THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA rTeR Dr. Hahn Gives Talk On Shifts In Word Usage Hunter College Professor Declares Process An Old One In Spite Of 'Purists' Convincing evidence of the author- ity of the process by which a word usage shifts from one part of speech to ,another appeared last evening in the address on ancient Hittite "kwit- man" given by Dr. E: Adelaide Hahn,, professor of Latin and Greek at Hunt- er College, before members of the Lin- guistic Institute. Despite protests of language "pur- ists" that a word must not change from. one part of speech t- another, that, for example, "like" must not be- come a conjunction because it is a preposition, such changes occurred' thousands of years before any "pur- ists" began objecting. This fact was apparent in Dr. Hahn's detailed an- alysis of Hittite inscriptions which. show how "kwitman" the adverb giadually became used as a conjunc- tion in independent clauses. That is, its neaning changed with its shift of function, from "meanwhile" or "for some time" to both "while" and "un- til. Particular attention was placed by the speaker upon the close parallel with the Latin "dum" of similar mi4ning, which, although there are some exceptions to the general an- alogy, nevertheless had a strikingly timilar history of functional altera- tion. This parallelism, and the im- plicit one wtih analogous phenomena in English, mode clear the strength of this kind of process as a device of language growth and efficiency. PassingOf Equipoise Recalls Many Victories Drafting Maytag Plant Strike Ultimatum These are the Iowa officials who drafted the ultimatum calling for re-opening of the Maytag Washing Co. plant at Newton, Ia., under military protection. Shown left, to right are Major-General Tinley, Attorney General Mitchell, Gov. Kraschel and Lieut. Gov. Valentine. Governor Kraschel LEXINGTON, Ky., Aug. 5.-()- Equipoise is dead and today horse- men recalled the feats of the "ugly, duckling" that came out of 0. V. Whitney's second string to win ac- claim as one of America's greatest thoroughbreds. Whitney thought so little of the homely son of Pennant-Swinnging as a yearling that he was turned over to the stable's second-string trainer. OUTLOOK BRIGHT LOS ANGELES, Aug. 5.-(A)-Wal- ter Gifford of New York, president of the American Telephone and Tele- graph Co., was optimistic about busi- ness today as he boarded the liner Lurline for a vacation. "There has been an upswing in business all over the nation in the past few weeks and the outlook is bright," he said. Champion of what he calls "state's rights" in the Maytag strike controversy, Gov. Nelson G. Kra- schel of Iowa (above) termed the National Labor Relations Board hearing a disturbing factor in New- ton and ordered it closed. SUIT DISMISSEDl DETROIT, Aug. -5.--(O)-Federal Judge Arthur F. Lerderle Friday dis- missed a suit for $1,000,000 filed against the Detroit Trust Co. by four heirs of the late Louis Campau, Jr., involving 366 acres of land on the east side of Detroit. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN_ (Continued from Page 2) one dollar, tax included. There will be musical offerings, entertainment and talks. Mr. Vernon B. Kellett will be toastmaster. Reservations should be made through the departmental office (204 U.H. Ext. 788) before Tuesday noon. Summer Session French Club: The last meeting of the club will take place on Thursday, Aug. 11. There will be a banquet at 6:30 p.m. in the "Second Floor Terrace Room" of the Michigan Union. The French Consul of Detroit will be the gust of honor. Mme. Charles E. Koella will sing some French songs and Dr. Didier Graeffe will play a sonatine by Ravel. The members who have not yet signed up for the banquet please do so before noon Wednesday by tele- phoning Mr. Koella, 3923 or Univ. 405. Those who have signed up and cannot come please telephone also. Colleges of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and Architecture; Schools of Education, Forestry and Music: Each student who has changed his address since June registration'should file a change of address in Room 4 U.H. so that the report of his sum-' mer work will not be misdirected. Registrants of Bureau o, Appoint- ments: Persons registered in the Bu- reau should leave a change of ad- dress notification at 201 Mason Hall before leaving campus. Hours: 9-12; 2-4 p.m. daily, 9-12 only on Saturday. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. The Bureau-has received notice of the following Michigan Civil Service Examinations: Watchman C, $80 a month. Steam Fireman B, $105 per month, temporarily subject to an 8 per cent salary reduction. S t e a m Operating Engineering Classes, $115 to $200 per month. Applications for the above examina- tions must be postmarked before mid- night, Aug. 10, 1938. For further information, please call at the office, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. First Baptist Church. 512 E. Huron. Sunday, 10:45 a.m. Rev. Robert Morris Theological Supervisor for the group of ministerial students doing clinical service at the University Hospital this summer, will be the guest preacher. His topic will be "Reaching Beyond." Mr. Morris is a graduate of the Bos- ton University School of Theology and has ministered to churches in New England. The Church School will meet at 9:30 a.m. Dr. A. J. Logan, superin- tendent. No further evening student programs this summer. First Methodist Church: Morning worship at 10:45 o'clock.Rev. Earl Phelps Sawyer will preach on the theme: "The Power and the Glory." The Choir will sing "Now the Powers of Heaven" by Arkhangelsky and "Legend" by Tschaikowsky. Achilles Taliaferro will be at the organ. Episcopal Student Group: Picnic ichigan Gives Adamick Right To Fight Here DETROIT, Aug. 5.-UP)-Jimmy Adamick, young Midland heavyweight boxer, was free tonight to ply his trade in Michigan although he still stood suspended in Illinois and the 28 states belonging to the National Boxing Association. At a regular meeting here today the Michigan Athletic Board of Con- trol (Boxing Commission) voted unanimously not to concur in the re- cent decision of the Illinois Athletic Commission which suspended Ada- mick; heavyweight Jack Trammell of Akron, O.; Jack Kearns, Jimmy Brady and Tom Walsh, all of Detroit, who are associated in managing Adamick; James Buchanan, manager of Tram- mell, and promoter Jerry Lavan of Chicago. The action came after the Board members had studied the transcript of testimony taken at an Illinois hearing following a bout in Chicago in which Adamick was awarded a knockout victory over Trammell. The Michigan body voted to send a copy of its ruling to the National Boxing Association, of which it is a member. The Board expressed the be- lief that the N.B.A. should back its action, threatening to withdraw if the approval was not forthcoming. Illinois is not an N.B.A. member. SENTENCE SUSPENDED DETROIT, Aug. 5.-UP)-Recorder's Judge George Murphy Friday found George Kevoi, 23, and Stanley Sles- insky, 23, both of Detroit, guilty of charges they stoned a Kroger Gro- cery & Banking Co. truck. Sentence was suspended when the Judge was informed neither had a previous rec- ord. Sunday night at Loch Alpine. Cars will leave the church (306 N. Division) at 5:30 p.m. Supper 35 cents. Swim- ming and baseball. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. Services of worship Sunday are: 8 a.m. Holy Communion, 11 a.m. Holy Communion and address by the Rev. Frederick W. Leech. First Presbyterian Church, 1432 Washtenaw Avenue. Dr. Nicholas S. Sichterman of Port Huron, will be the guest preacher at the morning worship service at 10:45. He has chosen f6r his topic, "The Treasures of Darkness." Dr. Healey Willan at the console and directing the choir. The musical numbers will include: Organ Prelude, Chorale Pre- lude, "Leye, Us Not" by Karg-Elert; Anthem, "How Blest Are; They" by Tschaikowsky; Solo, "Green Pastures" by Sanderson, Donn Chown; Organ Postlude, "Fugue in D Minor" by Bach. The supper for summer school stu- dents will be held as usual at 5:30 p.m. Immediately following the sup- per Dr. Clarence D. Thorpe of the English Department ofthe University will speak on the topic, "Poetry and Reality." Stalker Hall.- Student class at 9:45 a.m. under the leadership of Prof. John Worley. Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m. This will be an opportunity to learn something about our Hymn Book under the leadership of Achilles Taliaferro. Men's Education Club: There will be a meeting of the club at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the Main Ballroom of the Union. The program will be posted on the bulletin boards in the School of Education. This is the last meeting of the club. ru-I Former District Attorney Wil- liam C. Dodge (above) accused Dis- trict Attorney Thomas E. Dewey of using his powers to "assasinate and impugn" the, character jof other men, after Dewey had nahined Dodge as being implicated in the numbers racket., Edmonson Attends Meet In New York Dean James B. Edmonson of the School of Education has left for New York City where he will attend a meeting of the executive committee of the Educational Policies commis- sion. He is expected to return to Ann Arbor early next week. The third preliminary study of the planning commission, recently pub- lished, was "The Purposes of Educa- tion in American Democracy." INMATE ESCAPES IONIA, Aug. 5.