THE MICHIGAN DAILY [AN DAILY J ,AI/ U ,I - :J 1- Edited and managed by students df the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of tdent Publications.a *Publishea every morning except Monday during'the University year. and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspper. All ihts of republication of all other matters herein also rese$rved. isntered at the Post Office at. Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, 4.0; by mail, $4.50. 'ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 193719 RSPREOUNTBD FOR NATIONAL ADVRTISING; Y - National AdvertisngService,Inc. Collge Publishers Reiresentative:. 420 MAISOTN AV&: !EW YORK, VII Y. CHICAO " BosON+ Los ANGELES - ARFRANCISCO Board of Editors' MANAGING EDITOR.. IRVING.SILVERMAN City Editor . . .....Robert I. Fitzhenry Asistant Editors . . . Mel Fineberg, Joseph? Gies, Elliot Maraniss, Ben M. Marino, Carl Petersen, Suzanne Potter, .Harry L., Sonneborn. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER... . ERNEST A. JONES gredit Manager . . . Norman Steinberg Circulation Manager . . J. Cameron Hall Assistants * . Philip Buchen, Walter Stebens NIGHT EDITOR--ROBERT I. FITZHENRY The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of .the writers only. It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which ict on this belief are educational ,institu- tions in the best meaning of the term. -Alexander G. Ruthven. Business Starts Uphill Again... T'E FUNDAMENTAL develppment in America during the past month has been almost unheralded on the front pages of the Nation's press. It is this: American economic life has definitely entered upon a period of aeelerated activity. The weekly business indices of every major agency report sharp and con- tinued gains. The stock market closed over the Weekend at the highest level' of the year. Steel, electric power, and automobile production are all increasing in a contra-seasonal trend. A group of 22 outstanding American economists save to the Associated Press as their concensus of opinion a prediction of business recovery in the fall. .There are those who would explain the sharp change in the economic situation by what they term "natural reasons." They say that the banks have been fundamentally sound, and have ample credit reserves. Inventories have been depleted s nd must be; replenished;-the spring initiative of the automobile ndustry in forcing its used cars off the market, has renewed the demand for new cars and a consequent upturn is impending. Such ,explanations of the recovery are not sufficient. Nothing in business life transpires from purely "natural" reasons. Somewhere in every business movement there is, consdious decision and planning, be it that of private uncoordinated individuals or of governmental agencies. If we examine the present movement critically, we will find that the key acts and stimuli within it are not those of private initiative, but the direct action of the Federal government. The Federal government is acting on many fronts.. Tho new farm laws are- undoubtedly the major cause for the continued firmness in price of agricultural commodities in the face of the greatest grain crop since 1915. The agricul- tural outlook is in turn, reflected in augmented sales prospects for automobile producers for the 'fourth quarter. The partial operation of the Social Security Act has cushioned somewhat- even though meagerly-the critical state of un- employment throughout the country. The Gov- ernment has made ample industrial credit avail- able. Most spectacular of all has been the tremen- dous material and psychological effect on the so-called 'business community" of the govern- nent's-vast spending program. Whether the 1937-1938 crisis came because of the monopolistic stupidity of certain American corporations, because of the deliberate sabotage of certain financial groups, or because of a general psychosis of fear is unknown; but the cause of the current upturn is clearly the initia- tive and directive effort of the organized will of the people--i.e.-the government of the United States. We must not, however, expect these new developments to still the agonized protests of the conservative opposition. They will howl just as loudly in a prosperity as they did in adversity. They will wail ad nauseam about "government interference with business"; about "confiscatory taxation"; about the staggering national debt; about the twilight of American liberty. We, ourselves, on the other hand, must not be swayed by their gilded anguish. We must realize that "government interference with business" is merely the attempt of the people to extend otherwise might have perished. We have new highways, new parks, and new buildings to dis- play; and these will remain for the use of the people long after the paper bonds that built them have mouldered to dust. Theodore White The Democratic Ideal In The University ... HE QUESTION of what constitutes a democratic educational institution is one that has been dragged through many a bull session. In a few notable cases it has reached the point of discussion by regents or trustees; and actid'n has