. TH E MICHIGAN . AILY '1 I I r 7 - AILY :1. The Editor Gets Told. -1 VI An Orchid To Us urn... .- .,, Edited and managed by students of the University of lchigan under the authority of the Board in Control of tudent Publications. Pubiheaevery mrig tcept Monday during the . Iv~rsty year, ad tumnmer Session. .thMember of the Associated Press 'liAssociated Press Is exclusvely etitled to the " ir republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also ;Eterved. - t red at the Post o ice at Ann Arbor, Mfchigan, as Second , class aW mrae r.. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, 4,00; by mail, $4.50. &4ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPR3S NTUD PO NtATIONAL.ADVtRT iSNt3 sY 'tIrno AuVetui Ig K rVICe, Inc. Coll eg Publiskers R Iresenfataie 4A2 MADI5ON AiE. *w YORK, ri. Y. CaelA o - loso Los ANGELES - SAN FRAIICIeCO Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR.. IRVING SILVERMAN pity Editor . . . . . . Robert I. Ftzhenry A sistaflt Editors ..... .. Mel Fineberg, Joseph Gies, Elliot Maraniss, Ben M. Marino, Carl Petersen, Suzanne Potter, Harry L. Sonneborn. Business Department JSINESS MANAG .. . ERNEST A. JONES edit Manager . . . . Norman Steinberg rculation Milanager . . . J. ameron Hall stants . .Philip Buchen, Walter Stebens -. NIGHT EDITOR: JOSEPH GIES . The editorials published In The Michigan' .Daly .are written by members of the Daily jtaff and represent the views of the writers onl y. ' It is important for society to avoid the nteglect of adults, but positively dangerous for t to thwart the ambitioPa of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educational institu- tions in the best meaning of the term The Anti-Labor .ndustria School.. A FINANCIAL WRITER in the Detroit News, Charles F. Speare, made a Somment lat week ,on a matter which deserves 6om clearing up. '"This writer," said Mr. Speare, "makes no pretense of understa.nding why, with .fIood prices high and with the unemployed in Cleveland and elsewhere s.tarving because of inadequate fopd and old-fashioned prosperity based -on large crops, it is any more niecessary to hold up the price of wheat than to maintain a gage scale that has no relation to current busi- ness profits.", While not necessarily agreeing with the Ad- ,ministration's farm program, we can understand -quite easily why it is necessary for the price of wheat to be kept high enough to give the farmer .something like an adequate income. The unem- ployed in Cleveland as well as elsewhere are in .o danger of starving from lack of food with which to feed them; their plight is due to their lack of purchasing power and the failure of local povernments, through mismanagement or in- solvency, adequately to provide for them. But it is Mr. Speare's second contention, im- -plied in the last clause of the quotation, with which we should like to take sharp issue. With- out admitting that the current wage scale actu- ally has no relation to current business profits, we should like to ask Mr. Speare a question. What would have become of the huge inventories piled up by the automobile and other industries if the wage scales of the workers in all industries had been reduced? The used car lots, factories and warehouses were emptied of their surpluses As quickly as they have been, preparing the way for an industrial upturn in the fall, because the relatively few workers who were not laid off -were still able to earn enough to keep on buy-. ping. Industry, it is true,> has not been far-sighted enough to keep wages up of its own accord. Eugene Grace, pesident of Bethlehem Steel, has -just added his voice to the collective chant of industrial giants for wage reductions. The CIO, which has been responsible for the maintenance -of wage standards, is meantime subjected to a fresh barrage of invective, as are the National Labor Relations Board and the Wagner Act, which made possible collective bargaining by unions on terms approaching equality with em- °ployers. Plaints of financial writers and steel company - presidents about wagescales thatthave no relation to business profits strengthen the suspicion in -many minds that the recession, whether induced by them or not, is being used by great industrial- ists as a footing for an organized offensive to wipe out the gains made by labor in the past five years. Recalling the revelations of the LaFollette Committee, we might term these gentlemen the "millions forelabor spies but not one cent for wage increases" schooj of industrial leadership. -Joseph Gies The progressive is almost as dangerous as the inventor and discoverer. If we don't act auiicly toAcurb hhim he twill son hp Athemi-n To The Editor: May I take this opportunity to express my thanks to you and your staff for the genuine pleasure which the Daily