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August 03, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1938-08-03

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The Weler T
Fair, somewhat warmer today,
tomorrow showers and cooler.
Official Publication Of The Summer Session

Border Incident
Or Great War? F.E.

Nevills' Party
Ends Colorado
River Journey
Two University Women
Demand Powder Puff,
Order Victory Dinner
Descent O Gorge
Endured 43 Days

Local Support
Granted Drive
For Spain Aid
Relief Ship Bearing Cargo
Of 5,000 Tons Ready
To Sail In Autumn
Ann Arbor students, faculty mem-
bers and townspeople inaugurated
local support today. of the first or-
ganized national effort to aid the
destitute and war-ridden people of
The war in Spain appears destined
to enter its second winter, and the
national sponsors of the drive to pro-
vide relief for 10,000,000 women and
children victims of the intense and
bitter struggle, are anxious to allevi-
ate the increased suffering that will
inevitably come with the cold weath-

BOULDER CITY, Nev., Aug 2-(A)
-Two University of Michigan women
faclilty members, who sailed 666 miles
down the treacherous Colorado River
past rapids and whirlpools, patted
their copper-tanned cheeks with a
powder puff today and ordered a
victory dinner of rattlesnake steak.
The only women in history to com-
plete the perilous voyage from Green
River, Utah, to Boulder Dam, Elza-
da Clover, forty-year-old University
of Michigan botanist, and her assist-
ant, Lois Jotter, 25, arrived here with
five men companions last night after
43 days in the jagged gorges of the
Launch Met Scientists
Their food supply had run low
when a Boulder Dam launch met
them, but they scoffed at the hard-
ships in traversing one of the most
perilous river routes on the continent.
"I'm going to take a hot bath,"
was Miss Jotter's comment as 'the
boats docked at the Boulder City
pier after a day of .13-degree heat.
All insisted they had' the time of
their lives-eating heartily, sleeping
soundly and working har. .'
Dine On Rattlesnakes
Miss Jotter said she was going to
the California Institute of Technol-
ogy at Pasadena, for a visit before re-
turning to Michigan.
First, however, the two women
promised to dine on rattlesnake. The
expedition caught a rattler last Sun-
day-the only live memento of the
voyage-and brought it to Boulder
City to be skinned and cooked.
Final Excursion'
Leads Tourists
To Put-In-Bay
Over 80 Persons Expected
To Comprise The Party;
Trip To Begin 7:30 A.M.
Put-in-Bay will be the final ob-
jective of the University Excursion
Series when the party leaves at 7:30
a.m. today, bound by special bus and
steamer to the island located about
60 miles southeast of Detroit, in Lake
Prof. Irving D. Scott of the geol-
ogy department will be the guide-lec-
turer on the excursion and he will
conduct the party expected to num-
ber about 80 people through the un-
derground caves, a particular point
of interest at Put-in-Bay.
Perry's monument, a granite shaft
352 feet high, commemorating Com-
modore Perry's naval victory in 1813;
Perry's cave, largest of the four island
caves, showing clear evidence that it
is different from the usual limestone,
cave, and Crystal Cave, with its
unique almost 'perfect celestite and
strontium sulphate stalagmites, will
be other points of interest to be in-
Geologically, the tour will be sig-
nificant because it will enable the
party to view the effects of the gla-
ciers on the rugged limestone shore,
the caves and the surface.1
The party will return to Ann Arborf
at 9:30 p.m.-
Army Group ]
Attends School
Ordnance Officers Meet;
In 2-Week Session Here
To obtain advanced study, 35 of-
ficers of the ordnance department of
the United States Army are now at-
tending the officers' school being held

here for two weeks. These officers
have been selected from all over the
United States.
The faculty for the school, which
provides advanced instruction given
by the army in this field, consists of.
Lieut.-Col. John S. Worley. Maj.

