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July 31, 1938 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1938-07-31

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itinued warm with local




Business Starts
Uphill Again ...
The' Democratic Ideal
In The University,.

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Clipper Hopes
Dim As Army
Flyer Locates
Tell-Tale Oil
Search Continues Despite
Lubricating Oil Found
On GiantShip's Route
1500 Foot Circle
Found On Surface
MANILA, July 31-(Sunday)-()P)
-A huge and significant oil "slick"
discovered on the ocean surface left
searchers with scant hpe today of
finding the missing Hawaii Clipper
and its 15 occupants. But the forlorn
hunt continued.
The big oil patch was found yester-
day by the army transport Meigs on
the course the transpacific flying
boat was following between Guam
and Manila when it, vanished Friday
(Thursday night, Pacific time).
Samples dipped up by the Meigs
for scientific examination showed the
"slick" contained lubricating oil and
gasoline. It was about 1,500, feet in
circumference and it lay only 50 miles
west by southwest of the spot where
the plane last reported its position.
Aviation circles generally regarded
the find as evidence that the clipper
plunged into the sea,,but officials of
Pan-American Airways refused to
give up .hope of rescue. They con-
ceded ,the slick was "significant, but
not conclusive."
The spot in question, however, was
not on any ship or air route and ex-
perts concluded there could have
been no other craft in that area to
have caused it.
on many occsins the navy has
Sdiscontinued searching for its own
lost planes upon finding the telltale
oil spot on the water.
The Meigs, nearest vessel to the
Clipper when it made its last radio
report, searched the slick for possible
traces of wreckage but in the first
attempt found none.
Some Pan-Afnerican fficials sug-
gesidthe Ilo ehthaae been made
by the voluntary dumping of "anchor
oil"' from the plane preparatory to
an unscheduled landing at sea,. and
that the strongly built 26-ton plane
might have taxied or drifted away
The plane presumably carried a
large supply of "anchor oil" for use
inrquieting turbulent waters in the
event of a forced landing. This oil is
poured on the ocean surface about
the craft to be protected. Because it
is lighter than ,water, it remains on
the surface and causes choppy seas
to "break" before they reach the
hull of the ship. This decreases the
pounding of the waves against the
Local Churches,
Feature Varied
Services Today.
Rev. J. A. Gardner Is Guest
At Presbyterian Church;
Haatvedt Discusses Bible
The Rev. John A. Gardner of Mid-
land will be the guest speaker at the
morning worship services at 10:45
a.m. in the First Presbyterian Church
of Ann Arbor, The Rev. W. P. Lem-
on, pastor, announced yesterday. His
topic will be "Moody, Modern Dis-

ciple." Prof. Healy ,Willan will be
at theconsole and directing the choir.
There' will be the usual supper for
Summer Session students at 5:30 p.m.
Weather permitting a program will be
held in the out-door theatre. Prof.
Howard Y. McClusky of the School
of Education will speak on "The
Psychological Approach to Religion."
Services of worship will be held at
8 a.m. with Holy Communion in St.
Andrews Episcopal Church with the
Rev. Frederick P. Leech making the
address. The student group will leave
at 5:30 p.m. by car to attend a picnic
at Saline Valley Farm.
The First Church of Christ, Scien-
tist, will hear a sermon on the subject
of "Love," and Sunday School will be
at 11:45 a.m.
The Christian Student Prayer
Group will hold its meeting at 5 p.m.
today in the Michigan League.
Rounding out the day's church ac-
tivities, worship services will be held
in the Trinity Lutheran Church at
10:30 a.m. with a sermon by The Rev.
Henry 0. Yoder who will talk on

Labor-Employer Issues To Come
Before Supreme Court In Fall

Questions Resulting Under
Wagner Act To Receive
Attention Of Tribunal
WASHINGTON, July 30-(0)-Is-
sues vitally affecting relations of
American workers arc4employers un-
der the Wagner Act) appear headed
for Supreme Court review this fall.
They spring from these three
1. The three-year old schism in the
ranks of organized labor.
2. The conflict over the legality of
the sit-down strike.
3. Dispute over the right of work-
ers to break an anti-strike agree-
ment and still claim protection of
the labor board.
In the Federal appellate courts an-
other, batch of labor relations ques-
tions probably will be brought up for
tests in the coming months, predomi-
nantly involving the rivalry of the
Committee for Industrial Organiza.-
tion and the American Federation of
Two cases already are on file in the
Supreme Court. One is. that of the
Consolidated Edison Co., of New York,
involving board invalidation of an
AFL contract. The other is the Colum-
bian Enameling and Stamping case,
which poses the question of workers'
rights to strike in violation of a no-
strike agreement and still retain the
status of employes.
A third and highly important case

