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August 04, 1938 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1938-08-04

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Partly cloud, considerably
coolr; fair tomorrow. it
Official Publication Of The Summer Session

A Lesoni
For Education ...

Landslide Win
kMakes Clark A
Possibility As
'40 Candidate
Dodd, Hamilton, New Deal
.;Backers Lose In Virginia
Test For House . Seats
New Deal Wins
In Two Primaries
WASHINGTON, Aug. 3.-(P)-SenL
Bennett Clark's overwhelming re-
nomination in Tuesday's Democratic
primary in Missouri prompted one
of his senatorial colleagues to de-
clare today that Clark is an oucstand-
ing possibility for President in 1940.
Sen. Rush Holt (Dem., W.Va.) de-
scribed Clark's victory as a "great
tribute to his independence of
thought and action," and said it "put
him in a position for important con-
sideration for the Democratic presi-
dential nomination" two yars hence.
Clark, with the backing of the' two
major Democratic factions in Mis-
souri, snowed under two opponents,
both of whom swore 100 per cent al-
legiance to President Roosevelt.
Clark has opposed some Administra-
tion policies.l
Hamilton Expresses Pleasure
Holt wa not the only Administra-
tion ctitic to rejoice over the Tuesday
John Hamilton, Chairman of the
Republican National Committee,
viewed the results in Virginia as a
Ocrushing and humiliating defeat"',
for the New Deal. In that state,
Rep. Howard Smith defeated Wil-
liam E. Dodd, Jr., and former Rep.
Colgate Darden won over Rep. No-
man Hamilton. Dodd and Hamilton
appealed for votes on "Support
Roosevelt" platforms.
Terming Dodd the "'White House
candidate," Hamilton said his defeat,
"coming on the heels of the defeat
of Maury Maverick in Texas, again
indicates the grass roots swing away
from Roosevelt and the New Deal
that is taking place throughout the
Happy Over Returns £
Hamilton said he was "very happy"
over the returns from his home state
of Kansas. There the Republican
Senatorial nomination went to form-
er Gpv. Clyde Reed. Hamilton and
other Republican leaders had op-
posed the Rev. Gerald B. Win'od,
who lost a fight for the senatorial
Roosevelt supporters viewed as fa-
vqrable to their cause the results in
West Virginia, fotirth state to hold
primary tests Tuesday. In the only
three districts with contests, pro-Ad-
ministration incumbents were renom-
inated. They were Representatives
Ramsay, Edmiston and Johnson.,
Power To Speak
On Photo Aids
Will Address Renaissance
Mr. Eugene Power, head of Uni-
versity Microfilms, will speak on
"Photographic Reproductions a n d
Photographic Processes as Aids to Re-
search in Renaissance Materials" at
the weekly luncheon meeting of the
Graduate Conference on Renaissance

Studies at 12:15 p. m. today in the
Mr. Power has been instrumental in
the wide application of microfilmingt
to scholarly research. He was in
charge of the project for filming the
books listed in the Short Title Cata-
logue up to 1550, which has given
the scholar of the Middle Ages and
the Renaissance easy access to rare1
books and manuscripts. His plan for
micro-filming of doctoral disserta-
tions h1as created considerable inter-1
est and discussion in many universi-
Prof. James H. Hanford of Westernj
Reserve University will speak at the
weekly lecture at 4:15 p. m. tomorrow
in the Graduate School Auditorium
on "John Milton's Workshop."
Hope Dims For Clipper
In Fifth Day Of Search

Heart Of Spain' To Feature Town
Meet Today In Civilian Aid Drive
7 I

Ann Arbor Citizens Asked
To Give Food, Clothing
For Spanish War Victims
A Town Meeting at 8 p. m. tonight
in the Ann Arbor High School Audi-
torium will officially open the local
section of a national drive to send a
5,00-ton shipload of food and cloth-
ing to the civilian victims of the
Spanish War.
"Heart of Spain," a documentary
film financed and produced by rank-
ing Hollywoodactors will be shown
at the open meeting.
Tom Jones and Candida Kronold,
a Hitler refugee, who are touring the
country under the auspices of the

Amercan Friends Service Committee,
a Quaker organization, will be the
guest speakers. The local speakers
will be announced and introduced at
the meeting.4
2500 letters explaining the nature
and urgency of the current effort to
provide the Spanish women and chil-
dren with food and sufficiently warm
clothing so that they may be better
prepared to withstand the rigors of
another winter of warfare, were dis-
tributed yesterday. Beginning this
afternoon, and continuing on Friday
and Saturday afternoons,a truck,
donated by the University Store-
house Department, will call at Ann
Arbor homes, soliciting contributions
of any sort.

