THE MICHIGANDAILY i t . _.,,,, n It ' . - _ -- Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Publishe every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for repubication of al news dispatches credited to It or= not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also renered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class 'mail matter. subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $400;' by mal, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937.38 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTiSING DY National AdvertisingService,Inc. College Publishers Representativ 420 MADISON Ave. Ew YORK, N. Y. CICAS * BOSTO -.Los ANe LIS - 801 FKARCISCO Board of Editors Managing Editor . . . . Irving Silverman City Editor . . . . . . Robert I. Fitzhenry Assistant Editors . . ... Mel Fineberg, Joseph Gies, Elliott Maraniss, Carl Petersen, Harry Sonneborn, Dorothea Staebler. Business Department Business Manager . . . . Ernest A. Jones Credit Manager . . . Norman Steinberg Assistants . Philip Buchen, Walter Stebens NIGHT EDITOR: HARRY L. SONNEBORN The editorials published in The Michigan DaIly are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educational institu- tions in the best meaning of the term. -Alexander G. Ruthven. Murpha's State Planning Commission .. On June 22 of the current year Governor Frank Murphy appointed a permanent State Planning Commission. The purpose of this com- mission is to make "inquiries and researches into problems of employment, education, recreation, marketing, land utilization, industrial manage- ment and the like" so that we may have a "more intelligent direction and effective guidance of our economic and social development." For this inauspicious though highly significant venture the governor is to be commended. The multifarious legislative attempts to deal with problems too deep-rooted in our social and eco- nomic structure to be dealt with within the con- fines of archaic legislative formulas have been feeble and abortive. It would seem, that upon observing the United States against a Euro- pean background, both exigent and expedient to begin to substitute in a greater maasure than ever before conscious control for unseen hands, sup- plant chaos and unnecessary insecurity with planning and a minimum of security, as man has repeatedly done in his long encounter with the intangible, the illusive, the unseen, the ab- stract. All forms of planning, possess in the minds of many the stigma of authoritarianism. Yet if planning is done by labor consumers and gov- ernment, for labor consumers and government we have only to fear ourselves, which is as it should be. In the recent past although the federal gov- ernment has performed some planning on a national scale in the form of public works, our lame attempts at planning in industry and ag- riculture, the NRA and the AAA have been ' scarcity programs in order to make our price system work. The crassness of such programs assume a new light when we think of all the people who are "ill-clad, ill-housed, ill-fed." There will always be more wants than there are goods, that is, a form of relative scarcity, but why enforce a system of absolute scarcity. It is the most fitting tribute to our intellectual light- headedness to live in a country of abundant nat- ural resources, pervasive technological achieve- ments, masses of technical and unskilled work- ers, enticing "charts of plenty," and yet we tol- erate poverty, disease, unemployment, ignorance, and numerous other blights of civilization. Though Governor Murphy is to be commended for his audacious step, there is room for criticism, however, in the composition of the State Plan- ning Commission itself. Out of nine members, two are State officials, four are educators, and three are business executives. There is nothing wrong in the appointments per se, but there has been one important category omitted, namely or- ganized labor. Beneath the present appointments can be detected the effects of the walloping criti- cism the Governor received when he appointed the United Auto Workers' Vice-President Richard Frankensteen to a position on the State Relief Commission, a commission upon which labor un- questionably deserved a representative. The men appointed to the Planning Commission may very well be "men of broad vision, varied interests and wide knowledge of affairs, who will be able to formulate and pursue a well-rounded program of practical and intelligent planning which will receive public acceptance." But do not "in- through Abner E. Lamed, director of the state unemployment system, and the University of Michigan's William Haber, author of the State Unemployment Compensation Act, direct repre- sentation is as important for labor as it is for capital, which is amply represented on the Com- mission. - Historic and economic forces seem to indicate that the planning commission will as- sume a position of commanding significance in the future and hence magnifies the stake labor should have in the commission. It is no more than honest democratic procedure to allow Mich- igan labor to voice its sentiments in "inquiries and researches" that will influence the destiny of the Michigan working man. -Harold Ossepow. Arms Embargo On Spain... This week marks an anniversary--a first and not a very glad anniversary. One year ago a little group of Michigan students put aside their text books and tennis racquets and departed for Spain. It is safe to say that the spirit in which these students went off to war was considerably different from that prevailing 20 years earlier when a previous generation of Michigan men departed for European battlefields. These stu- dents were neither stirred by war bands nor in- flamed by patriotic editorials and speeches; they made their decisions privately, with no pres- sure from the outside, and in full knowledge of the consequences. They went to war with their eyes open. They were not out for heroics and a holiday, but because they believed they could contribute something, quite possibly at the cost of their lives, to the defense of civilization. In the war going on in Spain they saw a struggle between a workers' democracy in which every man and woman shared, as in the United States, in the government of the Republic, and a military hierarchy, in the employ of a group of great landowners and property owners intent uponpreserving the system of exploitation which had made them wealthy. They saw a struggle between a great people which had just achieved its freedom from centuries of oppression and two foreign dictators; intent on destroying the Re- public for their own profit. They saw a strug- gle for the Spanish earth between Spanish peas- ants, miners and workers, men and women of every sort, against German, Italian and Moor- ish mercenaries. They saw a struggle between democracy and tyranny, between, in short, right and-wrong. Today the fate of the Michigan men in the International Brigade is uncertain. It is known that at least one will not return. The Republic for which they fought is hard-pressed, and their lives may have been thrown away in vain. It is stupid to say that the world has not gained something from the, Michigan students and other young men of all nations who have gone to Spain to fight against Franco, even if their cause is ,lost. The crushing irony of the whole matter is that the Lincoln Battalion, in which most of the Americans were enlisted, has been under the fire of American bullets and bombs, sold to Germany and Italy by American munitions firms. And in the meantime, while Mr. Hull and Mr. Welles, solemnly condemn bar- barity in warfare, the embargo on arms to the Spanish Republic continues in force. Every success of fascism is an ultimate threat to the safety of the United States. The history of the last five years demonstrates that fascism never stops advancing as long as it meets no resistance. If Mussolini and Hitler are permitted to succeed in Spain, it will simply mean that they must be arrested at a later time, probably when they are much stronger, as a result of the Span- ish and other victories. In Paris people urging a stronger policy on the government say, "After Spain comes France." And after France, what? The Michigan men and their coinrades in arms have provided an opportunity for the democratic nations to halt fascism more easily and ef- fectively than they will ever be able to, in all probability, in the uncertain future if Franco is allowed to win his war. The resources of the two dictators are strained tenuously at present; Loyal Spain, amply provided with arms, could throw off her invaders. A victory for Loyal Spain would safeuard Czechoslovakia and France, and ultimately America. But the State Department continues to deal in phrases, while the bombs rain on Barcelona. -Joseph Gies. As Others See It Eternal Vigilance We are not sure of the authorship of the axiom that "eternal vigilance is the price of liberty," but we have never been more certain of its truth. It has been attributed to Thomas Jefferson, to Patrick Henry and to