been taken by certain of these groups, with the result that true democratic ideals of government have been applied to uni- versities. Classic examples of student self-government are the University of London, and, in this coun- try, the University of Wisconsin. The principle applied is the same in both cases, but the ideal is carried farther at London than it is at Wiscon- sin. All of the students at the University of London are associated in a body known as the Associated Students of the University of London. This body meets at the beginning of each school year and appoints committees to submit budgets for vari- dus campus organizations and projects. The University of London student body is allowed a set amount of tot'al tuition paid to spend during the year as the student body sees fit. The various budgets are submitted to a meeting of the entire student body for vote, and the school budget for the year is agreed upon. Needless to say, the entire student body is never present at any one meeting, but the attendance averages as high as 88 per cent, and at the budget meetings as high as 94 per cent. Under this plan, all subscriptions to magazines for the student commons rooms, all furnishings for these rooms, all athletic equipment such as uniforms, racing shells, and buildings, and any other expenditures excepting only those pertain- ing to academic considerations, such as teachers' salaries, classroom equipment, and the like, are apportioned and paid for by the Associated Students of the University of London. Academic expenditures are taken care of by the trustees of the university, through endowments and other income from tuition. At the head of this column you may read that Alexander Grant Ruthven once said, "It is im- portant for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world." The am- bition of youth to reform the world, if released in the university, where careful, if not always conservative, planning is a necessity, may well receive the conditioning and tempering that will make it a force to be sanely reckoned with when it reaches influential positions. You may also read at the head of this column 'that "Only the schools which act on this belief ar4e educational institutions in the best mean- ing of the term." Only those schools which have some measure of student self-government and uncensored student publications; in short, those schools which are democratic educational insti- tutions are the ones which do not thwart the ambition of youth to "reform the world." -Harry L. Sonneborn. Frontier Incident In Siberia. FRIDAY'S BORDER CLASH between a Russian frontier guard and a de- tachment of Japanese troops again brings for- ward the fear of a conflict in the Far East be- tween these two powers. The incident was an- other in a series of such occurrences which have become almost monotonously frequent in the past few years. According to Soviet reports, two groups of Japanese and Manchoukuan infantry attempted to seize a hill near Lake Khasan which was under dispute last week, and were repulsed with casual- ties on both sides. "Soviet public opinion," the Moscof dispatch in the New York Herald says, "regards today's incident as a Japanese attempt to measure Soviet strength by overt action, as the protest last week of Japanese Ambassador Mamoru Shigemitsu was an attempt to measure it in diplomacy." Previously, ,Ambassador Shige- mitsu had told Maxim Litvinoff, Soviet Foreign Commissar, that unless the Soviet withdrew its forces from the hill "there would be no alterna- tive except -force." The Tokyo Foreign Office has since disclaimed any threat. The pattern of this particular border incident indicates little likelihood of a war growing out of it. The bit of territory involved is of little importance and it is scarcely conceivable that Japan would go to war with Russia over it in ordinary times, let alone when the army is already involved in a major struggle with China. The Tokyo Foreign Office, however, is fond of bluff- ing, and is particularly susceptible to quarrelling with Russia, which has been painted as the national enemy of the Japanese people ever since the late nineteenth century. Any dispute with the Soviet is bound to call forth a certain amount of bluster from Tokyo. The danger arising from this practice, paradoxically enough, is largely mitigated by the firmness of Soviet resistance to Jap pressure. As long as Russian diplomatic and military force is used unequivocally to prevent Japanese-Manchoukuan incursions in Siberia, Japan willrealize that war will immediately re- sult from attempted use of force. Great nations, even aggressively-inclined ones, do not lightly enter a war they can clearly foresee when the adversary possesses military power comparable to that of the aggressor. An interesting light is thrown on the workings of the Japanese Foreign Office by an Associated Press. dispatch from Tokyo of July 22, in which a parenthetical paragraph stated that "Foreign Office spokesmen frequently present a situation in differing lights, depending on whether they are talking to Japanese correspondents for home consumption or to