THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, III IPM 1111111111 111111 1 11 ;l 11111 Ilia I [GAN DAILY Freedom For The Student -j7 -Editorial- rI Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Ogntrol dI Student Publications. Publishec every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. 'All rights of republcation of all other mattersi Yerein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as Second 'class maili matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. 4ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL. ADVERTI1NG SY National Advertising Service;lpc. 1 Collge Publishers Re reentativ 420 MADIsoN AVE. NEW YORK, PN. Y. CHICAGO - O Los ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR . . IRVING SILVERMAN Cify Editor Robert I. Fitzhenry ,Assistant Editors....... ...Mel Fineberg, Joseph Gies, Elliot Maraniss, Ben |4. Marino, Carl Petersen, Suzanne Potter, Harry L. S9nneborn. Business Department BUSINESS, MANAGER... ERNEST A. JONES. Credit Manager . . . . Norman Steinberg Crculation Manager . . . J. Cameron Hall Asistaiits Philip Buchen, Walter Stebens NIGHT EDITOR: IRVING SILVERMAN / The editorials publihed in The Michigan Dfaily are written by members of.the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to r-form the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educational institu- tions in the best meaning of tie term. Alexander 0. Luthven. I rd r Inc'dent Or Great War?.. . NE OF THE MOST interesting aspects ' of the current crisis in the Far East is the fact that all dispatches that have reached the American papers in the past week have been datelined either Moscow or Tokyo. There is no reliable foreign correspondent within a thous- and miles of the scene' of hostilities. What we learn of the clashes is strained though a net of riid censorship. It is possible, however, still to learn a great deal by drawing for ourselves a simple triangle of interacting forces, with its three points at Hankow, Tokyo, and Moscow. Whatever takes place oil the Amur is a deter- minant of the component forces that radiate out of these foci. Hankow is in imminent danger of being taken. The fall of Hankow would be to China the great- et military catastrophe since the outbreak of tie war. Hankow is the very core of Chinese resistance. It is here that the major inland rail- roads meet, that the most vital arteries of de- fense are brought to focus. The Peiping-Hankov railroad is the only reliable line of communica- tion with the northern front; the Canton-Han- kow railroad is the chief artery of supply; the Yangtze is the spinal cord of the whole nervous system. If Hankow falls, all hope of a positional war front will be lost to China; Japan will be given a chance to rest her arms and consider a more intensive mopping up process behind the lines. Two things are necessary in the prosecu- tion of a war: the will to resist, and the material means of effecting that resistance. If Hankow falls China will then face the almost impossible task of conducting a war on morale alone. In this war the major source of aid to China from an external power has been the meager help of the Soviet Union. Whatever may have been the past differences between Chiang Kai-Shek and the Communists-(and they have been historic and fundamental)-in the face of Japan there is complete unanimity of interest. If Hankow were to fall and the Chinese state to collapse thereafter, the blow to Russia would be second only to the blow to China itself. Both on the basis of Far Eastern geography and the ruling ideology of the Soviet state, China must not be allowed to collapse. The line of force that extends from Hankow to Moscow predicates a stiffening Soviet attitude in the Far East at the present moment. Whether the Amur incidents are beingj precipitated by Russia or not, the Soviets in the Par East must be consdered as able and willing to meet whatever developm'ent the next week brings about. The third corner of the triangle is Tokyo. The will and mind of Tokyo today, as at any other specific moment in the past year, are shrouded in mystery and hypothesis. It seems difficult to believe that the Japanese government would at this moment take on a war with Russia in addition to the task she is faced with in China proper. On the other hand, in a world of power politics nothing at all is impossible . . The dis- patches from Tokyo are marked as emanating from the Korean garrison. What this means is difficult to determine. But certain salient points come immediately to mind. 'While the domestic Freedom of press, of assembly, of speech, of education, freedom for everything is demanded today. One type of freedom is apparently for- gotten, or else is submerged by the other de- mands: freedom for leisurely thought. The case for freedom for leisurely thought; that freedom which nourishes maturity in education, can no more clearly be presented than by illustrating its complete absence in a modern American univer- sity through a description of a typical logic-defy- ing routine of classes in the literary college. 