has afforded me? It is heartening to note the spirit of fearless seeking for truth, which seems to be the keystone of your institution. And "institution" must certainly be the word for your paper-among all those who glory in championing human rights. It is an oasis tor all parched by the average nwspaper (so-called). When I finished reading Sinclair Lewis' "It Can't Happen Here," a few years ago, I was thoroughly depressed. When vicious steel com- pany thugs "blackjacked" Bob Burke in Youngs- town;; when selfish local "vigilantism" and lack of education through newspapers or radio-both monopolized by steel in Mahoning Valley-dealt unionism a paralyzing blow; when Governor Martin Luther Davey ("Hot Mix Graft" to the Cleveland Plain Dealer and other foes) sold Youngstown steel workers down the river after sticking bayonets in their faces-my sadness was overwhelming. When I was choked by tear-gas, when my blood boiled at the sight of women and children being slugged and unarmed men killed outright in Youngstown last summer I wondered where Christian justice and American sportsmanship were hiding. I knew Girdler of Republic Steel and Purnell of Sheet and Tube thought more of "coupon-clipping" than human lives. Hadn't their companies precipitated the destruction of a whole portion of the town and ruined the small-business men (among them my father) on another bloody occasion? But that was 1916 and this, under Roosevelt was "a new era". Where was the church element? And the press, which had the freedom for which the radicals of '76 had fought? The local paper, the "Vindicator," (except for a feeble protest voiced when we threatened a ,boycott and its circulation dropped a few thous- and overnight) somehow, and for a not too subtle reason, refused to "vindicate." Imagine, then, the thrill of reading, in the Daily, of plucky Reverend Orville Jones explaining church silence, because of the mill leaders' intimidation, and getting Gillies of Republic to admit it, in effect, before the Senate Civil Liberties Com- mittee. I wonder if the Vindicator is also printing the unaltered truth on its front page. When I read of treasured personal friends of Harvard, Youngstown and Columbus, being slain by Fascist shrapnel (perhaps imported also from America via Germany or Italy)-in the unequal battle against Franco ("The Butcher of the Austrias"), Hitler (the Sudeten saviour) and he of the "inflexible will," "invincible warriors" and the double cross-Il Duce-think of the thrill of finally reading, in the Daily, an encouraging report of Loyalist success. While I "walk on air" reading your paper at 6:30 a. m. going to lecture, I still know it can happen here-in spite of this. But if my heart bleeds for China and my gloom reaches a new low whenever I realize circum- stances and the Detroit Spanish consul's regard for American laws prevent my taking a place in the "people's army" of Spain, I am buoyed up by what the Daily makes me realize-that there is work to be done here-while Czechoslovakia and Spain hold the fort-boycotting Japan, lifting the embargo on shipments to Loyalist Spain etc. So thanks a million and the best of luck. Long after I've ceased hearing carillons and stopped thinking of the Rackham Building, I shall re- ,member the Daily, in recalling old Ann Arbor memories. -Daniel Berni And A Scallion To The Editor: Having been an interested, if not always im- pressed, reader of your editorial page for the past five weeks, I feel that the time has arrived when some of your efforts must be challenged. In your devotion to the Loyalist cause, you have frequently transgressed the spirit of the Bill of Rights and also the present law of the land as embodied in the Neutrality Act. Your editorial, "The Catholic Church and the Spanish War," admits that there is no doubt that churches have indeed been destroyed in Spain, most of them by the Loyalists. Further down the page you refer parenthetically to the "guarantee of religious freedom in the Republi- can Constitution." Now if the Republican Loyal- ists guarantee religious freedom in their Consti- tution and yet indulge in the burning of churches, do they .not immediately take their place along- side the greatest governmental hypocrites in history? Is not this offense as heinous as those of Fascist Germany? Or is it only Fascists who can do wrong? Your frequent references to the "legally con- stituted" Loyalist government are based on the assumption that the election which put the Loyalists into power was a bona-fide election. There is strongpreason to suspect that the elec- tion was fraudulent, and the murder of Calvo Sotelo indicates that certain Leftist consciences were not resting easily. But it is when you have the temerity to quote Pope Leo XIII that you make your postion