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July 31, 1938 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1938-07-31

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Auto Used For Research Lab

Linguists End
Meet With Talk
On Dictionaries
Prof. Thos. A. Knott Tells
Inside StorysOf Work On
Modern Word Books
(Continued from Page 1)

Archeologist's Hunting Ground

In The Majors



A motor car is the research laboratory for Maurice Ewing of Lehigh
University. In the car are instruments used to compute distance from
ground surface to bedrock. Mr. Ewing is measuring New Jersey bed-
rock preparatory to possible oceanic charting.
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session
until 3:30: 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Candidates for the degree of Ph.D. in
the departments listed below who
wish to satisfy the requirement of a
reading knowledge during the Sum-
mer Session, are informed that an
examination will be offered in Room
108, Romance Language Building,
from 2 to 5, on Saturday afternoon,1
Aug. 13. It will be necessary to regis-
ter at the office of the Department of
Romance Languages (112 R.L.) at
least one week in advance. Lists oft
books recommended by the various1
departments are obtainable at this
It is desirable that candidates for
the doctorate prepare to satisfy this
requirement at the earliest possible
date. A brief statement of the naturei
of the requirement, which will be
found helpful, may be obtained atE
the office of the Department. t
This announcement applies only to
candidates in the following depart-
ments: Ancient and Modern Lan-
guages and Literatures, History, Ec-
onomics, Sociology, Political Science,
Philosophy, Education, Speech, Jour-
nalism, Fine Arts.
Stalker Hall. Student class at 9:45
a.m., Prof. Wesley Maurer of the
Journalism Department will lead the
Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m.
Dr. C. W. Brashares will speak. Fel-
lowship Hour after the meeting. All
Methodist students and their friends
are cordially invited to both of these
First Methodist Church. Morning
worship at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach on "The Su-
premacy of Love."'
First Baptist Church, 512 E. Huron
St. 10:45 a.m. morning worship. The
speaker will be Mr. Kenneth Morgan,
director of activities of the Students
Religious Association, whose subject
is "The Experimental Method in Re-
ligion." 9:30 a.m. The Church
School meets with Mr. Herman
Frinkle as superintendent.
Baptist University Students. 6 p.m.
Sunday evening at the Guild House,
503 E. Huron St., Miss Esman Orcutt,
Graduate student, and director of the
state W.W.G. organization, who re-
cently attended the Youth Confer-
ence in Columbus, Ohio, will give a
survey of the discussions as they
apply to the current youth problems.
During the social tiour which fol-
lows Mr. Joseph R. Blair, of Troy, N.C.
who has been engaged in medical re-
search in Cambridge, England, will
show a series of interesting moving
pictures taken in travel in European
countries. >
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Avenue.
The Rev. John A. Gardner of Mid-
land, Mich., will be the guest speaker
at the Morning Worship Service at
10:45. He has chosen for his topic,
"Moody, Modern Disciple." Dr. Healey
Willan at the console and directing
the choir. The musical numbers will
include: Organ Prelude, "Now Come
Thou Savior" by Bach; Anthem, "O
King All-glorious" by Willan; Quar-
tette, "O Come, Everyone that Thirs-
teth" by Mendelssohn; Organ Post-
lude, "Fugue In F Minor" by Bach.
The supper for summer school stu-
dents will be held as usual at 5:30
ph. Miss Helen Culley is in charge
his week. Weather permitting the
program will be held in the open-air
theatre. Prof. Howard Y. McClusky
will speak on the topic, "The Psycho-
logical Approach to Religion."
Episcopal Student Group, Picnic

Hanley of the University of Wisconsin
discussed the sound represented by
the letters "ng" on the basis of ma-
terials dealing with English rimes
collected by a staff of WPA wo:kers
-ider his direction at Madiso. This
sound developed in English, he said,
from "n" plus a velar stop and hence
never was initial. With the change of
stress and loss of final vowels "ng"
occurred at the end of unstressed syl-
lables, as in "singing." In the 18th
entury, however, the sound became
a new phoneme, a syllabic "n", as is
represented by the spelling "singin' ".
This sound, often condemned by
teacpers, was so common by 1785 that
John Walker, a writer on pronuncia-
tion, then found it general in England.
Prof. A. H. Marckwardt of the
University next explained the pro-
posed wide-meshed survey of the
regional speech characteristics of
Michigan and Indiana and some ad-
jacent territory. This preliminary sur-
vey, which will begin this summer, is
an independent research project of
the University, he declared, but its
results should prove important in
carrying through to completion the
present Linguistic Atlas of the United
States and Canada, the first part of,
which will be published this fall, ac-
cording to an accompanying an-
nouncement by Dr. Bernard Bloch, its
assistant editor.
Another speaker was Prof. E. Ade-
laide Hahn of Hunter College, who1
offered detailed and classified evi-
dence to show that in ancient Hittite
the subordinate clause almost always
precedes the main clause.
"Initial k' in German" served Prof.
Leonard Bloomfield of the University
of Chicago as a title for his discus-
sion of a sound change in southern
German. Although it is known that
in southern German the pre-West
Germanic "p-" became "pf- or f-"
and "t-" became "ts-", yet trained
observers have disagreed about the
existence of the corresponding change
from "k-" to "kx-", that is, from
initial "k" to "k" plus an aspirate.
Dr. Bloomfield contended that a
study of the southern German pro-
nunciation of such words as "gehal-
ten" in comparison with such as
"kalt" shows that the initial sounds
are identical and thus that this dia-
lect has developed an aspirate after
initial "k." These "ge-" words, with
loss of the vowel, are, furthermore,
actually written with "k" in dialect
materials, he declared as further evi-
dence for the identity.
Sunday night at the Saline Valley
Farms. Cars will leave the church
(306 N. Division) at 5:30 p.m. Sup-
per 25 cents. Swimming and baseball.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church.
Services of worship Sunday are: 8
a.m. Holy Communion, 11 a.m. morn-
ing prayer and address by the Rev.
Frederick W. Leech.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St. Sunday morning
service at 10:30: Subject: "Love."
Golden Text: Psalms 145:9. Sun-
day School at 11:45.
Christian Student Prayer Group
will hold its regular meeting at 5 p.m.
Sunday, July 31, in the Michigan
League. The room will be announced