8 a. m.-The student arrives half awake, a min- ute after the attendance has been checked, is marked absent in a 3-cut maximum class; he is forced to listen to a dissertation on the turnip theory as one of the principal causations of the agricultural revolution: turnips replacing fallow, making more food available for cows, making it possible to maintain more cows, resulting in more manure, more fertilizer, more food, more cows, more manure, down to the present day. As the student becomes more interested in the rani- fications of this beneficent circle, and finally wakes up . . . 9 a. m.-From turnips to the why and where- fore of the American government-in five min- utes; the inside "dope" on the fathers of the. Constitution is presented to the student. When constitutional cases are discussed, the student again drowses . . 10 a. m.-He has again discovered that to close the eyes is the most effective maneuvre to cope with somnolence; but now the student must flit in the caeli of the literati, he must discharge from his mind what he has been pondering since his previous class and rivet his intellect to piercing, analytical criticism of writing, study the strategic importance of long and short words and constructions. As he begins to feel himself warp with "intellectualism". 11 a. m.-The facts of life in the form of social problems today are laid bare to the student-now fully awake in anticipation of lunch: The student begins to feel the trouble- some burden of humanity weighing him down, he begins to devise ways and means of. lifting humanity from the morass of decadent civili- zation, when . . . Lunch! And fresh air! 1 p. m.-The internal process of .food digestion now takes place in the student, consuming all his, energy so that his exterior self is drowsy and, for educational purposes, lifeless. Never- theless, why the Chinese are Chinese is revealed to the student in a discussion peppered with a bit of "Yin" and "yang." Thus the student gets his education: from turnips in Europe, to the American fathers, to tle fundamentals of the English language, to American society maladies, to universal lunch, to the "yin" and "yang" of China-all shoved into hour-long shifts. This outline may be somewhat exaggerated, but it truly presents the impression the student derives from the workings of the system. Social reformers should look at the present system of education in some universi- ties in America when they point with horror to the assembly lines in automobile plants, for both apparently are designed from the same mass process principle-each new "bolt" screwed in with record speed. But the product of speed in education, however, is not as permanent a product as is the automobile. When it is said, as it commonly is, that the typical student does not come to the university for an education, the academic problem is being regarded only superficially. It is an equally super- ficial analysis which forces the conclusion that professors and instructors do not offer enough to the student to either attract or interest him in academic study. Rather, the formalized char- acter of modern educational industrialism de- feats the true purposes and aims of a liberal arts, university." The course cited above indicates this formalized aspect. The student is constantly having his thoughts interrupted by wholly new and un- related facts, until he abandons all in the rush; when he is most unreceptive, he is forced to fol- low a formal routine of classes in subjects which may not add to a fuller preparation for his work when he leaves the University. He may not be interested in these enforced subjects which are required for his degree. The student's ability, in many instances, is graded according to the number-of times he is present at the lectures or discussion sections. Many times the student is subjected to a virtual reading of the course textbook in class which he must also read out- side of class, resulting in a. waste of time and. effort for the sake of "holy system." There is one method of study within the Uni- versity of Michigan's educational structure which does provide freedom for leisurely thought, does allow the student the opportunity to think effectively and to crystallize facts and theories into a philosophy and form for him an adequate, which is impossible at present. On the inter- national front it would have more material bene- fits. It is certain that in a war with Soviet Russia, the Fascintern would supply Japan with arms at least as liberally as it has supplied Franco in Spain; it would mean further that the Japanese would assume in international affairs not the aspect of the brutal