ridicu- lous. Why don't you quote Leo XIII's encyclical "On The Condition of Labor" or Pius XI's "Re- cgnstruction of the Social Order?" These two papers stand as monuments of liberal labor philosophy, advocating unions, living wages, fair conditions for labor, social security and many other things which "liberals" so intensely crave. To return to your actual quotation of Pope Leo XIII, he says, ". . . the Church . . . has Ii feenir Lo6 Me Heywood Broun James Lardner, Ring's boy, has been wounded fighting for the Loyalist army on the River Ebro front A bomb burst near his trench, and he was struck in the back by a frag- ment, but they say his wound is not serious. Nevertheless, I hope that he will be invalided back to his own country, for I think he may have much to say which will be useful to democratic Spain and demo- cratic America. Many American writers much better known than young Lardner have come out for the cause of the Spanish government, and quite a few have seen some portion of"the war. And yet I think that Lardner's testimony may have a special significance. In small part this is personal. I have not seen James Lardner since he was one of four chubby children who all looked exactly alike. They lived in a big house in Great Neck across the lawn from the Swopes. I saw a lot of Ring in those days, and I try to grab back things he said or did, because I imagine -he was the only man of genius I ever met. * * * That Moving World It would interest me enormously to know just' how Ring would have reacted to Jim's enlistment with the Loyalists. For the life of me I can't remember Ring's ever saying a word about poli- tics or economics or world affairs. It was a long way in those days from a Great Neck lawn to the Ebro River. I suppose everybody would have been surprised if some soothsayer had pointed to the chunky kid playing Indian and said, "When he is 24 he will be wounded fighting Fascism in Spain." Of course, the word "Fascism" would have been meaningless to us. But I think that in a way which is curiously remote Jim has carried on the tradition of his father. Under an insulation of isolation and indifference Ring boiled, with a passion against smugness and hypocrisy and the hard heart of the world. He used to sit up'until 6 o'clock in the morning telling cockeyed fairy stories, and so I got the impression that he didn't like Great Neck. I used to sit up with him when everybody else had gone to bed, because I knew that Ring was a great man. But the stories were very long, very involved and, on the surface, a little point- less. At that time I had never heard of Freud nor was I familiar with the modern connotation of "escape." So I. only retained an occasional phrase. There was a story which began, "I turned the tap on in the bathroom and four Ctechoslovak- ians jumped out." In those days "Czechoslovak- ian" was a comic word. But time, which makes jokes as well as dreams come true, did not turn on the tap. And when streams were loosed in Middle Europe there were drops of blood upon a lawn in Great Neck.. * * * Jim Lardner's Story I hope Jim Lardner comes home and speaks his piece. In arguments about Spain one debater always attempts to disqualify the other by identifying him with some political, economic or religious group. But here is a brief biography of James Phillips Lardner, son of our great native American humorist:- He was educated at Andover and Harvard and joined the staff of the New York Herald Tribune, where he conducted a column on contract bridge. Later he became a war correspondent for the European edition of the New York Herald Tri- bune, and after three weeks as an observer he said, "I think something has to be done by somebody. I've seen the front, and I know what I'm going into. This is a fight that will have to be won sooner or later, and I'm in favor of doing it here and now." You may agree or disagree with the decision at which Ring's son arrived. But nobody can justly say that he was put up to it by "subversive influences." He saw with his own eyes, and he made his own choice. Ring and the rest of the Lardners always did run without blinkers. ish Government, why not coryiemn Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, et al. for fostering a rebellion against the once "legitimate" rule of the Tsar? Surely Mr. Gies' sanctimony with regard to "legitimate" government ought to extend in all directions, rather than merely in the direction of the Vati- can. Now, I'm ready to admit that this word "com- munist" is greatly overworked, but Mr. Gies once again disguises the truth when he states that there is but one Communist holding a port- folio in the Loyalist Cabinet' We are all aware that party labels are meaningless. Does Mr. Gies deny, however, that the Loyalist government is