41kriga :43 at t Editorial War From The Skies ... Official Publication Of The Summer Session ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SUNDAY, AUG. 7, 1938 PRICE-FIVE CENTS I - Britain, France Use Hard Cash To Wean Balkans From Nazis Opens Tomorrow For 2-Week Meet President Ruthven will officially open the National Safety Institute for Traffic ;Safety Training tomorrow when he discusses the purposes of the Institute at a general meeting at 10 a. m. tomorrow in the Union. President Ruthven is chairman of the Administrative Committee of the In- stitute. The Institute, to continue for the two remaining weeks of the Summer Session, is being sponsored by the University of Michigah, the Yale Uni- versity Safety Institute, the National Safety Council, the American Auto- mobile Association and the Automo- tive Safety Foundation. Other speakers at the opening meeting tomorrow morning will be D. D. Fennell, president of the Na- tional Safety Council, who will talk on "What Is Safety;" Paul G. Hoff- man, president of the Automotive Safety Council and president of the Studebaker Corporation, to speak on "The New War on Traffic Accidents"; and Dr. Miller McClintock, director of the Yale University Bureau for Street Traffic Research, who will discuss the seven-point traffic safety program. The Institute will offer courses of one and two week duration both for advanced students in traffic safety and for those interested in the gener- al traffic safety background. Certi- fictes will be offered those who sue- iessfully completethe technical, ad- vanced courses being offered, Special features of the Institute will be a panel discussion in which the points of View of the pedestrian, the motor- ist, the traffic engineer and the police will be aired, and the perform- ance of a mock intoxication trial. In conjunction with the opening of the National Traffic Safety Insti- tute, the Michigan Theatre will offer a pre-showing of the current issue of the March of Time, in which Dr. McClintock appears in a section on traffic safety called "The Man At . !The Wheel." Local Churches Of fer Varied Services Today Final Cesper Of Summer Session Held At 7 P.M. On Library Terrace The third and last of the Sunday evening eVsper Services will be con- ducted at 7 p.m. today on the Ter- race of the General Library, accord- ing to Kenneth W. Morgan, Director of the Student Religious Association. The Summer Session Orchestra and the Summer Session Chorus will fur- push the music after Wilmot Pratt, University carillonneur, sounds the Lall to worship from the Charles Baird Carlllgn in the Burton Memorial Tower. Prof. David A. Mattern, of the Music School, will conduct the musical groups and Ernest Hare, Grad., will be chief accompanist. The program of music to be played by the orchestra includes fiSaraban- da," by Handel; "Angelus," by Mas- sanet; "Andante Tranquillo," by Had- ley; and the orchestra will accompany the chorus in "The Lord's Prayer," by Evans. Mr. Morgan will deliver the Vesper Message, and the chorus will sing, "0 Blest Are They," by Tschaikoswky; -"Praise the Lord. o My Soul," by Jones; "Glory to God in the Highest," by Bortniansky; and "Dearest Lord Jesus, Oh Why Dost Thu Tarry," by Bach. In case of rain the Vespers service will be held in Hill Auditorium, Mr. Morgan said. Rounding out the days religious ac- tivities will be the varied services and sermons offered in Ann Arbor churches. The Rev. Earl Phelps Sawyer of SANTA BARBARA, Calif., Aug. 6. -(gp)-Warner Oland, the Charlie Chan who escaped a thousand terrible deaths on the screen, died of bron- chial pneumonia today in his native Sweden. When the 57-year-old star of the stage and screen died, his estranged wife, the former Edith Shearn of the stage, was preparing for a hurried trip from here to his bedside. The end came in a Stockholm hos- pital after 01-and--was--removed-from the home of Eric Stocklasse, Scan- dinavian artist and friend of the ac- tor, in Tyreso, near Stockholm. Mrs. Oland was so overcome by the news that she cancelled reservations on airplanes and steamer, made five days ago when she first learned of her husband'snillness. Sheareceived word onlyyesterdaythat his condi- tion was critical. Harrison\ Ryon, the widow's at- torney, said