THE MICHIGAN DAILY IGAN DAILY ~~~ The Editor I r - Gets Told . . . Jf Franco To Horowitz p.L. Tv~~H'4h r tUIpNT W M -~~~- ~~R' d AWSI Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Publishe every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of al news dispatches credited to °tNor not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All ights of republication of all other matters herein also renitered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as cond class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4~00" by mal, $4.50.w Sember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY NtionalAdvertisingService, Inc. College Publsers Reresentative 4C0 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK ' ,. CIIIAO BOSTON - LO. ANGELES - SAN FANISCO' Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR.. IRVING SILVERMAN City Editor ....... Robert I. Fitzhenry AL ssistant Editors. . . . . Mel Fineberg, Joseph Gies, Elliot Maraniss, Ben M. Marino, Carl Petersen, Suzanne Potter, Harry L Sonneborn. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER.. . ERNEST A. JONES Credit Manager . . . . Norman Steinbeg Circulation Manager ... J. Cameron Hall Assistants . . Philip Buchen, Walter Stebens NIGHT EDITOR: ELLIOTT MARANISS The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the'views of the writers only. It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educational institu- tions in the best meaning of the term. --Alexander 0. Ruthven. The NLRB And Free Speeche.. . T HEN THE NATIONAL Labor Rela- tions Act was passed one short article in the act was viewed with apprehension by students of labor relations. The article in ques- tion was the one stating that "no employer shall interfere with, restrain, or coerce" employees in the latter's attempt to organize for purposes of mutual aid and collective bargaining. In two recent cases before the National Labor Relations Board the question of what constitute "inter- ference with, restraint or coercion" has been shoved into the foreground. In the case of a Maryland shoe manufacturer the NLRB has cited as a determining factor in its decision the dis- tribution of a booklet containing an anti-CIO speech delivered in Congress by Congressman Ioffman of Michigan as a violation of the Wagner Act. Similarly in the Henry Ford case, the distribution to employees of a reprint of a newspaper interview denouncing labor unions and the Wagner Act was an element in the Board's decision.° In the cases cited the companies have chal- langed the action of the Board as unconstitu- tional because it is a violation of the first amend- ment to the Constitution "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of the speech or of the press." In fact those who have felt the pangs of the decisions of the NLRB are taking their cases to the Supreme Court on this issue. In the consideration of such a challenge, the Supreme Court, as the NLRB, has to face a hard problem, namely, what procedure will per- mit the greatest liberty in order to allow the employer to make known a strong anti-union 'position so as to not interfere with the right of free speech and at the same time temper that right to allovf laborers to join together for the purpose of collective bargaining. In meetng this problem the Court will have to make a distinction betxeen kinds of rights and liberties. It being the constitutional right of every American to express his opinion, the aim of the court is to permit an equal exercise of that right in the case of the employer and employee. If the employer expresses his opinion in the form of a denunciation of labor 'unions, that employer can reinforce his denunciation with the economic action of hiring and firing. On the other hand the employee knows that when the employer is strongly against unioniza- tion, union activity will endanger his job. Hence we have a distinction of far-reaching dimensions. Whereas both parties have _consti- tutional or political rights of free speech only one party, the employer, has the economic means to enforce that right. Of course the laborers have recourse to the strike but that is an inefficient andcostly instrument. If the Supreme Court should sustain the action to the NLRB by ruling that strong anti-union senti- ment expressed by an employer is a form of "interference,restraint, andcoercion" of the fundamental right of labor to organize for pur- poses of mutual aid and protection,"then the Court will have adopted the distinction between political and economic liberty, a distinction which one can readily foresee will assume a grow- ing proportion in American economic life. To the Editor: Too busy in Spain right now to answer Mr. Horowitz at length. Suggest that our official representatives at Ann Arbor explain that Je Suis Partout taken by the library so, that the democratic rights may be preserved for all. Don't let it leak out that the French Popular Front newspapers, which so far we have succeeded in excluding from Michigan, are readable. Also suggest red-scare to divert attention. Heil Hit- ler! -Francisco 1800 Or 1940? To the Editor: I was very interested in your report on Dr. Bloomfield's lecture. It tempts me to air one of my pet peeves. Is it yours also? Of all branches of study, language seems to be the only one which accepts usage and the