The Weather
Continued warm, possibly local
thundershowers tomorrow
M6fr iga
Blockade' To Be
Shown Here ...
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Roosevelt Bid
For 3rd Term
Will SplitParty
Burke Believes
2nd Opposition Democrat
Of Week States FDR
Sure To Be Defeated
Plans To Resubmit
6-Year Term Bill
WASHINGTON, Aug 4--(P)-For
the second time this week a Democra-
tic Senator voiced the view today that
the Democratic party would be split
and the President defeated if he tried
to obtain a third term.
Senator Burke (Dem-Neb), who has
opposed many Administration meas-
ures and criticized the National Labor
Relations Board repeatedly, said that
if President Roosevelt ran for a third
term it would "Split the Democratic
party into a thousand pieces."
Earlier in the week Senator Lewis
(Dem-Ill), an Administration stalwart
and Democratic whip of the Senate,
expressed a somewhat similar view.
Lewis expressed the opinion that Mr.
Roosevelt could be reelected only if
a third party sprang up, threatening
government ownership of private en-.
terprise and repudiation of govern-
ment securities, and business ap-
pealed to the President to stay in
Burke, who placed before the last
Congress a resolution proposing a
Constitutional amendment to limit
terms of Presidents to one six-year
term, said he would reintroduce the
resolution when the next Congress
convenes. He said the length of the
term was not of much concern to
him and that he would be just as well
content to have it set at seven or
eight years as six.
Burke said the Government's oper-
ations had become such vast enter-
prises that it was unfair to ask any
man who had served one term to
try for another.
"I have no idea as to President
Roosevelt's thought on the matter,"
the Nebraskan added. "He thinks he
can carry out his program better
than any one else. In this situation
there always will be people around
who will urge him to seek a third
"I don't think any man could be
elected to a third term. President
Roosevelt probably could come as
close as anybody, but he would be
defeated. I personally would oppose
anyone seeking a third term under
any circumstances."
Davis Reveals
How Educators
Spend Leaves
How to spend a sabbatical leave so.
that rest, sightseeing, education,
travel, and all the benefits of the
ideal vacation may be combined, was,
outlined and explained, with maps
and diagrams, by Dr. Calvin O. Davis
of the School of Education yesterday
in the Nniversity High School.
Dr. Davis was substituting for Dr.
Margaret Bell, who had been sched-
uled to speak on "The International-
ship Between Health Agencies and
the Board of Education," but was
unable to appear because of a minor
throat ailment. Dr. Davis explained
that rather than give thedcustomers
a rain check, he had decided to
pinch-hit for Dr. Bell.
Every seven years, according to Dr.1
Davis, members of the University
faculty are given their choice of a
year's'vacation at half payyor half
a year's vacation at full pay. Seven
years ago Dr. Davis chose the Medi-
terranean and southern Europe for
the scene of his sabbatical wander-
ings, he said, but last spring he de-
cided that Mexico City would be the
ideal place to visit.
The experience confirmed the
choice. "If you want to see things in
America that no other place in the
world can show you," Dr. Davis told
the group, "go to Mexico City."
Leaving Ann Arbor February 28,
Dr. and Mrs. Davisrdrove straight
through to Mexico City, joining Dr.
Clifford Woody, also of the School of
Education, and Mrs. Woody, at Lar-
redo, Tex. From Laredo to Mexice
City is 762 miles, and it is mostly
uphill, Dr. Davis said. "We climbed
n A A f nI-in +11M.IQ..ivt? m ,,c
Brooklyn Irish
Jump The Gun
For Corrigan
NEW YORK, Aug. 4--()-Douglas
Corrigan, the daring young man of
the flying. machine-a $900 bargain
that rumbled across the Atlantic from
here to Ireland last month instead of
proceeding properly to California-
came home all agrin today to a roar-
ing welcome that was but a meek
prelude of what is ahead.