Oland would be buried in the little Swedish town of Umeo, his birthplace, as he requested. Oland's departure to Sweden more than a month ago was almost as mys- terious as were the movements of Author Earl Derr Biggers' famous detective that he portrayed. He had reached a separate main- tenance agreement with his wife af- ter her suit filed a year ago. Charlie Chan was brought to life on the screen by Oland in 1931 and he made 17 Chan pictures. By a muscular contraction of his eye lids and by bruishing the ends of his eye- brows up and his mustacht down, he could, without makeup, look like an Oriental. Levi D. Wines, Local Educator, is Dead At 86 Following a short illness, death yes- terday ended the long and useful career of Levi D. Wines, '82 E, a man whose years of active public service in Ann Arbor totaled to well over half a century. Mr. Wines was a member of the' group responsible for the establish- ment of the orginal School of Music, and was treasurer of that organiza- tion for the past 48 years. A veteran educator, he served 50 years on the faculty of Ann Arbor High school and was one of the last living charter members of the Michigan School- master's club which he had served as president. Mr. Wines resided at 830 E. University Ave., and was 86 years of age when death came yesterday morning at St. Joseph's Mercy Hos- pital. In addition to his remarkable teaching career, Mr. Wines was city park commissioner for 33 years. German Penetration May Be Offset By Liberal Policy Of Loans, Trade LONDON, Aug. 6-(/P)-Great Bri- tain and France are strengthening their diplomacy with hard cash to combat Naiz Germany's economic advance down the Danube through Southeast Europe. J Europe's brand of "dollar diplo- macy" today quickened with develop- ments in three spheres tied closely with the Berlin-Rome trade system: 1. A British trade delegation ar- rived in Bucharest for trade talks de- signed to bring King Carol into closer British commercial cooperation. 2. Bulgaria-brought into the wid- ening circle of London and Paris sway by' a British-French loan of 375,000,000 franc ($10,357,000) mainly for rearmament-may receive even more money from Britain than that granted Aug. 5. 3. Belgrade reports indicated Pre- mier Mussolini's economic ally, Yugo- slavia, may be weakening before the temptation of British and French financial facilities. The new moves followed Britain's successful £16,000,000 ($80,000,000) loan and credits July 4 to Turkey- Europe's Balkan outpost whose friend- ship may be vital to either side in any future war through control of the entrance to the Black Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean. Both British and French officials publicly have denied this economic offensive is designed to encircle Ger- many. But privately they admit the two countries are entrenching themselves as strongly as possible behind what economic interests they possess in (entral and Southeastern Europe. Otherwise, well informed sources Measurement Methods Told At Symposium Dr. Hetengi Gives Outline Of Photo=Elastic Method Of Measuring Stresses By BETSY ANDERSON Outlining the photo-elastic method as the chief method, Dr. M. Hetengi of the Research Laboratories of West- inghouse Electricity and Manufac- turing Co. discussed various methods for measuring stresses experimentally in loaded specimens yesterday morn- ing before the regular weekly meeting of the engineering mechanics Sym- posium on the properties of metals. Dr. Hetengi opened his lecture with an outline of the ordinary two- dimensional photo-elastic test. He continued his discussion with a con- sideration of the latest developments in photo-elastic stress measurement. He stated that it was now possible to make experimental measurements in three-dimensional test specimens. This process consists of loading the specimen in a furnace which has a temparture of about 110 degrees. The specimen deforms perman- ently at this temperature and after cooling, it can be sliced up into thin lamina. These lamina are investigat- ed in the usual two-dimensional stress analysis and in this manner the whole volume of the test specimen can be explored. Dr. Hetengi concluded his talk with a description of the chemi- cal and physical composition of bake- lite