The Weather Generally fair; possibly showers In extreme north, warmer. L r. 3Jfrcciteau esiat official Publication Of The Summer, Session Editorial The Anti-Labor Industrial School . VOL. XLVIII. No. 31 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN TUESDAY, AUG. 2, 1938 PRICE lFIVECENTS . _ _ ___ Loyalist Drive Forces Franco To BolsterLine Around Teruel World Youth Day Marked Penal System Throughout Nation Today Compared To f Gen. Miaja Strategy Seen Aimed At Surprise Of The Insurgent Troops Government Guns Trained On Teruel HENDAYE, France (At the Span- ish Frontier), Aug. 1.-(P)-Gen. Jose Miaja's central Spanish Government army stormed and captured the stra- tegic "Bluff of Camarena" 13 miles south of Teruel today, forcing Insur- gent Generalissimo Francisco Franco to hurry troops from other fronts to defend his Teruel lines. Dispatches from both sides agreed that Miaja's moves were designed to capture the Insurgents off-guard at - the moment they were' using every available man to protect Gandesa, 100 miles northeast of Teruel, against Government offensives from Cata- lonia, In constant touch with his field commanders near Gandesa on the Ebro River front, Gen. Miaja or- dered a sudden attack from the south which resulted in capture of the high promontory at Camerna dominating a, dozen villages and hamlets, includ- ing Valdecloche, Cascabte, and Cubla, all a few miles to the north.. The advance brought Government guns within 10 miles of Teruel, capi- tal of the province of Teruel, which the Government seized and lost less than six months ago. The success of this surprise attack forced Insurgent field commanders in the Teruel area to demand reinforce- ments to protect not only Insurgent positions along the Teruel-Sagunto highway to the coast, but the city of Teruel itself. Camarena is six miles southwet-otJgaigway- There was intinse activity behind both fronts durling the last 48 hours. The Government was transferring men and material across the Ebro into the newly-conquered zone be- fore Gandesa- General Franco was trying to de- fend both the Teruel and Ebro sec- tors, at the same time pushing his own counter-attacks in the northern and southern Ebro zones. Despite heavy attacks by the Insur- gents on both flanks, the Government line about .the Ebro region was changed little. The Insurgents, with superior aviation and artillery, made some progress in daylight hours, but the Government, relying on night at- tacks and day defense, succeeded in holding its lines. Recital Offers Vared MUSIC Chamber Musicians Play At 8:30 P.M. Today1 Featuring the music of contempor- ary American and European compos-' ers for various combinations of solo and ensemble instruments, the Cham- ber Music Class of the School of Mu- sic will presentia program at 8:30 p.m. today n'Hill Auditorium' French, Russian, German and American composers have been drawn upon for this recital. Fifteen mem- bers of the class will participate under the direction of Prof. Ianns Pick. John Alden Carpenter represents the American composers; while Russia is presented in the works of the bril- liant young composer Shostakowicz, and the elder artist, Gliere. From the French composers Professor Pick has selected a composition for two pianos by Germaine Tailleferre, and selections from the Teutonic com- posers, Reger, Tansmann and Schoen- berg, although the latter is now a resident of the United States. r The program for the evening fol- lows: "Second Movement from ther Quintet for Piano and Strings," byt Carpenter; "Serenade for Flute,t Violin, and Viola," by Reger; "Cazonet and Scherzo from the Trio for Piano, Violin and Violincello," by Tansmann; "Verklarte Nachte," sextet for strings, by Schoenberg; "Jeux de Plein Air," selection for two pianos, by Taille- ferre; and two octets for -strings, "Prelude," and "Allegro Finale," by Shnatomnwez and Mere resnectivel Book Of World Fellowship To Be Signed By Students; Contributions Asked To Defray Expenses Of Second World Youth Congress By BEN M. MARINO World Youth Day will be marked today by students and young people's groups all over the country, and another step will be taken in the drive to finance the Second World Youth Congress at Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York.t A table will be stationed in the center of the Campus directly in front of the General Library where students will be urged to stop on their way to classes to register their names in the Book of0 World Fellowship. Ten cents will be solicited from those students to assist in defraying the expenses of the great congress at Vassar which will bring to- gether over 500 youths from 52 nations of the world representing their politi- cal, social and ° economic national ideas. The discussion aims of the Con- gress are to gain through mutual ex- change of ideas, a clearer conception of the political and economic organiz- ation for peace, the economic and cultural status of youth and its rela-; tion to peace, and the ethical and philosophical bases of peace. The Congress will Olan methods of cdl- laboration in an attempt to enable young people to fulfill their responsi- bility in contributing to world peace. Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the his- tory department said in regards to the Congress yesterday: 'Youth Movements Important' "Youth movements have been of great importance in history. One thinks of Disraeli and "Young Eng- land," Mazzini and "Young Italy", the, "Young Turks" who regenerated the Ottoman Empire, the German ronman- ticistswho gathered around Heine and the French romanticists who ap- plauded the first plays of Victor Hugo. "Unfortunately the generous ener- gies of youth, nearly always vital and sincere, are just as capable of being turned 'into a reactiopary as a pro- gressive channel. Fascism is a youth movement; so is National Socialism; in Germany. It is very important that if there should be -a youth movement in the United States that it be focused in a useful direction. No One Direction "At present there are many youth movements in this country, as in Britain and France, but they point in no one quarter of the compass. They are all over the map. The chief characteristics of our youth is be- wilderment which, all over the world now, is also the chief characteristic, of their elders. If the forthcoming Con- gress can find a common aim for the energies of youth, and if that aim should be based on liberal instead of illiberal principles, it will perform a greater service than could any Con-I gress of elders, including even the7 Congress of the United States." Such internationally known indi- viduals as Lord Cecil and His Grace the Archbishop of York of England; Dr. Miron Cristea, President of the Council of Ministers of Roumania; M. Edward Herriott, President, Chamber of Deputies, France; Mr. Wellington Koo, Chinese Ambassador to France; Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, Prof. James T. Shotwell of Columbia Uni- versity; John L. Lewis, President of the Committee for Industrial Organi- zation, of the United States, and many others are listed as sponsors.; Film On China Will Be Shown. By Student Club 'Thunder Over China' I Back By Demand; Panay Pictures To Be Available "Thunder Over China," a motion picture record of the Sino-Japanese conflict which has been previously presented here, has been brought back by the Chinese Students' Club in response to popular demand, and will be presented in connection with new material at 8 p. m. Wednesday in the Natural Science Auditorium., it was announced yesterday. The picture attempts to answer the question of how the Chinese, with their particular cultural background, have managed for so long to resist the invasion of the Japanese armies. "From World War to World Com- munity" is the theme of the addition- al material. The picture has a com- plete sound accompaniment. Eye-witnesses, working under the most difficult and dangerous condi- tions, obtained the photographs which make up the additional mater- ial. This material emphasizes the con- trast between the Chinese and Jap- anese traditions. Dr. Francis Onderdonk, who coop- erated with the Chinese Students' Club in bringing the pictures here, will present pictures of the bombing of the U. S. S. Panay if the audience requests it. Tickets for the performance may be obtained at Wahr's bookstore or at the door for 20 cents. Proceeds from the performance will go to help Chinese civilian relief. Linguists To Study Chinese This Week The Dravidian and Chinese lan- guages will draw the attention of members of the Linguistic Institute this week. At the luncheon con- ference at 12:10 p.m. today at the Michigan Union Dr. Murray B. Emeneau of the Institute faculty will discuss problems in Dravidian pho- netics and phonemics. He will also be the speaker at the Thursday lun- cheon conference, when he will dis- cuss "Parts of Speech and Types of Predication in Dravidian." Guest speaker for the week is Dr. Pang-Kuei Li, visiting professor of Chinese linguistics at Yale Univer- sity, who will speak in the Rackham amphitheatre at 7:30 p.m.. Educational Gerald Bush Says System Is Based On Individual Tests At Incarceration Case History Dictates Parole Action Taken By HARRY L. SONNEBORN A program of education adapted completely to the individual, rather than, a general program individual- ized in a few cases, is but one of the aspects of the penal system that is superiov,4o teducational practice, Ger- ald Bush of the State Parole Board said yesterday in his lecture, "Appli- cation of Educational Techniques to Penology and Parole