foreign correspondents." Border incidents themeselves do not cause Jfeemr IG- e Heywood Broun The political campaign of 1938 has already reached a point where voters are being asked to decide whether or not a candidate was poisoned by drinking ice wiater in Kentucky. But it may grow even goofier. A Republican lady up where I live is telling the people in her district that the recent damp spell was caused by the TVA. She says you can't build big dams like that and not expect an excessive rain- fall. In Texas the Ten Com- mandments have been reaf- firmed by a big majority, and Kansas will have a chance to vote for a revival preacher on a Nazi platform. Some of these aspects of the current scene are hum- orous enough, but the issues at stake are too mo- mentous for laughter. Moreover, I have a feeling that behind the clowns stalk men of sinister pur- pose. At banquets reactionaries are fond of say ing that they welcome a fight along clean-cut issues. They would have their hearers believe that they eagerly accept the challenge to let the people pass upon the questions of the New Deal. But in most of the local fights it will be found that the conservatives seek to muddy the waters and divert the attention of the voters with ex- traneous matters. * * * Progressives Not Organized Already some telling victories have been scored by anti-Roosevelt forces without once making an open attack upon the policies of the President. The foes of progress have succeeded because of the lack of organization and cohesion among pro- gressives. Naturally, I have in mind the tragic circum- stances of Maury Maverick's defeat in the Demo- cratic primary in San Antonio. Possibly "tragic" is too strong a word, for Maury is of the sort to meet a reverse with the question, "When do we fight again?" Still the advance of liberalism has been im- peded, and it is particularly discouraging to have this setback scored in the. South, which has seemed just about to rid itself of the reactionaries who have so long misrepresented the rank and file of voters. I admit a strong faith in the C. I. O. and its leadership, and still I do not think it is sheer partisanship which makes me say here, too, is the bitter fruit of the rule or ruin policy of William Green. Mr. Green has announced an in- difference as to a Congressman's voting record on labor matters. If the candidate has manifested any shred of friendliness toward the C. I. O. the knife of William Green is out for him. It seems to me that 'this marks an all-time new low in labor leadership. We find the president of a great trades union organization apparently riot only willing but anxious to give aid and comfort to those who oppose all labor measures if only they will throw him the sop of declaring against Lewis and industrial unionism. * * * What Does He Hope To Gain? Outside of a personal and petty revenge it is difficult to understand just what William Green hopes to gain. If he succeeds in his endeavor he will find a House which will send him about his business quickly enough after it has used his neck for a steppingstone. Can it possibly be that Mr. Green has grown to think of himself as em- bodying the entire labor movement? Is he really willing ;to sacrifice the rights and aspirations of all workers for no better price than the saving of of his own face? This was the attitude which he took in the San Antonio primary. Maury Maverick was one of the most liberal leaders in Congress, and through his efforts he did much to break the power of the Southern bloc in its effort to kill the wage and hour bill. I doubt very much that the rank and file of the American Federation of Labor will consent to follow Mr. Green to the top of the lonely peak which he purposes to occupy while Armageddon rages. It was in San Antonio that Colonel Travis drew a line with his knife upon the floor of the Alamo and asked all who would fight to the end to come over. It was Colonel Bowie, I believe, who was carried across while lying on his cot. The line still stands. Franklin Delano Roosevelt should accentuate the fact that it is wider than the grave. He should make Democrats declare themselves. Those who are not with him are against him. To The Teacher For Cooperation And Tolerance A Republican Party Leader Urges 'Unselfishness' OUR PROBLEM today is how to make the wheels go around, how to restore activity, and thus prosper- ity, to this country. It is my earnest and sincere belief that the way to bring this about is through coopera- tion-not in empty phrases praising it, but in actual practice making it work. It may sound too simple to advocate a way to better conditions by the method I am suggesting. But I believe that in simplicity and funda- mentals there is strength, and also that we can never reach anything that even remotely resembles the American way of doing things with- out good will, common sense and co- operation To emphasize what I mean when I say that we need cooperation, I am going to quote a few paragraphs from a talk I made to the Troy Conference >f the Methodist Church--laymen and ministers. "Sometimes it seems that there never before has been a time