it II I I IIifli ll I VIII II I I Al I A" i i A"I I e I I II 11

Health Trends
Discussed Here
B Prof. Rugen
Increased Stress On Full
View Of Subject Is Called
Important Trend Today
Recent developments in health ed-
ucation were discussed yesterday by
Prof. Mabel E. Rugen, speaking on
"Trends in Health 'Education," in the
.University High School Auditorium.
Professor Rugen said that the most
important general trend in health
education was the growing emphasis
on the production of a well-rounded
view of the subject, rather than an
effort simply to teach certain factors
without integration.
New interpretations in health edu-
cation were cited by Professor Rugen
as comprising three major divisions
of the field. Health service, she said,
is coming to be thought of in terms
of educational values instead of pure
service work, while still including the
customary health examinations and
disease prevention.
Healthful. school living, according
to Professor Rugen, today means
school conditions 'that are best -for
learning, conditions in the physical
environment of the pupil that go to
make up the most congenial at-
mosphere for study. Healthful school
living also includes the proper plan-
ning of the school daily schedule to
allow for proper proportioning of time
between work and rest in young chil-
Health instruction, another aspect
of the new interpretation in health
education, is coming to mean the
direct application of individual exper-
iences to fundamental health teach-
ings, Professor Rugen said.,
New ideas in organization and ad-
ministration of school health pro-
grams, according to Professor Rugen,
include the organization of the health
education staff of the school directly
under the school principal or his as-
sistant, rather than the establish-
ment of the staff as a separate de-
partment on the same footing as aca-
demic departments of the school ad-

Toll Heavy In
Reel Bombing
Of Barcelona
Five Franco Planes Rain
Shells In Center Of City
In Spectacular Attack
BARCELONA, Aug. 3.--(P)-Aided
by the light of a new moon, Insurgent
planes raided Barcelona tonight for
the third time since bombing of the
Cathedral of Barcelona July 19.
Roaring over the capital twice in
a spectacular attack, five bombers
plunged their cargoes squarely into
the city, .,spreading destruction'
through many of the central states.
An estimate of the number of vic-
tims and extent of damage was not
available immediately, but it was
feared they would be high.
The city was blacked out at 10:40
p.m. by an air raid alarm effective
for three hours.
Tarragona, 50 miles west by south-
west of Barcelona, was bombed earlier
in the day along with simultaneously
intensified attacks on the Ebro bat-
tlefield and communication lines.
German Club Holds
Huron Hills Picnic
The hills of the Huron reverberated
last night with the happy sound of
German songs, caroled by picnicking
members of the German Club and of
the faculty of the German Depart-
ment. Athletic games were featured,
and such German dishes as Wiener-
wurst, Kartoffelsalat, Gurken and
Apfelstrudell added to the enjoy-
ment of the outing.
Arrangements for the picnic were
made by Vernon Kelett, Grad., and
Herbert Birkman, Grad., who are act-
ing as social chairmen of Deutscher
Verein for the summer.
The concluding event on the pro-
gram of the Deutscher Verein will be
banquet for which plans are now be-
ing made. Details will be announced
later this week.