likely to reach the Supreme Court
is the Board's order to the Fansteel
Metallurgical Corporation of Chicago,
to reinstate discharged CIO sit-down
The Circuit Court ofrAppealssin
Chicago threw out the order and sus-
tained the corporation's contention
that participation in a sit-down strike
should preclude reinstatement. The
Board is considering an appeal.
The Consolidated Edison case raises
the question of whether the board
had jurisdiction over the utility, and
whether it could invalidate an A. F.
of L. contract covering some 28,000
The board held the contract void on
the grounds the company "imposed"
the International Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers (AFL) upon its
employes and opposed the CIO's Uni-
ted i Electrical and Radio Workers
In the Columbian Enameling case.
the Board has petitioned the Supreme
Court to hold that workers on strike
in violation of an agreement do not
forfeit either their status as employes
or protection of the Wagner Act.
The Board's case against the
Thompson Products Co., of Cleveland,
brought by the CIO's Auto Workers'
Union, is another likely to land in the
Supreme Court. Here, too, a circuit
court of appeals bverturned the
board's findings of Wagner Act viola-

'Linguists End
Meet With Talk
On Dictionaries
Prof. Thos. A. Knott Tells
Inside Story Of Work On
Modern Word Books
"Professional dictionary editing,"
Prof. Thomas A. Knott told members
of the Linguistic Society of Americai
yesterday afternoon, "is the most
dangerous, exciting, puzzling, fascin-
atin{, and, generally, the most exas-
perating and satisfactory form of ad-
venture open to a scholar . . ."
Professor Knott, former general edi-
tor of Webster's New International
dictionary and now an editorial ex-
ecutive of both the Middle and Early
Modern English dictionaries being,
edited here, appeared as one of sev-'
eral speakers on the concluding ses-
sian of the first summer convention
ever held by the Linguistic Society
of America. Attracted by the pro-
gram of the organization and of the
Linguistic Institute, language schol-
ars gathered here yesterday and to-
day from many institutions in the
East and Middle West.
Explains Dictionary
In explaining to these visitors why
dictionary editing is so satisfactory,
Professor Knott detailed the variety
of unusual problems the editor is
constantly confronting, described the
ideal editor as a combination of fac-
tory worker, scholar, diamond-cutter,
and violinist, and outlined the many
technical and practical aspects of the
actual process of editing the two his-
torical dictionaries with which he is
now associated.
Three other speakers occupied the
afternoon program, two of them pre-
senting papers with mutually sup-
porting theses. Dr. George Bechtel of
Yale University defended the "Hypo-
thesis of Reduced Vowels in Indo-
European" which recently had been
attacked by Prof. Walter Petersen
of the University of Chicago. In reply
Dr. Bechtel argued particularly for
the existence of the reduced vowel
called "schwa secundum" as a requi-
site to explain numerous phonetic
changes and argued that this theory
is superior to that of Petersen, who
would explain them on purely ana-
logical grounds.
Hits Petersen
Dr.\Ruth M. Bechtel, also of New
Haven, then complemented this dis-
cussion with her paper on "The Re-1
duced Grade of Original Short Vow-
els in Greek and Latin," in which she
gave evidence , for their existence
again in answer to the criticism of
Professor Petersen.
In a discussion of "Two Spanish
Words in Chiricahua Apache" Dr.
Harry Hoijer of the department of
anthropology of the University of
Chicago told how this Indian tribe,
despite two centuries of contact with
the Spanish language, had borrowed
only slightly from it and, with the

UAW Purge'
Tr ial Almost
Ends In Fight
Additional Charges Filed
Against, Hall; Threaten
Violence Against Sugar
DETROIT, July 30-{AP)-A recess
in the executive board trial of four
suspended officers of the United Auto-
mobile Workers was enlivened today
by reports that the trial almost ended
in a fist fight and the filing of addi-
tional charges against Ed Hall, sus-
pended vice-president.
There was no mention in the new
charges of the other defendants,
Wyndham Mortimer, Richard T.
Frankensteen and Walter N. Wells.
Defense Attorney Maurice Sugar
declined either to affirm or deny
published reports that he was threat-
ened with violence Wednesday night
in the trial chamber when he made
reference to defense counter-charges,
one concerning an insurance deal and
the other that an Executive Board
member was a "stool pigeon."
According to the reports, Sugar had
just begun his opening statement to
the Executive Board with reference
to an "insurance deal sought to. be
effected by an Executive Board mem-
ber," when several Board members
left their seats and gathered around
him, shouting angrily that he had no
right to make charges against Board
members who were not on trial.
After a noisy argument, according
to the reports, the tBoard adopted a
motion to prohibit Sugar from mak-
ing his opening statement. A retort
by Sugar that he then would be un-
able to discuss the defense charge of
a "stool pigeon" on the Board was
reported to have precipitated another
outburst in which Sugar was threat-
ened with physical violence. All of
Sugar's remarks, were deleted from
the record.

