THE MICHIGAN DATLY H Tigers Retain Clean National League Slate Beat Physics Team, 12-1 To Run Victory String To 7 Straight Games Yesterday , in the I.M. National league, the unbeaten Tigers kept their slate clean when they swamped the. Physics team 12 to 1. This victory extends their winning streak to sev- en straight games, with at least one triumph over every team in the league. In the second game, the Faculty downed the Pattocks by a score of 5 to 3, while the Chemists won on a forfeit from the Analyts, who didn't have a full team of ten men. The Physics team played an extra game last week, defeating the Pattocks 15. to 12.. Tigers, Faculty Lead The Tigers again top the Nationals, with the Faculty, who have won five while dropping two, in second place. The Pattocks, with a record of five wins and four defeats, drop to third, as the Chemists gain undisputed possession of fourth, after winning three and ,losing five. The Physics team, which last week shared fourth place with the Chemists, slipped a notch, to fifth, having won three and lost six. Last place is held by the Analyts who have been defeated seven times, while winning but once. The league leading Profs, who haven't 'lost a ball game since they were beaten by the Chumps way back on July 12, made it eight in a row, as they beat the Browns, 8 to 3, for their second triumph this season over that team. The Profs have but one more game on- their schedule, with the Parkerites, who by virtue of two victories, one a 2 to 1 win over the PKS team, the other, an 8 to 1 triumph over the Chumps, have jumped into a first place tie with the Profs, The two teams have met once before, with the Profs, emerging the victofs, in a 5 to 0 shutout, but the Parkerites insist it'll be a different story next time they play. The soft- ball title in the American league will be decided by the game, which prom- ises to be one of the best of the cur- rent season. In the final contest, the tailender Snipes, who are setting some kind of record or other for con- secutive losses, took it on the pro- verbial chin again as they lost their ninth straight game, this time to the PKS boys, by a score of 8 to 5. Tie For Lead The Profs and Pattocks lead the league, with the Chumps, who have won six and have lost three, in second place. The PKS team is third, after winning four and losing five, while the Browns, who have been unable to match the enviable record of the Snipes, are fourth, with one victory, as against eight defeats. The Snipes, of course, are last.', In the International league, the .Michigan Daily made it five losses in a row, as they, were beaten 2 to 1 by the 500 Club. The Has Beens also made it five in a row, when they downed the Mudhens 7 to 2 for their fifth victory. , The Has Beens are first, with the 500 Club in second place, having won four and losing one. The Mudhens, whose only claim to glory lies in their 11 to 4 victory over the Daily team, are third with one win, four losses, while the Daily is fourth, and last. National Guardsmen To Protect Polls Japan's Aggression In China Increases Red Party Popularity IN THIS CORNER D y MEL FINEBERG Tennessee National Guardsmen were mobilized at Jackson, Tenn., for possible use in the Democratic primary August 4. It was rumored Gov. Gordon Browning might move 1,200 members of the militia into Memphis, anti-Browning stronghold, but Browning said he would take no such action "unless I change my mind." 'Whizzer' To Play Professional Football Forced Union In China Adds 600,000 'Reds' During Year Of War By HALLETT ABEND (From The New York Times) SHANGHAI, July 13.-For the last decade one of the principal worries of the Japanese Government has been the possibility of the spread and tri- umph of communism in China., And now, by her one year of aggressive warfare against China, Japan has done more to spread and popularize communism in this country than the Chinese Communists were able to do in the previous 10 years. When fighting began near Peiping in .July of last year the Communist armed forces in China had been re- duced to between 20,000 and 100,000 men and the zone of Communist oc- 'cupation! had been restricted to the northern part of Shensi Province and a few counties in the adjoining prov- ince of Kansu, an arid area with a very small population. Today, according to the Japanese, the armed Communists number about 700,000 men, and their forces are widely scattered over the country. Moreover, under the unification com- promise that the Kuomintang (major Chinese party) and the Communist party adopted, under pressure of Ja- panese, military aggression, Com- munist propagandists and organizers} are receiving a virtually free hand inI all provinces not under Japanese military occupation. According to statistics that the Ja- panese high command has gathered, the strength of the various Chinese Red armies and their present fields of activities are now as follows: The old "regulars" of the Commu- nists now consist of 16 divisions of 8,- 000 men each, or 120,000 men, located in Shensi and Kansu Provinces and occasionally raiding into Shansi. In addition, this force has 10 fresh divi- sions in reserve, of 10,000 men each, newly armed and trained. These re- serves are in Kansu and in South- western Suiyuan Provinces. These former regulars also have the organi- zation and direction of 80,000 armed plainclothes men, who continually harry Japanese lines of communica- tion. Ched