invader of the innocent Chinese (as the world so likes to see her), but rather the aspect of the holy protagonist of the sacred crusade against Moscow. It would assure for her banners the blessing not only of the sanc- timonious Chamberlain government in 1ngland, but also the tacit good wishes of some of the more sinister forces in the United States. All these make interesting journalistic hypo- theses; one hundred years from today sharp- witted historians will delight in dissecting the whole Far Eastern Crisis of 1938. But today these facts remain: In the Amur valley, men are fight- ing; 600 miles from Osaka and the heart of in- background of useful knowledge. That system is the one followed in reading courses, the same as is enjoyed in many European universities. Here the student obtains a bibliography upon a subject of interest and importance to him th'riough consultation with the professor, reads the material in his own time and convenience and when most receptive, finally discusses the collected information with the professor. He thus secures for himself a piercing and lasting analysis of the subject, obtained through an ef- fective system of study. The student is the recip- ient of a planned and coherent mass of infor- mation upon subjects of interest to the student within his sphere of interest or contemplated effort. The individual's initiative is here ex- ploited to the fullest extent, with the fullest benefits derived. The tutorial system which the University established in the Spring of this year is a wary step in the direction of offering the student more leeway in shaping and conduct- ing his program of study. But the limited extent of the program, only 100 of the best students from the entire literary college be- ing offered the opportunities of the semi- tutorial system each year--does not give the ordinary student the chance to demonstrate what he might do under a freer educational system. A traditional objection to the general spread of reading course system of academic instruc- tion has been that the typical student will not use much initiative and will not "reap the harvest." This argument disintegrates when one sees how much the student "reaps'' when rigid formalism and mas production prevail. In the event that Michigan will probably not experi- ence a change in the theories of modern educa- tion, as the University of Chicago has, or will probably not undergo an academic reorganiza- tion under which a broad proctor system would be established, as at Harvard-both of which universities having thus bettered academic in- struction-it might be desirable for Michigan to attempt to spread the system of reading courses, wherever feasible, in order to better cope with the exigencies of modern mass education. It is not conceivale that the proposed system of the spread of reading courses would result in Utopia in education for Michigan. It would, how- ever, pave the way for the necessary gradual shift in the emphasis of modern education, away from college attendance being merely a formal four-year social sojourn, +to university work becoming an intellectual effort. -Irving Silverman BOOKS., By JOHN SULLIVAN A Cabell Trilogy SMIRT, SMITH and SMIRE. Three books by Branch Cabell. Doubleday, Doran and Co. "In brief, (Smire continued, after just one more reflective puff at his cigarette), the prose artist who is also a poet will continue actually to create . . . at the very least, an entire planet diversified with its own nations, its own geog- raphy, its own unterrestrial laws of dream logic, and its own special atmosphere of dream magic." * * * The success which several of the volumes of James Branch Cabell's "Biography of the Life of Manuel" enjoyed during the Tempestuous Twenties is something almost impossible of be- lief nowadays. That a writer of melodramatic, sentimental romances (as they seemed on the surface) should have received so much adulation from the intelligentsia seems somehow incredible for those hard-bitten Post-War times. And to- day, with the rise of "proletarian" literature, Cabell is extremely old hat. Yet Cabell is not and never was the dealer in cheap sentiment that those who once lavished praise now half-shamefacedly declare him. He Is a specimen of the urbane writer unique in American literature. And Cabell thus antici- pates literary currents by many, many year For America is yet young and thriving. There is little sophistication and despair in the heart of America. Only the very oldest culture of our nation, that of the Virginia gentry, could pro- duce even a near-urbane writer like Cabell. And so generations to come may prize Cabell as the first indication that we as a literary people had grown up. Cabell completed the Biography at the age of 50 in 1929 for two reasons. He believed that he had reached the peak of his powers, and he foresaw that the