Tomorrow, 'indeed, is the big day,
with a parade up the old Via Fortissi-
The hoarse hails of his glad wel-
comers reached the happy little avia-
tor long before the S.S. Manhattan
arrived at her pier. Far down the
bay, wl'ile the steamer still was
pushing her prow cautously through
a heavy fog that later lifted, Brook-
lyn's Irish delegation turned up
aboard the yacht Celtic Circle,
shouting halloes through the mist.
Brooklyn had been denied the first
welcome on land-a ceremony to
which it loudly had laid claim be-
cause it was from that borough thatt
Corrigan's flight began-but Brook-
lyn's greeters could not be kept back
from the high seas.
Another group of them went out on
the river steamer State of Delaware,
dodging all the other swarming
craft, taking along a band of bag-
pipers to pipe Corrigan home. Upon
this boat they joined forces with the
Borough of Queehs.
In the harbor, the scene was one
of vast and frenzied activity. After
the liner passed quarantine and start-
ed through the narrows she became
visible to those standing on the bat-
tery; and a great fleet of nonde-
script vessels-Staten Isand ferry-
boats. river steamers let loose a series
of melancholy roars.
French Club
Hears Graeffe
Tell Of Afryia
Graduate Student Studied
Musical instruments
Played In Native Rites
The horrors and beauties of Africa
and its customs and art were related
to members of the Summer Session
French Club last night by D. Graeffe,
Grad., who was a member of an ex-
pedition to the dark continent in
Mr. Graeffe, who is an economics
instructor at the Lawrence Institute;
of Technology in Highland Park,
made the journey primarily to study
the musical instruments employed by
the native Africans in their tribal
and religious ceremonies.
Of all the hardships to be endured
in Africa, Mr. Graeffe pointed out,
the most terrible of all is the 100
degree humidity, which pakes it im-
possible for a person ever to be com-
pletely dry. At night water drops
from the mosquito netting and dur-
ing the day one's clothes are sopping
from the damp.
In regard to art, there is none in
our sense of the word, Mr. Graeffe
said. Whatever esthetic objects the
African creates he creates for a
utilitarian purpose. They are used
either in. religious or magic cere-
monies, he pointed out.
It is difficult for the outsider to
become acquainted with African art,
Mr. Graeffe said, as the natives are so
inordinately shy. They refuse to ex-
hibit their work and refuse to have
it photographed because they abhorr
repetition of any sort in art or music,
and photography is nothing but repe-
tition of the object itself, he said.
Cressey Views
Russo-Ja War
Not Necessary
Psychological, Cultural
Differences Of Peoples
Cause Of Animosities
Soviet Developing
Internal Frontiers
A major war between the Soviet
Union and Japan arising from the
present difficulties over the Changku-
feng border dispute would be "un-
called for", "stupid", and would "cer-
tainly end in a stalemate", Prof.
George B. Cressey said here yesterday
in the last of a series of lectures
given under the auspices of the In-
stitute of Far Eastern Studies.
Hours before the Associated Press
reported from Moscow yesterday that
the Soviet had conditionally accepted
Japanese proposal for cessation of
hostilities and settlement of the dis-
pute through diplomatic channels,
Professor Cressey had predicted that
the entire affair would be peacefully
smoothed out in the very near fu-
ture. Neither Japan nor the Soviet
Union could hope to gain anything
by opening hostilities at present, he
said, and unless Japan was intent
upon "committing suicide", by tak-
ing on two formidable foes at the
same time, indications and experience
pointed to a speedy settlement.
Professor Cressey added, however,
that the unexpected and incompre-
hensible have always been potent
forces in international affairs, and,
despite the fact that the present
hostilities have apparently been ami-
cably settled, something may yet hap-
pen that will ochange the whole
course of contemporary history. Psy-
chological and cultural differences
between Russia and Japan were char-
acterized by Professor Cressey as be-
ing the greatest deterrents to per-
manent peace and understanding.
There. has been no interchange of
ideas, people, or culture; Russians
and Japs cannot understand each1
others actions or ideals, and have
never exhibited any desire to do so.
