned outto be the most successful
of the states established,by the Peace
Only Liberal State
The success or Czechoslovakia,
which Professor Slosson termed the
"only liberal state in the Danubian
basin, surrounded on all sides by des-
potism" is due in his opinion to two
factors: The first of these is the
wealth and prosperity of Bohemia,
which has enabled the Czechs to keep
financially stable and the second is
the characters of Thomas Mazaryk
and Eduard Benes, its great leaders.
(Continued on Page 3)
Milton Subject
Of Dr. Hanford'
Renaissance Studies Group
To Sponsor Talk
Prof. James H. Hanford of Wes-
tern Reserve University will give the
final lecture of the summer series in
conjunction with the Graduate Con-
ference on Renaissance Studies at
4:30 p.m. today in the Graduate.
School Auditorium on "John Milton's
Professor Hanford, who was con-
nected with the University from 1921
to 1928, is one of the foremost au-
thorities on Milton. He is the editor
of "Selections from Milton," "Mil,
ton's Poems" and the author of "A
Milton Handbook."
Professor Hanford was originally
scheduled to speak last week but his
lecture was postponed to fill the
vacancy caused by the illness of Sam-
uel Putnam who was to have spoken
this week on Rabelais. - «
Prof. Slosson To Spend
Year At British College
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
history department will leave the
University at the end of the Sum-
mer Session to assume the duties
of a Carnegie Foundation profes-
sorship at the University of Bris-
tol, England.
Professor Sldsson will teach
American and United States his-
tory. He is the author and co-
author of a number of outstand-
ing volumes on international his-
tory. He wrote "Europe Since
1870" alone and is co-author with
A.E.R. Boak and Albert Hyma
of "Origin of Western Civiliza-
He will return to the University
after a year abroad.
Rebels Crush
Franco Captures, Kills All
In SegreRiver Fight
HENDAYE, France (At the Spanish
Frontier), Aug. 10.-(,')-Insurgent
dispatches from Zaragoza, military'
headquarters, said today General
Franco's troops had "killed or cap-
tured" all Government soldiers whc
crossed the Segre river south of Ba-
laguer Monday night in an unherald-
ed effensive.
The Insurgent reports said only a
few Government troops who partici-
pated in the crossing of the river were
able to hold out against counterat-
The reports from Insurgent sources
coincided with dispatches from Bar-
celona, the Government capital, em-
phasizing that the new offensive "al-
ready has accomplished its purpose"
of drawing Insurgent troops from
other fronts.
Government sources had little else
to say about the present status of the
Segre river action 80 miles from Bar-
Awards Of $50, 75
Made In Each Field
Manuscripts for the first summer
Hopwood contests in creative writing
must be in the Hopwood Room in An-
gell Hall by 4:30 p.m. tomorrow, Prof.
Roy W. Cowden, director of Hopwood
Awards, reminded students yesterday.
The awards will be made at 5 p.m.
next Thursday in the Summer Ses-
sion Office. Eight awards, one of
$75 and one of $50 in each of the four
fields of writing represented-drama,
essay, fiction and poetry-will be
made. The contest judges, who are
being selected from the faculty, have
not yet been named..
Prevents Unfairness
"Students are permitted to submit
only the writing they have done in
their writing courses this summer,"
Professor Cowden said. This provi-
sion, he indicated, was drafted to
prevent unfair competition from stu-
dents who had prepared work pre-
All regularly enrolled students of
the Summer Session who have been
doing work of passing grade in all
course work up to the time manu-
scripts must be handed in, and who
are enrolled in one course in English
composition in the Department of
English or in the Department of
Journalism are eligible to compete,
with the exception of students, who
have already won a major Hopwood
No Published Works
Manuscripts which have been pub-
lished in a medium other than a
college magazine or college newspa-
paper, or which have won previous
Hopwood prizes may not be submit-
ted. Manuscripts awarded prizes in
the present contest will likewise be
ineligible for entrance in subsequent
Hopwood contests.
