THE MICHIGAN DAILY THI XA I I IE MICHIGAN DAILY Is Anthropology Still Fettered By The Pseudo-Science Of The Slave Era? ,_ , -/ dhitedand managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board In Oontrol of Student Publications. ubllsheo every morning except Monday during the Univerity yer and Bummer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the U8e for republication of all news patches credited to it~ r not otherwise credited in ti newspber. All ruhts of republication Of all other ntt rs rein also reserved. n tered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. . Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by. mail, $4.50.. Sember, Associated Collegiate Press, 19378 REPrESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVSRTI1Na .Y NatiouialAdvertisiogServiceInc. CollegePublishers Reresantatioe 480 MADrisON jAvE. 4w Y R, . Y. CICAG * "aoSQn os AwOiEs *SN ARSWCO Board of Editors I'ANAGING EDITOR .. IRVING SILVERMAN City Editor . . . . . . Robert I. 'Fitzhenry Assistant Editors . . . . . Mel Fhieberg, oJoseph Gies, Elliot Maraniss, Ben M. Marino> Carl Petersen, Suzanne Potter, Harry L. Sonneborn.. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ... ERNEST A. JONES Creit Manager . . . . Norman Steinberg Cirtulationi Manager . .. J. Cameron Hall Assistants . . Philip Buchen, Walter -Stebens, NIGHT EDITOR: HARRY L. SONNEBORN The editorials published In The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to- reforrm the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educational 1tli- tions in the best meaning of the term. -Alexander . Ruthven. A Lesson For Education .-'. FDUCATION IS STILL in the pioneer- E °ing stage. Dr. L. W. Keeer of the School of Education was only agreeing with wores of liberal-minded educators throughout the nation when he said last week that "educa- tio1 is still an extremely wasteful process." But, unlike many movements, enterprises, and ideas that have been pioneered in the past, edu- cation may draw from suggestions from methods used in other fields which are similarly operated. Ignoring such criticism is worse than mere stnight-laced conservatism. It is sheer laziness. jAnd educators today are guilty of sheer laziness when they flaunt modern curricula as designed for the individual, The truth is that the typical modern curriculum is basic, and any invidual variations that may exist are variations in quan- tity, not in content of work. The child whose work is not quite up to par is not required to do quite.-as much, or he may be given special assist- ance. The superior student is required to com- pllete the standard curriculum and, possibly some extra assignment. But on the whole there is no variation whatsoever in content of work accom- plished. -Of course, we must remember that in the field of special education for the mentally and physi-' cally handicapped, great strides have been, and are being taken, Our neighbors at Ypsilanti soon may be working in cooperation with our School of- Education to help devise and apply the best possible curricula for the handigapped. But the plight of the particularly gifted student is still pathetic. He is forced to do the same work every- one else in his class does. He may advance through a standard curriculum in less time than his fellows, but if he does he is forced into a high school, college, or business world to which he is poorly adjusted because of his age. New York City educators are beginning to realize his plight, and have generated a spa k of realization that may some day light the torch that will point the way to individual training.. -For that is just the problem: to teach the individual, not the class. Mr. Gerald Bush of the Michigan State Parole Board tells us that in- dividual education in its strictest sense is actually accomplished in this state in the training and rehabilitation of all persons confined in institu- tions. This education is based on a case history report that is compiled by an expert board, made up of sociologists, psychologists, teachers, and doctors. The typical case history used in a Michigan penal institution treats of all the fac- tors that enter into the makeup of the individual from his childhood on. With such reference ma- terial as this, it is but a short step to an educa- tion that considers only the particular back- ground and aptitudes of the individual. Compiling such a case history for the public school student would not be the herculean task. that it might appear. It would be merely a, matter of keeping a running record of the student's progress, supplemented by studies of. his home life and- outside contacts. A start toward such a record has been made with the so-called "longi- tudinal studies" being developed by Dr. S. A. Courtis. This longitudinal type of study is all By Thomas B. Smith Editor's Note: The following article was written by Mr. Smith. a teacher in the WilliamsPenn High