Furthermore, to the Japanese, Rus-
sian "communism"'(Professor CresseyE
himself suggested to his audience that
the word should be enclosed in
quotes, maintaining once again that
socialism is the more accurate desig-..
nation of the Russian internal set-
up) is. a real and immediate menace.
Genuine concern is felt in Japan1
about the infiltration of "dangerous
thoughts" into both Japan and
China, he said, 'and although econ-
omic and political motivations may
have actuated the Japanese conquest;
of Manchuria, the psychological xe-
action to the "insidious communist
poison" is a powerful force in Japan.
The Soviet Union is equally sincere,
in Professor Cressey's opinion, in its
recent declarations of peace and its
abandonment of world-wide revolu-
tion. The fascinating and intriguingi
task of developing the tremendous
resources of the U.S.S.R., especially
the Soviet Far East, has captured
the imagination and attention of'
Soviet leaders, he said, and this job
is likely to keep them busy for a
long while.
The sincerity of the new Russian
policy is evidenced by the treatment
accorded the Chinese Communists.
Professor Cressey believes that if the
Soviet was still clinging to its origi-;
nal revolutionary program of foreign
intrigue and universal woiking-class
action, China would offer a fertile
field for the generation of such
action. Russia, however, has per-
(Continued on Page 311
.m s -" .J !- \ / f f .
. :g' C1A'W RASH/N
., _."- , .= " MANCHOUKUO
r' ~ .- ?'- s 90 p2f0300 400 Av
Confident Russia Informs Japan She
Will Make Peace---At Her Own Terms,
The dotted line along this Associated Press map indicates what cartographers figure is the correct bound-
ary, but the armies have been disputing this. The inset map shows the disputed area with relation to Eastern
Cooper Leads
In Democratic
State Primary
In Tennessee
Gubernatorial Nomination
Race Is Close As Returns
Come From Rural Areas
Memphis, Nashville
Results Not Known
NASHVILLE, Tenn., Aug. 4-(A -_
Prentice Cooper, Shelbyville attorney,
endorsed by the organization of na-
tional committeeman E. H. Crump,
took the leati for the Democratic gub-
ernatorial nomination on returns
from approximately one-third of
Tennessee's precincts, mostly rural,
in today's primaries.
Cooper's coalition ticket running
mates-A. Tom Stewart for United
States Senator and W. D. Hudson for
public utilities commissioner-also
were ahead.
Returns from 666 precincts out of
2271 gave Cooper 37,891 and Gov.
Gordon Browning 36,985.
In the senatorial contests 671 pre-
cincts gave Stewart 18,980; Sen.
George L. Berry 19,892; and Rep. J.
Rigley Mitchell 18,644.
Hudson led the incumbent utilities
commissioner, W. H. Turner, 27,176 tb
18,439 on the face of returns from
664 precincts.
The tabulations thus far did not
include returns from the State's two
principal cities, Nashville and Mem-
phis, where polls close several hours
later than in the rural districts.
Memphis, center of the Crump baili-
wick, had been slated by political ob-
servers for a possible total vote of
The city was the main battleground
of a bitter campaign based on per-
sonalities based on the Crump-
Browning feud.
Complaints of election irregularities
highlighted the Democratic primary.
While hundreds of peace officers pa-
trolled the streets and the polls,
Browning supporters complained to
authorities that Crump men were
marking Negro ballots for Cooper and
Browning wathers had been driven
from some precincts.
The Shelby County political organ-
ization headed by Crump supported
Cooper. Two years ago when Crump
and Browning were allies Shelby
County handed the Governor a
majority of 59,000. Now they are bit-
ter enemies. The cause of their break
was never revealed, but their feud
overshadowed all campaign issues.
Frank Rice, second-in-command of
the Crump machine, forecast that
Shelby County votes would be around
85,000 and said "If Browning gets 5
per cent it'll shock me." The total
state vote approximates 400,000.