predominately "left-wing" and anti-Christian? Does he deny that in Barcelona, where that fam- ous "religious freedom" clause is in effect, Catho- lic piriests have to say Mass in secret and in civilian clothes? With reference to Father O'Flanagan, inci- dentally, anyone who can reason at all will readily see the parallel between Father O'Flana- gan's relation to the Catholic Church and Leon Trotsky's relation to Moscow. Both are traitors. Let's have a dose of real liberalism beneath your noble masthead. -Undoubtedly a Fascist. A Reply In connection with the above letter, we should like to suggest the following points: By JACK C. SULLIVAN HENRY FORD AND GREENFIELD VILLAGE, by William Adams Si- monds. The Fredrick A. Stokes Co. 1938. More than half a million people visited Greenfield Village and the, Edison Institute Museum of "Early Americana" at Dearborn during 1931. But probably nearly all that half mil- lion went away without any definite idea as to the purpose behind the project or any notion of the import attached to the experiments in youth training carried on there. Mr. Si- tmonds' book attempts to explain the purpose and describe in detail the execution of Mr. Ford's plans. A major portion of it is devoted to tide Ford philosophy of education and the application of that philosophy in the schools maintained by Ford. Mr. Simonds is admirably suited for this work. He is custodian of the Village and editor of the "Ford News," official publication of the Ford Mo- tor Company, He began his career as editor of The University of Wash- ington Daily and saw newspaper work on the Seattle Times and as manag- ing editor of Northwest Motor. The Ford schools are locted in several places and are of several types. Younger children occupy some of the buildings in the Early American Vil- lage. High school students go to classes in the Museum buildings. And during 1937 a new building was con- structed to house a technical institute where degrees in mechanical, elec- trical, chemical and agricultural en- gineering will be offered. And there are numerous country schools in the neighborhood of Dear-I born which have been rehabilitated; dew schools to care for the children of the Ford lumber towns in Upper Peninsula Michigan; schools for the children of native workers on Ford rubber holdings in South America; a school for convalescent children at Henry Ford Hospital; the already well-known Henry Ford Trade School; a School of Nursing and Hy- giene at the Hopsital; and assistance in N'egro education, both in the Martha Berry schools of the South and in nearby Inkster. This educational system is akin to Mr. Ford's program for decentraliza- tion of industry. He believes that industry must split up, that men will return to a more rural life, breaking up the big cities. And his educational principles are fitted to the rural life that was America a generation or two ago. But, like the air-conditioned log cabins, they also embrace the best which modern educational theories have to offer. As Mr. Ford has said, "Our schools here, some people say, are not city schools. I don't want them to be city schools, for I hope to teach our boys and girls to live in the America of tomorrow, 'which I think is going to be more rural than it has been for the past generation. There was a flow to the cities, and men learned a good deal about living together in cities-sanitation, order and the like 1936 was conducted by the govern- ment then in power, a rightist coali- tion." The chance of fraud on the part of the leftists was slight in- deed. If the Church does not recognize the Loyalist Government as legitimate, everyone else, with the exception of Hitler and Mussolini, does. If civil war is to be recognized as a more certain indication of the sentiment of a nation, what is to be- come of democracy? And finally, what right, as Professor Shotwell has asked, have the Moors, Italians and Germans to cast their blood-stained ballots in the vote that wiped out Basque liberties? 3. We are not aware that we made any editorial comment, favorable or otherwise, on the Russian Revolution; if we did, the first thing we should point out is that the Tsar's govern- ment was not democratically estab- lished, as the government of Spain was. 4. We do not deny that the Loyalist government is predominantly left- wing. As for its being anti-Christian, we refer once more to the guarantee of tolerance. 5. We are not convinced that priests have to say mass in secret in Barce- lona. -We have seen this asserted, and also denied (in the New York Times, by Lawrence Fernsworth, a Catholic writer). 