record of the past as the final authority. Why should we teach "I done it" just because the man on the street corner says it that way. Why should we teach "I did it" just because our ancestors said it that way? What would we say of the economist who said "The protective tariff is a good thing" just because the farmers believe it, or of the educator who said "You must stick to the textbook" because thousands of people have been taught that way? Isn't there a better way? The child who says "those mans" deserves an A. He has observed examples of the formation of plurals; made a generalization, and applied it to a specific case. Why should he be corrected (?) for not making the same mistake his grandfathe made? Let us give the child a C if he says "I seen" for an A for "I seed" and "I have seed." The first would have two parts of the verb alike, the latter would make it completely regular. Why should we endure route and root in the same language? In this changing world, let us cross out the con- fusing antiques and invent or borrow something bettgr. An English-German dictionary readily supplies Weg as a substitute for route. Not long ago a man might ride horseback about 50 miles a day; Now men ride in the air four times as many miles in one hour. The need is not for the language of Shakespeare but a language for the Hughes' and Corrigans of today and the future. Let us make English a regular, logical, easily learned language; then'the world will bor- row our speech as now it borrows our planes. -F.L.K. Emphatically No official explanation can obscure the signifi- cance of the almost unprecedented role an Englishman is cast to play in Central Europe. Mr. Chamberlain told the House of Commons yesterday that Lord Runciman, the former President of the Board of Trade, was not going to act as arbitrator in the triangular dispute over the German minority in Czechoslovakia. Inde- pendently of the British Government, it was stated, the British envoy will work as investigator and mediator in the effort to find a peaceful solution of the problem disturbing Europe. This is the diplomatic definition of a most unusual misson. Lord Runciman is sent to Prague to sit on the lid of a boiling kettle, and he is sent not at the initiative of the Czechs or the Sudeten Germans but of the Chancellor of the Reich. The procedure is extraordinary, but by that very fact it serves to throw a clearer light on the continuing crisis over Czechoslovakia. The British would hardly have taken this step unless they were' certain that negotiations would break down as soon as the new minorities' bill is published in Prague, and that this breakdown would bring Europe closer to the brink of war than it was in May. Nor would Herr Hitler have sent a special envoy to urge the British to "arbi- trate" unless he, too, feared a show-down now and is anxious to avoid it. Balked in the hope of dominatng Czechoslovakia without the use of force, he makes in his appeal to London an astute move to enlist British help in wringing the utmost concessions from Prague in the name of peace. Another indication of the changing wind is a statement of Konrad Henlein to a London paper ruling out war as a solution of Sudeten difficul- ties and emphasizing that his followers do not ask annexation to the Reich. French acquiescence in the British lead shows that Paris, likewise, is ready to go to the limit to settle the Sudeten question on any terms that will save the independence of Czechoslovakia. Lord Runciman's mission, therefore, would seem to brighten the prospects of a compromise. His presence at least assures all concerned that the way of negotiation is not closed. More important still perhaps it is a visible sign that Britain is not "and cannot be disiniterested in Central Eur- ope. Whatever else Lord Runciman represents in Prague he certainly represents a British com- mitment-to a peaceful settlement if that s possible; to the alternative if his mediation fails. This view of his role is implicit in Mr. Cham- berlain's final speech on foreign policy before a parliamentary recess that will leave him to carry on alone for three months. He said that he sought agreement on the Sudeten conflict be- cause the way to general appeasement could not be opened while any major cause of dispute re- mains unsettled a clear reference not only to Czechoslovakia but to Spain the two barriers to any approach to understanding with Italy and Germany. At the same time he gave the most forthright warning he has yet uttered that his policy is not to be interpreted as an effort for neace at any price. In declaring that no nne Ii fe enrlo Me 1eywood Broun STAMFORD, Conn., July 29.