-( P)-Earl Schmidt, 19, an inmate at the State Reforma- tory here, escaped Friday. A house- boy at the home of Warden Garrett Heyns, Schmidt was made a trusty shortly' after he began a 21/2 to 7 2 year term-in 1937 for unlawfully driv-' ing away an automobile. Accuses Dewey Ur Itinerant thoughts: Ann Arbor in abouts, and- was surprised no end August recalls to mind the stock when his pitcher turned out to be vaudeville wheeze: "This town's sure Dan Smick ,another Varsity perfor- laid out swell. We don't know how mer of note . . long it's been dead, but it's certainly Berger Larson, Michigan hurling laid out great." . . . Despite the star a few years ago, directs the ath- iletic program in a northern boys' languor induced by heat a few ath- camp . . He boasted an undefeated letes can muster enough energy, it baseball team until Fred Janke, foot- seems, to cavort about Ferry Field in ball captain, stationed at another mild preparation for the Autumn and camp, brought along his nine and its attendant footballunacy . . . Yes- submerged the Larson crew . . . terday Norm Purucker, bronzed a Janke, incidentally, plans to esoort deep hue, was sharpening his toe several campers into Canada for a against a gentle zephyr, sending fancy brief sojourn before returning here spirals through the air with power for the arduous pre-season football and accuracy . . . If Purucker had grind . . . his way about it, he'd dispense with practice; he said, and concentrate On The Spot? on the games . * Chicago iconoclasts have certainly Har'ry Kipke, ex-Michigan football dispelled the aura of greatness that coach, sustained his lead in the All- surrounded Gee (T h e People's Star coaches' poll last night . . . if Choice) Walker . . . When Mickey elected, Kipke, in the opinion of some Cochrane traded Gee, he was threat- ened with extinction by an incensed observers, will have a chance to Vin- Detroit fandom, which held the Miss- dicate himself . . . He'll have the issippi eccentric in high esteem . . . nation's best collegiate material, and Now - he's the victim of the Windy top-notch assistants . . . He'll also City wolves, who waste few epithets in decrying his efforts . . . The have the sharpest competition of its other day, we heard the bleacherites kind, the pro champions . . . As we exercise their anci nt prerogative recall, The Washington Redskins have by wishing Gee babk to the. 3-I a passer named Sammy Baugh, who league, categorizing him -as "bum"- can reportedly thread a needle with which, in diamond parlance, does not a football at sixty yards . . . And mean a WPA worker, but a deficient we also recall that Kipke's last Wol- performer . . . Walker wasn't hit- verine eleven was somewhat porous ting -or hustling, and Jinimy Dykes against an overhead attack -. . . A had dismissed him from considera- veteran Ann Arbor scribe put it aptly tion until Hank Steinbacher, a rookie, when he said, "Wonder if they're sustained an injury . . . Gee was honoring him or putting him' on the then used only because no one else spot?" ... was available . . - Curious to know why'Chicago has poor football teams? Well, several of One Mln Gng. its outstanding stars failed to attain .. *eligibility, and Shaughnessy is won- From the upper peninsula comes dering if he'll have fully eleveh men a letter signed by that incorrigible available this Fall . . . Among those bone-crusher, Forrest Evasheski, who robust geniuses who tripped over their will be a' candidate comprehensives was Solly Sherman, on the Varsity squad 'this Fall . . . the lad who almost whipped Michi- Evie reported that he's lifting boats gan last Fall . . . Sherman has a and putting them down on the dock, chance in summer school, however or vice versa . . . It's God's Coun- . . . By the way, 'tis suspected around try, he adds, but they can give it that Michigan gridders will escape back to the Indians as far as "The from theif' scholastic battles virtually One Man Gang" is concerned . . . unscathed this summer.. He's catching in some league there- -&H.L. 11 Jill t I Four-Hit Attack Brings Yankees A6-1 Victory Over Cleveland CLEVELAND, Aug. 5.