China, Japan
Claim Gains
In Air Battle
Large-Scale Air Fight Near
Hankow Draws Victory
Claim From Both Sides
Shanghai, Tokyo
Stories In Conflict
SHANGHAI, Aug. 4--(Thursday)-
(P)-Both Chinese and Japanese
claimed victory today in a large-scale
air battle near Hankow, provisional
Chinese capital and target of the
Japanese drive up the Yangtze river.
Japanese asserted that a Japanese
ar fleet engaged '54 Chinese' planes,
shot down 32, and destroyed seven
more in a bombing raid yesterday on
Hankow which ended with only two
Japanese craft missing.
Chinese declared they lost only six
plank~ and. brought %down 12 Japanese
raiders, Including one bomber.
Japanese grouna forces were ad-'
mitted by Chinese to have entered
Hwangmei, slightly more than 100
air miles east of Hankow, but Chinese
said the invaders were "under water."
The city was said to have been
flooded by rising Yangtze river waters
which poured through broken dikes.
Japs Enter Hwangmei
"The warfare prevented repair of
the broken embankments," Chinese
said, in apparent denial of Japanese
charges that the dikes were beingut
deliberately to halt the Japanese ad-
Japanese striking at Nanchang,
Chinese air base 90 miles south of the
conquered Yangtze river port of Kiu-
kiang, were said to have overcome
Chinese resistance kto reach a point
within 50 miles of their objective.
Strike At Nanchang
Official Japanese reports of the
Hankow air battle said "all efforts of
China to rebuild her air force have
been pulverized by Japanese at-
tacks." Japanese said they virtually
had destroyed a Chinese air fleet of
American, British and Russian planes.
"The morale of the Chinese fliers
was low," a navy communique stated.
"They sought to flee but were pur-
sued and shot down."
Mexico Rejects
U.S. Farmland
Indemnity Plan
Asks Two-Party Discussion
Of Issue; Says Payment
Is Not Required By Law
MEXICO CITY, Aug. 3-MP)-Mex-
ico rejected the United States' pro-
posal of July 21 to submit to arbitra-
tion the question of Mexico's failure
to indemnify American citizens whose
farm lands she has expropriated since
Aug. 30, 1927.
Instead, Mexico proposed two-party
discussion of the issue, asserting ar-
bitration to be "unnecessary" and
A note handed by Cordell Hull,
United States Secretary of State, to
the Mexican Ambassador in Washing-
ton, Francisco Castillo Najera, July
21 admitted Mexico's right to ex-
propriate, but insisted upon prompt
payment. Hull declared international
law provided for this.
Mexico's reply today, which Foreign
Minister Eduardo Hay handed to

American Ambassador Josephus Dan-
iels, held that no principle of inter-
national law "universally accepted in
theory nor realized in practice," made
obligatory the payment of immediate
compensation, or even deferred com-
pensation, for expropriations of a
"general and impersonal nature."
Secretary Hull s t a t e d t h a t
$10,132,388 was the -value placed by
the owners on the small farm land
properties involved.
City Council To Petition
For $40,000 PWA Funds
Decision to file a petition for $40,-
000 in PWA funds to be used for re-
paving Main street was reached Tues-
day night by the City Coilncil. At
the same time the council moved
to transfer a $10,573.59 fund, pre-
viously designated to contribute to-

4 Suspended
UAWOf ficers
Accuso Martin
File Document Charging
Union President With
'Comlunistic' Activity
Lovestone Tie-Up
ChargedBy Sugar.
bETROIT, Aug. 3.-(I)-The third
act of "Who's a Communist?" a dra-
ma that has been holding the spot-
light in the Michigan labor field, was
presented today by the four suspend-
ed vice-presidents of the United Au-I
tomobile Workers Union.
The suspended officers, awaiting
resumption of their trial by thel
union's executive board on charges
that they conspired to disrupt the
union, filed a 23-page document with
the trial board accusing Homer Mar-
tin, president of the CIO-affiliatedI
auto union, with "communism."
Take Play From Martin
This was taking the play away from
Martin, who has charged that Rich-
ard Frankensteen, Ed Hall, Wyndham
Mortimer and/Walter Wells, the sus-
pended vice-presidents, were conspir-
ing with "communists"
Maurice Sugar, attorney for the1
suspended officers, said the document
contained evidence purporting to link
Martin with Jay Lovestone, national
head of the Independent LaborI
League, offshoot of the Communist
Party. Lovestone was national secre-I
tary of the Communist Party for fiveI
years prior to his expulsion in 1929.
Lovestone Runs Union
"We can show Lovestone runs the<
International Union in its most mi-
nute details," Sugar asserted. "HeI
gets lengthy reports on every detail
and issues orders to Martin and
Lovestone members in the union ad-
Not only that, Sugar said, but thek
suspended officers were willing and
ready to submit evidence that "a per-
son holding a responsible position in
the General Motors Corp. is linked
with the Martin-Lovestone conspira-
tional group."
Ducky Pond First, Kipke
Third In All-Star Vote
CHICAGO, Aug. 3-(P)-Yale's
Raymond (Ducky) Pond vaulted into,
first place today in the national poll
to select a coach for the college All-
Stars, while Harry Kipke advanced
to third.
Por.d's 2,808,649 points gave him an'
edge of more than 60,000 over Elmer
Layden of Notre Dame for the job
of leading the collegiates against the
professional champion Washington
Redskins here August 31.
Trailing Layden and his 2,747,639
points was Kipke wth 2,724,639 and
Indiana's Bo McMillin with 2,682,801.
Spending Called Failure
CHICAGO, Aug. 3.-(P)-A forum
conducted by the Republican Pro-
gram Committee concluded today
that government spending as a means
of inducing permanent recovery of
private enterprise has been a "com-
plete failure."

