Ex perts Ur ge /
Study, Use Of
New Devices
Relation Between Road's
Width And Accident Rate,
Explained By Steinbaugh
(Continued from Page 1)
Roosevelt Welcomed In Canal Zone
highway design must first be effect-
ed, in accordance with the dictatesof
the accident situation. These new
designs must be based not simply on
tomorrow's traffic needs, but on to-
morrow's accident records. Effort
must not be concentrated exclusively
upon providing the end-product,
transportation, but must aim as well
to eliminate the unwanted by-pro-
duct, accidents."
The job of the county traffic en-
gineer was the subject of the talk by
Mr. Wehmeyer, who discussed his
own experience with Wayne County
Road Commission and explained the
use and results gained from traffic
accessories that have been installed
in Wayne County within recent years.
"A county traffic engineer must be
both a city engineer and a rural
highway engineer, Mr. Wehmeyer
said, "and must constantly mingle
the viewpoints of both. The basis
of our study of the accident problem
is the basic or master plan of the
highway and an accident spot map,I
which is a story in itself. Behind it
lies seven or eight years of educa-
tional work among 28 police depart-
ments to persuade them to report
accidents intelligently, both for their
own use and for ourselves. Today we
receive accident reports regularly each
week from 23 cities and villages, the
city of Detroit, the state police, the
county sheriff, and three township
police forces."
He listed some- of the safety acces-
sories as including guard rails, traf-
fic signals at intersections, pedestrian
underpasses, wider shoulders, elimin-
ation of ditches, removal of.obstacles
to vision and street lighting. A de-
tailed analysis of the proper and ju-
dicious use of the traffic signal was
present d, including some of the dis-
advantages resulting from installation
of a signal where it is not needed.
The use of sodium vapor lighting
was also discussed, and Mr. Weh-
meyer said, "I believe that it can
generally be agreed that proper street
lighting can reduce night accidents.
However, this does not mean that
all portions of highways need to be
lighted. The traffic accidents do not
demand it."
Today the Institute members, fol-
lowing the regular morning classes,
will travel to Milford, to inspect the
proving grounds of the General Mo-
tors Corporation.
Heading homeward after a 20-day fishing vacation in the Pacific,
President Roosevelt received a warm welcome at Balboa, Canal Zone.
Left to right: Clarence S. Ridley, Governor of the Canal Zone; Presi-
dent Arosemena of the Republic of Panama, and President Roosevelt.
'Sportsmanship' To Be Keynote
Of 1940 Olympics In Finland
T igers Garner
Ninth Straight
Lea gue Victory
Intramural Championship
Is Virtually Assured As
Chemists Go Down 9-1
There has been a move on foot to
shove the Detroit Tigers into the
Intramural softball league, and let
the Ann Arbor Tigers take over
proceedings in the hardball circuit.
At any rate, the Tigers, who are in
first place in the National league,
and who have already assured them-
selves of the I.M. title, gathered in
their ninth straight victory, as they
slugged out a 9 to 1 decision over the
fourth place Chemists. In the only
other scheduled game, the Faculty
won on a forfeit from the last place
Yesterday's win makes nine wins
and no defeats for the Tigers, which,
added to the record of six victories
and no losses, compiled by last sum-
mer's championship Tiger outfit,
makes fifteen straight wins, one of
the longest winning streaks ever re-
corded in IM competition. The Facul-
ty, which has won six games, while
dropping three, is in second place,
with the Pattocks, who have a record
of five wins, five losses, third in the
standings. The Physics team, which
was in fifth place last week, pulled
up to a tie for fourth with the Chem-
ists, by virtue of the latter's loss to
the Tigers. The Chemists asld the
Physics boys have won four and
dropped six, while the Analyts have
lost nine games, and have captured
one, in remaining in fifth place.
All National league teams, with
the exception of the Faculty and the
Tigers, have completed their sched-
uled games. These two teams will
meet tomorrow for the last National
league game of the year, but no one's
standing is in danger, as the Tigers
would still win the pennant, even in
the very unexpected event that they
should lose to the Faculty, whom they
have already beaten once by a score
of 7 to 2.