--fP)-The Yankees collected only four hits to- dgy, but Joe Gordon whacked a hom- er and young Bobby Feller kindly walked 11 batters to give the New Yorkers a 6 to 1 decision over the Indians in the lopening tilt of their important three-game series. A crowd of 62,773 turned out for thel battle. The victory, achieved behind fine five-hit pitching by Bump Hadley, sent the Yanks 31/ games in front of the Tribe in the American League race, the biggest edge they have en- joyed this season.. Feller just couldn't find the plate. In fact, he was the best man the Yanks had on the field. He had run- nets on base in every one of the seven innings he worked, twice walked three batters in a row, and once walked in a run, as he lost his sixth game of the season. For Hadley, it was the fifth victory of the year, compared with three setbacks. The Yanks played without the serv- ices of Bill Dickey, their ace catcher, who was sidelined with an ailing leg, but Joe Glenn, who handled the re- ceving chores, filled in capably. Joe Gordon hit his 15th homer of the year with one on in the seventh. Frank Crosetti stole three bases dur- ing the game. 1oston Noses Tigers DETROIT, Aug. 5.-()--Scoring six runs in the last two innings, the Bost6n Red Sox came from behind to down the Detroit Tigers, 9 to 8, ii a 10 inning battle today. Joe Cronin's homer with the bases full enabled Boston to tie the score at 8- all in the ninth. Behind 8 to 3 and apparently hope- lessly beaten, the Red Sox staged a:five run uprising to knot the count in the ninth as Auker appeared to lose all of his stuff. Peacock batted for Desautels and walked. Leo Non- nenkamp batted for Heving and dropped a single in left. Cramer also singled, filling the sacks. Fannnnr .'nnrad nPater fhp rnnh7 n sacks became filled again, Cronin then hit a homer into the right field bleachers, scoring Nonnenkamp, Cra- mer and Foxx ahead of him. The blow finished Auker, Tommy Bridges replacing him. Chapman doubled to left. Doerr popped. Tabor singled to third, Christman making a brilliant stop to prevent a double and run. Gehringer then threw out Peacock. Doubles by Cramer and Cosmik gave Boston a run in the tenth that decided the game. Harry Eisenstat relieved Bridges after the tally had scored and retired the side. Detroit went out in order in its half. Dodgers Lose BROOKLYN, Aug. 5.-(A)-The Cincinnati Reds climbed back to a third-place tie in the National League race today by whipping the Dodgers, 4 to 1. The defeat dropped the Brooklyns into sixth place, behind the idle Boston Bees. Dolph Camillij clouted his 16th homer of the year. Browns Win ST. LOUIS, Aug. 5.-(A)-The St. Louis Browns eyed seventh place to- day after taking the first of a four- game series with Connie Mack's Ath- letics, 9 to 2. But to hoist themselves out of the American League cellar Gabby Streets' lowly crew will have to sweep the remaining three games. a figure of new importance to Not so many years ago, electric cooking was a luxury that nearly every woman wanted some day to enjoy, but that few could afford. Electric ranges were high in price and costly to operate. As a result, thousands of women postponed owning a range until the price came within reach of their pocketbooks. And now comesan announcement of special significance: The newest cost figures for electric cooking - compiled over ALL-COMEDY BILL IS FANNY F.. . BUT ITSTRUE! I " " 00 ' HUGF a fEw kmBel" EnR JONNIE DAYS . PENNY Si LETO I IL a year's time and just released -reveal the startling fact that the average cost for families of three persons is only $1.55 A MONTH! The door to the enjoyment of electric cooking is now open to thousands of women who have been afraid of high operating costs. On today's fast, efficient ranges, it has been definitely proved that electric cooking is NOT expen sive! And the price of a modern electric range is about the same as that of an ordinary stove of- comparable size and, features.I -- The figure of $1.55 a month is the AVERAGE cost'for families of 3, at the rate of 2% cents (nef) per kwhr. Actual meter tesfs wereaade in homes using electric ranges. The cost figures were obtained under everyday working conditions in ordina kitchens, by women cooking meals daily. The cost 4f operat ing a range will vary with the amount of cooking done, and with the use of retained heat and the waterless. cookin method. *** By installing an electric range in your kitch'en now, youcan enjoythe comfort and ,conveniencetoft tla modern cooking method through-the hot summer months. Don't delay - choes0 our nett range .oday= Daily At 2:0 0 - 4:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. STARTING TODAY! K ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Jn D arwzn A'IEall E1.trw.I BIrsndall