25,976 Students
Here Get Jos By
Cai pus Off ice
More than 25,976 jobs have been
supplied 13,145 students through the
Employment Bureau in the Dean of
Students office since 1927,' according
to figures released yesterday by Miss
Elizabeth Smith, assistant in charge;
of the Bureau.
These figures do not include all
jobs provided through the Bureau
since no statistics are available for
the period from its inception in 1920
to 1927.
The statistics indicate that much
of the work of the employment bu-
reau has been taken over by the NYA
since job applications since 1934,1
the year the NYA began on campus,
have fallen off sharply. The report
also showed that 900 jobs on 400 dif-
ferent projects were supplied stu-
dents through the NYA last year.
The figures on student employment'
for the past academic year indicate
that 1,150 requests for student help,
186 less than last year, were received'
by the Bureau, and that 764 students,,
92 less than last year, applied for
jobs. .
Of the total. number of jobs madei
available last year through the Bu-
reau, 162 were room jobs, 337 were
board jobs, 582 were Odd jobs and 69
were clerical, laboratory and other
"white collar" jobs.
The Student Employment Bureau'
was started in 1920 with Mrs. Mary'
Stewart as head.
Is Rumored
Relief-Financing Dilemma
Makes Session Necessary
3-(AP)-Reports that a special ses-
sion of the state's relief-financing
dilemma-and by now they are more
than rumors-swirled and eddied
about Michigan's "summer 'capitol"
Governor Murphy has not yet offi-
cially confirmed them. Sources close
to the Governor, however, said he
might issue a call for a special session
within 24 hours.
Murphy told the Emergency Appro-
priations Committee, which voted its
last $1,000,000 and some odd thous-
ands for relief a week ago, that the
state had virtually exhausted its avail-
able financial resources.
Faced with an as yet undiminishing
need for relief funds, he said then,
there were *two courses open. Either
the state must tap other funds for
relief purposes, or a special session of
the legislature would be necessary
"very briefly."

TOKYO, Aug. 4.-(Thursday)-
(W)-Soviet Russians threw four
battalions against Changkufeng
and Shachofeng at 10:30 p.m.
Wednesday (8:30 a.m., EST.,
Wednesday) but met a repulse in
which they lost 200 men, a Ja-
panese army communique said
MOSCOW, Aug. 3-(P)-Rusian
officials declared today that the
Soviet Army's operations in clashes
with Japanese on the Manchoukuoan'
border were purely defensive, but the
public was being prepared for the
possibility of a great emergency.
There were indications that Russia
wished to reach a peaceful settlement
ven though a government commun-
que warned of possible "serious con-
sequences" .if Japanese "provoca-
ions" continued.
Moscow residents calmly went
about their workaday tasks as usual
and the city showed no outward evi-
ence of the crisis.
However, newspapers, which for
seversal days had printed only the
briefest mention of Japanese-Russian
fighting near the junction of Korea,
Siberia and Manchoukuo, w e r e
,rowded with reports of patriotic mass
meetings, resolutions and letters to
the editors from groups and individ-
uals promising loyalty, to death n
defense of 'the Soviet fatherland's
BothsPravda, Communr#at Party
newspaper, and Iz-vestia, Government
organ, carried photostatic copies of
the Russian-Chinese treaty maps of
June 26, 1866. showing the disputed
Changkufeng heights as a part of
Russian territory.
Sailors of the Baltic fleet sent a
message to Moscow that "the fleet
is ready to deliver a destructive blow
to the enemy" and demanded "merci-
less punishment of the aggressors."
Soldiers of the Moscow garrison-
at present more than 4,000 miles from
the Far Eastern front--voted a de-
fiant resolution declaring "Let the
Japanese bandits remember that If
they attack us they will break their
heads against granite walls of the
Socialist Fatherland. riftheaGovern-
ment calls us we will race to the,
frontier and exterminate the fascist
'Fully Prepared' - - Tokyo
TOKYO, Aug. 4-(Thursday)-(A)
-Soviet Russia was reported today
to have moved up reinforcements in
the Manchoukuoan border hostilities
which, official circles insisted, Japan
did not want to develop into war.
A fog which slowed the fighting
yesterday was said to have enabled
the Soviet command to strengthen its
forces in the disputed Changkufeng
area at the junction of Korea, Siberia
and Manchoukuo.
Official circles declared Japan "is
fully prepared if necessary" and re-
peated their stand that the course
of the incident, most serious in a long
series of border clashes, depended
upon Russia. (Russia maintains she
is defending her territory and has
not crossed the border.)
Advices reaching Tokyo said that
Soviet tanks and motor lorries rolled
along the road between Novovivsk and
Fashish through the day, apparently
in a concentration of strength for a
attempt to recapture Changkufeng
and Shachofeng hills.
Declare Martial
Law At Matag
Factory Will Open, Says
Iowa Governor
DES MOINES, Ia., Aug. 3.-MP)-
Gov. Nelson G. Kraschel announced
tonight the strike-bound Maytag
gashing machine factory at Newton,
Ia., would open tomorrow noon under

martial law.
The governor at the same time an-

Nipponese Declare Major
Warfare Not Looked For
ButrInsist On Territory
Both Sides Ready
To Defend Rights