Happy hunting ground for Smithsonian Institution archaeologists,
bent on recovering traces of an ancient Indian culture is an Indtan '
burial mound near Farley, Mo., where pots, utensils and 'skeletons i
(above) have recently been found.
U.S. Ready To Conclude Trade
Agreement With.Soviet Union

WASHINGTON, July 30.-(A)-The
United States is about to conclude a
commercial agreement with the So-
viet Union by which the Soviets will
promise to purchase at least $40,000,-
000 worth of American products in
one year.
The agreement will replace an ex-
isting one expiring Aug. 5. Negotia-
tions have been under way for several
weeks, being conducted at Moscow
under the direction of the American
Charge D'Affaires, Alexander Kirk.
By virtue of the agreement's state-
ment of the Soviet's intention to pur-
chase American products, the U.S.S.R.
will receive most - favored - nation
treatment from the United States,
which means it will be entitled to
the tariff and other concessions made
by this government in reciprocal trade
agreements signed with 17 nations
and soon to be signed with more.
Negotiations have been proceeding
slowly the last few days, and it may
become necessary for the two coun-
tries to exchange notes exending the
present agreement until the new one
is completed.
Under the existing agreement the
Soviets agreed to purchase from this
country, in the year convered by the
pact, American goods to the value of
at least $40,000,000. Statistics show
that by Aug. 5 their purchases will
have exceeded this 'figure consider-
Consequently, there is a chance
on the League bulletin board. Chris-
tian students are cordially invited.
Services of worship will be held in
Zion Lutheran Church at 10:30 a.m.
with sermon by the pastor, Ernest C.
Trinity Lutheran Church services
will be held Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
The Rev. IHenry O. Yoder will use as
the theme "Must I Listen?"
The Lutheran Students will meet
for the regular Sunday evening meet-
ing in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall at
5:30. Mr. Rolfe Haatvedt who was
a member of the University of Michi-
gan group who excavated intensely in
Fayum, Egypt will speak on "Recent

that the $40,000,000 figure will be
stepped up in the new agreement.
The Soviets' purchases from the
United States consist in great part of
machine tools. Raw materials they
have in plenty.
The commercial treaty with the'
Soviets represents an anomaly in
American accords. The Soviets get the
benefits of this country's trade agree-
ment tariff reductions although tar-
iffs are not mentioned on their side
of the agreement.
" 4 nI

SILVER LAUNDRY-We call for and
deliver. Bundles individually done,
no markings. All work guaranteed.
Phone 5594, 607 E. Hoover. 3x
LAUNDRY -2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 5x
DRESS MAKING and Alterations.
Mrs. Walling. 118 E. Catherine.
Phone 4726. 34x
TYPINQr - Experienced. Reasonable
rates. Phone 8344. L. M. Heywood
TYPING -Neatly and accurately
'done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St.
Dial 5244. , 2x

American League
W L Pct.
New York .............55 30 .647
Cleveland .............53 30 .639
Boston................51 33 .607
Detroit ..............46 46 .500
Washington ...........46 47 .495
Chicago...............35 43 .449
Athletics.............29 53 .354
St. Louis..............26 59 .306
National League
WL Pct.
Pittsburgh ....... .... .57 31 .648
New York ............54 38 .587
Chicago ................50 40 .556
Cincinnati..... .....49 42 .538
Brooklyn....... ......41 49 .456
Boston ............ ...39 47 .453
St. Louis.............38 50 .432
Phillies............ ..28 59 .322
Results of games played yesterday:
American League: At Detroit; The
Detroit Tigers took a double-header
from the Philadelphia Athletics, 10-7,
8-7. At New York; the Yankees
trounced the Chicago White Sox, 9-4.
At Cleveland; the Indians downed
the Washington Senators, 8-5. At St.
Louis, the Boston Red Sox defeated
the St. Louis Browns. 5-4.



Archaeological Discoveries and their
influence on the Bible.'


Just wait 'til you actually feel the air seep through
this shadow Corselette. You'll wonder how you ever
got along without it! It has a dainty net (double
thickness) front with a soft, lustrous satin panel - a
back of porous Lastex mesh that stretches up and
down - and side panels of the same material that
stretches across!
. This is one time when a Shadow is important to
you - for coolness, for a slim, trim figure, and for
complete comfort during those warm summer days!





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