Problems," given in the University High School audi- torium. This program, according to Mr. Bush, is based on a complete and exhaustive survey of the individual made from the time he is first incar- cerated, by sociologists, psychologists, and doctors. Their studies are incor- porated in a case history of the indi- vidual that treats his home environ- ment, schooling, working experience, physical and mental condition, and general aptitudes and capacities, Mr. Bush said. This case history is studied carefully before action is taken in any case, regarding paroles, transfers to other institutions, or probatinary periods. "Parole is not synonymous with clemency, mercy, shortening of the term, or any manner of release," Mr. Bush pointed out. "Most attacks on the parole system are coupled with the suggestion that the prisoner be kept in the institution. There is only one alternative for parole, and that is free and complete discharge." He explained that the maximum term of imprisonment is fixed by statute, and the minimum is at the discretion of the sentencing judge. No prisoner is eligible for parole until ais minimum sentence,;d*ft good behavior time off, is served, at which point he is automatically eli- gible, Bush said. Of course; he ex- plained, only a few of those who are eligible for parole have it granted to them. After a study of the case his- tory, the parole board decides wheth- er the prisoner shall be released on parole or sent back for a period of six months or more. Bush said that during the parole period the prisoner was checked care- fully and often by a trained corps of parole officers to whom he had to report at predetermined intervals. This factor, he explained, often makes early parole preferable to confinement. He gave as an example the case of a Detroit sex criminal who, when. released on parole, could be observed in normal surroundings and under restrictions, while if he had been kept confined until he had served his maximum sentence, would have spent the time in abnormal liv- ing conditions and would have been completely free to do as he pleased (Continued on Page 4) Supper Dance Main Feature Is Floor Show With a floor show as one of its fea- ture attractions, an all campus cabar- et supper-dance will be held from 6- 9:30 p.m. today in the League ball- room. A few tickets for the affair, which is under the sponsorship of the Wom- en's Education Club, may still be pur- chased at the League desk, it was an- nounced today by Mary-Eliza Shan- non, the general chairman. Part of the entertainment will be furnished by the Curriculum Work- shop group, who will enact Dr. W. C. Trow's play, "A Jury Panel to End All Jury Panels." An exhibition of square dancing will be given by a group of eight stu- dents, members of Ivan Parker's Mon- day night country dancing classes. Several specialty numbers will be fur- nished by members of Charles Zwick's orchestra in addition to music for dancing. Members of the publicity commit- tee, which is headed by Virginia Johnston are Erma Fust, Ruth Sher- wood and Emma Musson. The pro- gram chairman is Louise Paine, and UAW Officers File Answers To Accusation Say New Trial Procedure, Evidence By Affidavits Balks Fair Judication Refute Conspiracy Charge By Martin DETROIT, Aug. 1.-('P)-Four sus- pended vice-presidents of the United Automobile Workers filed their for- mal answer to charges preferred against them by President Homer Martin, denying all allegations and hurling some charges of their own. Protesting the new trial procedure, under which evidence by affidavit will supplant oral testimony, the de- fendants' reply said that "it denies the defendants any trial at all and permits a verdict of guilty, a la Hit- ler, by a majority of the 'trial com- mittee." Denying that the defendants were engaged in a conspiracy, as charged by Martin, the reply said that the only conspiracy involved was between "Martin and an irresponsible, dis- ruptive, political adventurer and in- ter-meddler of New York." It said that Martin had appointed allies of the unnamed "adventurer" to posi- tions of influence. The suspended officers previously had charged that Martin was under the influence of Jay Lovestone, who broke away from the Communist Party some years ago and now heads the independent labor league. Under the revised procedure, all affidavit evidence must be submitted by Wednesday for introduction when the trial resumes Saturday. The de- fendants are Richard T. Franken- steen, Walter N. Wells, Wyndham Mortimer and Ed Hall. UAW officers here expressed no concern over an injunction hearing, scheduled for Wednesday in New York Supreme Court, in which six -sapended-~ officers of the Tarrytown (N.Y.) local seek to restrain Martin from interfering with affairs of the local. The Tarrytown local was one of three for which Martin appointed administrators recently after sus- pending the local officers. UAW of- ficers here said it was the first court suit, so far as they knew, of the currenlt factional dispute. Martin Given Summons NEW YORK, Aug. 1.