Teh is said to direct this whole "parent force," which in the matter of guerrilla activities extends from Suiyuan clear southward into Honan Province and actually admin- isters various "Red areas" within two score miles of Peiping and Tientsin, in Hopeh Province. Chu Teh's force has two air bases-one at Lanchow, the capital of Kansu, and one at Sian, the capital of Shensi. Each of his di- visions is credited with possessing eight tanks and eight field pieces- equipment entirely inadequate for positional warfare, but ample for mo- bile tactics. In Kwangsi Province, in the South, because of the opposition of General Li Tsung-jen, there are no Communist forces, but in the far South, in Yun- nan and in Kwangtung, there are scattered a total of 14 Red divisions, each of 8,000 men. These are under the general command of Yeh Chien- ying of the Thirteenth Route Army. The Japanese contend that what isl known as the National Government's Fourth Route Army, stationed in Cen- tral China, is really the augmented and reorganized Communist Eleventh Route Army. They assert that its six divisions of 10,000 men each are scat- tered over Fukien, Kwangsi and Che- kiang Provinces, under the command of the famous Ho Lung, and that mobile bands of these troops raid be- hind the Japanese lines in Kiangsu and Anhwei Provinces. In Szechwan, Hunan and Hupeh there are what the Japanese describe as "five more Red units, of 40,000 men each," which are said to be rap- idly extending their spheres of in- fluence and working at the arming and organization of the peasants. The sources of this Japanese infor- mation are, of course, carefully guard- ed. Japanese newspapers published in Dairen print reports from the Ja- panese Army Headquarters at Cheng- teh saying that the Reds are trying to penetrate Jehol Province "and dis- turb the peace and order of' Man- chukuo." . Ask anyone who the best manager in the big leagues is. They'll prob- ably pick either Connie Mack, Bill Terry, Joe McCarthy, or Mickey Cochrane. But the odds will be that they'll entirely neglect Bill McKech-1 nie, manager of this year's Cincinatti Reds. McKechnie started as a big league manager in Pittsburgh back in 1922. He finished third three times and then, in 1925, he led the Bucs to a pennant and a world series win over Wash- ington. But in spite of winning the world championship for Pittsburgh, the club management released him after the following season and he went to the St. Louis Cardinals as a coach. In 1928, he succeeded Bob O'tar- rell, former catcher, as manager and in his first year as boss he won the pennant. But when he dropped four straight to the Yankees, the St. Louis front office, with its constant de- mands for results not excuses, shipped him down to its farm club, Rochester, in the International League. He returned the next year to finish the year out for Billy South- worth who returned to the Rochester post. In 1930, Boston signed him to a long term contract, and while he accomplished no miracles there, he pulled the club into somewhat presentable shape. He worked,' coached and cajoled his pitching staff until, in 1937, the Bees had one of the best corps of hurlers in the league. Old And Young*... He saw the possibilities of the 30- year old rookies, Fette and Turner,; and helped them into 20 game win- ners. He strung along with discard- ed old Danny MacFayden and picked up Milt Shoffner who had seen bet- ter days. The fight for fifth place which the Bees are putting on this year is directly traceable to their mound staff and that in turn is ac- Forgotten Men . . countable to McKechnie's work of last year. This year, his first with the Reds, has seen him transform a last place club of last season, In- to a pennant contender in Jun. That's pretty good work for half a season. He's shown his skill in handling pitchers by his work with young John Vander Meer who had been up in the big leagues once before. He's working very, very patiently with Whitey More whom McKechnie believes will be even better than Vander Meer. But he's binging him along slowly, teaching him the tricks, taking no chances of hav- ing him lose his confidence, Even if the fans don't appreciate McKechnie's ability, the paying end of the Cincy team does. He gets $30,000 a year, making him one of the highest paid managers in the majors. If McKechnie had no other virtue, he would still have a box seat in the Hall of Fame if for no other reason than that his nickname is not Ylld Bil, * * * Johnny Gee is rolling right along in his pitching duties for Syracuse in the International League. The other day, the former Michigan pitcher aid basketball player, pitched one (1) hit shut-out (0) ball for eight in- nings, weakened sufficiently in the ninth to allow two more hits, was yanked but still received credit for a well-pitched ball game. Gee may justify the $250,000 price tag placed on him by Business Manager Corbet of the Chiefs. Traverse City Michigan Club To Hear Ruthven President Ruthven will be the guest of the University of Michigan Club of Traverse City at itssummer meet- ing tomorrow. T. Hawley Tapping, secretary of the Alumni Association, and Dean Al- bert C. Furstenburg of the Medical School also will attend I~ii INa rn'/ 0ws! Byron "Whizer" White, Colorado's All-American halfback, took tine off from a radio rehearsal in Denver to announce that he had accepted an offer of $15,000 to play professional football with Pittsburg this