School, High Point, N. C., and was delivered before the science division of North Carolina Negro Teach- ers Association in Apri. In preparing the material for this paper, the author measured only 244 people, but he feels that -a generalization is possible from the results because of the facthat the 244 were quite representative of American Negroes. The study was made over a period of two years. There are no Negroes in the United States if such "highly reputable works" as Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopedia Americana, Dr. Rich- ard Goldschmidt's "Ascaris, The Biologist's Story of Life", and most biology and geography textbooks used in the public schools are to be taken as criteria in defining race. I have arrived at this' apparently strange conclusion after a careful study of such works as just mentioned over a period of two years, and by an anthropo- metric study of 244 so-called American Negroes from laborer to professionAl. Before giving the results of the measurements and the reasons for the. conclusion that I have drawn, let us view the characteristics of the Negro as given by the refer- ence books I have given. The 14th edition of Britannica, which states that it is a survey of universal knowledge, has much to say about the characteristics of the Negro. In giving Camper's Angle, commonly known as the Facial Angle (the projection of the jaw beyond a perpendicular line dropped from the forehead) it says that the two extremes are from the Negro to the .Grecian Antique. Going further it says that with an angle of 70 degrees you have the Negro; less than 70 degrees and you have an Orangutan (one of the anthropoid apes); lessen it still more and you have the head of a dog. It gives the facial angle of the European as 93 degrees and that of the New Guinea Native as 75 degrees. In other words, according to Bri- tannica, there is more resemblance between the face of a Negro and-that of an ape than there isbetween the face of a Negro and that of a Caucasian. Yet both Negro and Caucasian be- long to the same species, Homo sapiens, and there is no other animal in the same classifica- tion with man after leaving the order to which he belongs-Primates. In the, matter of cephalic index (the ratio of the idth of the head to its length) both Britan- nica and Americana speak of the Negro as being dolichocephalic or long headed, having a cephalic index of 70, and of the European as mesocephal- ic, having a cephalic index of 80. Americana fur- ther states that Negroes have long, protruding jaws, abnormally long arms that sometimes reach the knee-pan, and a somewhat prehensible large toe (opposable large toe). Dr. Goldschmidt, professor of Zoology at the University of Cali- fornia, states in his book, "Ascoris," that the African Negro has no typical calf of the leg; that is, that the Negro has a long, straight, non-bulg- ing muscle in the leg. He further states that no matter how much a Negro may exercise his leg muscle never bulges and that the Negro has a long heel bone. From these works, then, we get a picture of the Negro as a person with a long narrow head, full protruding jaws more apelike than manlike, long apelike arms, a large toe almost opposable to the other digits of the foot, and a straight non-bulg- ing leg. Now let us look at the results of my investiga- tion, bearing in mind that I made the measure- ments on about as heterogeneous a group as can be found among American's tenth man. I found the average head index to be 78.3, which is 8.3 higher than that given by Britannica and Americana and only 1.7 less than that given for Europeans. An index of 78.3 is definitely meso- cephalic or medium headed. I found the average facial angle to be 88 degrees, just 18 degrees above that given by Britannica. The lowest angle found was 82 degrees and the possessor was a cripple obviously deformed in the face. The highest angle found was 93 degrees. In the leg measurements I did not find one with the straight, nonbulging leg described by Dr. Goldschmidt. Everyone had a bulging calf that narrowed into a long tendon attached to a short heel bone and not a long one as Dr. Gold- schmidt said. The average curvature of the leg or ratio of the lower part to the calf is practic-. ally the same as that of white Americans as I measured the legs of white people to check on this point. Dr. Goldschmidt infers that a Negro ath- lete's leg will not develop a bulging calf no mat- ter how much it is exercised. Yet, when I was a student at Wilberforce University, which draws its students from practically every section of the United States where Negroes live, the West Indies, South and Central America, the sixty or more boys who yearly went out for football always presented evidence of calves being en- larged due to exercise. And, may I add that they were a representative cross section of the student body. The matter of the prehensile large toe men- tioned