AUG. 5, 1938
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Crelssey Claims
Russo-Jap War
'Uncalied For'
Psychological, Cultural
Differences Of Peoples
Cause Of Animosities
(Continued from Page 1)
sisted in its policy, and has left the
Chinese Communist Party to its own
devices. Thie result has been the em-
phasizing of Chinese nationalism, on
the part of the Chinese Red Army
leaders, and the declining importance
of "communism" and international-
ism, a process that resembles almost
in. detail the metamorphosis of Soviet
The entire history of Russian inter-
est and participation in the affairs
of the Far East can be written .n
terms of one recurring policy, Pro-
fessor Cressey 'said: the unceasing
Search on the part of the Russian
bear for warm water, access to navig-
able high seas.
Beginning with Russian pioneering
expeditions in 1581, continuing with
the explorations' into the wilderness
of Sibera, and culminating with the
completion in this country of the
Trans-Siberian Railroad, Russian in-rs n eerto note a
tr s- an penetrtindint the Far
Vast has been steadily increasing,
spurred at all times by this quest for
warm, navigable waters. The Trans-
Siberian line has been almost com-
pletely double-tracked now, and Pro-
esor Cressey is certain that another
road, several hundred miles north of
the present route is in the process of
construction, although Soviet offi-
cials persistently denied the latter
facot whenever he questioned them
about it.
Four High School Pupils
Named For Scholarships
Four Michigan high school students
were named yesterday to enter the
University this fall on $500 scholar-
ships provided by a $100,000 Horace
H. Rackham endowment fund.
The students are: Clifford M.I
Jones, Battle Creek; Ted Kennedy, jr.,
Saginaw; George Reddick, jr., Beul-
ah; and Robert Lee Thomas, Muske-
The scholarships are renewable
from year to year during the periodt
of undergraduate study. Four pros-£
pective sophomores will be chosen for
similar awards next month.-
314 S. State St.,
Typewriters, Stationery,
Student and Office Supplies
Since 1908 Phone 6615
News Of The World As Illustrated In Associated
. Richard "Dixie" Davis (with d
gangsters, is shown as he entered Si
guilty to charges of conspiracy and co
Themas Dewey named District Attoi
Hulon Capshaw as also having been
When Sammy Baugh, the passing star of the Washington Redskins,
signed a three-year contract to continue his professional football
career, the management said the contract called for the largest salary
ever paid in the league. The amount was not disclosed, but Sammy
seemed happy about it. Coach Ray Flaherty is looking over his shoulder.
Davis Tells How
Leaves Are Spent
(Continued from Page 1) t
curain and its 85-cent top admission
price, just as unique; the Shrine of
Guadelupe, in the poorer section of
the city; the National Palace, with
ts famous murals by Diego Rivera,
depicting Mexican history; the Pyra-
mids of the Sun and Moon, larger
than those at Giza on the Nile; and
a bullfight.
"Of course, I just went to the bull-
fight to study the types of people
there," Dr. Davis explained, with a
betraying smile.
The Davises and the Woodys re-
turned to Ann Arbor by way of Key
West and intermediate points, afterf
ten weeks of vacation in the city that
Dr. Davis calls "comparable to no
other place in the world."
Press Pictures1 IN THIS
A Great Player .. .
Every Tuesday and Thursday at
South Ferry Field there is a fellow
playing second base for a club named
the Browns. The Browns are only
mediocre as a team and the guy that
covers second base is just about the
same. But little more than half a
decade ago that same fellow was
headline news in another sport. The
other sport was football and the guy's
' name is Maynard Morrison.
Morrison played center on Michi-
3 3gan's football teams back in 1929,
1930 and 1931. In Michigan tradition
that's a tough spot to fill. A long
line of All-Americans that goes all
the way back to Germany Schultz has
played the pivot post for the Wol-
verines. But Morrison picked up the
challenge and handled it sufficiently
well to pass on to Chuck Bernard a
tradition that was all the greater
because he was part of it.
In 1931, his senior year, Morrison
was easily the outstanding center in
the country and was named on prac-
tically every All-American team.
After graduation he went to
ark glasses), disbarred attorney for play pro football with Brooklyn
upreme Court in New York to plead and stuck at it for two years.
ontriving a lottery. District Attorney "Pro football," he says, "is all
rneX William Dodge and Magistrate right for a oouple of years. You
implicated in the policy conspiracy can make some money and save
it. But it's too tough to play for
a longer period of time."
