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August 03, 1938 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1938-08-03

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. .

(Continued from Page 2)


Three Seriously Injured InCrash Of Luxury Trains

JJ arring Nations Receiving Quantity
Exports Of American Fighting Planes

organist, of Cheyenne, Wyo., will an-
pear in recital in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the Master of
Music degree, Thursday evening, Aug.
4, at 8:15 o'clock, in Hill auditorium.
The public is invited to attend with-
out admission charge.
Stalker Hall. Swimming party and
picnic, Thursday. Meet at Stalker
Hall at 5 p.m. Transportation will
be. furnished. Small charge for food
and swimming. For reservations, call
6881 before Thursday noon. This is
Summer Session French Club: The
next meeting of the Club will take
place on Thursday, Aug. 4, at 8 p.m.,
at"Le Foyer Francais," 1414 Washte-
Mvr. Didier Graeffe of Belgium, and
now at Lawrence Institute of Tech-
nology, Highland Park, will speak.
The subject of his talk will be "Un
Voyage en Nigerie." Songs, games,
Physical Education Luncheon: The.
last of the series of luncheons for
students and faculty in health, physi-
cal education and recreation will be
held Thursday, Aug. 4 at 12:10 p.m.
in the Michigan Union. Dr. Margaret
Bell, Professor of Physical Educa-
tion, University of Michigan, and
President-elect of the American As-
sociation for Health, Physical Educa-
tion and Recreation, will discuss the
reorganization of the American
Physical Education Association and
its affiliation With the National Edu-
cation Association.
Luncheon tickets will be 57 cents.
Reservations may be made by calling
21939 between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Candidates for the Master's De-
gree in History: The language exam-
ination will be given at 4 p.m., Aug.
5, in Room B, Haven Hall. The ex-
amination will be written and will be
one hour in length. Students are
asked to bring their own dictionaries.
Copies of old examinations are on
file in the Basement Study Hall of
the General Library.
To Those Interested in qualifying
as. applicants for the Ed. D. Degree:
Those who wish to qualify for the
Ed. D. degree in Education, and thus
become anapplicant for this degree,
will report to Room 4200 University
High School, for the qualifying ex-
amination at 1 o'clock, either on Sat-
urday afternoon, Aug. 6, or on Mon-
day afternoon, Aug. 8. This is not a
subject-matter examination and no
special preparation will be expected.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-

Twenty-four persons were injured, three seriously, near Toledo, Ohio, when two crack trains of the New
York Central crashed. The Mercury, bound for Cleveland from Detroit, had stopped on the tracks after graz-
ing an auto, andithe Commodore Vanderbilt, en route to New York from Chicago, crashed into its observation.
car. A general view of the scene is shown here.


ificate, to be recommended by the
Faculty of the School of Education
at the close of the Summer Session:
The Comprehensive Examination in
Education will be given on Saturday,
Aug. 6, at 9 o'clock in 1430 U.E.S.
Printed information i'egarding the
examination may be secured at the
School of Education office.
Southern Illinois Students and
Staff members are invited to attend
a picnic to be held Saturday, Aug. 6.
All those planning to attend should
call 4553 between 6 and 7:30 p.m. be-
fore Saturday.
Hillel Summer Session Group will
hold its next informal dance at the
Foundation, Oakland and East
University on Saturday, Aug. 6, at 9
p.m. There will be a small charge of
10 or 15 cents per male to cover re-
freshment costs. All Jewish students
are invited.
Detroit Graduate Study Center Stu-
(Continued on Page 4)
Golf .becoming
Duffer's Pipe,
Says 'Sarazen
CHICAGO, Aug. 2-(JP)-A few
million golfers probably moan many
times a season that "this course is
too tough," but Gene Sarazen is
convinced most layouts are being
made so easy that "real plays are
going to come few and far between
in the future."
Enroute from the St. Paul Open
his farm at Brookfield Center, Conn.,
the man who has been one of the
nation's greatest players stopped long
enough to decry what he sees as a
trend towad making the game "easy
foi' the duffers and too much of a
commercial proposition."
"Greens are the only real test of
a golfer," he said, "and throughout
the west, particularly, they're mak-
ing the greens so easy that it's going
to hurt the chances of young players
to develop top notch games. Bent
grass greens, soft and slow, are hurt-
ing the sport because any ordinary
golfer can pitch to and hold them.
"I know they'll say that I'm just
an old man doing some squawking,
but the really great players of golf
-the Walter, Hagens and Tommy
Armours-never would have devel-
oped if they had learned the game on
the slow, easy greens we' have on most
courses today. They played on tough
greens-hard and slippery-greens
that had to be played perfectly or
the ball would go skidding off. Darn
few players can put backspin on a
ball today to hold a fast green. They
don't have to on most courses because
the ball just hits and sticks-and any
ordinary golfer can make pitch shots
that just drop and stick."
Sarazen thinks certain Eastern
courses such as Braidburn, Brookline
314 S. State St.
Typewriters, Stationery,
Student and Office Supplies
Since 1908 Phone 6615