The Hopwood awards were estab-
lished by the will of the late Avery
Hopwood, '05, author of numerous
successful stage comedies, who left
one-fifth of his entire estate for the
purpose of encouraging creative writ-
ing, through annual contests, at
Michigan. During the past seven
years awards totalling roughly from
$8,000 to $10,000 annually have been
Deniocrats Will
Hold Rally Here
On August 20
300 Delegates Expected
To Attend; Murphy May
Give Keynote Address
A meeting designed to "rally the
Democratic forces of the District be-
hind Governor Frank Murphy and
New Deal policies" will be held in
Ann Arbor at the Masonic Temple
on August 20, it was announced by
Beatrice Epperson, Provisional Sec-
retary for the 2nd Congressional Dis-
trict People's Conference. Arrange-
ments are now under way to secure
Governor Murphy as the keynote
speaker at a mass meeting following
the Conference in the evening.
The call is addressed to "all pro-
gressive forces in the 2nd Congres-
sional District" and declares that
Governor Frank Murphy's "achieve-
ments in the past two years in our
state, in defense of Democracy, the
American standard of living, our
Constitutional rights, have placed him
as a candidate eminently worthy of
re-election to the highest office of
our state."
Signing the Call are Democratic
party county chairmen of three coun-
ties: Walter Kirby of Jackson; Wil-
liam Waltz of Washtenaw and John
C. Howell of Lonawoo. Prominent
American Federation of Labor heads
of Ann Arbor, Jackson, Monroe and
Adrian will also be represented as
will members of the UAW, Labor's
Non-Partisan League, the Railroad
Brotherhoods and two leaders of the
Negro people of Jackson.
A mass conference of over 300 dele-
gates is expected according to Mrs.
Epperson, who reports an "enthusias-
Accidents Due
To Poor Eyes,
Driver's Prove
The importance of correct eye-
sight in automobile accident preven-
tion was spectaculariy poved yester-
day morning when six drivers were
given the James Stannard Baker
demonstration of the effect of poor
eyesight andbill-fitting glasses upon
In connection with experimental
work being conducted in one of the
courses given by the National Insti-
tute of Traffic Safety Training, the
group of drivers were fitted with
three different types of cheap glasses
and toli to follow a series of 12
direction signs through a mile and a
half of normal traffic on Ann. Arbor
Signs Shrink
As the drivers proceeded, the signs,
which started out about the size of
regular stop signs in size, shrank un-
til the last "right," "left," and "thru"
signs were in letters about an inch
high. The course began at South
University and Washtenaw Aves.,
went southeast on Hill St., north on
Tappan Ave., west on Monroe St.,
south on State St., west on Hill St.,
north on Division St., east on Madi-
son St., north on State St., and east
on South University Ave. to the
West Engineering Building.
Each of the drivers claimed to have
trouble with the glasses, which dis-
torted objects to a greater or less
degree and one of the drivers with
very heavy lenses said that he found
it impossible to read signs without
getting out of his car, while others
found that their vision extended only
20 feet in front of the car instead of
the 200 feet they should be able to
Dual Control Cars
Dual control cars kept the experi-
ment from becoming dangerous and
other members of the class and the
press rode along to observe the re-
sults. Judging distance was not as
much of a problem as distinguishing
signs and other fine points, it was
J. S. Baker, traffic safety consult-
ant of the National Safety Council,
is conducting the course which is in
examining drivers' license applicants,
said that the purpose of the demon-
stration of the course was to show
vividly how important small eye
troubles were in causing accidents.
More than 140 of the group attend-
ing the Institute attended the demon-
strations given for their benefit yes-
terday afternoon at the General Mo-
tors Testing Ground at Milford.
A. J. Shamehorn, director of the
Testing Grounds, opened the after-
noon's activities with a short talk on
the salient points on the proving
grounds, after which the group was
taken a trip over the grounds de-
scribed. The trip was interspersed
with demonstrations of speed measur-
ing devices, good and bad automobile
brakes, the effect of a governor in
traffic, the proper manner in which
to handle a car when a tire blows,
front or rear, with the actual tests
taking place at 50 to 75 miles per
hour. Other road test facilities were
demonstrated to the group and a
general tour of the buildings and
equipment was conducted with guides
explaining the apparatus used for
various tests.
Picture Shown
After the dinner held for the mem-
bers of the Institute at the proving
grounds, a motion picture on "Ma-
terials" was shown followed by a
demonstration of seeing ability with
well maintained headlights compared
with poor ones.
Tomorrow afternoon's session of
the Institute will deal with the driver.
Mr. Baker will lead a discussion on
the driver's part in the safety pic-
ture. Alan Cantry, psychotechnolo-
gist of the recorder's court in De-
troit and J. L. Lingo, public safety
specialist from Purdue University,
will also participate in the program.