'Humanitarian Drive'
Bishop Francis J. O'McConnell,
Professor Albert Einstein, Dr. Walter
,B. Cannon, the American League for
Peace and Democracy, and the North
American Committee for Aid to
Spain, national sponsors of a na-
tion-wide effort to load a Spanish
Relief ship that is expected to sail
from New York in September with a
cargo of 5,000 tons have repeatedly
stressed the fact that this drive is
fundamentally a hum'anitarian one:
relief of suffering humanity is the
only desideratum, and on that basis
the Ann Arbor committee also ex-
pressed the belief that universal re-
sponse here would be forthcoming.
To Start Today
Local leaders of the drive announced
yesterday that the first part of the
campaign would consist of the print-
ing and distribution today of 3,000
letters explaining the nature and ur-
gency of the effort. On Thursday,
Friday and Saturday afternoons a
truck donated by the University
Storehouse Department will call at
2,500 Ann Arbor homes, soliciting
contributions of any sort. Canned
milk for the Spanish children, warm
clothing, and tools with which to re-'
build a nation of shattered homes,
are the greatest needs, the committee
said. Canned foods, sugar, coffee,
flour, blankets, and medical supplies
are the next most essential commodi-
ties. Money contributions, it was
pointed-out, may be addressed to
Prof. John F. Shepard, Natural
Science Building.
A Town Meeting, to be held to-
(continued on Page 3)
Final German Picnic
To BeWednesday
The final picnic of the year for'
persons interested in German will be
held Wednesday on the banks of the
Huron River, Prof. Henry W. Nord-
meyer, chairman of the, German de-
partment, announced yesterday.
The group will leave from the park-
ing lot by University Hall at 5 p. m.
and will be under the leadership of"
Vernon Kellett, Grad., and Herbert
Birkman, Grad., of Deutscher Verein.
The menu for the picnic, as an-
nounced by Professor Nordmeyer, in-
cludes wieners, potato salad, rolls,{
coffee, watermelon and ice cream.+
Reservations for the picnic must be+
made at the German department of-+
fice, 204 University Hall, before noon;

Cressey Says
Soviets Meet,
Peoples' Need
Russia's Leaders Feel Any
Means Are Justifiable
To Reach 'Great Ideal'
Rapidity Of Change
Confuses Foreigner
Whatever one may think of the
political and social consequences of
the Soviet regime, it is abundantly
clear today that the Russian Govern-
ment has the capacity to get things
done for the material betterment of
its citizens, Prof. George B. Cressey,
of the University of Syracuse, said
yesterday in the second of his four
talks being given here in connection
with the Institute of Far Eastern
The leaders of the Soviet Union
have been captured by a great ideal,
Professor Cressey declared; they are
determined to achieve the first social-
ist state in history, and any means
that can help in the attainment of
that end are deemed justified and
necessary. It is undoubtedly a totali-
tarian state in the sense that indi-
viduals exist only for the furthering
of the interests of the Soviet Fath-
erland, Professor Cressey said, adding
that he believed a vast majority of
the population supports the govern-
In Professor Cressey's opinion the
most perplexing aspect of Soviet
Russia, as viewed by foreigners, is
the bewildering rapidity of the
changes that have taken place in the
country. The fundamental change in
the politicaLideology of the country's
leaders is, Professor Cressey stated,
the most arresting example of the
dynamic and startling nature of the
U.S.S.R. World-wide revolution, ad-
vanced by Leon Trotsky as the only
dependable defense of communism in
Russia has been discarded, Prof.
Cressey explained, and in its place
the Stalinist program of developing
and trengthening the internal re-
sources of the country, has become
the official governmental and party
(Continued on Page 3)
Water Molecule
Is TalkSubject
Structure Of Particles Told
By Prof. Dennison
The water molecule was the item
discussed by Prof. David Dennison of
the physics department before a bi-
weekly meeting of the physics col-
loquium held last night in the Rack-
ham Buiding.
He first spoke on the forces that
keep the molecule together and its
configuration. The experimental work
done to sho wthe absorption of char-
acteristic frequencies, which includes
computing the movement of elec-
trons, the vibratnig and the rotating
for their frequencies and also their
different amounts was his next topic.
Going into the theoretical fiei, he
discussed the calculation of frequen-
cies and intensities for the molecule
and explained that the yields were

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Map Shows Disputed Territory Under Fire
where Jap-Soviet Forces Clash On Border
f c-

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Fifty Soviet airplanes were reported to have inflicted slight damage on railways near Changkufeng, Man-
choukuo (1) and raided the area about Yuki (2) in one of the latest incidents of the Russo-Japanese diffieul-
ties. The cross marks Changkufeng Hill, reported to have been recaptured by the Soviets. The shaded area on
the AP map shows the location of border territory involved in the dispute.
* * * <b-a.

