THE MTCHTLAN DATTI Director Sets Cvil Service WageLimits New Set-Up Will Provide Balanced Pay Schedule, Mr. Brownrigg Asserts LANSING, Aug. 5.-(P)-Personnel Director William Brownrigg proposed a schedule of wage and salary limits for state employes today designed to provide "equal pay for equal work." Brownrigg told the Civil Service Comission, which has 40 days to ap- prove a compensation plan, that his schedule would mean pay increases for a greater number of employes thah would receive cuts. Were every individual in the State's employ in June to continue in the public service, he said later, the new payrbil would be approximately $500,- 000 a year greater than that which prevailed before Governor Murphy instituted salary reductions that ranged from six to 15 per cent. Instead ofan increased payroll out- lay, however, Brownrigg predicted that other phases of the plan would effect an actual saving of $2,000,000 a year, as well as increased efficiency. Herbased this prediction upon four factors: 1. Qualifying examinations that will weed the unfit from public serv- ice and bring about the demotion to lower wage groups of individuals whose qualifications fit them for les- ser jobs than they previously had held. 2. Elimination of "unnecessary" r Jobs. 3. A requirement that every em- ploye entering State service shall re- ceive the minimum wage for his job classification. 4. Restrictions upon promotion. Brownrigg's plan would fix a maxi- mum and a minimum for wages and salaries in each of 14 job classifica- tions, which are divided roughly into a professional and technical and a non-technical group. All salaries would be made to conform to these limits. The over-all .range is from $75 a month for charwomen, porters, kitchen helpers, life guards, forest fire fighters and the like entering state employment to $750 a month for the highest class of professional serv- ice. The limits for the largest class of state employes, which includes clerks, typists and stenographers engaged in routine office work, telephone op- erators, watchmen, janitors and liquor warehouse workers, are $80 and $100. "When we came to the actual job of proposing a schedule of comen- sation," Brownrigg said in his report to the commission, "We felt that several general principles should gov- ern us. "In the first place, the State should be a fair employer and the rates of pay it establishes should be slightly higher than those paid by industry for like jobs. Then again, I have a feeling that the State should in some measure set the pace for higher stan- ctards of living. "With this in mind,we have at- tempted to set the minimum rates so that an employe entering the non- technical classes will receive a fair and equitable living wage and allow him salary advancements toward a fixed maximum based upon standards of satisfactory performance. At the same time, the plan recognizes that it is necessary to pay adequate salar- les to professional, technical and sup- ervisory employes so as to attract and hold competent persons." Corrigan Given Big Welcome Back Home (Continued from Page 1) tives who made themselves a flying wedge through the jammed lobby and sidewalk the roars of the crowds were in Corrigan's ears. Hotel Area Packed Around the Hotel 'McAlpin in the Broadway midtown area there were thousands. They packed the win- dows of the hotel and nearby build- ings. They waved Irish flags, hand- kerchiefs or anything else that was handy. Some of the men in the crowd waved their neckties and their coats. The crowd was so dense Cor- rigan was virtually lifted by the po- lice and placed in the automobile for the ride down the west side express highway to the Battery and the start of the parade.I Such crowds, such boisterious en- thusiasm had been unseen in New York for years, perhaps not since the frenzied tribute to Col. Lindbergh. And on lower Broadway it was the same tremendous thing, a multitude of shouting, screaming men and wom- en, bent on expending the energy stored up through all of yesterday's wait while the Manhattan, bearing their hero back from Europe, moved slowly through a fog to a late arrival. 100,000 At Battery Fully a hundred thousand persons gathered at the Battery. They let out one mighty roar after News Of The World As Illustrated In Associated Press Pictures r 'I Winners Must Attend Dance League Raffle Prizes To Be Drawn Tonight Holders of the prize-winning tick- ets in theLeague Raffle that is being given in conjunction with the Fri- day and Saturday dances this week, must be in the League when the drawing takes place tonight, or they will not receive prizes, Jean Holland, '39, president of the League, has an- nounced. Tickets for the dances, which will be sold at the regular price, will have stubs attached to them which are deposited in the container at the League. The actual drawing will take place tonight. Eight or more prizes will be of- fered, most of which Will be articles in the line of sports goods, although several free tickets to the Summer Session dances are included in the lower prizes. Hostesses for the dance tonight will be present to assist guests in becom- ing acquainted with each other, Miss Holland said, and students are urged to attend 'alone or with partners. The dances this weekend are the next to the last of the Summer Session. 