others. To- day, when liberty, is menaced in every civilized land, this axiom which had almost dropped out of common usage, comes back to us afresh and with a doubly forceful message. -Minnesota Leader. False Alarm The cry is again raised that freedom of the press is threatened. The plaintiff is J. David Stern, publisher of the New York Post. The Post was about to publish information it had pur- chased from L. G. Turrou, which had been ob- tained by Turrou in his official capacity as the Government's chief investigator in the German espionage affair. The Government is seeking to enjoin publica- tion of what has been described as the "signed confessions" of four suspects now in custody and still to be tried. The Government contends that publication at this time would hamper the prog- ress of the investigation now under way. Turrou has resigned as an investigator, though his resignation, it is explained, will not be ac- cepted and thus become formally effective, until September. The point need not be pressed. Let TH-EATRE By JOSEPH GLES Arms, And. The Man1t ARMS AND THE MAN, by George Bernard Shaw, pre- sented by the Michigan Repertory Players. Direction by Valentine B. Windt, scenery by Oren Parker and Robert Mellencamp, costumes by James V. Doll. At the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. George Bernard Shaw is reported severely ill in England at 82 while waiting for his next play to open, and everyone who saw the charming little piece of hilarity at the Mendelssohn last night must certainly wish the old guy a speedy recovery. Arms And The Man, which I can't help thinking of under its far better suited musical comedy title of The Chocolate Soldier, was given an exquisite performance by Ed Jurist, Charley Harrel and their Repertory collaborators. Mr. Harrell and Mr. Jurist, as the straw hero of Bulgaria and the sober and bourgeois Swiss soldier of fortune, respectively, provided the chief part of the entertainment. Each went through his part with a perfect understand of the somewhat archaic comedy technique required. H arrel's marvelous punch line, in response to the bewilderment of Major Petkoff (Truman Smith) over the revelation of the risque conduct of his daughter and his wife, "The world is not as in- nocent as we used to believe," was a perfectly placed and delivered climax. Mr. Smith and Nancy Bowman (Mrs. Major Petkoff) played with their customary bouncing gusto. Miss Bowman, if I remember correctly, played the same role in the production of The Chocolate Soldier a couple of summers ago, a production, incidentally, which, good as it was, did not equal last night's for sheer entertain- ment. Virginia Frink Harrell gave a good per- formance as Raina, the major's daughter, a part which could easily have been over-acted. Evelyn Smith was vivacious and extremely pretty as the successfully impudent servant girl, Louka. But the lion's share of credit, which is the only share he ever takes anyway, must go to the immortally witty G.B.S., may he live to be a hundred and eighty-two. ascribe to the Government equally sincere pur- pose? When the Government says, as it does say, that publication in advance of prosecution might obstruct its efforts and disserve justice, is it not fair to believe that the Government is tell- ing the truth? TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1938 1 VOL. XLVIII. No. 2 Summer School Reception is to bet held in the Horace Rackham Schoolr for Graduate Studies on July 1st at 8:30 p.m. The following rooms have been assigned to the various depart- ments:f Administrative Receiving Line, As-t sembly Room, 3rd floor, Professor4 Hopkins. Biological Chemistry, Blue Room, 3rd floor, Professor Lewis. Chemistry, Blue Room. 3rd floor, Professor Schoepfle. Hygiene and Public Health, Read-t ing Room, 2nd floor, Dr. Sundwall. International Law, West Wing of Assembly Room, 3rd floor, Professori Reeves.1 Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Men's Lounge, 2nd floor, Professor Hall. Library Science, Women's Lounge, 2nd floor. Dr. Bishop. Linguistic Institute, Men's Lounge, 2nd floor, Professor Friese. Mechanical Engineering, E a s t Council Room, 2nd floor, Professor Erickson. Music, Women's Lounge, 2nd floor, Professor Moore. Physics, Blue Room, 3rd floor, Professor Randall. Renaissance Studies, East Confer- ence Room, 3rd floor, Professor Rice. School of Education, Reading Room, 2nd floor, Dean Edmonson. Speech and Play Production, Wom- en's Lounge, 2nd floor, Professor Sande3°s. The Beginners Class in Social Danc- ing will