Soviet Russia And Japan Well Supplied For Fight If
Protests And Retaliations Are Elements
Essential To Good War

(By Associated Press) ,
Soviet Russia; and Japan are well
supplied for a fight, if incidents and
retaliations, protests and counter-
protests-such as the present reper-
cussions from the July 11 Changku-
feng incident-are the things that
make war.
There has been a tangled history of
difficulties between the two powers
since 1933, the principal crop of the
uneasy frontier region between Jap-
anese-established Manchoukuo and
Soviet Siberia.
Japanese and Russian forces en-
gaged in warlike encounters in June,
last year-the so-called Amur River
incident, which before now was the
most war-threatening of the inter-
locking cycles of discord. That crisis
was dissipated by Russia's concilia-
tory attitude and by the outbreak of
war on July 7 between Japan and
Involved in the underlying enmity
of Japan and Russia are :
The geographical proximity of two
heavily armed nations, one hungry
for empire and the other intent on
keeping what it has;
Diverse Japanese and Russian poli-
tical doctrines;
A Japanese belief that Russian
Courtis Cla ims
Child Will Get
More Attention
Individual Statistic Files
To Be Used In Noting
Growth Development

purges have weakened the Soviet
A Russian belief that more than
a year of expensive war on China
has taxed the martial resources of
Japan, making her an easy foe;
A Japanese belief that Germany
might help her fight Russia-aid
supposedly assured by the German-
Italian - Japanese anti - Comintern
Japan has built her army in Man-
choukuo up to about a half million
men, by conservative estimate. In-
dustries are working on a wartime
Whitford Kane
Appears Today
In Second Role
Part In 'Whiteheaded Boy'
Entirely New To Actor;
Play Is At 8:30 P.M.
Whitford Kane, guest director of
the Michigan Repertory Players,
makes his second appearance of the
season in Lennox Robinson's "The
Whiteheaded Boy" which opens at
8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia/Men-I
delssohn Theatre.
Mr. Kane, who took the role of
Simon Eyre in "The Shc emakers'
Holiday" three weeks ago, tonight
will enact a role entirely new to him,
that of John Duffy, a hard boiled
Irish small town politician, whose
daughter is thrown over by the
Geoghegan's Whiteheaded boy, Den-
is, and who manages to fix everything
in the end.
"The Whiteheaded Boy" was pro-j

basis in the Japanese protectorate.
The Japanese have constructed a net-
work of strategic railways up to the
Soviet frontier.
On the Russian side the picture is,
much the same-although secrecy
surrounds much of the prepartions on
both sides. Moscow's far eastern
forces are believed to number between
300,000 and 500,000 men, linked to
Western Russia by, a constantly im-
proved communications system. 7
According to Japanese estimates,
Russia has from 800 to 1,500 planes toa
support the Far Eastern forces. Vlad-I
ivostok, at the tip of the dagger-
shaped bit of Siberia on the east ofj
Manchoukuo, is only about 750 airI
miles from Tokyo.
In case of war, the Red army1
could count on another 100,000 men
from Outer Mongolia which Russia
has equipped and which Soviet offi-
cers have trained. Outer Mongolia,t
the Mongolian People's Republic, is
under Soviet protection but recog-
nized as a part of China.
Some 3,400 miles of border likely
would become a battleine between
Russia and Japan-the boundariesa
between Manchoukuo and Siberia and
between Outer Mongolia and Inner l
Mongolia, the latter now partly under 1
Japanese domination.
Grad Student Displays
Bat-Catching Prowess
Peeved at friends' remarks thatE
he had bats in his belfry, Howie1
Braden, Grad., and former Michigan'
athlete, went out to prove it. Result:
Mr. Braden went to the library Mon-
day about 1 p.m. and found a bat
flying around in the General Library
reading room.
Braden, a science teacher in Flint
when he is not catching bats, intends
to keep the bat as a pet. He thinks
the fur is very soft and that it will
mke an intimate pet.
Summer Session's Last
Tea Dance To Be Today
The last tea dance of the Summer .
Session is to be held from 4 to 6
p. m. today in the League Ballroom.
These dances have been in charge of
Bob May, '39, and Jean Holland, '39,
under the direction of Miss Ethel