6. We are not concerned with the status of Father O'Flanagan as a Catholic priest. We admire him as a man. 7. We are not anti-Catholic-and we vigorously oppose the anti-Catholic movement in America. We sincerely respect and admire the Vatican on its recent declaration concerning the new Italian "Aryan- ism" of Mussolini, as well asthose Catholics who have fought against Hitler in Germany. We sincerely re- gret that our editorial offended a reader. -J.G. Two Engineering Professors Return Two professors in the College of Engineering have recently returned to Ann Arbor after a three-weeks TUESDAY, AUG. 2, 1938 VOL. XLVIII. No. 31l Chamber Music Concert: The Chamber Music Class of the Univer- sity School of Music will present a program of contemporary chamberi music, under the direction of Hanns Pick, in Hill Auditorium, Tuesday evening, Aug. 2, at 8:15 o'clock. The general public is cordially invited to attend without admission charge. "Man Transforms Siberia"-Lecture by Prof. George B. Cressey of Syra- cuse University in the Lecture Hall -but now the flow is away from them." Chief among the Ford principles is an emphasis on education for living. Mr. Ford believes that an educated man is one who not only knows a lot, but knows how to do a lot of things. That is the type of educated men and women he is attempting to turn out from the Greenfield Village system. From the time they enter kindergarten the students under the Ford plan are constantly learning by doing. And they must learn to do many things before they are allowed to specialize in any degree. "The weakness of specializatipn is obvious," says Mr. Ford, ".It works. well only when the world is just so. Our task is to equip boys and girls to do many things, to live under a variety of conditions, under rapidly changing conditions, and to be quick to make adjustments to new condi- tions." In a word, the, Ford schools areI "non-failure" schools. Not only arel there no failures in school, but, chil- dren trained under this system are less likely to fail in life. Curricula, are not so stiff but that there is a place for ,every student. These chil- dren are left to propose and plan much of the work they do. If there is a weak point in the structure, it is that the outlook is too utilitarian in regard to culture-lit- erature, art, music, religion are studied because of some further goal to which they lead and not for them- selves alone. Out of the Greenfield Village schools may come groat in- ventors, great industrial leaders, great statesmen and educators even, but not one poet, artist, composer or saint, not even, perhaps, a sinner. Mr. Simonds' book, which is pro- fusely illustrated with some fine pho- tographs of Village scenes, also de- scribes the Edison Institute Museum, the Village as an early American memento, the relation of Ford indus- try to agriculture, and the "little fac- tory" system by which Mr. Ford hopes to decentralize industry. + BOOKS + I I'1 of the Rackham Building at 4:30 p.m. today. Summer School Chorus: A recrea- tional hour open to all summer school students without fee, 7 to 8 p.m. Mor- ris Hall (broadcasting station), State Street, every Tuesday night. The Cabaret Supper Dance, Tues- day, Aug. 2, from 6:30 to 9:30. There will be dinner, dancing, and a floor show. Tickets are limited to 300. Get your tickets from members of the Women's Education Club. Commercial Education Students: Inspection tour of the University Hos- pital offices and a watermelon party afterwards on the Island, Tuesday, Aug. 2, 7 p.m. Meet on the second floor of the University Hospital. Tick- ets may be obtained at University High School office and from com- mittee members in commercial edu- cation classes, pric-^ 10 cents. Prof. S. A. Courtis will speak this (Continued on Page 4) . DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. D STUDENTS. TEACHERS. Pro- mote world friendship. Students in many countries wish to corro - pond. Nominal charge, 10 cents each address. Ages 12-28. Call 2- 3868 for listings. World Friend- ship Society, Ann Arbour Bureau. 827 Sylvan Av. 9-12 a.m. and 7-9 p.m. SILVER LAUNDRY-We call for and deliver. Bundles individually done, no markings. All work guaranteed. Phone 5594, 607 E. Hoover. 3x LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 5x DRESS MAKING and Alterations. Mrs. Walling. 118 E. Catherine. Phone 4726. 34x TYPING - Experienced. Reasonable rates. Phone 8344. L. M. Heywood ' 43r TYPING - Neatly and accurately done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Dial 5244. 2x VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist. Reasonable rates. 706 Oakland, Phone 6327. 17x N TYPING-Marian Peebler, Division. Ph. 6304. 513 S. 56x l k They HIT - ..... I - I '. The MARK! It LANDLADIES.. here is an Advertising Opportunity that can't miss! Advertise your Fall Rooms to Rent in the huge ORIENTATION ISSUE---sent to all prospec- tive freshmen ==a;- on SOatur- day, August 13th. Bring Your Ad, to T1ho