Straight To The Pin

Balks Inquiry Suspension

(From The New York Times)
Some of the newest and most effi-
cient fighting planes produced in,
this country are among the types be-
ing exported, it became known yester-
Seversky fighting planes, Lockheed
reconnoissance - bombers, M a r t i n
bombers, Curtiss pursuit. ships and
Consolidated flying boats, most of1
which types are used by our army or,
navy, are being shipped to or are
under order from China, Japan, Eng-I
land, France, Russia, Turkey and
many other nations.
Orders Kept Secret.
Many of the export orders, par-
ticularly from the belligerents, Japan
and China, are shrouded in great
secrecy, and other countries, like Tur-
key, make secrecy as to the details a
specific part of contracts. The ex-
tent to which some countries are go-.
ing to hide details of their purchases
is shown by a recent order for 20 or
more Seversky planes, which, it was
reliably reported, have been exported
to Japan.
Alexander P. de Seversky, president
of the Seversky Aircraft Corporation,
said that his company had sold 20
two-seater fighting planes to the Air-
craft Trading Corporation of 120
Broadway. Mr. Seversky said he did
not know where the trading company
had shipped the planes.
Allen Gordon Miller is president of
the Aircraft Trading Corporation,
which is not listed in the telephone
book and which has offices with a law
firm at the Broadway address. S.
Megata is vice-president, Mr. Miller
said, and William R. Meagher is sec-
retary, Mr. Miller admitted that his
company had bought planes, but said
he did not know whether they had
gone to Japan, and that the planes
had been sold to a third company or1
party, whose name he declined to re-
veal. He added that the Aircraft
Trading Corporation was not in the
export business.
Japan Shipment Denied
It had been reported that 20 to
100 of the single-seater P-35 Se-
versky pursuit planes, capable of
speeds of nearly 300 miles an hour,
about 85 of which are on order for
the Army Air Corps, had been, or
were being, exported to Japan, but
Mr. Seversky denied that any of the
P-35's had been exported. However,
Japan is said to have purchased a
number of other types, probably in-
luding some of approximately the
same type as the 200 fast monoplanes
ordered as reconnoissance machines
by the British government.
The British order, which probably
will keep the Burbank plant of Lock-
heed busy' until 1940, calls for the
delivery of much the same type of
plane as the commercial Lockheed in
use in Europe and in many other
parts of the world. The commercial
version will be "suped up," and pas-
senger accommodations altered for
military purposes.
Th.is order from Britain and the
accompanying one for 200 North
American BT-9B advanced training
planes were given because "hitches"
have developed in the design of two
of the British types counted upon to
fill roles in that aerial rearmament
program. Both the British recon-
noissance plane and the De Havilland
Don, training monoplane, have been

235 S. State

Ph. 6114

2.50 Val., only $1.65
Give Your Face a
New Sumner Look
The five preparations you need
are grouped together in a
swanky little kit. Only $1.65 if
purchased this way. The value
of these luxurious Salon prepa-
rations - if they were to be
purchased separately - would
total over 50% more. An irre-
sistible saving! An inexpensive
way to light up your face with
lborothy Gray glamour! In three
skin-type assortments. Come
in today for personal skin anal-

delayed in production, so that the
American order for machines of the
same type was intended to fill this
Because of the war in the Far East
China has been one of our best cus-
tomers, and one New York export
concern alone has sold to China $25,-
1000,000 worth of planes in the last
three years. China has taken many
different types of American planes.
Martin bombers were among those
that raided Formosa and scattered
leaflets above Japan, and Vultee at-
tack bombers and Curtis pursuit
planes have been prominent in the
fighting zones.
China Shifts To Metal Planes
Before and during the early fight-
ing in China the Curtiss factory at
Buffalo built 100 fabric-and-wood-
covered planes of the Hawk type for
China, reverting to wood and fabric
construction at the special request
Cressey 'Says
Soviet Meets
Peoples' Needs
Russia's Leaders Feel Any
Means Are Justifiable
To Reach 'Great Ideal'
(Continued froni Page 1)