-(P-Na- tional officers of the United Auto- mobile Workers of America (CIO) have been summoned to Supreme Court Wednesday to show cause why the international union should not be restrained from expelling officers of Local 118 in Tarrytown, N.Y., and otherwise interfering with its affairs. The order to appear-which in- cluded Homer Martin, national presi- dent-was signed by Justice Edward J. McGoldrick on a petition for a permanent injunction filed on behalf of six officers of the local who said the case presented the first legal test of the union's constitution and Mar- tin's authority to usurp powers of the locals. In an affidavit accompanying the petition, Martin was accused of violating the union's constitution and suppressing free speech and expres- sion over union affairs. , Biology Camp Visito~rs' Day To, BeSunda y The 11th annual visitors' day at the University Biological Station at Douglas Lake near Cheboygan will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday. Educational exhibits illustating the work of the classes and scientific investigations will be on display. Members of the faculty will be glad to discuss rare plants and animals and biological problems with visitors. The Biological Station is located on the southeast shore of Douglas Lake, Cheboygan County, on the Che- boygan-Petoskey road 13 miles south- west of Cheboygan. The roads from Cheboygan, Topinabee, Butus and Pellston will be posted with signs di- recting visitors to the station. Ample room has been provided for parking cars. There is no charge for admis- sion to the grounds and to all places of interest. The Biological Station was estab- lished in 1909 and has held an eight week's session every summer since that time. Its founders had two prin- ciple objectives, namely, to investigate biological problems and to bring stu- dents and teachers into direct con- tact with living animals and plants m their natural surroundings. These still remain the chief objectives of the station, and northern Michigan has proved well suited for this work. Many lakes ofralL sizes, marshes, bogs, brooks and rivers as well as large tracts of unoccupied. wild lands in- cluding pine and jackpine 'lains, hardwood forests, fir, spruce and cedar swamps, sand dunes along the shores of the great lakes, and farm lands furnish an extraordinary va- riety of conditions for the study of animals and plants. This summer 120 students are ene- (Contined on Page 4) Last Excursion I Tomorrow Put-In-Bay Is Objective Of 10th Touring Party Concluding the 1938 series of University Excursions, the party will adjourn to Put-In-Bay, Lake Erie, at 7:15 a.m. tomorrow. The 10th in the list of tours taken this summer by University students, it will start by special bus to 'Detroit from in front of Angell Hall and arrive in Detroit in time to leave by steamer for the bay at 9 a.m. The excursion party will return to Ann Arbor at 8 p.m. after having spent the day inspecting the geologi- cal features of the Put-In-Bay region under 'the direction of Prof. Irving D. Scott of the geology department. Put-In-Bay is one of a group of islands 60 miles southeast of Detroit. Japs Hurl Entire Division Against Russian Troops Over Siberian Border Attempt To Capture Possiet Bay 'orts MOSCOW, Aug. 1-(P)-Details of a sanguinary battle for possession of Changkufeng, on the Siberian-Man- choukuo-Korean border, in which' Japa'nese hurled a whole division against Soviet Russian forces were were disclosed~ in an pfficial cor- munique tonight. Japanese losses were given as uip- wards of 400 killed and wounded in the bitterly fought attempt of Jap- anese to capture the strategic heights of the Possiet Bay region which Rus- sian forces began fortifying July 11. Tanks, airplanes an6 artillery wee brought into the battle for the dis- pute territory. One Soviet scouting plane was brought down, and the announce- ment said it was believed the pilot was captured after he took to his parachute. The gravity of the situation was seen in instructions to the Soviet charge d'affaires iii Tokyo to warn the Japanese government of "possible sterrible consequences" of this inva- sion of Russian territory. The battle i ranks as the biggest clash on the Soviet-Manchoukuo frontier since- the beginning in 1931 of the long series of boundary inci- dents, numbering hundreds. Foreign military observers here who previously were inclined to view the situation as only another of these incidents were beginning to take a graver view of the encounter. Thirteen Rtissian soldiers were re- ported killed and 55 wounded. The