Square Dancing 'Calls' When I asked him whether or not
pro ball was tougher than college
Now On Sale At League competition, Morrison. or Doc as most
people call him, replied in the affir-
Notes and instruction featuring the mative. "They're all good in pro foot-
various 'calls" used in square danc- ball. You don't find any weaknesses
ing are now available at the League anywhere on the team like you do in
desk, Miss Ethel McCormick, social college teams. Besides pro games
director of the Summer Session has are more interesting than the col-
announced. lege games. Passing from anywhere
The instructions will be sold for behind the scrimmage line instead of
15from five yards behind it makes it a
taught in the recent Monday country lot tougher for defensive line play.
dancing classes. The total attendance lttuhrfrdfnieln ly
in the five-lesson series, taught by Then too, there are a lot more
Ivan Parker, amounted to more than field goals attempted because the
1500, Miss McCormick said. goal posts are onthe goal line in-
stead of 10 yards behind it. Why,
in college games you have to get
Mary Elliott Marries down to within 20 yards of the
goal line before you even think
Mary, Elliott of Detroit and Leland of attempting a placement."
Pence of the Franklin Institute in
Philadelphia are to be married Satur- Morrison now divides his time be-
day afternoon in Palmer Woods, tween coaching football, basketball
Detroit. Dr. Pence received his Ph. D. and baseball and teaching math in
from the University and was associat- high schools. Next year he'll be line
ed on the faculty here as a research coach at Lansing Eastern High School
chemist at one time. Miss Elliott is and he's back here for the Summer
a graduate of the University and was ----
affiliated with Kappa Kappa Gamma
sorority while on campus.
Beer and Sandwiches
A delightful way to pass the
afternoon with that date. Come
down to Flautz's for a cool, re-
freshing glass of beer and some
really tasty sandwiches.
Closed Every Monday>.:,'
BEER Draught & WINE
122 West Washington
Corner Ashley
Hours 11 A.M. - 12 P.M. CLEAN-i
Lunch 11-4 p.m. Dinner 4-8
Continues until all leftover -
are sold.
Your dollars do double duty
an entire wardrobe.
ALL-COMEDY BILL Selections are complete
PRrmLCOTTONS and washable ray
$3.95 to $14.95. Crepes, s
prints for $10.95 to $35.00.
161/2 to' 261/2.
Okeye ulrexk~e r n,
,w Plen 8 Spring Coats, sizes to 40 .
JOHNNIE DAVIS -PENNY SINGLETON costume suits . . . two-piece
and ____to 20 at . and more.
+ OLUER HARDY One Close-Out G
In Hal Roach's
A few evening wraps and su
In shirt sleeves with his horn-
rimmed glasses dangling, but his
wing collar unwilted, Rep. Howard
Smith is shown at Alexandria, Va.,
as he watched election returns
which indicated his victory over
William E. Dodd, Jr. son of the
former ambassador to Germany,
for the Democratic nomination for
Declaring she might never again
return to the United States, Simone
Simon is shown as she sailed on the
Normandie from New York. She
held up the liner's sailing for 10
minutes while she searched for her
+ -
/r f .
"'"- a
Standings In The Majors
American League
New York .............59 31
Cleveland .............55 32
Boston ................52 37
Washington ...........49 48
Detroit ................47 49
Chicago..............38 47
Philadelphia ...........32 56
St. Louis ..............29 61
National Leagu
Pittsburgh .....
New York.....
St. Louis ......
.322 1Philadelphia............29
here's how tos
pull 'em in-....
advertise your Fall rooms
to rent in the August 13th
... sent to all prospective
freshmen. Bring your ads
NEW YORK, Aug. 4.-(A)-Prob-
able pitchers in the Major Leagues
tomorrow: (won-lost records in pa-
Boston at Detroit, Grove
Lawson (5-6).
New York at Cleveland
(4-3) vs. Feller (11-5).
ELECTRIC FANS ......$1.19 and up
PennsylvaniaTennis Balls.3 for $1.19
TEK Tooth Brushes ........2 for 51c
50c Phillips Milk of Magnesia.... 39c
100 Bayers ASPIRIN ............59c
L Pct.
34 .634
41 .573
42 .558
42 .553
50 .468
49 .467
54 .419
62 .319
4-3) vs.
Fresh Peach
Sundae.... 12c
Fresh Orangeade
Lemonade or
Limeade... Oc