In the International league, the
Has Beens kept their slate clean,f
when the Michigan Daily team failed
Hail And Farewell ...
Monday night Mickey Cochrane
caught a plane out of Detroit, yelled
a farewell to a group of well-wishers
and whipped out of\the lives of Tig-
ertown baseball-unless he comes
back to haunt them in the livery of
some rival club-which would be just
what the Briggs management de-
Cochrane found out, and rather
suddenly at that, that two pen-
nants, one World Series cham-
pionship and a record of never
having finished lower than see-
ond was not sufficient to endear
one's self to one's boss. The only
safe process, it seems, is to keep
on winning pennants, and World
Black Mike, as it might be recalled,
came to the Tigers in 1934, lifted
Narcotics concealed in prayer- them from second division morass in-
book bindings led to arrest in Paris to a pennant winner, Detroit's firstj
of Isaec Leifer (above) who called since 1909. In the following year,
himself, police said, "The Grand' he repeated as the pennant winner,
Rabbi of Brooklyn." Police valued then licked the Chicago Cubs in the
at about $18,000 the 40 pounds of Series to give the Motor City its first
drugs they found hidden. world championship in history.
For the next two years Detroit
finished in the place spot. Now be-
to show up. The Has Beens, who have fore the reign of Black Mike second
won seven and have lost none, are was the promised land and first was
in first place, while the Daily, which erehwon.
has dropped all seven of its encount- But all this availed Cochrane
ers, is firmly implanted in last place. nought. When it became appar-
In the other game, the 500 Club nosed ent to all but Briggs that you
out the Mudhens by a 6 to 5 margin, can't win major league ball games
But to make a pennant winner
from a club that includes Bridges,
Kennedy, Auker, Gill, Wade,
Lawson and Eisenstat would tax
the ability of a combination of
McGraw and Mack. By the way I
think I left out Coffman and
Benton whom they also say are
* * *
No Pitching ...
The campus will have an oppor-
tunity to see softball as it should be
played when Dhu Varren Farms meet
Pontiac Big Six under the arc lights
at Wines Field tonight. The Pontiac
club is the world's colored champion
and comes here rated highly. In a re-
cent game with St. Joe, a team which
had set its opponents with less than
half a run per game, the colored
champs won, 4-1.
Pitching for the locals will be Ed
Bahnke who utilizes the windmill
style. Bahnke hurled one game here
last year, a no-hitter against Calkins-
Fletcher before he was declared in-
eligible. The game starts at 8:30 and
will be a regularly scheduled game in
the Southern Michigan Major League.
It will cost 15 cents.
French Fly To Berlin
PARIS, Aug. 9-(YP)-The air min-
istry announced today that General
Joseph Viullemin, chief of France's
air force general staff, and a staff
of experts would fly nonstop to Ber-
lin in three modern warplanes August
Drug Pedd lerArrested
HELSINGFORS, Aug. 9.--(P)-Fin-
land's simplified plans for holding
the 1940 Olympics call for emphasis
upon sports and, sportsmanship, in
keeping with the Spartanskeynote
sounded by this country's delegates in
their unsuccessful bid for the games
two years ago.
Pomp and ceremony, such as have
marked some former Olympiads, will
be minimized in the program being
arranged by the Finns as a substitute
for the games abandoned by Japan.
That task will not be easy, but two
committees of five members each,
representing the Finnish government
and Helsingfors Civil Authorities, al-
ready have arranged to provide fi-
The center of competition will be
the Helsingfors Stadium opened in
May. It will be enlarged to accom-
modate 60,000 spectators. The Ex-
hibition Hall, where last year's na-
tional festival was staged, will be used
for some events. Shooting will. be
held on the new field where world
championship rifle competition was
conducted a year ago.,
Swimrping provides a problem, but
authorities have devised two alterna-
tive plans, neither of which has been
some groups would like to see
hockey, basketball, handball and polo
held in some other country, but pro-
vision for those sports might be made
The tentative program cals for:
Track and field: eight days in the
Boxing: five days at Exhibition
Hall, seating about 12,000.