'Relations Cool
On Race Issue
Smoldering Discord Flares
Into Open As Mussolini
Answers Papal Criticism
Denounces Charge
In 25 Heated Words
FORLI, Italy, July 30.-('P)-Discord
between the church and the Italian
state broke out anew today as Pre-
mier Benito Mussolini brushed aside
papal criticism of the Fascist Aryan
race doctrine with 25 scornful words.
In the first announcement he has
made personally on racial policy, Il
Duce characterized as "absurd" Pope
Pius' assertion that it was in imita-
tion of Nazi Germany.
He used 25 words in Italian to tell
a group of Fascist party officials in
camp at Forli:
"You know and everyone knows
that on the question of race also we
will march straight ahead.
"To say that Fascism has imitated
anyone or anything is simply absurd."
The two sentences from his ad-
dress were distributed by Stefani, of-
ficial Italian news agency. No fur-
ther quotations were made available.
The dispute, now in the open after
smouldering several months, worried
Catholics lest it spread to other mat-
ters which, in the past, have been in
contention between the church and
state. These include activities of
Catholic action, lay organization of
the church, and Fascist education of
The race doctrine issued July 14 by
a group of Fascist university profes-
sors proclaimed Italians as aryan and
a race in themselves. It embodied
many features akin to Nazi racial
ideas and held that Jews were not a
part of "the Italian race."
Hinler Greets
Ford On His
75th Birthday
DETROIT, July 30.-(/P)-Henry
Ford took a day off from work to-
day to join with his fellow citizens of
Detroit in celebrating his 75th birth-
day anniversary, but made it clear
that it was after all, "just another
birthday and that he had no inten-
tion of slowing down."
This afternoon, in a private office
of his engineering laboratory, he was
presented with the Grand Cross of
the German ,Eagle, by a representa-
tive of Adolf Hitler's government.
The decoration was presented to
Ford on behalf of the .German gov-
ernment by Karl Kapp, German con-
sul at Cleveland, aided by Fritz Heil-
er, German consular representative
in Detroit, in commemoration of
Ford's 75th birthday and in recog-
nition of his industrial accomplish-
The citation was very brief, stating
merely the pleasure of Chancellor
Hitler in awarding the cross. Ford
made no formal response beyond
thanking his visitors.
The decoration is designed for dis-
tinguished foreigners. Ford's is the
first such award presented in the
United States.

Charges Steel
W'ith 'Worker'
CIO Rejection
LaFollette Committeee Sees
Girdler Officials Behind
Alleged Worker Petition
Reporter In Pay
Of Steel Officers
WASHINGTON, July 30.-()-Carl
Grimm, lanky, red-headed and pain-
fully self-conscious steel worker, told
the Senate Civil Liberties Commit-
tee today that a workers' petition de-
nouncing the CIO originated in the
office of a Republic Steel Corporation
police official, with some assistance
from the plant superintendent.
James S. Torbic, personnel super-
visor and chief of company police at
Republic's plant in Monroe, Mich.,
gave copies to Grimm and several
other workers for circulation through-
out the plant, the witness said, and
subsequently took this group to
Cleveland to present the petition to
Charles M. White, operating vice-
president of the Corporation.
"Mr. White seemed pleased,"
Grimm observed.
"I was," sternly interjected White,
who was sitting nearby.
All the group's expenses on the
Cleveland trip were paid by Torbic,
it developed, and none of the work-
ers were docked for time lost in the
mill. Chairman Lafollette of the
investigating committee introduced
Torbic's expense account for the trip,
showing expenditures for mileage,
meals, a baseball game and "setups."
Grimm testified after James Max-
well, a cocky, self-assured former re-
porter, told of receiving contributions
of $5,000 on one occasion and $500 on
another from Republic for his "indus-
trial news syndicate." Between the
two payments he took a leading part
in the "back-to-work" movement at
Cleveland during the steel strike a
year ago.
Other testimony dealt with the un-
availing efforts of the Steel Workers'
Organizing Committee, arm of the
C10, to negotiate a contract with Re-
public, prior to the calling of last
year's strike. Virtual agreement was
reached at that time on all points
except that of putting the terms of
the agreement in writing and affixing
signatures to it.
From the beginning, the Senate
committee worked slowly into the
developing labor situations at Mon-
roe and the events of a year after the
time referred to by Grimm, when
vigilantes, armed by the city, dis-
persed strike pickets after a bloody
pitched battle.
Schmeling Defeat Films
Not Shown In Germany
NEW YORK, July 30-(P)--The
Deutsches Nachrichtenburg (German
News Bureau) announced today it
had received the following cable from
its Berlin office:
"Regarding the statement of John
Roxborough, co-manager of the
World Heavyweight Champion, Joe
Louis, that a film of the second Louis-
Schmeling fight contained scenes of
the first Schmeling-Louis fight and
therefore gave Germans a wrong im-
pression, it is authoritatively stated
that the film of the second fight was
not shown at all as the film arrived
in Germany too late."