have their first meeting to- night (Tuesday, June 28th) at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan League Ball- room. Sign up for lessons when you come to the class. Six lessons for $1.50. Summer School Chorus: A recrea- tional hour open to all summer school students without fee. 7 to 8 p.m. Morris Hall (Broadcasting Sta- tion), State Street, every Tuesday night.j Music School Men: Do you want to DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN be a Kingfish? Then attend a meet- ing in Room 222 Michigan Union, this evening at 8 p.m. Prominent speakers! F u n! Refreshments! Make new friends! E.E. 7a. Building Illumination. Those desiring to enroll in this course will meet Tuesday at 4 in Room 247, West Engineering Building, to ar- range hours. Political Science 250. The organiza- tion meeting, originally scheduled for Tuesday, June 28. at 3 p.m., will take place Wednesday, June 29, at 4 p.m. in Room 2033 Angell Hall. Dancing will have their first meeting Wednesday, June 29 at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan League Ballroom. Sign up for lessons when you come to the class. Six lessons for $1.50. Professor P. P. Ewald from the Crystallographic Laboratory at Cam- bridge, England, will give two lec- tures. (1) Weedneesday, June 29 at 4:15 p.m. in room 151 Chemistry Building on "How to look at crystal structure determinations." (2) On Thursday, June 30 at 11:00 a.m. in room 1041 Physics Building, "Mul- tiple reflection of X-rays in Cry- stals." Rotarians in the Summer Session: The Ann Arbor Rotary Club is an- xious to secure at once the names ard1 addresses of all Rotarians enrolled in the Summer Session. The Club de- sires to extend the usual courtesies to visiting Rotarians and especially to invite them to the Smoker, at the Michigan Union, Tuesday, July 5, and ;he Conference on International Serv- ice, July 6. They are requested to leave their names and addresses in Room 9, University Hall, at their earliest convenience. Dr. Mowat G. Fraser will deliver a lecture at 4:05 p.m. Tuesday, in the University High School Auditor- ium. 'His topic will be "The Causes and Ranges of Current Educational Treends--An Attempt to Gain Per- spective." June 28 to Jply 1 inclusive, Profes- sor R. Keith Cannan of New York University will lecture on "The Physical Chemistry of the Proteins and the Amino Acids." This lecture will be at 2:00 o'clock p.m., in room 303 of the Chemistry Building. All students of the Summer Session who I are interested are invited to attend. Phi Delta Kappa. The first of the regular Tuesday luncheon meetings of Phi Delta Kappa will be held Tuesday at 12:15 in the Michigan Union. Dean J. B. Edmonson of the School of Education is the speaker. All Phi Delta Kappas are urged to attend. I An Assembly of undergraduate and graduate students interested in Edu- cation will meet Tuesday at 4:10 p.m.' in the University High School Au- ditorium. IThe Intermediate Class in. Social ..Chemistry Lectures. During the Summer Session the following lec- tures will be held in the Chemistry Building. Wed. June 29-Professor P. P. Ewald, Cambridge, England. How to look at crystal structure determin- ations. Wed. July 6-Professor H. H. Will- ard. Fluorescense and its applica- tion to analytical chemistry. 3d or 4th week-Professor J. W. Cook, London, England. Cancer pro- ducing substancees. Professor C. S. Schoepfle. Discovery and development of synthetic dyes. Wed., July 27--Professor F. E. Bartell. Recent developments in syn- thetic plastics. synthetic plastics. Wed. August 3-Professor F. F. Blicke. Developments in synthetic drugs. Wed. August 10- Professor K. Fajans. Newer views on the nature of chemical forces. All lectures will be held at 4:15 in room 151 Chemistry Building, ex- cept the lecture of Professor J. W. Cook, which will be held in room 165. Exact dates of these lectures will be announced later. Graduate Conference on Renais- sance Studies Luncheon, Thursday; June 30, 12:15 p.m. at the Michigan Union. Fifty-seven cents per person. Professor Bush will speak. Make reservations at the English Of.ce. 3221 Angell Hall. Excursion Number 1. Thursday, June 30, 2 p.m. Tour of the Campus. The party meets in the lobby of Angell Hall, facing on State Street, at 2 p.m. The students will make an (Continued on Page 3) IKYALVM BOOKS ~andO K i'I FOR THE SUMMER, SESSION LOADS OF THEM AT BARGAIN PRICES! - - --~ Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Note Books Laboratory Supplies, etc., etc. EVERYTHING FOR THE STUDENT - at- 21F Cn..4i.L am.e& tmj 1