which made this possible. said, there would be nothing to pre- vent Germany's economic sway from becoming supreme from Vienna to the Black Sea--and it's a short step from economic conquest to political control. Earl Stanhope, Government leader in the House of Lords, explaining the Turkish financing July 18, de- nied it was evidence of Britain's de- sire "to eliminate Germany and Italy (Continued on Page 4) Chorus- BAnd Concert Today Finishes eries Two Guest Maestros Lead Last Program At 4:15 In Hill Auditorium Today's concert at 4:15 p.m. in Hill Auditorium will conclude the series of Summer Session Sunday af- ternoon recitals. The Summer Ses- sion Band and the Summer Session - Chorus under the direction of two guest conductors will present the final recital. A. R. McAllister, nationally famous for his ,work with the Jollet High School Band, and frequently appoint-' ed adjudicator for naional contests will direct the band's half of the program. Mr. McAllister was presi- dent of the National Band Associa- tion last year and for the first time this summer he is a member of the Summer Session School of Music Faculty. Conducting the chorus will be W. R. McIntire of Lansing. The program arranged for tomor- row is as follows: Part 1: (The Band) flMarch of the Steel Men," by Bel- . sterling; "Unfinished Symphony," by Schubert; "Vienna, 1913," "Sea Chanties" and "The Band Stand at Hyde Park," by Wood. Part 2: (The Chorus) "Adoramus Te," by Mozart; "While Shepherds Watched Their Floc" Xby Warreli; fiStreet Lamps," by Nash; "Rain and the River," by Fox-Cain. Part 3: (The Band) "Elsa's Proces- sion to the Cathedral" from "Lohn- grin," by. Wagner; "Pop Goes the Weasel," by Caillett; "The Donkey Serenade," by Friml; "Lustspiel Over- ture," by Keller-Bela; "From Africa to Harlem," by Bennett BULLETIN Reports that the Pan Ameri- can flyer, Hawaii Clipper, had been found 800 miles off the coast of China, were called er- roneous early this morning by the Associated Press upon re- ceipt of authoritative reports from Washington and Tokyo. A request was made by the State Department,.the Associat- ed Press said, at the behest of Pan-American Airways that the Japanese Navy search the area in the vicinity of Douglas Reef where company officials believed the Clipper may have drifted. The request was misinterpreted and the report circulated that the Clipper had been found. An American amateur radio operat- or tuning in on a Japanese sta- tion from Hoquiam, Wash. spread the false report which even described the condition of the clipper when found and de- clared all aboard to be dead. Martin's Foes Given Ouster ByThe UAW Frankensteen, Mortimer And Hall Are Expelled; Two Others Suspended Martin Charges Trio "Disrupts" DETROIT, Aug. 6-(P)-The Unit- ed Automobile Workers of America's Executive Board tonight removed from office and expelled from the C.I.O. union three of four suspended international vice-presidents. The fourth was suspended from office for three monts. Those given the most severe penal- ty possible under the Union's consti- tution were Richard T. Frankensteen, Wyndham Mortimer and Ed Hall. Walter N. Wells was suspended for three months dating from June 13, the day President Homer Martin sus- pended the four and also Secretary- Treasurer George F. Addes. Addes was tried by the Board first, and removed from office and expelled from the UAW a month ago. Martin charged the five officers with conspiring to "disrupt" the Union and turn it over to the Com- munists. The disciplined officers retaliated with charges that Martin's adminis- tration was dominated by Jay Love- stone, head of the Independent Com- munist Labor League. Although the Board assured the defendants of "adequate protection" in an ultimatum demanding their presence at the trial by 11:30 a. m., Sugar said the suspended officers de- cided to remain away from the head- quarters because of advice from a sympathetic board member that "the situation looks bad." Linguists End Activities Here Lectures Of This Week Conclude Program Two luncheon conferences and two evening lectures constitute the full program offered during the coming week by the Linguistic Institute. With the exception of a final round- table discussion August 16 for the purpose of making