culture of the 'twenties was dead. Events proved him correct on the latter point, but the six volumes he has produced under the abbreviated name of Branch Cabell since that time indicate that while he may have reached the peak of his power in 1929, he has continued to hold that peak in the intervening years. The trilogy of "Smirt," "Smith" and "Smire," it is to be suspected, completes a minor project which Cabell has had in mind for some time. They are the story of a dream, as "Alice in Wonderland" was the story of a dream. And like Alice, and like the Chinese philosopher and the Bluebottle Fly, the dreamer of this story may have been only a character in the ,dream of a little black dog he never quite knew. But in a triple incarnation, first as Smirt, the All- Highest, a very powerful sort of god; then as Smith, a minor woodland deity; then as Smire, a demi-god, the dreamer wanders delightfully through the lands beyond common-sense, con- sorts pleasantly with many a brightly hued maiden, talks much high nonsense (and much very sound common sense), and winds up, as do all dreamers. returning to the life of everyday lIt Seems To Me ay ]HEYWOOD BROUN Marc Blitzstein wrote a play last season called "The Cradle Will Rock." It was about a place called Steeltown, and the manner in which the execu- tives of a big corporation endeavored to control the thought of the comnunity by putting pressure upon the news- upon the newspa- pers, the schools and the ministers of the town. The play had a moderate run and excellent notices, but most of the critics spoke on the episodes as being broadly and bitterly satirical in their nature. And, indeed, it is quite pos- sible that the author himself may have felt that he was bearing down a good deal and using a bold 'stroke to heighten his effects. But some of the testimony given before the LaFollette Committee makes "The Cradle Will Rock" seem not only factual but almost mild in its indictment. Mister Mister, the industrial leader in the play, was con- tent to use a single minister as the spokesman for company propaganda againstthe union. According-to the testimony of the Rev. Orville C. Jones, an effort was made to enlist the entire clergy of Youngstown as proponents of the. open shop. There was, to be sure, dispute among the opposing witnesses as to whether the company used coer- cion, but no denial of the fact that the Sheet and Tube Co. gave a little dinner to 30 members of the local Ministerial Assn., and that W. B. Gillies, the company's operating vice- president, made a little speech. * * * .inister Loses His Pulpit Mr. Gillies had denied that he ex- erted pressure. According t a news report he "declared that it was be- neath him to coerce the clergymen." I am curious to know whether he meant that it would be unethical or unsportsmanlike, beneath his scruples or~ his dignity. Dr. Jones voiced some objections to thertheories expounded by the representatives of the plant management, and Dr. Jones hasn't got a pulpit any more. Of course, that may be sheer coincidence. Frank Purnell, the president of the company, was at one time a parish- ioner of the Plymouth Congregational Church, but he left the flock of Dr. Jones even before the little dinner was held. Mr. Purnell explained to the Civil Liberties Committee that the church had been used "by -this gentleman as a meeting place for known Reds." The change which has come over the church of Christ in some com- munities down through the ages is both interesting and curious. Jesus said, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God." But getting into a congre- gation and assuming control of the mood of the spiritual message is a are tabernacles where, as a matter of much simpler matter. In fact there course, it is assumed that the man with the greatest means is to have the greatest authority. Must Be A Go-Getter A church of this sort must not be in the red nor the Red in it. Let me see, who was the Christian figure who was assailed by the rich and respect- able of his own day. Surely the name should escape no one, because there was a time when his preachings of brotherhood was highly regarded. I mean the man who was assailed be- cause he admitted to his company publicans and sinners. And there were zealots who followed in his train. But that was centuries ago. The modern minister in many cases must be an enterprising go-getter. Indeed, it is up to him to get or go. I haven't the slightest doubt that W. B. Gillies, the company's operating vice - president, wasyscrupulously truthful when he said that he used no threats at the little dinner, and that it would be beneath him to at- tempt to coerce clergymen. I assume that the feast was a simple repast, and that the suggestions made by the spokesman for Sheet and Tube were couched in the friendliest way imaginable. And doubtless Mr. Gillies bowed his head