'SEEKSDIVORCE HOLLYWOOD, Aug. 5.-(IP)-Ve- nita Varden, former actress, will file suit here tomorrow for a divorce from Jack Oakie, film comedian. "Hard labor" is the sentence but the years aren't set for these Spanish Loyalist soldiers captured by Rebel Generalissimo Franmo's forces and put to work in prisoner's camps near Malaga. These men are crushing rocks for use on a bridge; other prisoners are busy in the same area building roads. Most important to an army which must always look to its food supply is the reclamation of swamp land, and the former Loyalist soldiers spend their days draining marshy ground. No idleness is permitted by Rebel command. Prison Warden Cancels Guest BoxingMatch Commission Action Halts Plans Of Convicts To Show Their Stuff JACKSON, Mich., Aug. 5-(')-- Warden Joel R. Moore announced to- night the cancellation of a boxing exhibition which was to have been ,held inside the walls of the State Prison of Southern Michigan tomor- row afternoon with both inmates and the public in attendance. The warden said he was "disap- pointed" in calling off the fights but was doing it at the suggestion of John W. Miner,' chairman of the State Prison Commission. In a letter to Warden Moore, Miner said the boxing exhibition "is being dragged int politics with the hope of discrediting the present prison administration" and suggested the affair be cancelled. Moore said he would notify Jack Kearns, Detroit promoter who had ar- ranged tie program; and the princi- pals, and that the inmates would be informed over the pirison radio later tonight when they are in their cells. Miner's letter did not criticize the warden for planning the exhibition. The chairman said the episode might be discussed at the next meeting of the prison commission with a pos- sible view to arranging for the box- ing program later. , Chairman Miner's letter to Warden Moore, written today, follows: "It has come to my knowledge dur- ing the day that your plans for the boxing exhibition for tomorrow af- ternoon inside the walls of the prison is being dragged into politics with the hope of discrediting the present prison administration. "I see no material difference or distinction between what is planned for tomorrow an'd what has taken place within the prisonuwalls for the past quarter of a century. "However, in view of the circum- stances and the antagonism that has been aroused, it might work as a detriment to the prison and its dis- cipline. I would suggest that the exhi- bition be not had and that you can- cel the program. "This is no demand from me as Chairman of the Prison Commission; neither is it intended to reflect any criticism on you. I merely mean this as a suggestion." Warden Moore, previous to the cancellation, had termed the show's publicity "unexpected and a little disturbing." The three headliners were to have been Heavyweight Champion Joe Louis and two aspirants for his title -Jimmy Adamick of Midland and Roscoe Toles of Detroit. Louis was to serve as referee of some of the bouts on the 36-round program in the prison athletic field / When a man named Fitzgerald meets a man named Corrigan there's, bound to be plenty of wide Irish grins. It's deputy collector of customs W. J. Fitzgerald (left) of New Bedford, Mass., and Atlantic flier Douglas Corrigan. The customs man/was the first officer to greet, the flier aboard the liner Manhattan, which brought "Nonstop" back to the United States and a royal welcome in Brooklyn and Manhattan yesterday. Traffic School Expects 200 Accident Prevention Will Feature Meet Aug. 8-21 More than 200 are expected to at- tend the first meeting of the National Institute' for Traffic Safety Training which will be held here from Aug. 8-20, it was announced recently by Prof. John Worley, head of the de- partment of transportation engineer- ing in the College of Engineering. Short/courses of collegiate calibre will be given for those attending, who consist mainly of advanced traffic students. All courses last for one week except Traffic Engineering and Training Investigators in Accident Prevention Bureaus which last for two. Students of the Institute may en- roll in any course for which they meet entrance requirements and will be issued certificates for courses suc- cessfully completed. Sixteen .courses will be given, several in the morn- ings, and several in the afternoon. The mornings will be devoted to in- tensive, technical training and the afternoons to the broad general traf- fic safety background. Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven, presi- dent of the University, as the chair- man of the Administrative committee will open the Institute at 10 a. m. Monday with a talk on the purpose of the Institute. D. D. Fennell, presi- dent of the National Safety Council, Paul G. Hoffman, president of the Automotive Safety Foundation and president of the Studebaker Corp. and Dr. Miller McClintock, director of the Yale University Bureau for Street Traffic Research will also ad- dress the group at the opening meet- ing. Harvard Expert Explains Matter Statistical Weights Talk Given ByProf. Wilson The Statistical weights of the Rota- tional states of polyatomic molecules were discussed last night by Prof. Bright Wilson, Jr., of Harvard University in an informal talk before one of the bi-weekly meetings of the colloquia held in connection with the Symposium on theoretical physics. Professor Wilson, who is here as a special lecturer for the Symposium until Aug. 6, will deal especially with the chemical interpretation of in- frared and raman spectra in his speeches before the Symposium. In this connection he will take up the interpretation of molecular spectra of complex molecules, molecular spectra and valence, molecular spec- tra and thermodynamics,, and in- ternal rotation in organic molecules. Frost, Miller Square Off In Tennis Tourney Final Reuben Frost will meet R. B. Miller in Ann Arbor district finals of the state novice tennis tournament this afternoon. ,Frost, runner-up in the Ann Arbor city novice tourney, ad- vanced to the final round by defeat- ing Clint Mahlke, 6-1, 6-3 while Mil- ler whipped Jim Bourquin by the The tragic figure of "Hamlet" suffering in the play grips plump Hermann Goering, Hitler's right hand man and the most feared figure in Europe, on his visit to Elsinore, Denmark. Nominating Fees Ruled Unconstitutional By Judge DETROIT, Aug. 5.-P)-Circuit Court Judge Sherman D. Callender today ruled unconstitutional the law which compels candidates for office in Michigan counties with more than 500,000 population to deposit nomin- ating fees rather than file petitions. The action came in a hearing for a writ of mandamus brought by Elmer J. Treloar to force County Clerk Cas- per J. Lingeman to accept his peti- tions for the office of sheriff. The writ was granted, Treloar con- tending that since the law applied only to Wayne Countyit was "local and special in operation" and there- fore invalid. The End-Of-Summer HAT CLEARANCE Group of WHITE FELTS . .$1.00 Group of DARK STRAWS ...50c 22 -.23 - and 24 headsizes DANA RICHARDSON 309 South State Street - At The Dillon Shop . . .. ... Prentice Cooper (above) backed by E. H. Crump, Memphis political Tom Stewart (above), Winches- boss, sought the Democratic nom- ter, Tenn., attorney, sought to un- ination for governor in the Ten- seat Sen. George L. Berry , in the nessee primary, opposing Gov. Tennessee Democratic primary Gordon Browning. election, Professor Chapman Sees Russia As Leader In World Science (Continued from Page 1) the party- would stop to examine va- rious geologic phenomena, there would be, Professor Chapman said, great banquets with all the digni- taries of the town prepared to give speeches of great length. At one town in the south there were no dig- nitaries prepared with speeches of in-, ordinate length. A month later, in Moscow; they found. out why. It had been the day of the great purge and the dignitaries had been much too busy attending theirown executions to bother with speeches for the Con- gress. In Moscow, Professor Chapman said, the party was treated, after long and- intricate inspection of pass- ports, visas and Congress membership cards, to a state banquet, in .the us- uallr inapproachable Kremlin. There ciers and ice floes under all sorts of weather conditions. At Cape Zhelanie, northernmost tip of the island group, the party inspected the meteorological station, which for 10 months of the year is without communication, except by radio, with the outside world. They have, however, Professor Chapman emphasized, instruments of the very latest design, and Russia possesses, in his opinion, "probably the best meteorological service in the world, bar none." As the party approached the station, its radio operator was in communication with the operator aboard the ill-fated Levanevsky ex- pedition to reach the United States over the. Arctic, and the party's ship "may have been the last ever to hear =from them." In regard to Russia as a whole, Professor Chanman said that there is