in the history of America when there have been so many diversified elements ar- rayed against each other in bitterness and distrust. I don't believe that peo- ple of their own volition and inclina- tion are hating and distrustful, but they have become confused and dis- couraged. Their minds have been poisoned by those who would foster suspicion in order that they might gain or retain position of power and wealth. "The ranks or labor are not only Dr. Cressey By PROF. JOHN B. APPLETON DR. George Babcock Cressey, whc holds the degree of Ph.D. both from Chicago and Clark UnNersities and who is at present Chairman of the Department of Geology and Geog- raphy at Syracuse University, will be the guest speaker in the fourth lec- ture series sponsored by the Institute of Far Eastern Studies. Commenc- ing with Monday, Aug. 1, he will speak on four successive days on a number of subjects pertaining to modern Si- beria. Dr. Cressey will bring to his au- dience a picture of that relatively un- known region of Asia and an ap- praisal of the transformation, social economic, and political, now in pro- gress there, such as few are able t do. He has returned only recentl from a year of travel and research b land and air over most of Siberia during which he flew to such remote areas as the mouth of the Yenise River. The Soviet Government ha frequently sought Dr. Cressey's pro fessional advice, and he was th only foreign adviser on the staff o the "Greater Soviet World Atlas' which has just appeared in print. I many ways, in the opinion of com petent geographers, this is the great est atlas that has ever been published Dr. Cressey's long and varied ex perience, his scientific background nd }pis unbiased approach will giv unusual value to his observations re garding present-day Siberia. His Siberian explorationsrform onl a part of Dr. Cressey's work in Asia As far back as 1923 he was appointe Professor of Geology at Shangha College, and in the suceeding year he became intimately acquainted wit] China and Chinese culture. In 192 and 1926 he traveled extensively i Northwest China, Tibet and Mongoli while engaged in making a geologica reconnaissance. As a result of thes travels he has published an excellen monograph on the Ordos Desert, on of the borderlands between Russi and China. The long period of residence i China, during which Dr. Cresse gained an intimate knowledge of th country and of the conditions unde which the inhabitants live, has pro vided the background for what is un doubtedly not only one of the be books that has ever been written o: that country, but also one of th most readable and effective pieces c geographical analysis and interpre tation. Whoever reads China's Geo graphical Foundations, the best an almost the only modern reliable wor on the geography of China, cannc but be impressed by the vividness o the picture it presents. The author' appreciation of the Chinese scene an his understanding of the people an their problems are evident on ever page. This is no "dry as dust" text book. Or the contrary, it is a vivi portrayal of the life of a people de picted in its environmental\ setting Dr. Cressey's is a scientific appraisa of China and of the Chinese people who, in spite of almost every form c adversity, have maintained intac through more than four thousant years a civilizationwhich,rthough ol is still youthful and vigorous. That Dr. Cressey is approachin the study of Siberia with the sam care that he investigated China an parts of Inner Asia, is clearly indicat ed in his recent article in the Jun issue of Harper's Magazine, New from Siberia. Those who are priv ileged to hear his series of lecture will undoubtedly carry away the re sults of the careful observation an unbiased appraisal that characteriz all of Dr. Cressey's work. aligned against the forces of industry,I but have split and are aligned againsto each other. Big business men andr little business men cordially blame the 4 Government for their inability ton produce at a profit; high Governmentl officials in turn aggravate the situa- tion by inciting hatred among thep Imasses against those who have ac-t cumulated wealth, justly or unjustly. C Certain leaders of a once great politi-b cal party appear to be spending moreC time and thought in abuse and criti-a cism of their successful opponentse than in constructive planning. r * * * "Meanwhile, the objects of their L wrath continue to sap the lifeblooda of the taxpayer with sublime indif..