Browning made repeated efforts
(Continued on Page 4)
Negro Groups
To Hold Dance
In Union Today
Martin Refutes
C 0 Officers'
'Red' Charges
Denies Lovestone Had Any
Dealings With UAW As
Hall RepeatsAccusation
DETROIT, Aug. 4-(P)-Charges by
four suspended officers of the United
Automobile Workers (CIO) that Jay
Lovestone, former secretary of the
Communist Party in America, dictat-
ed the policies of the UAW were
brushed aside today by the Union's
president, Homer Martin.
Replying to assertions by the sus-
pended officers that they could pro-
duce letters from Martin to Love-
stone revealing inside Union secrets,
Martin said:
His Biggest Laugh
"That's the biggest laugh I've had
yet. I'm surprised they didn't accuse
Trotsky of running the union. They
say they have letters-that I wrote
a letter. Where did they get those
letters? What is there to keep thieves
from lying?"
Asked if he knew Lovestone, Martin
"Yes, I've met him. But he also has
met with President Roosevelt and a
good many others."
Martin said that he could not recall
ever writing Lovestone but added:
"I've written letters to Norman
Thomas, the Socialist leader. If ever
a letter went from my office to Love-
stone it was purely routine. It's ludi-
Will Not Investigate
Asked if he would inyestigate the
suspended officers' charges that a
number of persons in the internation-
al office here were Lovestonites, Mar-
tin said he would not.
"I don't have to," he asserted. "I
know they are not."
Ed Hall, one of the four suspended
vice-presidents, repeated in a radio
address tonight the charges brought
against Martin by the officers and
called for his resignation.
Riggs To Meet
Kovacs Today
Reach Semi-Final Round,
At Meadow Club
(AP)-With Bobby Riggs' 6-2, 7-5 vic-
tory over Hal Surface blazing the
path, four players today fought their
way into the semi-final round of the
48th Annual Meadow Club Invita-
tion Tournament without yielding a
set as they easily disposed of quar-
ter-final opponents.
Riggs was joined in the upper brac-
ket by Frank Kovacs of Oakland,
Cif and , he+ wn+wimm ,las + f ._ r
*. * * *
Litvinof f Says Russia Will Stop All Military Activity
Only On Condition That Japan Remove
Troops From Disputed Area
MOSCOW, Aug. 4-(/P)-Soviet Russia informed Japan tonight that she
could have peace on the Manchoukuoan border but could not dictate the
In conditional acceptance of Japanese proposals for diplomatic settle-
ment of the dispute, Foreign Commissar Maxim Litvinoff told Japanese
Ambassador Mamoru Shigemitsu that if Japanese soldiers got back where
they belonged, Soviet military Aactivity in the disputed area would end
automatically..(Tokyo dispatches said Japan suggested mutual withdrawal
from the area).
Litvinoff assured Tokyo's representative that the Soviet Government
always was willing to discuss peaceful settlement of frontier disputes, but
any such discussion must be based on recognition of Soviet boundaries as
r established in existing treaties.
League Dance
Drawing To Be Saturday;
Winners Get 8 Prizes
A raffle will be offered in con-
junction with the Friday and Satur-
day night dances at the League this
weekend as a special feature of the
next to the last weekend of the Sum-
mer Session, Jean Holland, president
of the League, announced yesterday.
Tickets for the dance, which will be
sold at the regular price, will have
stubs attached to them, and will be
put in a container in the League both
Friday and Saturday nights. The
actual drawing, however, will take
place Saturday.
Eight or more prizes will be offered,
Miss RIolland said, and will all be
something in the line of sports goods
except the last few, which will be
free tickets to League dances.
Hostesses 'for the affair will in-
clude Rose Beyle, Clare Kelderhouse,
Elizabeth Waldon, Druscilla Hoskins,
Jenny Rosenthal, Ida Mae Stitt, Betty
Dickens, Kathleen Wall, Betty Jud-
son, Olive Branch, Anna Virginia
LaRue and Mary Jean O'Donnell.