Soet Claims Army
Clashes With Japan
Turely Defensive'

Route From Pacific To white
Sea, Soviet Need, Cressey Says

Russian Govern
Formidable (
Severe Arct
A through sea route
Sea to the North Pac
important to the Sov
Panama Canal is to th
in the opinion of P
Cressey of the Univ
cuse, expressed yester
of a series of four lec
in connection with I
Eastern Studies aft
Rackham Auditorium
Despite the fact t
ters render Siberia
bound and un-naviga
of the year, the
through a specially o
ern Sea Route Adr
working untiringlyt
isolated northern re
rest of the world, P
said. Toward thatE
communities are bein
extremely high latitu
flowing into Artcicv
weather informationi
established in Asia
With the aid of im
of weather prediction

iment Faces transportation along principal rivers
Obstacle In were pointed out by Professor Cressey
in showing a series of slide pictures
ic Winters taken on one of his recent trips down
the Yenisei River in Siberia. Most
LAING amazing of numerous small towns
from the White scattered at hundred mile intervals,
ific would be as and engaged principally in trapping
iet union as the and fishing is Igarka, a lumber cen-
ze United States, ter at 67 degrees north latitude, and
?rof. George B. -400 miles from the mouth of the Yen-
'ersity of Syra- isei, according to Professor Cressey.
day in the third This community which in 1929 had
ctures presented six inhabitants today boasts a popu-
Institute of Far lation of' 15,000, and has 13. schools
ernoon in the for 3,000 children. Its modern saw
1. mills produce lumber on mass pro-
hat Arctic win- duction schedule which is sometimes
n waters ice- sent as far as southwest Africa, and
ble nine months several automobiles travel its mud-
Soviet regime, proof plank streets. Modern apart-
rganized North- ment houses are being erected which
ministration, is resist the rigors of Arctic winters
to connect her with increasing effectiveness.
gions with the Everywhere, Professor Cressey said,
rofessor Cressey there is evidence of optimism, good
end, progressive health, and productiveness. Special
g established in stress is placed on child training and
des along rivers such relative luxuries as inexpensive
waters, and 150 perfumes, Christmas tree ornaments
posts have been and motion ' picture houses add a
and the Arctic. marked note of cheer in these remote
proved methods towns. Mechanized equipment is
in an extremely rapidly replacing manual labor, and

Dr. Fang-K uei Li Tells Linguists
1 ,000 Chinese Dialects In 7 Classes

Field Recording Headed
By Academia Sinica Has
Aided In Classification
Bewildering as they are in their'
intricate complexity, the more than'
one thousand dialects of China can'
by comparative analysis be roughly.
grouped into seven main classes, ex-
plained Dr. Fang-Kuei Li, visiting
professor of Chinese linguistics at
Yale University, to members of the
Linguistic Institute in a lecture yes-
Recognition of the diversity of the
dialects is as old .as the dawn of the
Christian era, said Dr. Li, although
the account then written is useless
today for purposes of real compari-
son. There are also sdme records
existing through translations into
Sanskrit and other western languages
in the medieval period, but these are
for only the northern dialects. For
the southern the student must have

and by many city-dwellers in the
south, to which they emigrated long
Another important group is the Wu'
class, composed of dialects of the
common people along part of the
eastern seacoast and often spoken in
the same territory as the upper-class
Mandarin. The Kan-hakka group is
spoken in the south and southwest
along the coast, Anhwei in the prov-
ince of Anhwei south of the Yangtze
river, Hsiang in the south, the Mm
dialects in the southeast and south,
and Cantonese in the south.
As a basis for a comparative study
of these dialectal divisions, research-
ers use the north Chinese language of
the 6th century A. D., said Dr. Li,
although it is not, of course, the par-
ent form for all the dialects, some of
which had already attained independ-I
ent status.
Besides the regular luncheon con-
ference of the Institute at the Michi-
gan Union today, when Dr. Murray

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