by Americana may be dismissed also. While I did not make any measurement-of the toes of those investigated (confining myself solely to legs, face, and head) yet I have watched bare- foot boys and girls playing in the streets and barefoot college men in the bathrooms and I have yet to see a prehensile or apelike toe. In fact, unless Americana is prepared to go all the way and call the Negro an anthropoid ape this statement could not be true because the matter of the large toe is one of the criteria upon which man is differentiated from the anthropoids; that is, man has a large toe that is not opposable to the other digits of the foot while the large toe of the anthropoid is opposable to the other digits of the foot. Of course, one might attempt to explain my findings by saying that the American Negro is not of pure Negro ancestry. And I very readily agree that he is not of pure Negro ancestry, that is, not all American Negroes are. But let us care- approximately 20%. If this is true, then we should find this same percentage of the popula- tion exhibiting the characteristics enumerated by Britannica, Americana, and Dr. Golgchmidt. Let us bear in mind that only 10.2% are doli- chocephalic and that even they have an average index of 72.14 or 2.14 above that given by Britan- nica. Stating it in another way, only 1.6% of the heterogeneous 244 had cephalic indices that fell below Britannica's 70 or exceeded it by one or less. Yet, according to the source books, I should have found approximately 20% with an average index, of 70, which means that many, would have had indices of less than 70. The obvi- ous conclusion is that something is wrong and I assure you that it does not lie with my figures or methods. The point is even more striking when we review the difference between Britannica's facial angle of 70 degrees and the average of 88 degrees that I found. Again it is strking in that not one was found to have the typical African Negro leg as Dr. Goldschmidt calls it. Of equal importance is the fact that the individuals pos- sessing the most pigment or the darkest color were not confined to one facial or head grouping, but were interspersed throughout the whole just as the ones of obviously mixed ancestry were. In fact, the most brachycephalic person that I measured was about as dark in color as is found in America. His index was 85.5. How can such variations be reconciled with the statements of the source books? Returning to Americana a moment we note that it says that the head index is the least changeable of all body characteristics under the mutable. conditions of environment and that it gives the final stamp of racial distinctions, in its dolichocephalic and brachycephalic classifica- tions. It, therefore, appears that the Am rican Negro is not a Negro, especially if being a Negro means meeting the requirements laid down in Britannica and Americana. It is not my purpose to prove that the American, Negro is identical in every respect with the Cau- casian, though the anthropometric measure- ments are far more similar than dissimilar as reference books might lead one to believe. My purpose is merely to point out the fact that he does not fit the straight jacket prepared for him and to dispell some of the false ideas held by some Negroes themselves and many Caucasians due to the false information that was circulated by the pseudo-scientists of the Slave Era. To be sure there is a slightly greater protrusion in the jaw of the so-called Negro than in that of the Caucasian; but why call this a more apish charac- teristic than the thin lips of the Caucasian tapes have thin lips) or the greater amount of hair present on the body of the Caucasian? These are facts, yet no source book proclaims that he is just one jump ahead of the anthropoids. Moreover, all men bear resemblances to the higher apes in skeleton, muscles, teeth, position of eyes, struc- ture of the hand, and even motions and facial expressions. Then how can one of these be pointed out as being little more than an Orang- utan without saying the same thing about all? Just as Clark Wissler states in his "An Intro- duction to Social Anthropology", this false infor- mation got its start due to the conflict between those who held slaves and those who contended that it was against the teachings of both God and man. The non-slave holders hurled at the slave holders that they were keeing men in bondage against the teachings of the Bible. The latter could not swallow that. They forthwith called to their defense the anthropologists who proceeded to find what they were expected to find-that the Negro was not really human but more apelike than manlike and possessed of a childlike mind that could never be developed to do anything worthwhile and it was therefore permissable in the sight of God to enslave him just as the mule or horse. This trash has tenaciously held on in litera- ture and pseudo-scientific