Rejects Russian
Over Clash Of
At Manchukuo

* *
Hopkins Picks
Camp Davis As
Operation Base
Wyoming Site Is Selected
For All Out-Door Work
In Rocky__Mt. . Region
Following a visit and inspection of,
Camp Davis at Jackson Hole, Wyo.,
Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, director of.
the Summer Session, announced that
the Camp in the future will be made
the base of operations for all Uni-
versity outdoor research courses in
the Rocky Mountain region.
Found to be ideally situated and
possessing adequate features and,
facilities, Camp Davis, now being used
only by surveyors and geologists of
the University, will be used next sum-
mer and following years more exten-
sively than it has been, Professor
Hopkins pointed out. This means that
the Camp maydalso serve thebiolo-
gists, botanists, zoologists, foresters,
and other groups of the University,
as their base of advanced research in
the Rocky Mountain area.
Professor Hopkins returned from
Camp Davis last week where he spent
geveral days . surveying the region
about the Camp and viewing Yellow-
stone National Park under the guid-
ance of Prof. Edward Young of the
College of Engineering, director of'
Camp Davis this summer.
Test Theories,
Methods Aired
At Symposium
Dinner Commemorates
Galileo Anniversary;
Dean Gives Lecture
Two lectures yesterday ended an
unusually busy weekend of activities
for the engineering mechanics de-
partment of the College of Engineer-

Soviet Confident No
Conflict Will Arise
TOKYO, July 31.--(Sunday)---()-
The Japanese War Office announced
today that Japanese had re-taken a
Siberian border area which had been
occupied by Soviet Russian troops.
No details were given.
Japan only yesterday had rejected
a protest by the Soviet Government
over a clash between patrols of the
two countries near the junction of
Manchoukuo, Siberia and Japanese
The Japanese position was that So-
viet forces had invaded Manchoukuo
(The first of recent Manchoukuo-
Soviet border incidents was on July
11, when a Soviet patrol occupied a
hill near Changkufeng which Japan
asserted belonged to Manchoukuo).
Russia Sure Of Peace
MOSCOW, July 30.-(,P)-Russia'Is
confident there will be no major con-
flict with Japan over frontier inci-
dents in the Far East, despite Ja-
panese efforts to blame Soviet troops
for the most recent border clash.
(In Tokyo Saturday Kensuke
Horinouchi, Vice-Minister of Foreign
Affairs, announced Japan had repect-
ed a protest by Russia over a border
incident of Friday near Lake Chan-
chi. Horinouchi said the rejection
was on the grounds that Soviet forces
had invaded Manchoukuoan terri-
Soviet circles were not impressed
by the Japanese stand on the incident
at Lake Chanchi, near the strategic-
ally important Possiet Bay region at
the junction of the borders of Si-
beria, Japanese Korea, and Japanese-
supported Manchoukuo.
According to the Soviet version,
there were dead and wounded on both
sides before "invading" Japanese de-
tachments seeking to occupy a height
near the lake were "thrown back"
across the Soviet border into Man-
(In Harbin, strategic northern
Manchoukuoan city, both Japanese
and Russian authorities expressed
confidence no major trouble would
arise from the border incidents, point-
ing out they were almost a daily oc-
currence of concern only to border