- ference to the ultimate result. Truly,c we aye in an unfortunate position to-s day, and only good will toward mere can restore the happiness and allayJ the fears of 130,000,000 people, whot live in the most productive country onr earth. "It seems to me the lead ought to be taken by those in public authority to start the removal of the barriers to good will and prosperity. Let those - elected and appointed to public of- fice adopt the policy of seeing how much they can do to restore the func- tions of government to the people, and not how much authority they can ac-' quire unto themselves by which means they may control. Let their actions in legiselative halls and executive, chambers be governed by the dictates of conscience and not by the counting of votes. Let us now assume that we want cooperative effort as opposed to gov- ernmental domination or selfish and 1 impossible individual efforts. Because groups work together in peace and , harmony means that they have made adjustments and.mental strides that give rise tosthis pace and harmony. I see three successive and basic steps -understanding, respect, tolerance for what the other fellow, the other group, the other, class, the other church stands. - * Understanding implies more than a superficial knowledge of the other side. It implies more than reading of headlines in one's favorite paper. It means study-and, more than that, it - means thought. D We must listen fairly to the other Y fellow. We must face facts. Our Y knowledge cannot proceed from hear- , say. We deliver ourselves an intel- e lectual insult when we refuse to listen i to or read about movements we call s dangerous, or opinions which are di- - vergent to our own. If we are right,! e it will do us no harm to hear the f other view. And knowing it may help " us to convince those who hold the n From An Address By Gov. George D. Aiken of Vermont at St. Michael's College THEATR By JAMES DOLL 'The Whiteheided Boy' -4 F THE great established theatre organizations of this century, only the Abbey Theatre Players (fa- miliarily, the Irish Players) have suc- ceeded in bringing out a creditable number of playwrights whose work is likely to live. Since Sheckov. the Moscow Art Theatre has not really produced a great playwright. Al- though the work of the Americans, O'Neill, Sherwood. Howard has been largely produced by the Theatre Guild, it cannot be said that the Guild as a regularly established, perman- ent theatre is in any appreciable way responsible for the mass of their work. But Sean 'O'Casey, J. M. Synge, Lady Gregory, William Butler Yeats, as well as Lennox Robinson. author of The Whiteheaded Boy, are very definitely associated with, and in a sense a product of the producing or- ganization in Dublin. O'Casey's Juno and the Paycock, produced here two seasons ago by Whitford Kane, and his The Ph :'.h and the Stars seem to me to be ;. "ong the most important plays of the 20th century and those most likely to l ve. Robin- sons' The Whiteheaded Boy 'r cupies as important a place among co .eidies. It combines, happily, universality with a very particularily Irish sense of characterization. In a certain sense it is amost a satire of Irish traits of character, such as family loyalty. There are also some amusing com ments on education as it is imposed on sons against their will. The play has been seen in Ann Ar- bor before. Mr. Robinson, himself, directed it for Play Production in the spring of 1930. The Abbey Theatre Players also played it here a couple of seasons later. This production was }also directed by Mr. Robinson who is, in fact, director of the Abbey Theatre. The third production, hereabouts, was also supervised by the author for the late Miss Jessie Bonstelle's late com- pany in Detroit. Other plays by the author that have been seen here are The Round Table and The Far-Off Hills. Play Production opened its season with the former play in the fall of 1933 and the other comedy was played here during the engagement of the Abbey Theatre Players and has been played by the University High School. The fact that it has been especially popular with high schools should not be held against it. Whitford Kane's interpretation of Lennox Robinson's very popular play this week, both as an actor and as a director, will be, you can be quite sure, refreshingly different. ! other view to see what is right. And if we are wrong and the other side is right, we ought not to refuse to listen Ito the truth. ., *" landladies here's how ivto r0 pull, 'em in ... . advertise your Fall rooms to rent in the August 13th ORIENTATION ISSUE ...sent to all prospective freshmen. Bring your ads to.. The T HERE IS NO REST for the man or woman who aspires 'for higher rank in the academic world. They teach during eight or nine months of the year and then must attend Summer school. There they pile up credits with which to impress boards of trustees. Yet their work at this season is light compared with the labor of those schoolmen who feel under com- pulsion to write books. They have learned by ob- servation and experience that all the wisdom of the educational hierarchy is distilled to make the one great truth, "No book produced, no ad- vancement bestowed." It is our old 'friend "no tickee, no washee" on the intellectual plane. All too often fellows wishing to be assistant professors and assistant professors wishing to be full professors must tread a via dolorosa of book writing. They know they need not always write a good book. But it must be thick enough to bind and show to advantage on the college bookshelf. Avoirdupois is an important factor in the scale of excellence. A two-pound book is often considered twice as valuable as a one-pound book. Every board, of trustees should have a Com- niittee for the Prevention of Useless Book Write