Russians captured five artil- lery pieces and 14 ipachine guns, and lost a tank and a field piece them- selves. The official account of the battle said Japanese concentrated one divi- sion against Zaozernaya (Changfu- feng) after they were repulsed in an attack on a nearby hill last Friday and on Sunday opened the battle un- expectedly with an artillery barrage' They were driven back. Soviet troops did not cross the Manchoukuo border, it was explained, and so were unable to encircle the Japanese or make a flank attack up- on them. Prior to the official announcement little mention was made here of tho trouble with Japan as mass meet- ings of Soviet workers celebrated ntl- war day and pledged resistande to mny invader. Dialect .Survey. Aims To Save Colloquialisms Dr, Marckwardt TQ Direct Task Of Gathering Old Phrases Of Community 400 Japs Reported Slain After Clash With Soviet Force Ir t Prof. Cressey Tells Of Travels Over 16,000 Miles Of Siberia Mr. Kane Says A Few Words By ALAN WILSON Siberia, "most bewildering land in the world," was the subject yesterday of the first of four talks being given in the Rackham Building in conjunc- tion with the Institute of Far Eastern Studies by Prof. George Babcock Cressey, chairman of the Department of Geology and Geography at Syra- cuse Uni ersity. Although none of us have much actual knowledge of the Soviet, said Professor Cressey, ;he hoped after having traveled over 16,000 miles last summer by land, sea, and air, mainly in Siberia, to be able to give each member of his audience sufficient ma- terial to bring his "prejudices on the subject up to date." While on the one hand there is probably no- where else a land so difficult, ex- asperating and bureaucratic, he said, neither is there anywhere such a striking, thrilling, pioneer land as Siberia. One of his pet peeves, said Profes- sor Cressey, is the purely arbitrary istics of Siberia, Professor Cressey il- lustrated his talk with two stand- maps. First he showed the gigantic West Siberian Plain, or Marine Plain, which is drained by the waters of the Ob, one of Siberia's three great south- to-north rivers. The plain was form- erly the bottom of a southern arm of the Arctic Ocean,, extending as far south as Lake Aral and possibly to the Caspian Sea, in an age when the temperature was much higher in-the northern hemisphere. To the west of the plain lies the chain of the Ural Mountains, which are really not mountains but merely the roots, the stocks of an ancient and much might- ier range. It is this fact that makes the region one of great mineralogical variety and valae. To the east of the Marine Plain lies the Angara Shield in the watersheds of the Yenisei and Lena Rivers, a huge pre-cambrian area of lava beds north of Lake Baikal interspersed with paleozoic coal beds, some of the largest reserves in the world. Pointing to varinosneatly colored re- About 'The Whiteheaded Boy' By CARL PETERSEN "I'm exhausted, absolutely exhaust- ° ed," said Whitford Kane last night, "and I haven't got a thing to say," Y and he went on to say plenty about the cast of the current Repertory Players production, Lennox Robin- son's "The Whiteheaded Boy," which opens tomorrow for a four day run at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.un Mr. Kane, director-star of the Irish . comedy, throwing stage directions a- round by the million, managed to make clear that the important thing about the action in the present pro- x duction was that he was going toy make it stand the embryo actors ofY the Repertory company in good stead when they hit the big time. "The important thing to remembert at a time like this," Mr. Kane said, "is that we are here to develop actors. We do not run through rehearsals merely in the light of this week's In order to preserve for the histori- an, the sociologist, the linguist, and the literary artist the hundreds of homely words of farm and community life that are disappearing with the introduction of modern machinery and changed ways of living, the first steps in a preliminary dialect survey of Michigan and Indiana will be tak- en this summer, it was explained to- day by Dr. Albert H. Marckwardt, assistant professor of English in the University, and director of the sur- vey. Just as the actual tools and home- made goods and utensils of Michigan pioneers have been preserved at the famous Greenfield Village, so a sur- vey like this will preserve for future generations the terms and ways of speech that otherwise so quickly dis- appear.' This preliminary survey, Professor Marckwardt said, is' an independent project of the University and in it- self, is expected to provide valuable information. Funds for it have been supplied by the Rackham Foundation. Its results, however, are hoped also f'r 1w f i r _sv _ ,i, r - - .4._ I -