The meeting will be held from 1-3 p.
m. in the Union Ballroom.
Shigemitsu, Litvinoff Have
Arrangement To Cease
Firing At Noon Today
Soviet Planes Dive
At Japanese Troops
MOSCOW, Aug. 11.-(Thursday)-
(,)-Tass, official Soviet news agency,
said today an agreement had been
reached to end fighting on th Siber-
ian-Manohoukuo border at noon to-
day, Changkufeng time (10 p. m.
E.S.T., Wednesday).
The agency said the agreement was
officially ,announced by the Soviet
Foreign Office.
The announcement said the agree-
ment reached by the Japanese Am-
bassador Mamoru Shigemitsu and the
Soviet Commissar of Foreign Affairs
Maxim Litvinoff provided Japanese
and Soviet troops should retain their
positions held when fighting ceases.
Mixed Commission
A mixed commission of two Soviet
representatives, and two Japanese-
Manchoukuo representatives will deal
with redemarcation of the disputed
frontier where Soviet troops occuped
the heights of Changkufeng, near
Korea, July 11, claiming the ground
as part of Siberia under the Hun-
chun Treaty of 1886 with China.
It was said a communique would be
issued at 2:30 a. m. tomorrow on the
conversation between the Japanese
Ambassador Mamoru Shigemitsu and
the Soviet Commissar of Foreign A-
fairs, Maxim, Litvinoff, at which the
truce was said to have been reached.
The Ambassador and Litvinoff were
said to have reached a final agree-
ment after a three hour talk at the
Foreign Office.
Terms Of Agreement
According to Japanese sources the
terms of the agreement are as fol-
1. Both Soviet and Japanese troops
1 will cease firing at noon Aug. 11,
Changkufeng local time.
2. Positions occupied by troops at
that time shall be the line at which
they were stationed at midnight, to-
night, Changkufeng local time.
3. All other points at issue shall be
negotiated between representatives of
the two parties on the spot.
4. The Soviet and Japanese govern-
rnents shall issue orders immediately
to this effect.
Fight Goes On
YUKI, Korea (Near the Siberian
Frontier), Aug. 10-(P)-Soviet artil-
lery and airplanes attacked the four-
mile Japanese front today in the
most intensive firing thus far of the
month-old Changkufeng border dis-
After a day of comparative quiet
Soviet guns opened an hour's artil-
lery barrage at 6:30 p. m. It was so
intense that it made yesterday's
heavy bombardment sound like
child's play.
Then came an airplane attack on
(Continued on Page 3)
Annual French
Club Banquet
Is HeldToday
Rainguet, French Consul
At Detroit, To Be Guest
Of Honor;_70 To Attend
More than 70 members and friends
of the Summer Session French Club
are expected to attend the third an-
nual banquet concluding the Club's
summer activities to be held at 6:30
p.m. today in the Union. M. M. Rain-
guet, French Consul at Detroit, will
be the guest of honor.
A short program of speeches by
members of the romance languages
department faculty with musical se-
lections and dancing following, has
been arranged for the affair by Mr.
Charles E. Koella of the romance
languages department, director of the
A complete French menu and
Compositors Greatly Influenced
16th Century Books, Price Finds,
Compositors of the 16th and 17th
century made extensive changes in
spelling and pronunciation in au-
thors' works but left the grammar
strictly as it was, Prof. H. T. Price'
of the English department, well-
kngwn language scholar, told a lun-
cheon meeting of the Graduate Con-
ference on Renaissance Studies yes-
Professor Price, who is one of the
editors of the New Early Modern Eng-
lish Dictionary and who was connect-
ed with the original New English Dic-
tionary, pointed out that most of the
grammatical changes which have been
made by printers occured when the
out, in subsequent folios of Shake-,
speare's works, in which numerous
spelling and grammatical changess
were made by printers.
There was no fixed standard of
grammar in the printing houses at.
the time, he said, since quartos exist
from the years 1620 and 1621 known
as the bad and good quartos respec-
tively. In the bad quarto many mis-
takes in grammar and spelling are
made which are corrected in the good
The corrections of the printers,
Professor Price emphasized, in no
way hamper identification of the
author of a work through idiosyncra-|
cies in spelling because there were