Returns From West

Japan Retakes
Siberia Border
Territory, War
Office Reports


S __

Star Gazing, Put-In-Bay Excursion
Feature Sixth Week Entertainment

The program of extra-curricular ac-
tivities fore this sixth week of the
Summer Session contains varied in-
terests for those with free time.
The astronomically inclined will be.
pleased to note that on Saturday
from 8 to 10 p.m. the Student's Ob-
servatory will resume its weekly Vis-
itor's Night. The elevator is to be
in use for the weak-minded who can-
not stand the climb up to the sixth
floor of Angel Hall.
There are to be three concerts
during the week. This afternoon a
recital on the Charles Baird Carillon
is being offered at 4:135 p.m. and
another one is going to be given at
7 p.m. on Thursday. At 8:30 p.m.
the School of Music faculty is giving
a concert in Hill Auditorium.
The tenth excursion will leave at

cial bus will take everyone from Ann
Arbor to the boat dock and will re-
turn here at 9:30 p.m.
There are to be several lectures this
week, the first of which is to be at
4:30 p.m. Monday in the large lecture
hall of the Rackham School when
Prof. George B. Cressey of Syracuse
University will speak on "The Si-
berian Landscape." He will talk
again Tuesday at the same time on
the subject "Man Transforms Siber-
ia." Wednesday he will offer a talk
on "Challenging the Arctic" and con-
cludes the series Thursday at the
same time and place with a lecture
on "The Soviet Union Faces Japan
and China."
The other two lectures of the week
are both to be Friday. At 4:30 p.m.
in the large auditorium of the Rack-
ham School Prof. James H. Hanford

So much for the purely educa-
tional. The entertainment aspect is
favorable for the week, the most
prominent note being the Michigan
Reportory Player's offering of "The
Whiteheaded Boy."
In speaking of his play, Lennox
Robinson has said, "I have conceived
the idea of displaying the British Em-
pire in the form of a large overgrown
family, with Ireland as the youngest
The play is highly symbolical with
Ireland, of course, as "The White-
headed Boy" and well meaning but
somewhat overbearing father repre-
senting Great Britain. It is scheduled
to run from Wednesday, Aug. 3
through Saturday, Aug. 6.
Social festivities for the week cen-
ter about the League which is con-
tinuing the scheduled classes in

C. R. Soderberg, the manager of the
Turbine division of Westinghouse
Electricity and Manufacturing Co.,
spoke on "Plasticity and Creep in
Polycrystalline Metals" this morning
before the symposium on the proper-
ties of metals. An outline of possible
theories which can be used to corre-
late "creep" test data was the main
topic of his talk.
The tests, he went on to explain,
if put in satisfactory form, would per-
mit the use of creep data, taken on
rather simple tests to be used in ac-
tual design problems of a more com-
plex nature.
"The Creep of Metals at High Tem-
peratures" was the subject of the sec-
ond talk of the morning, given by
P. G. McVetty of the Westinghouse
Research Laboratories. He described
all existing test methods for getting
creep data and showed some of the
more modern equipment being used
for multiple summer tests on long
time creep action.
He also showed how direct tests
could be handled mathematically and
graphically in order to arrive at va-
rious conclusions of direct interest to
designers .of machines which operate
at high temperatures.
Friday afternoon, Prof. S. C. Hol-
lister, dean of engineering at Cornell
University, gave a special talk to the
group on "Design of High Pressure
Oiler Drums," outlining the problems
met in operating the drums at elevat-
ed temperatures. His talk was fol-
lowed by a dinner given by the gradu-
ates in the engineering mechanics de-
partment commemorating the' 300th
anniversary of the publication of

Initial Concert
Of Symphony
Offered Today
Thor Johnson To Conduct
Group Playing Music By
Haydn AndDebussy
Making its first appearance of the
Summer Session, the University of
Michigan Symphony Orchestra will
offer at 4:15 today as its two major
selections the "D Major Symphony
by Haydn, and a Suite by the French
composer, Debussy.,
Thor Johnson, instructor in the
School of Music, will conduct the
orchestra, and his special arrange-
ment of the Aria for Stringed Orches-
tra from the original' composition by
the German composer, Mattheson,
will be included on the program. The
er, will be the cncluding number of
overture to "Die Freischutz," by Web-
the afternoon's repertoire.
Mr. Johnson will leave early next
month to direct the, preparation for
the Second Annual 'Mozart Festival
at the University of North Carolina
in Asheville, where hereceived his
Bachelor of Music degree. The first
Mozart Festival was organized by Mr.
Johnson last summer after his return
from a year's' study abroad under
such famous teachers as Mikolai Mal-
ko, Bruno Walter, and Hermann Ab-
endrot. The Festival includes chorus,
solo and symphony orchestra music.
It is to last three days, Aug. 29 to
Aug. 31. Programs of symphonic
works, chamber music, vocal selec-
tions and the comic opera, "Bastien

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