Japan Claims
Soviet Defeat
In Manchuria
Border Clash
Tank, Artillery, Airplane
Assault By Russians Is
Classified As 'Serious'
Russia Strikes Back
After JapBombings
TOKYO, Aug. 3--(Wednesday)
--P)-Fllowing night-long aer-
ial and artillery bombardments,
Soviet Russians hurled six divi-
sions, supported by 30 tanks,
against Japanese positions at
Shachofeng at 6 a. m. today, ac-
cording to an army communique,
TOKYO, Aug. 2-(P)-Japan today
announced defeat of a Soviet tank,
artillery and airplane assault in Man-
choukuoan border warfare which the
war office considered "exceptionally
Soviet planes were described in a
later communique as repeatedly
bombing villages in Japanese Korea
near the scene of the border fighting,
where Siberian, Korean and Man-
choukuoan frontiers meet. Both the
war office and the Korean army had
warned of reprisals.
/Itagaki Outlines Incidents
In Japan itself, Osaka and Fukuo-
ka districts were put under "partial"
control, presumably as a precaution
against possible air raids.
The cabinet heard the war minis-
ter, Lieut. Gen. Seishiro Itagaki, out-
line the border situation, which took
precedence over all other matters of
government. , Premier Prince Fumi-
maro Konoye went to report to the
The war office description of the
unsuccessful Russian attempt to re-
take Changkufeng hills--first occu-
pied by Soviet patrols July 11, then
recaptured by Japanese July 31-was
as follows:
The attack started with an artilldry
bombardment in mid-morning. Soon
eight Soviet tanks entered the battle,
followed by infantrymen who surged
toward the hills from both the north
and the south.
Soviets Raid Changkufeng
Ten Soviet bombers, flying in for-
mation, raided Changkufeng and
nearby villages.
Japanese forces occupying the dis-
puted territory drove back the at-
tacking tanks and infantrymen. Sov-
iet casualties since Sunday were said
to have totaled 250; Japanese casual-
ties were reported as 30 killed and 67
The war office asserted that civil-
ians were killed in Soviet air raids
and declared: "Planes are ready and
we must answer." The Korean army
had said it was prepared for an em-
ergency and warned that "enemy'
positions can not resist" if Korean
planes took the air.
Loyalists Gain
Strategic Town
In EbroValley
Tide Of Battle Swings To
Government Following
A Several-Hour Battle,
HENDAYE, France (At the Span-
ish Frontier)-Aug. 1.-(P)-The tide

of battle for control of eastern Spain's
Ebro River valley swung to the Gov-
ernment today with capture of a key
village on Insurgent Generalissimo
Francisco Franco's left flank despite
stubborn resistance.
Pobla de Mazaluca, itself only a
tiny sun-baked hamlet on heights
overlooking the Ebro valey north of
Gandesa, fell into Government con-
trol after a terrific battle lasting sev-
eral hours this morning.
Formerly Franco's eastern battle
headquarters, Gandesa, is 150 miles
southwest of Barcelona.
The Government militiamen's new
conquest meant the Insurgent lines
north of Gandesa had broken, open-
ing the way toward a score of vil-
lages along the Matarrana River
Part . of the shattered Insurgent
defending force fell back west to-
ward Nonaspe annl the rest retired
southwest toward Maella. Covering
+h i c,. ,.. '.a+ 4 flaar . of Tn . -a4.