plans for next year, this program is the concluding one of the summer for Institute speakers. Dr. Mary Helen Meader will appear on the first luncheon program, speak- ing at 12:10 p. m. Tuesday at the Michigan Union on "The Emergence of Language in the Infant and Child." The conference on Thursday will have two speakers, Dr. Carl Voegelin and Dr. Zellig Harris, who will report on the Siouan project which has been carried on this summer with native Indian informants. The first evening lecture, Wednes- day at 7:30, will be given by Profes- sors L. H. Strong and N. L. Willey and is entitled, "The Theories of the Lautverschiebung from an Anatomi- cal Point of View." At 7:30 p. m. Friday Prof. E. H. Sturtevant of Yale University will speak on "The Indo- Hittite Hypothesis." Both lectures will be in the amphitheater of the Rackham building. In ientucky i The Winner (?) i I i SEN. ALBEN W. BARKLEY Barkley Is Leading Chandler By 32,244 Tigers Oust 'Black Mike' As Manager DETROIT. Aug. _6- (A) - Gordonc Stanley (Mickey) Cochrane, who managed the Detroit Tigers to Ameri- can League pennants in 1934 and 1935, was removed tonight as thet leader of the club, a victim of what owner Walter 0. Briggs termed1 'Baseball." Announcement of the dismissal was made by Owner Briggs, who said het and Cochrane had reached the part-t ing of the ways at a conference fol- lowing Deto's 14° to 8 Loss -at the, h~ands of the Boston Red Sox today.1 Delmar Baker, a native of Sher-i wood, Ore., and a member of theI Tiger organization since 1914 when1 he joined the club as a catcher, was; named the new manager by Owner Briggs. He was given a contract for the balance of this year and one for1 next year. Owner Briggs said that Cochrane (reputed to be the highest paid man- ager in baseball with an annual sal- ary of $45,000) would be given his pay for the balance of the season. "There is nothing that I can say at this 'time except that I am out," Cochrane, said after Briggs had an- nounced the change in management. Asked if he had any plans for the future, Cochrane indicated he would take a vacation for about a month before seeking a new connection. "I haven't had time to think of anything, I tell you," Cochrane said. "I was notified after the game thats I was through. I want to get my bearings before I say anything." A statement issued by Briggs said that he and Cochrane conferred to- day and "It was agreed he (Cochrane) would no longer continue his connec- tion with the Detroit Baseball Com- pany." "I regret sincerely," the statement said, "the termination of our base- ball relationship, both from a per- sonal standpoint and because of the contribution which Mickey Cochrane (Continued on Page 3) Keniston Talks Here Monday To Address Conference On Renaissance Prof. Heyward Keniston of the University of Chicago will lecture in conjunction with the Graduate Conference Studies at 4:30 p. M. to- morrow in the Graduate School Audi- torium. His subject will be "The Lit- erary Renaissance in Spain." Professor Keniston is a noted authority on Spanish literature and the author of several books, among them, "The Dante Traditionin the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries" and "Garcilaso de la Vega." He has also edited many of the work of de la Vega. Further activities of the Confer- ence for the week include a luncheon Returns Are Complete In 80 Out Of 120 Counties Haswell Leads In GOP Forecast Complete Vote Of 500,000 LOUISVILLE, Ky., Aug. 6-(A) --Senator Albeni W. Barkley's lead on returns from today's Democratic Senatorial Primary over Governor A. B. Chandler was 32,244 at 11:30 p. m., Central Standard Time tonight. The report at this hour was from 3,106 of the state's 4,313 precints. Eighty counties were complete. Kentucky has 120 counties. The tabulation gave Barkley 208,804 and Chandler 176,560. Senator Barkley was leading in seven of the nine Congressional districts. LOUISVILLE, Ky., Aug. 6.