-One of those in- fant prodigy preachers is scheduled to deliver a sermon hereabouts next week. I hope that multi- tudes of us religious-minded folk will stay away in droves. Faith is not propagated by such antics. Child labor is just as out of place in the pulpit as anywhere else. A recent picture of a tiny tot performing a marriage ceremony for two smirking adults seemed to me just about as noxious an exhibit as I have seen in the news of late. The flashlight of the leap from the Gotham was far less shocking. After all, there are societies which police the conditions under which children appear in shows or flatly prohibit them. These organizations should take similar action when infants are set up to seek conversion through convulsions. If I speak with warmth it may be that I have been frightened by a story told by a neighboring dominie in his sermon of last Sunday. The anecdote may be described as the narrative of a lovely ,lady and the lisping tot. "I once heard one of the most famous reform workersm of New York tell how she came to charitable work and why she gave up low-cut dresses," began the minister and proceeded to relate the following shocking episode: Lovely Lady And Lisping Tot "Sister Jane Doe, as I shall call her, was ready to start for the theatre one night in what was termed a 'fashionable dress.' I may say that the devil himself animated whatever seamstress designed that gown. Sister Doe's little boy, a manly lad of five, said to her, 'Mummy, you are not going out that way? You are not dressed.' There were tears in his voice, but his mother paid no heed. In those days being in a state of grace was less important to her than being in the mode. But when she got to the theatre she could not forget that childish voice in spite of the garish lights, the sight of other women attired in like manner and the antics of the players. What the actors said was lost upon her, for always she head in her ear, 'Not dressed! Not dressed! Not dressed!' "At last a blush of shame mantled to her cheeks, and with the realization that a Chris- tian mother should dress differently from the idle and godless women of the world she drew her cloak about her and went home, dressed- or rather undressed-for the last time in such a costume! If I gave you Sister Doe's real name you would recognize it, for since that time she has saved many souls in Newport, East Hampton and even in Saratoga." * * * Concerning Little Pitchers And all this goes to show how the heedless words of a small child can sometimes just jam up and ruin the best of parties. Little boys and little girls should not be permitted to preach either in public or in private. They should re- ceive their moral tone from their parents and be glad to get it. In the words of the beautiful christening service, a child takes his father "for better or worse." Parents must take a firm stand in preserving their freedom or they will be completely dom- inated by the whims and Puritan prejudices of their own offspring. The worst of all prudes are the little ones. So pay no attention to any reproach or exhortation which comes to you in a childish treble. I certainly do not purpose to come home in my cloak from any showwith my whole evening loused up because the sweet voice of some little one has been whispering in my ear, "Not shaved! Not shaved! Not shaved!" Old Ballad Speaking before the convention of the State Police Chiefs Association at Saranac Lake, N. Y., Major W. H. Drane Lester, an inspector of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is quoted as having condemned "'sob sisters' throughout the land for their sympathy with the desperate criminal, and lack of sympathy for the protec- tive measures of the peace officer." He also criticized newspapers, the radio and motion pic- tures for what he called the "glorification" of the criminal. These, of course, are convenient and moth-eaten "chestnuts." Where are these "sob sisters," and where is the glorification? There was a time, perhaps, when a complaint such as that made by Major Lester might have had a very limited justification. However, this sort of talk continues and has been indulged in by no less a person than Major Lester's chief, Mr. J. Edgar Hoover, who has never been accused of overdoing reticence. Who have been the heroes of the last few years? Not Dillinger, not "Old Creepy" Karpis, not "Pretty Boy" Floyn. Far from it. The heroes haye been the members of Major Lester's own organization, the Bureau of Federal Investigation, popularly known as the G-Men. Children these days play not with the weapons of the safe blower and the "stickup" man, but with the "tommy" guns and other appurtenances of the G-Man. True, newspapers have not stopped printing crime news-it is to be hoped they never do-but the reporting, or so it seems, has become increasingly accurate, factual and real- istic. Mr. Thomas E. Dewey, our District Attor- ney, is on record as having said that the press was of tremendous aid in helping him suppress the rackets, which is true enough. Where is the svmnathv for the criminal ,ither in the nress phone 6300.W Colleges of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and Architecture; Schools of Education, Forestry and Music: Each student who has changed his' address since June registration should file a change of address in Room 4 T.H. so that the report of his sum- mer work will not be misdirected. Orchestra Concert. The Summer Session Symphony Orchestra, Thor Johnson, conductor, will give a con- cert in Hill Auditorium Sunday after- noon, July 31, at 4:15 o'clock. Thel general public is invited to attend without admission charge. The Graduate Outing Club will meet on Sunday, July 31 at 2:30 p.m. at the northwest entrance , of the Rtckham Building. The group will then decide between Wampler's Lake and Silver Lake as the location for a swim, baseball game and picnic. Come and bring your friends. Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate, to be recommended by the Faculty of the School of Educationj at the close of the Summer Session: The Comprehensive Examination in Education will be given on Saturday, Aug. 6, at 9 o'clock in 1430 U.E.S. Printed information regarding the examination may be secured at the School of Education office. Attention: Faculty and Students, Division of Hygiene and Public Health. There will be an all-de- partment supper in the garden of the League on Monday, Aug. 1, at 6:30 p.m. Reservations may be made in Room 2, Waterman Gymnasium, un- til noon on Monday. Colloquium in Physical Chemistry will be held on Monday, Aug. 1 at 4:15 p.m. in the amphitheatre of the Horace H. Rackham School of Grad- uate Studies. Dr. J. O. Hirschfelder of the University of Wisconsin will speakon "Determination of vn der Waals' forces from the Joule-Thom- son Effect." All interested are invited. Cabaraet Supper Dance Committee: Meeting Monday' night at 7 p.m. in the Kalamazoo Room of the Michi- gan League. All members please be present. SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1938 will be shown for summer school stu- VOL. XLVIII. No. 29 1dents on Monday, Aug. 1 at the Wom- Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Last en's Athletic Building at 7:30 p.m. performance tonight at 8:30 of "Kind Those not enrolled in the classes are Lady." by Edward Chodorov. A few cordially invited. tickets still available at box office, The German Table will go on a pic- nic Wednesday, Aug. 3. Cars will leave from the parking space at Old University Hall at 5 p.m. Please make reservations through the office of the German Department, 204 U.H. by Tuesday noon. The Cabaret Supper Dance, Tues- day, Aug. 2, from 6:30 to 9:30. There will be dinner, dancing, and a floor show. Tickets are limited to 300. Get your tickets from members of the Women's Education Club. First Baptist Church, 512 E. Huron St. 10:45 a.m. morning worship. The speaker will be Mr. Kenneth Morgan, director of activities of the Students Religious Association, whose subject is "The Experimental Method in Re- ligion." 9:30 a.m. The Church School meets' with Mr. Herman Frinkle as superintendent. pictures taken in travel in European countries. First Presbyterian Church, 1x32 Washtenaw Avenue. The Rev. John A. Gardner of Mid- land, Mich.. will be the guest speaker at the Morning Worship Service at 10:45. He has chosen for his topic, "Moody, Modern Disciple." Dr. Healey Willan at the console and directing the choir. The musical numbers will include: Organ Prelude. "Now Come Thou Savior" by Bach; Anthem, "O King All-glorious" by Willan; Quar- tette, "O Come, Everyone that Thirs- teth" by Mendelssohn; Organ Post-, lude, "Fugue In' F Minor" by Bach. The supper for summer school stu- dents will be held as usual at 5:30 p.m. Miss Helen Culley is in charge 'this week. Weather permitting the program will be held in the open-air theatre. Prof. Toward Y. McClusky will speak on the WL ic. "The Psycho- logical Approach to Religion." Episcopal Student Gi vip, Picnic Sunday night at the Salim Valley Farms. Cars will leave the church (306 N. Division) at 5:30 p.m. Sup- per 25 cents. Swimming and baseball. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30; 11:00 am Saturday until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Baptist University Students. 6 p.m. St. Andrew's, Episcopal Church. Sunday evening at the Guild House, Services of worship Sunday are:, 8 503 E. Huron St., Miss Esman Orcutt, a.m. Holy Communion, 11 a.m. morn- Graduate student, and director of the ing prayer and address by the Rev. state W.W.G. organization, who re- Frederick W. Leech. cently attended the Youth Confer- ence in Columbus, Ohio, will give a First Church of Christ, Scientist, survey of the discussions as e 409 S. Division St. Sunday morning apply to the current youth polm. I service at 10:30. Subject: "Love." During the social hour which fol- Golden Text:3Psalms 145:9. Sun- lows Mr. Joseph R. Blair, of Troy, N.C. day School at 11:45. who has been engaged in medical redy o 1 search in Cambridge, England, will Christian Student Prayer Group show a series of interesting moving (Continued on Page 3) Classiied Diretor EXPERT TYPING-neatly and ac- curately. Rates reasonable. Miss De- Witt, 114 N. Ingalls. Ph. 3130 50x VIOLA STEIN--Experienced typist. Reasonable rates. 706 Oakland, Phone 6327. 17x SILVER LAUNDRY-We call foxy and deliver. Bundles individually done, no markings. All work guaranteed. Mrs. Walling. 118 E. Catherine. Phone 4726. 34X SPECIAL PERMANENTS - $1.95. Regular $3.50 value. End perman- ents $1.50. Shampoo and finger- wave with rinse, 50c. Open eve. Ph. 2-2813. College Beauty Shop 48x FURNISHED APARTMENT - with private bath and shower. Also, large double room. Garage. Phone 8544 422 E. Washington 51x TYPING - Experienced. Reasonable rates. Phone 8344. L. M. Heywood 43r TYPING - Neatly and1accurately do4e. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Dial 5244. 3 x Phone 5594, 607 E. Hoover. 3x LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 5x Golf Movie: A movie film of golf DRESS MAKING and Alterations. t Landladies ...remember the AUGUST 13th 'I ORIENTATI IN . 'V ISSUE -$, o's an advertising medium for your Fall rooms to rent that can't be beaten! It reaches all prospective freshmen! Bring Your Ads to I I I . . ' AL~k-d- Ad A- . .1P