Fang-Kuei Li, Linguistic Speaker,
Will Discuss Dialects Of Chinese

"In the future more and more duced here in 1929 by Play Produc-
attention will be paid to studying the tion with Lennox Robinson as direct-

A Michigan graduate, Dr. Fang-
Kuei Li, visiting'professor of Chinese
linguistics at Yale University, will
appear as guest speaker on the regu-
lar mid-week lecture program of the
Linguistic Institute at 7:30 p. m.
today in the amphitheater of the
Rackham building. He will discuss
"The Classification of Chinese Dia-
Ater receiving his A. B. from the
University in 1926, Dr. Li earned his
doctor's degree at the University of
Chicago under Prof. Edward Sapir,
now of Yale, who trained him to do
independent field work in linguistic
investigation. Practice in such in-
vestigation he obtained over a period
of three years by actual field work
with various North American Indian
groups, notably tribes of Athabascan
stock in northern Canada.
Dr. Li then returned to China as a
fellow of the independent research
institute, Academia Sinica, in Nan-
king, and began the major project
for which he has become widely
irn-- in .l - in+ar.- -nn1fia o f-,

the related languages of the Indo-
European group.
A year ago Dr. Li came back to
this country to accept a temporary
post in the department of linguistics
at Yale, where he Is presenting the
first fruits of his investigations.
Dr. Emeneau Lectures
An assortment or fantastic sounds
such as probably never before were
heard in the Michigan Union served
as illustrations yesterday for Dr.
Murray B. Emeneau, Linguistic Insti-
tue faculty member, wheh he de-
scribed at the Institute luncheon con-
ference the phonemic structure of
Toda and Kota, two Dravidian lan-
guages which he recently studied in
southern India.
Two complete sets of retracted
vowels besides the normal vowel pat-
tern, an astonishing variety of retro-
flex consonants, and a miscellaneous
collection of such phonetic curiosities
as a retroflex voiceless "1" combined
to provide Dr. Emeneau plenty of ma-

development of each child and to the
use of statistical methods appropri-
ate to recording change," Ir. S. A.
Courtis said yesterday in his lecture,
"The Importance of Longitudinal
Studies of Children's Growth," in
the University High School auditor-
"In the past," Dr. Courtis said,
"educational measurements, for the
most part, have been measurements
of status at a giventime, and the
results have been analyzed by mass
statistics. However, longitudinal stud-
ies have shown that individual
growth is cyclic in character, that the
various cycles of growth occur at
different times in different individ-
uals, and that each child is unique
as to times and amounts of growth,
and should be judged in terms of his
own natural standards and not in
terms of norms derived from mass
measurements," he pointed out.
"Longitudinal studies reveal the
natural patterns of growth which
'average out' in mass data; they make
possible the interpretation of a child's
growth curve in terms of his own
natural standards; they increase the
reliability of interpretation of test
scores, since fewer cases are needed

or. For many years critics have at-
tempted to find some political sig-
nificance in the play, but Robinson
maintained when he was here, and
Mr. Kane still says, that the play is
nothing more than a simple Irish
family comedy .
Other members of the cast besides
Mr. Kane are Morlye Baer as Denis,
Stephen Filipiak as George, Claribel
Maird as Mrs. Geoghegan and Nancy
Bowman as Aunt Ellen.

Chapman Says Soviet Research'
Spurred To Exploit Resources

Russian interest in scientific, es-
pecially geological, research and dis-
covery may be explained by aidesire
on the part of the Soviet government
to exploit the vast mineral resources
of Siberia and the Caucasus region,
in the opinion of Prof. Donald Chap-
man, of the University of New Hamp-
Professor Chapman, son of the
Rev. Howard Chapman of the Ann
Arbor Baptist Church, spent two
.._ . _..1_ - -_ - eT 1. _. .. .. .

logic factors afforded by the far-flung
reaches of Russia make the country
a fertile source of study for scientists
from all over the world. In his jour-
ney Professor Chapman visited the
Russian Riviera colony on the north-
eastern shores of the Black Sea, a
"semi-tropical country, the nicest part
of all Russia," and then traveled
northward to the Arctic islands of
Nova Zemblia, within 900 miles of
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