as any man whenthe called upon Brother Doe to ask the blessing. His speech came after thanks had been given for the blessings about to be received. And before he spoke it is possible that the propagandist for sanctity and truth and Sheet and Tube took up a piece of bread and a knife. much brave rhetoric. But in the end, as have all Cabell heroes, this one returns to happy monogamy with Just Plain Jane. And the words of Smirt might be well addressed to .those modern au- thors whose works have "social sig- nificance:" "I submit to the local by-law that the contemporaneous happening, the material accident, supremely and WEDNESDAY, AUG. 3, 1938 VOL. XLVIH. No. 32 Thunder Over China: Talking and silent motion pictures on the war in China, supplemented by a lecture by Dr. F. S. Onderdonk on "From World War to World Community" will be presented Wednesday, Aug. 3, 8 p.m., Natural Science Auditorium. Admis- sion 20 cents; tickets at Wahr's and at the door. The proceeds go to Chinese Civilian Relief. Graduation Recital. Helen Barry, soprano, of St. Paul, Minn., will give a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree, Wednesday evening, Aug. 3, at 8:15 o'clock, in the School of Music Auditorium. Miss Janet McLoud will accompany her at the piano Fellowship of Reconciliation: The pacifist position will be discussed pro and con. at the F.O.R. meeting Wed- nesday night, 9 o'clock, Lane' Hall. The public is invited. Prof. George B. Cressey of Syracuse will speak at 4:30 this afternoon on, "Challenging the Arctic" in the Lec- ture Hall of the Rackham Building. English Literature Students: An in- formal discussion meeting will be held at 4 p.m. Wednesday in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building for all those interested in the English literature tour in England to be of- fered for credit next summer. Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, Prof. Bennett Weaver, director of the tour, and Prof. Warner G. Rice will address the meeting. Pi Lambda Theta will hold a busi- ness meeting Wednesday, Aug. 3 at 7 p.m. in the Pi Lambda Theta room in the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Chemistry Lecture: The sixth in the series of Chemistry lectures will be given by Professor E. Bright Wilson of Harvard University on Wednesday, Aug. 3 at 4:15 p.m. in the amphi- theatre of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Sub- ject: Interatomic Forces and Mole- cular Spectra. All interested are in- vited. "Trends in Health Education" is the subject of Prof. Mabel E. Rugeh's lecture this afternoon at 4:05 in the University High School Auditorium. The Michigan Dames will sponsor another weekly bridge party Wednes- day at 2 p.m. in the Michigan League. A cordial invitation is extended to all wives of students and internes of the University. Men's Education Club: The annual picnic is planned for this afternoon from 3:30 until 7:30 p.m. at Portage Lake. The program will include swimming, softball, dart baseball, horseshoe, and other games. Also Professor Schorling will speak and the founder of the men's education club will be honored. Those with cars will please drive past the School of Education main entrance and pick up any who may want to attend that do not have means of transportation. Luncheon of the Graduate Con- ference on Renaissance Studies, Thursday, Aug. 4, 12:15 p.m. at the Michigan Union. Mr. Eugene Power will speak on "Photographic Repro- ductions and Photographic Processes As Aids to l;esearch in Renaissance Materials." Make reservations at the English Office, 3221 Angell Hall. Professor J. H. Haiford's lecture, "Join Milton's Workshop,' which has been scheduled for Aug. 5 wl be giv- en on Thursday, Aug. 11, at :30 in the Main Auditorium of the Horace H. Rackham School. Mr. Samuel Putnam's lecture on Rabelais is can- celled.. Graduation Recital. Tom Kinkead, (Continued on Page 3) CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY SILVER LAUNDRY-We call for and deliver. Bundles individually done, no markings. All work guaranteed. Phone 5594, 607 E. Hoover. 3x LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 5x DRESS MAKING and Alterations. Mrs. Walling. 118 E. Catherine. Phone 4726. 34x TYPING - Experienced. Reasonable rates. Phone 8344. L. M. Heywood 43r TYPING - Neatly and accurately done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Dial 5244. 2x FOR SALE-$35.00. 1929 Ford coach. Full year's Michigan license. 4 good tires. New seat covers. Runs fine. F. T. Brown, Fletcher Hall. 57x STENOGRAPHIC SERVICE Theses, Mimeographing. Margaret Carpen- tar. Office, 400 Wolverine Bldg. Phone 7181. 58x DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. h a Iandiadies here 's how to, pull 'em in ... . advertise your Fall rooms: to rent. intthe August 13th ORIENTATION ISSUE ..sent to all prospective fresh-men. Bring your ads, to...