works ever since it was It Seems To Me By HEYWOOD BROUN STAMFORD, Conn., Aug. 3. - It must be that there is a carbon in my sensitivity to news. By now I am re- conciled to the fact that nobody will ever call me a first class report- er. I wouldn't even go that far myself.t When a hurri- cane hit Florida at an odd mom- ent a few years ago I was trap- ped like a fish in, an underground cafe and was com- pelled to drink my way through the, storm, seeing nothing.1 But until yesterday I did think II could feel an earthquake if I hap- pened to be in the middle of it. Ac- cording to the Rev. Father Joseph Lynch, S. J., director of Fordham's seismological observatory, the very center of the temblor lay along the line of hills which run between Rye and Stamford.I My manor, Well Enough, on Hunt- ing Ridge, must have felt the full force of the impact. And yet I was shocked not at 5:02 a.m. but well along in the afternoon when I got the evening papers from New York I and learned that I had been the vic- tim of an earthquake.f Of course, I might laugh off the de- linquency by saying that I had been participating in the night life of New Canaan and that I dropped off to slumber so oafishly that naught but Gabriel's trumpet could have roused me. The only trouble with this ex- cuse is that there is no truth in it. * * * A Clean Breast Of It For two months I have been train- ing assiduously for an athletic con- test. I did my six miles of road work a little late and retired early. It might be just as well to make a clean breast of the whole shameful busi- ness. Long before 5 in the morning I was up and at my typewriter work- ing on a novel. It's a good time to work, for no phone bells ring, and the whippoor- wills have ceased from troubling. Even the frogs in the pond have stopped.croaking their chant of "Ga- lumph, Galumph." Chang, the mixed police and Airedale, was putting on his howling act, but I am used to that, and the mournful cadence was in accord with the theme which I was trying to handle. Foulke's roosters were warming up, but that also served to establish the mood of the piece in front of me. The current chapter happened to concern Peter in the house of the high priest. ".And about the space of one hour after,danother confidently affirmed, saying, 'Of a truth this fellow also was with Him, for He is a Galilean.' And Peter said, 'Man, I know not what thou sayest.' And immediately, while he yet spake, the cock crew." It must have been about this time the earthquake struck Stamford. It was thunderstorm weather. There was lightning over High Ridge and distant growling. Thunder On The Right This time I didn't mind so much, even though it was thunder on the right; which is the worst quarter. I was looking for the right phrase, and suddenly I thought I had it and hammered the words home on the machine with two fingers. The type- writer, and even the table, seemed to give a little, but I misconstrued the fact and thought the slight sway was merely an indication that I didn't know my own strength. Indeed, I said to myself (a very bad habit), "I must have been good when I wrote that." Along about 2 or 3 in the after- noon, the newsdealer came all the way over to Potato Patch to hand me the Home Edition with Opening Wall Street prices. "What did you thnik of the Re- publican landslide?" he asked. "What landslide?" "The earthquake," he answered, roaring with laughter. "I was sleep- ing in my cot in the store, and it dumped me out. If I hadn't lit on a bundle of Herald Tribunes I might have bustedI myneck. There it is on the front page of your paper. I thought you were a reporter and maybe you sent in the item." ning-all of the background material being packed into the opening dia- logue between Mrs. Geoghegan (Claribel Baird) and one of her daughters, Kate (Helen Eden), who. fumbled among the dishes on the table until they were relieved of their recitations. But with the entrance of Whitford Kane, the old but practical lover, and his antics with Nancy Bowman, who to save the family's "face" talked herself into a marriage, the action and subsequently the in- terest increased. The playing of Mr. Kane and Miss Bowman deserves special mention for their work kept the drama alive, and. the audience acknowledged these performances with several rounds of THURSDAY, AUG. 4, 1938 VOL. XLVIH. No. 33 "The Soviet Union Faces Japan and China." Lecture by Prof. George B. Cressey at 4:30 p.m. today in the Lec- ture Hall of the Rackham Building. Luncheon of the Graduate Con- ference' on Renaissance Studies,, Thursday, Aug. 4, 12:15 p.m. at the Michigan Union. Mr. Eugene 'Power will speak on "Photographic Repro- ductions and Photographic Processes As Aids to Research in Renaissance Materials." Make reservations at the English Office, 3221 Angell Hall. Professor J. H. Hanford's lecture, "John Milton's Workshop," which has been scheduled for Aug. 5 will be giv- en on