Fencing: twelve days at Exhibition
Hall and Stadium Hall.
Gymnastics: two days at Stadium
Shooting: at Malm Rifle Range.
Sailing: At Nylund Yacht Club
headquarters, which is more than
adequate for Olympic competition..
Football: at Helsingfors football
Riding and jumping: at the Eques-
trian Stadium built for the Northern
Riding Championships in 1936.
Rowing and canoeing: near Hel-
Weight lifting: at stadium.
Competitors will be housed in an
Olympic Village either at Mejlans or
Kottby, both of which are within a
few minutes of the stadium.
Caring for spectators, however, has
created a larger problem, Helsingfors
hotels can accommodate about 5,-
000 persons, and there are many vil-
lages near the city where visitors
could stay.
Housing facilities, however, aren't
worrying the Finns. In a pinch, and
probably anyway, ocean liners could
be anchored in Helsingofrs Harbor,
which is practically in the center of
the city.
Food also is an easy problem. There
are scores of first class restaurants in
Helsingfors, and even the second class
places are second class only in ap-
pearance, not in food.
Backstopping the food question will
be the women's section of the Volun-
tary Defense Army composed of
housewives, teachers; office girls and
socialites. They usually provide food
for the national festivals, and feed-
ing the Olympic crowds would be as
simple as making a crisp pie crust.
In The Majors
The 500 Club is in second place with
five wins and two losses, while the
Mudhens are third with two victories
and five defeats.
If possible, a post season game will
be arranged between the Tigers and
the Has Beens, who are virtually con-
ceded the title in theircleague. The
Profs, who last week clinched the
American league pennant, with a
season record of nine wins and one
loss, will be unable to take part in
the playoff, as most of their squad
have left for home. The Profs, how-
ever, have' expressed a desire to be
placed in the same league with the
Tigers next summer, for, they be-
lieve they stand a good chance of
cracking the Tigers winning streak.
with minor league pitching, a can
was tied to Mickey's tail.-
So now Cochrane is out of the city
which he built up to a baseball frenzy.,
Cochrane had more to do with build-
ing the new stands at Michigan and
Trubull than any man connected with
the club (except the carpenters). But
when the pitching staff folded up so
did Mike's support in the front of-
fice. And in the long run it's the
front office which dictates to the
It will be interesting to see
what Del Baker does with the
team. Unquestionably Baker
knows his baseball and will prob-
ably make an excellent manager.
235 S. State
Ph. 6114
Washington Senators Cool Off
Yankees With .4-2 Walloping
Please Lady,
Help the Needy:
NEW YORK, Aug. 9 - ()) - The
Washington Senators' young left-
hander Ken Chase cooled off the
Yankees today, beating the league
leaders 4 to 2 in nine hectic innings
at the stadium.
Chase, who gave nine walks but
only six hits, won the game in the
ninth when he singled to center driv-
ing home Cecil Travis, who had
opened the frame with a double. A
moment later George Washington
Case drove home Buddy Myer, who
had walked, with' the Senators'
fourth run and their second of the
Red Rolfe who got three hits was
the only Yankee who could do any-
thing with Chase.
York's Homer Wins Game
CHICAGO, Aug. 9-(P)-All the De-
troit Tigers could get today was four
hits in a 'bustling battle with the
Chicago White Sox, but one was a
high-priced homer by Rudy York ac-
counting for a 4 to 1 victory to open
a new road trip.
At the plate in the ninth with two
on and two out, Rudy lashed one of
Jack Knott's pitches far and away
into the left field stands to make it
two triumphs in a row for Detroit
under its new manager, Del Baker.
Indians Split With Browns
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 9 - () - The
Cleveland Indians split a twin bill
with the St. Louis Browns today,
winning the night cap, 8 to 1, behind
the nine-hit pitching of Earl White-
hill after dropping the opener, 4 to 3.