Japan's conquest of Manchuria, he
emphasized, was no valid reason for
altering the Russian-Manchoukuoan
The tone of Litvinoff's reply was
regarded in foreign circles as an in-
dication that Mos'cow not only was
convinced of the legality of its claim
to the disputed area, but confident
of the ,ability of Red arms to repel
any attack on the Far Eastern fron-
Japan's terms for settlement of the
hostilities were understood to have
1. Cessation of hostilities;
2. Settlement of the boundary dis-
pute through diplomatic channels on
the basis of documents and materials
in the possession of both sides.
Maps attached to the Russian-
Chinese treaty of June 26, 1886, would
be studied along with other docu-
ments in the course of negotiations,
under the Japanese proposal.
Litvinoff replied that the Soviet
Government would be willing to open
negotiations for peaceful settlement
on the following conditions:
That fighting cease, that artillery
be withdrawn, that all Japanese sol-
diers evacuate Soviet territory, and
that Japan recognize the Chinese-
Russian treaty and attached border
Microfilm Aids Study, Power'
Tells Renaissance Conference
Prof. Chapman Will Describe
Soviet Union Journeys Today
Prof. Donald Chapman, University 1,0Z
of New Hampshire geologist and a
Michigan alumnus, will describe hisf
journeys in the Soviet Union last s
summer in a University Summer Lec-
ture at 7:30 p. m. today in the Rack
ham Auditorium.
Rapid advances in the art of micro-1
filming are making available to theE
classical scholar at small cost price-I
less old books and manuscripts whicht
he would not otherwise be able to
secure, Eugene Power of University
microfilm told a luncheon meeting ofi
the graduate conference; on Renais-
sance Studies yesterday.
Through the medium of the micro-t
film ancient books and manuscripts1
Prof. James H. Hanford's lec-
ture, "John Milton's Workshop,"
originally scheduled for this af-
ternoon will be given at 4:30 p.m.I
Aug. 11 in the Graduate School'
Samuel Putnam's lecture on 1
Rabelais, scheduled for Aug. 11,1
brary could be contained in an av-
erage sized room. At the present time,
Mr. Power is working upon a project
to film all the books listed in the
Short Title Catalogue before 1850. It
is possible, he said, for a man skilled
in microphotography to photograph
20 pages of type a minute. Many of
the great libraries of the world, in-
cluding the Vatican, the national li-
braries of France and Germany and
many university libraries in the Unit-
ed States now have facilities for mak-
ing and reproducing microfilms.
Many advantages accrue from the
microfilm, Mr. Power 'pointed out.
They can last a great while, the Bu-
reau of Standards having estimated
their total life at 500 years, while at
present about 100,000 pages of type
Four Fraternities To Play
Host To Students From
9 P.M. Until Midnight
Four Negro fraternities of the Sum-
mer Session will be hosts at a dance
open to all Negro students on campus
from 9 p.m. to midnight today at the
Chaperones for the affair will be
Mrs. Anne Smith, of League House
No. 2 and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wil-
liams of the Dunbar Community Cen-
ter. The Douglas Serenaders of Dle-
troit will furnish the music for the
The fraternities who are sponsor-
ing the affair are Alpha Phi Alpha,
Omega Psi Phi, Kappa Alpha Psi and
Phi Beta Sigma. The central commit-
tee planning the dance included Rob-
ert L. Gill, chairman of the negotia-
tions committee and M. A. Quarles of
Omega Psi Phi; J. Neil Armstrong and
Charles Womble of Phi Beta Sigma;
W. A. Warren and William Pollard of
Alpha Phi Alpha; and J. A. Mass and
L. A. Morgan of Kappa Alpha Psi.
Death Finally Catches
fup With Pearls White
In his lecture, which will be illus-
trated with slides, Professor Chap-
man will tell of trips to the Caucusas
region in southeastern Russia and the
Arctic islands of Nova Zembla, 900
miles from the North Pole. Professor
Chapman made the trips to these
regions while in attendance at the
17th International Geological Con-
gress in July, 1937.
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