fall and delay his entrance into Oxford as a Rhodes scholar until January. Press-Book Reading Yields List of Am'eazinsAertisng Stunts DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 3) dents: Bulletins listing the course to be offered in Detroit during the, first semester of 1938-39 are now available in the office of the Graduate School. Students who plan to take the Study Center work are urged to make course selections and have them approved by the proper departmental advisers before the end of the Sum- mer Session. Reading Examination in French: Candidates for the degree of Ph.D. in the departments listed below who wish to satisfy the requirement of a reading knowledge during the Sum- mer Session, are informed that an examination will be offered in Room 108, Romance Language Building, from 2 to 5, on Saturday afternoon, Aug. 13. It will be necessary to regis- ter at the office of the Department of Romance Languages (112 R.L.) at least one week in advance. Lists of books recommended by the various departments are obtainable at this office, It is desirable that candidates for the doctorate prepare to satisfy this requirement at the earliest possible date. A brief statement of the nature{ of the requirement, which will be found helpful, may be obtained at the office of the Department.- This announcement applies only to candidates in the following depart- ments: Ancient and Modern Lan- guages and Literatures, History, Ec- f V , Movieland Publicity Boys Urge Sale Of Cocoanuts- Labeled-To Boost Film By FRANK S. NUGENT (From The New York Times) Mr. Roosevelt's breathing spell reached Times Square last week, after the usual delay crossing Sixth Ave- nue, and gave us a chance to catch up on our 'press-book reading. Per- haps you've never read a pressbook. Too bad. They're the bulky folios prepared by the picture companies to' assist the exhibitor in ballyhooing his wares. Of encyclopedic content, they contain specimen advertise- ments, reams of publicity copy, pre- pared reviews (all favorable, natur- ally) for newspapers that don't hold with motion-picture criticism, and an amazingly varied list of sugges- tions for promotional and exploita- tion stunts. We read them all, espec- ially the parts about merchandising tie-ups. Just the other day, wnen we were recovering from "The Texans," we, spotted one gem in the Metro book on a short called 'Tracking the Sleeping Death," which dealt, we gathered, with the tse-tse fly and sleeping sickness. "An attention-get- ting display," remarked the exploita- tion genius, "might be developed by, having ,a lifelike manikin figure 'sleeping' in a store window. Anoth- er merchandise angle might be added with the copy thought: 'If you mustj aave ,sleeping sickness, you'll be a lot more comfortable on a so-and-so bed.'" We thought a tie-up with a casket company was indicated, but apparently they hadn't carried it that far. * * *. Of course, we'll admit they aren't all that good, still the boys bat out a prettyafair average. Almost any picture can lend itself to a beautiful legs contest, a freckles contest, or a mutually satisfactory arrangement with the local modiste and hairdress- er. A promotion man who stops there obviously isn't worth his salt. What we admire are the sales ramifications of ci n + - mm M-P ltnnwnlf carry it to its logical tie-up, is posi- tively Elbert Hubbardish. Consider "Gold Diggers of Paris." Who, but a promotion man, would have thought of having spcial cards printed for dis- play in jewelry windows-"take a tip from the Gold Diggers: dig up your old gold and bring it to Blank's." And who, again, would lure a butcher into the notion of decorating a win- dowful of dressed poultry with a sign reading: "These are not Mother Carey's Chickens, but they're fne stock Just the same?" (That one, in case you haven't tumbled, was for "Mother Carey's Chickens.") One we liked particularly was a stunt for Harold Lloyd's "Professor Beware." A paid ad or story in the local paper revealed that Professor Lloyd had abandoned hiĀ§ car some- where in town. His trade-mark lense- -less spectacles were in it and there would be another clue; finder's keep- ers. To work this one, it was necessary to effect a preliminary tie-up with the town's used-car dealer. The Lloyd car would be one of a model with which the dealer was abundant- ly stocked. Then it, and a couple of dozen like-it, would be parked all over town. Mr. Lloyd's specs would be placed in each and, in all but the lucky one, there would be a notice saying "Professor Beware! This is not Harold Lloyd's car, but it's yours for $75. Inquire at Blank's." The picture wasn't bad ,either. Even this was pretty small fry com- pared to the Warner project for "Silver Dollar." It called for a Silver Dollar Week (which Denver accept- ed) and required a full page of the press-book for its explanation. It be- gan by enlisting the aid of the Cham- ber of Commerce, local banks, public service corporations and newspapers. It continued with the creation of a steering committee (of which the theatre manager was .advised to. be- come chairman) and eventually in- volved the Mayor, all public-spirited citizens, trolley cars, radio stations, bus terminals and hotels. * * * Tt'a innvitnhlp with urn minde - ' Theres news FOR you and A BOUT you in the Michigan Daily every single day. Last- V s S Q .i kepticking of te news of te worto h S ? S A, r carry new:of real saving foro 4% 11 1