-(- Tabulation of 2,822 of Kentucky's 4,313 precincts at 11 p.m. (CST) gave Sen. Alben W. Barkley a lead of 26,691 over Gov. A. B. Chandler in today's Democratic Senatorial pri- mary. Barkley had 190,258 votes to 163,567 for Chandler. Returns were from 116 of the state's 120 counties, of Which 73 are complete. The first report from Jefferson (Louisville) county of 36 precincts gave Barkley 3,247 votes to 849 for Chandler. The counting in the county did not begin until after 9 p.m. A check of the votes by districts showed Barkley leading in five of the nine congressional districts. In the Sixth District, embracing Ken- tucky's famous Bluegrass Region, the vote was Chandler 20,120 and Bark- ley 19,994. Chandler had slight leads in the eighth and ninth districts in the mountainous region of Eastern Kentucky. Barkley was ahead in the seventh district by a small margin. In the Republican Senatorial pri- mary John P. Haswell continued to pick up a lead over his four oppon- ents. Haswell continued to pick up a lead over his four opponents. Has- well 'had the backing of the State Administration. Haswell's vote was 6,694 on returns from 874 precincts in 36 counties. In a national broadcast tonight from his home in Versailles Governor Chandler said "all the power of the Federal government" had been used "to bring about my defeat." Barkley had the personal backing of President Roosevelt. Three of the eight Democratic Con- gressmen were renomiiated without opposition. These were Noble J. Gregory of the first district, Beverly M. Vincent of the second and Ed- ward W. Creal of the fourth. Mystery Deaths Found Caused By Dysentery First Proven Cases Of Rare Tropical Malady Ever Known In State OWOSSO, Aug. 6.--(M) - State health officers today began a check- up of ailing residents of this section, confident they had isolated a germ that caused the death of six persons here. State Health Commissioner Don W. Gudakunst said the germ had been identified through experiements on a monkey as Shiga dysentery, an or- iental or tropical disease extremely rare in this section of the country. He described the disease as "the most severe of all dysentery diseases" that spread through contaminated water or food. It may be contracted from fresh, uncooked food, or water that has not been boiled, he said. Dr. Gudakunst said the diagnosis was the first ever made of the disease in Michigan. It may have been brought to this country by a carrier from the Orient, he explained. The commissioner said health of- Race Activities Begin To Taper As Exams And End Of Six Weeks Both Take Toll i By MARY HELEN DAVIS With exams looming up on the horizon again, the activities for the seventh week of the Summer Ses- sion have grown sparse. There has been a general exodus of the stu- dents who have completed their six- week's course and the campus is fast growing deserted. There are two features of interest today. At 4:15 p.m. there is to be a concert on the carillon and at 7:15 p.m. a vesper service is scheduled for the Library steps. This has been a popular feature all summer and has drawn much interest from all. Monday Prof. Hayward Kenniston comes from the University of Chicago to lecture at 4:30 in the main audi- torium of the Graduate School on. gram and will be of interest to all music lovers. Preston W. Slosson is speaking Wednesday afternoon on The Very Blue Danube and Thursday Profes- sor Samuel Putman is giving a lec- ture at 4:30 p. m. in the Graduate School on "Rablelais; Man of the Renaissance." Thursday at 7:00 p.m. there is to be another carillon con- cert at 8:30 the premiere of the Vaga- bond King is being given. This de- lightful musical production is run- ning every night with Sunday as the closing cdate. It is thought by many to be Rudolph Friml's best work. Friday and Saturday at 9:00 p.m. the League is having a social evening and in addition the Angel Hall Ob- servatory is featuring its weekly Visi- ater. The Michigan starts out the week with "Tropic Holiday" starring Dorothy Lamour and Martha Rae and Bob Burns. Thursday, Henry Fonda and Madeline Carrol comes with "Blockade." - Downtown at the Wuerth Jeanette MacDonald in "Girl of the Golden West" is running from Sunday, through Tuesday when "Wives Under Suspicion" starring Gail Patrick comes to that house. On the same bill is John Boles in "Romance in the Dark." The week is concluded with a Burns and Allen comedy en- titled "College Swing." The Orpheum starts out the week with a double feature with "The Ad- ventures of Tom Sawyer" and "Sar- Biological Visitor's Station's Day Is 11th Today I I -- - - I