Thursday, Aug. 11, at 4:30 in the Main Auditorium of the Horace H. Rackham School. Mr. Samuel Putnam's lecture on Rabelais is can- celled. Graduation Recital. Tom Kinkead, irganist, of Cheyenne, Wyo., will an-I pear in recital in partial fulfillmentl of the requirements for the Master of Music degree, Thursday evening, Aug. 4, at 8:15 o'clock, in Hill auditorium. The public is invited to attend with- out admission charge. Stalker Hall. Swimming part,, and picnic, Thursday. Meet at Stalker Hall at 5 p.m. Transportation will be furnished. Small charge for food and swimming. For reservations, call 6881 before Thursday noon. This is important. Summer Session French Club: The next meeting of the Club will take place on Thursday, Aug. 4, at 8 p.m., at "Le Foyer Francais," 1414 Washte- naw. Mr. Didier Graeffe of Belgium, and now at Lawrence Institute of Tech- nology, Highland Park, will speak. The subject of his talk will be "Un Voyage en Nigerle." Songs, games, refreshments. Linguistic Institute Luncheon Con- ference, 12:10 p.m, Thursday, in Room 222 of the Michigan Union. Dr. Murray B. Emeneau will discuss "Parts of Speech and Types of Predi- cation in Dravidian." Dr. C. 0. Davis will - sak at 4:05 ;his afternoon on "Travel ii Mexico," in the University High Schoc Audi- torium. This replaces Dr. Belt's lec- ture which was scheduled for the time. Vagabond King: Orchestra rehear- sal tonight at Lane Hall, second floor, (Continued on Page 4) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Classified Directory] Full year's Michigan license. 4 good WORLD FRIENDSHIP SOCIETY tires. New seat covers. Runs fine. Promoting friendly correspond- F. T. Brown, Fletcher Hall.. 57x ence abroad. Nominal charge-ten cents each address. Phone 2-3868 STENOGRAPHIC SERVICE Theses, for listings or delivery. 827 Sylvan Mimeographing. Margaret Carpen- Avene. 912 a m. -9 p m.tar. Office, 400 Wolverine: Bldg. Avenue. 9-12 a. m. 7-9 p. m. Phone 7181. 58x SILVER LAUNDRY--We call for and VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist. Reasonable rates. 706 Oakland, deliver. Bundles individually done, Phone 6327. 17x no markings. All work guaranteed. LOST-ALGold Waltham Watch, some- where in Majestic Theatre Tues- Phone 5594, 607 E. Hoover. 3x day night. The Watch 'was won LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. and is treasured as a keepsake. If Careful work -at low price. 5x the finder will onlykead the in- Careul orkat lw pice 5x scription on the back, he wll real- DRESS MAKING and Alterations. ize how much it means to me. I will Mrs. Walling. 118 E. Catherine. pay a large reward for its return. Phone 4726. 34x Please phone 2-3653 or Majestic Theatre. 61x TYPING - Experienced. Reasonable L__,T--Ray___Jnes'___iderue rates. Phone 8344. L. M. Heywood LOST-Ray S. Jones'_ slide rule, 43r Union Cafeteria Tuesday noon. Re- ward, Box 30, Eloise, Mich. .60x TYPING - Neatly and accurately done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. WANTED-3 passengers to Mar- Dial 5244. 2x quette or vicinity. Leaving Sunday morning. Custer Homeier, 716 FOR SALE--$35.00. 1929 Ford coach. Church. Phone 4372. 59x They HIT p - - .. M- - Nr presented during the slave era. And (Continued on Page 3) instead of THEATREF Whiteheaded Boy A twenty-four hour long Irish family squabble almost bogged down in the first act of "The Whitebheaded Boy" at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre last night until Whitford Kane's second act entrance stimulated the cast as well as the audience into an appreciation of what the play was intended to be. It has always been maintained by the author, Lennox Robinson, and Mr. Kane bears him out, that the play was meant to be, and is, a simple Irish comedy, nothing more or less, despite num- erous attempts by critics to attach political or economic significance to it. As this the audience received it and was treated to an entertaining and satisfying performance, such as was "Broth- er Rat," presented several weeks ago by the Rep- ertory Players. When the Geoghegans met the Duffys (of rather dubious and inconsistent Irish brogues last night) a good fight to the finish seemed im- minent, but everything ended happily, with a couple of marriages. The whiteheaded boy was one of Mrs. Geoghegan's sons, Denis, (Morlye Baer) who had been sent to Dublin to be a doc- tor. When Denis failed for the third tme, the family, led by the breadwinner son, Peter, (Steph- en Filipiak) decided to oust this boy who had been given the reputation of being clever princi- pally by Mrs. Geoghegan, and send him off to Canada to give the other five children a break. But in walked John Duffy (Mr. Kane) with a breach of promise suit for his daughter (Evelyn The MARK! is an Advertising Opportunity'. that can't miss! Advertise your Fall Rooms to Rent in the huge ORIENTATION ISSUE---sent to all prospec- tivefreshmen. --AUon Satur-w yAugust13th. Bring Your Ad to III