Red Sox Rally Beats 'A's'
Boston Red Sox staged a seven run
rally in the seventh inning to win the
first game of a series with the Ath-
letics 16 to 4. Rookie Jim Tabor pro-
vided the big blow of the seventh by
hitting a home run with the bases
Previous to the blow-off, Nelson1
Potter had pitched perfect ball for
six innings, not allowing a hit or a
man to reach base. The A's held a 3
to 0 lead. Bill Harris, 38-year-old
recruit from the Buffalo Bisons, went
the distance for Boston and was
credited with his first American
League victory.
Bee's starter, suffered his first defeat
here this year when he was lifted
for a pinch hitter in the eighth after
the Giants had won the game in
their half of the seventh.
Bill= Yohrman of, the Giants failed
to finish, but was credited with his
sixth victory of the season when Dick
Coffman came in in the seventh and
halted the Bees for the remainder of
the game.
Cubs Shutout Reds
CINCINNATI, Aug. 9-(P)-South-
paw Larry French handcuffed the
Cincinnati Reds with a 3 to 0 shutout
today and helped the Chicago Cubs
into third place in the National
League before a sweltering Ladies
Day crowd of 16,303.
Allowing but six hits and fanning
five, the big portsider allowed but one
Red to reach third.
French and Paul Derringer were
locked in a tight mound duel, eachl
allowing but two hits until the sixth,
when Rip Collins opened with his
ninth homer of the year. The Cubs
completed their scoring in the eighth,
on Frenc's three-bagger, a single by
Hack, Herman's sacrifice and Gabby
Hartnett's double.
Brooklyn Back In Fifth
BROOKLYN, N Y., Aug. 9--UP)-
The rampant Brooklyn Dodgers
bounced back into fifth place in the
wake of a 13-hit assault that netted
a 9 to 6 triumph over the Philadel-
phia Phillies today.
Only homer was Chuck Klein's
three-run blow in the first but the
Dodgers came back to score twice in
the fourth and fifth innings and got
four more in the sixth to win.
They need help. .
New York.....
Washington ...
Detroit ........
Chicago ........
Philadelphia ..........34
St. Louis ..............32
advertised in The DAILY."
These everyday companions of yours -
NEED that new coat of p Int I saw
10 r1n
New York............57
Cincinnati . . . . . . .." . . .54
St. Louis .............42
Philadelphia..... ...30
66 .313
Reduced Drinking
Explained By Priest
DETROIT, Aug 9.-(A)-The Cath-
olic Total Abstinence Union of Amer-
ica was told today by the Rev. John
W. Keough, of Philadelpnia, that a
recent decline in consumption of al-
coholic beverages in the nation was
due not entirely to the business re-
cession but to the "common sense of
the people."
a good reconditioning as advertised in the
classified section." NEE those socks
and shoes and things for school advertised
daily in The DAILY." NEED a new
stof tires, plugs and seat covers."
NEEDthe cold-cash my wife saves
through The DAILY."
"Latest statisucs snow tnatdrink-
Bauers Handcuffs Cards ing of alcoholic beverages this year
PITTSBURGH, Aug. 9-t(om)-Russ so far is 10 per cent less than it was
Baures, six foot three inch question last year," the Rev. Keough told the
mark of the Pirate's pitching staff, 100 delegates who are here for the
put the St. Louis Cardinals through organization's 67th annual conven-
a two hit wringer today as Pittsburgh's tion. "The common sense of the
National League leaders squeezed out American people is reasserting itself,
a 1 to 0 triumph. and a further decline through . the
Bauers started the winning rally in adoption of teetotalism is likely in
the third inning off Lefty Roy Hen- the drinking customs of the nation."
shaw with a single. The pitcher moved
to third on Handley's double d Former Gov. Fitzgerald
scored as Lloyd Waner punched his one '7V
second single of the day into {right To Speak Here Today
field. A slingshot throw by Slaughter
caught Handley at the plate. Former Gov. Frank D. Fitzgerald,
I I II - - -Al U