Johnny Revolta, Evanston, Ill.,
professional who won the St. Paul
golf tournament with a score of
216, is shown as he watched his
shot out of the rough on the 18th
hole. His victory, with a one stroke
margin over Willie Goggin of San
Bruno, Cal., brought him $1,600.
and Fresh Meadow still provide "real
tests,".as did Cherry Hills at Denver,
scene of the 1938 National Open. He
also contends that the British still
hold tournaments that are tests of
golf "instead of low-scoring affairs'
that pack in large galleries."
While contending that the West is
developing fewer and fewer good.
amateurs because courses are too'
easy, Sarazen paid tribute to Wilfordj
Wehrle of Racine, Wis., as "the
greatest young amateur prospect since'
Bobby Jones." Sam Snead, the sea-
son's leading money winner, also is
ranked as a "great player" by the
Connecticut star.
"When you can finish one-two-
three in almost every tournament as
Snead does," said Gene, "you've got
to have the real thing."
Ruth Lindquist Wed
To R. F. Anderson
The former Ruth Marie Lindquist
of Chicago was married to Russell F.
Anderson, '36, at 3 p. m. yesterday in
the office of Judge Jay H. Payne in
Ann Arbor. Mr. Anderson is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Ander-
son formerly of Ann Arbor and now
of Ludington.
During his sophomore and junior
years on campus, Mr. Anderson
worked on the Gargoyle staff and
was president of the Student Chris-
tian Association. While on campus
he worked for the Detroit Times and
has been connected with the Inter-
national News Service since his grad-
Mrs. Anderson was a model at the
Century of Progress and went under
the title of "Miss Sweden" during
that time.

Judge Paul N. Schaeffer (above)
ruled at Harrisburg, Pa., that the
Pennsylvania Legislature could not
suspend a grand jury inquiry aimed
at Gov. George Earle and 13 others.
Kinkead To Offer
Concert On Organ
Thomas Kinkead of Cheyenne,
Wyo., will present a progral of or-
gan music at 8:15 p. m. tomorrow in
Hill Auditorium in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the Master
of Music degree.
Receiving his preliminary under-
graduate work at Occidental College
in Los Angeles, he eventually received
the Bachelor of Music degree from
the University of Michigan in 1937.
For several years he has been a pupil
of Prof. Palmer Christian of the
School of Music, and at present is
studying with Prof. Marshall bid-
well, organist of the Carnegie Music
Hall in Philadelphia, Pa., and guest
professor of organ in the University
this summer.
Mr. Kinkead has been the organist
at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
for the past two years. This fall he
will assume new duties as organist
and choirmaster of the St. Andrews
Episcopal Church.
,Having been appointed to the va-
cancy in the organ department of the
School of Music Faculty left by the
resignation of Prof. E. William Doty,
Mr. Kinkead will assume the posi-
tion of instructor next year.
.The program he has selected for
his concert tomorrow night is as fol-
lows: "Fugue on the Kyrie," by Cou-
perin; "Chorale: Ach Herr, mich ar-
men Sunder," by Kuhnau; "Fantasia
and Fugue in G. Minor," by Bach,
"Cantabile," and "Chorale in A Min-
or," by Franck,




line. As a result of shifting the en-,
tire emphasis upon internal develop- (Continued from Page 1)
ment, the word communist, as ap-
plied to the Soviet Union, is a mis- morrow night at the Ann Arbor High
School Auditorium, will officially open
nomer, Professor Cressey said, indicat the drive. "Heart of Spain," a docu-
ing that the new middle position is mentary film financed'and produced
in reality state socialism. by ranking Hollywood actors who
In the economic sphere there have conducted a similar campaign last
been changes almost as comprehen- year, will be shown at the open meet-
sive. Professor Cressey declared that ing.
10 years ago one had to speak very Tom Jones and Candida Kronold, a
largely of hopes, of plans to be ac- Hitler refugee, who are touring the
complished, quotas to be fulfilled. country under the auspices of the
Successful completion of two five- American Friends Service Committee,
year plans and the concentration a Quaker organization, will be the
upon a few large industrial objectives, guest speakers.,Local sponsors of the
he said, have made the country, ac- Peace Ship Drive include: American
cording to Soviet statistics, the second Student Union, Ann Arbor Woman's
largest industrial nation in the Club, American Federation of Teach-
world. Wages are up, the cost of ers; Unity Hall, Professor Shepard,
living is down, and recently there has The Rev. C. W" Brashares, The Rev.
beeen a substantial increase in the Theo. Schmale, Roger H. Freund,
production and distribution of con- Dean Edward Kraus of the literary
sumers' goods, college, Rabbi Bernard Heller of the
Professor Cressey stated that his Hillel Foundation; Prof. De Witt
chief interest is the Asiatic region Parker of the philosophy department;
of the Republic, and showed a series Mrs. N.'Stanger; Dr. Reuben L. Kahn,
of movie stills illustrating the trans- of the medical school; Prof. Roy W.
formation of the vast Siberian waste- Sellars, of the philosophy depart-
lands into a fairly habitable terri- ment; Howard C. Busching; Prof.
tory. There is not much likelihood, Norman E. Nelson, of the English de-
however, he said, that the entire partment; The Rev. Henry Lewis;
region will ever be made arable or The Rev. H. P. Marley, and The Rev.
suitable for settlement. H. O. Yoder.
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